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February 20, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-20

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"II f'T ~ai~ ordetrid bys tjjreidenter1 sG(RECAT ~TAT IC0flC1pY sAbL
TeSceehnow ltweeosr-ait- \X L WILLF I 11NIE\I FOU R WEEIKS cua
jtithed i ly tit S usndtasys epted) duing iin it weks a d is dtil es e l-t I
fiv iii .(,ii itti Of-fei r vsits n of paperiof ill kinss to e s1 ldt1) tie pc.idclat rU
Ht ' . QF , III OI XT} , tI~N '< r teitrest a d isitsitiil~er- Mill i 111rates. irry s()trI(Cowns impteriail Lintent at csents per
shit it I' 0(1 e i ere i st. pItttti. tittn(IPaper, 'Thesis, and i speit ier UPlera
Cricsatliar aitis. ln ois ples l utsa Isatch aI ppes
prc cl ; air (asits i( [I palers,-i 'r
a'ine ini -pc' ,c1 t t ii()n retlct:11.15,sat' greails resiTtties r ates.
rC( :1ryt~a i(Itirela lc15,d ('a\' ' c~it& O Oi1()t(Ilf 0
nil} sit,' f;iii, : u i)iun; nc .i)'i 1 ,1 ~1 dlta - /tr
it' ,tnisss taic tt ',,'.. i t tct ' '''C' tin
THE U. of Mis. DAILY,
AilisArbor, ihe.s
'i', I,. (;tttsi ', 'ci t+1.: a gorl~t t t r
AI..13tirtisi'i5"t si.M sitairt itr
A. . rt.SSii,'li, AnSi a'01 itr
.1 '. 5.ii'iAe', ', BusiesiMnaer
t. . Sict stir 5' . A5'i~ . Bsnesii t';
C. .)1Iin'lui.t-l sit.BsnssJa'r
E. I. Sit 13
G. ', C ii t litistl '1..
Theii'I):'ts ,, islit's tit~1CS1)(
th u111(s' olit-I ,,s U 1 ts' ttll i-
ii tittt 'm-thel ('. f . e ba lto a
1' e t'I i ( t)ilt . I k a a h
it liti's t thse ieel'
Fine Custom Tailoring at Popular
M15. A.i E.h Rose'. i'tr i'ci'ilt- lg tile
:ii rs' titi Tttitiurisi tr i'Departmen'It sot
troit. wiill v it. siit 't Ar io , Sttsiiitis
Altvin-tis aiiitt l ofWooltens. Pasties
tetssisi sis's']to fac ts'r. titte'sillipluase
lists' is, i-ilIitsMi-(-i s. (uiti tet11''ks.""i-
Jai-, Dy(<oCtt v,1.snt li
"Thle i'iiyara Falls Route."
SIi ts'ii'st "
?THE BET-got-
Scenolltaces.Io1rdwthF nol -w
7- I]
bereiri i s s it ts rt. 'it hewi tFani 4o ,
able ;ws, suit isn isslt 5o estiltIsl cati e aissi d; ts eri'isu st iii, iihtiii'it tt im
I ttt,'h to touchi-t t e choit ds oft he
tlyins asetiiilist' susstttii s u li t ter 1111111; jTER C H ER of RRE INTRODUtotW I
taltst s tsi t i srt tt igt-s th ieisiaiss'ofelIift, a di ii]iiisg OF! FICES4
onsi e es uit caeehasstfisshe ii o i m ni''aki etoneist-i-O
tettilots. saes, lf srier ill. ese t i--is
l}almA New(loniu r e stset(i t'sisestailsitnisis al7lDSSON '' i-ia
tinge and llow our m uth a litte Spi-tiliat's foir' ttuSei s atitaisi s . E iiiRS AEtN ROUE
iurttlt's tt1u teJAt t t t lS'- A st r nea75tFrtoSt., We', aT O. -SCHOiL- m
ee'tttttlit lt' tiiule'ti sssmal l t ostill y anI s chool tirt
your prtiots tutur itfuiur illNI
ta ~ tl'Stus-'telttion.-sa tit test fic-iss ndi' rece s ivets AAt'~A - R
()wingI ito iti ii's-it itus-iwaitu 5ofia
551gus,, sissttie it t eve 11(1l , ofdiees , thu Jreceive OperwHouse
itiertrysocietyinrcsitetti onutel th ;i~'7 M na veig e. 3h 1
th e tjen ofta l ed suiriecl t y tit e L ln 1_ t ul+ e i , i' ( of' th tiusisi r, iii '"'t i'i ei
verit, X-11c s oul tndtheso ia ' 2 asonit sItreet.n b e ni risis, s i i
anc t lle ci(i t sual nobe rn l lci ofits 1( eydsrhesieo
cit. W1"I in itflor, vMi-sit t' si, Tl IIA ' M SR M
memegrsst ex eriestasenAtha t -71tFtrttSt., WetnyeSolet, Mis.
("lto n cthis enil. c 25rt or South and t h A Zi-tr-or A isiAror A vtO C MP NY
or a sol dayoisil l at Jodnio's, State S
rise tc illite aniat ionfs meeting Go t~il.Prof. hlcl forCo a. 'P plr rie,3 ,5c, 5c
alsott be itoinayesnogn oftea"ch wek ts e a 1 a rbikll fser ho. cin nSaeitnteresetNeonsh
G. P. &'FC Agnit'hicago. Ag'iAni
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Timts Table going into nfeni, londt 5ai
Going SNrtb.fSTATIONS. 0oing ok
Stin. (I'irCaid- Sesdnid Tiosei s'eepp
...t...) t 30 tt00t...i'OS EiDis....- I .. S
4,- 02' Ci 610M nrc ,ct 21) 34 D ne 'y tt
5 .H1... ~ m ~g,.1 j~
9 1t1t 3 - It it-
1a 5 '- 11 5 .tit ttI~ut 7M
7 i to ---1-1 t leaan
S s 0 45; ists,,
118 ' i '- -- e a 8 t 7 it
1Oil ,, .t5, ...4 uinkt-o
P.4M i...... -As-Lvs'a [Ar.sn .wM- r4iO
SuverintendenL Gen. Fog&e'e
GEO.8. HAZLEWOOD. Lonai Ag'et'

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