I-N i Nt\EbIIa 1 MI 1k \i 'Ii DAY,11I111111 TARP 20"111. lRIG,:,Toatot ('CENS.
What he Was, and W hat he has Done
''What Some of his Colleagues
Have to Say of Him.
The Dramatic and Glee Club Enter- President Roger's Installation.
tainment. --
The Otini ier alliositil st se Vester(hais-was a great lay- for thei
I orthwestersi liiirersitr7 it not issli
lh 1 tbeeniiia ii rnost t i s l l lr ' ii ittolirnss lt ass se t i nispity
i is kItIely felt ly the wihole arranlge esir ft- or lanis rt a --ae ni is tss
fcuity S P 1rofessor Thomsthtsis s lii po isis tohelit cf iebe t isv t e li e III ajoii iatotu
t1linc < It i-aisi-iitoitheo lt teg1si ii is lits rasinew P era
th lesn wntas e eeal l t-r I tuset-show" ill be istirs l iby th threg
Iile ha s rien notol rlyasst ti ra , a s .'uth et ae a ltenjIeiotllss-i
Slitiit it ~ 1wor s u ltpo pularte wors-iltugo sfor tis e i e a g oe sIniel tia
ll.y Crita oeffa5- a hir lrrte -ta h e p elr es t otis ft r pre entts-
r ofile a dpoilthy ai-e 'i frlliteniallThe Gslaee i 15 lv nlsi iygos iitg t
adt tpetok'Cossil eteesitisiaen s l tite flites-i"treh s roligy
e'o dir n sthe irai anfev-fe'Iatres sever1 Iefre seei n an
lit: Hsilauflf sa e- Abr tgte itate notila relises anrs srof oerCiss-i tuse r-l
sii llWhet e k his si-as eeasat-gaexdetinl ita Oinette lty
pre' artttle'e'" ghavroll e ofdtrtysof er ag
it ucIt, of r ht, peiotlenagansfor thicyearlat s e ciolevehatilto a rned a Rors Than corlldl
ordinar Chrisian beief. I I s at i.'priaterChearsaOels, ii tsill he rm te epeetaie
itafe peolofthtuti" slubs tilliterthereiretl itseste-
also ssokehalsaparticpate inthehprtraonlny
ror D ofs he ir. ar~uia--f-aterteslnethyrtbeforferseetoinrres
sta tra sah rfle- teakeriuofourownu115
o Ills dea-ofertehwe ofSerilArboritstoatr taiteianorlnaptt-
urSon «'ieherths ws na- uateteandth Guta Cli-te t ilulTes clar etofrofties-d ag so-
talt1r aiorr sut, ir t e a, for theich rana ti sc h an i e r it s i r a g d r cutiaseurcu
isisirStuisnaoroas. -. heC r~ umeon idell ralr~"Co ttle n
aresr also itpoke oaDr.et inseop l s o pabiiat e u in e eprtriame.st aieotsi ilst -an lrget, freon
a ctibion tolite a turook. Tiaken insaii oa ll i r oiettaeof ior m n iesislssil
"fr isran icarrengeonithO tas-L rh-ate eliterfaindniviiualofaltiitoa clubs
taft1ban protge o the 11 ssotsaetintfti e atheyfsuntheia t ofr. 115, ita rlellisest
a-eter y w feoell knaoutn11101: - y Zhestldlfhtl.es.seayre colelng of. t last in
a Otl~iid sitla ainlI thankvithat aseroatd rnellt fstud1ie-scni-
hre oacqutintedlyith his books. thusThesregubalcargeClub.ntpteted thie first ti~ tuieasofhiacir
1 oeso Ha a rringtobnellwioiwactianApriaeenteinmof the Repblicancub cleg, ors n hsitecedta
airl ofliyamly.'rase s-a as pii flbnaiyo h i ofr. whsi h reich sity
spke a poegtf dofraistl ibeelhomdorros et a lfooaya t em n d of udgowntit este r
'esdeery ftasinyao uhi: bythawysrco- f stulokenltlaelawletur rona lierly ofcogice. gitWe t mu st reog
e I S i ot at e o ne an o a fR p b i c n C ubte c - h i r t t a e r o h i
getl a0'esa n dexcessis elyi- tnaeizaearnenet frte 1Cthe fact that thlere is a difference
dsti h-ewa ntxesiey cn liigana Club banqluet i Detroit, in niental aptittudes, thaat certain
iltoaus man, beginning eafly alnt uext MNonday night. The price for muinds are adapted to certain lines
' ihlag hate; stas very nmethodlical tile round trip to Dietroit and ad- of thaought and subjects of study',
aid He ha Id stacks of notes -- ,- and not at all to othaersanid that
uu Ies of commonplace books 1151f o~rhnutotbe
erhae oud fixed at al2.8o 'The special train nothaing can be gainiedi by rerquiring
o h11 cudreadily pauthis haaids one to study a subject tiaat is iwholly
thnwill retutrni to Alsn Arbor ilamelhi-
SAnlothler feature of lais r ttohmI m hrfr
ba lr ntfl nlesos. le ate ly after thae banquet. -reiagnaa ohia }m teeoe
arn ofulfy ine alalrasto''iefooidngi.alstHetoe in favor of ailostilagrtile student a
iel olfyasms n 0 i t ho still deliver toasts at the ban-stide' latitude of chaoice ia tlae sel'c-
ns ot carin0 mucha for detailse~eefo fhscus.
- Alhtad teyreaarkoihsoamlyiutAfter the exercises iwere os-er, tile
deel furhemoe ests Hlon. Jno. R. Lynlcha, colored orator students and faculty hiatd a banqluet
man~ ~ ia.I nwo froni:Miss. ; 11011 F. 1P. Creenhald, in the lecture room~ of tiae Methodist
-is a howas more devout. Mtuchihrc.Peprtin -dbe
salprhnih ase -std nit eniber of Congresa frona Mass.; chucia Prea rafrio tioens.Id tbe
ld to li a eitd s It alin. J.- 1-'. Brunnels, of.' Chicago, mae frao stdei. Iith
tti05 his attemipts to reconicile ti dlvrdts oatl ttie evening the alumni, faculty and
has buan religion; hle believed it opening of thte auditoriuml. trustees gave a dinner in honor of
a~h, nik leie attelpt.acr. ' refloin ls inifies thaeir IPres. Roger at the Grand PacificFl alwn aes
ej ai t reali cod intenation of hein0 present at the Hotel. 'Toasts stere responded tos
kn1aa waaithtlout doubt the beat nieeting: Senator J. J. Ingalls, lHons, by Pres. Rogers, Judge Horton, Dr.
Qhmnin the University." C. M. Dlepew, Lathanm Goff, Robt. Fiske of Albion college, Dr. Eaton
spnemebers of thae faculay C. P~orter, Patrick C. Ford, Chas. F.fDbtclee n ug rs
It. i n feligly and 1appreciativ-ely of F-oster of Ohio; and thae senators o
lttladhs work. and representties frons Michigan. ham.
\AViNXlthse expseriencte of College
MinttiIo knows sssansaprecisate
his cau l sc ritisis- (if Ctihisge-Stua-
shuts. Navsitng a large cshu-tof tkilletd
I 5u-s-uHert s sul -hi'eweles sp-ci ally
trauines obdesh sn s l''aidsotherIlei-reles
iwork.I Iliiril i- is ire dos, his-scty
Is tt iss Iasr Itihis s 115 an .\ tilsi l
" toss->'ne s u e iin apsiiotoul hs ro-5
sincs th h iss st plansss ssuald jsii-ls'cI
Soits esty i lh --ssit ill is -i lis re1
tlistluuisssiu u-iil l i s (u tusrv.
jWright, Kafi & eo.
'i N IL'FACt1-71N~G J.11ILIIo.
Detroit, M~ohiE-an.
Chas. Speller & .
L nit ersity Outfitters,
ti0tSuvitIlSITxIt Sur
Firvotanda iLargust
1L1RE 0F
Ageunt for Ann Atbou Ste.atn La undry,
qluuek deluveuy ansI best stork.
qI5A$. $PCLLE1R & q00