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January 09, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-09

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w~ H IetIas to say Aboutt the Got-_
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It a i ttrZ c )s ii ' 00 tj I tI t' lX
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Chap. Speller & .
F('1,1,it SSSIRTVIS, iIto sAN
I- iV115. LATEKSII'M~T--
lIiiN IN Tl .S A N O SCAlI"S.
WiMIEII DI.iI:.1L.II. ilUcadet
ittccl tll li tjl i IIXI a t<'litIiIcc. I
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U. o1fVM. Glee and Banjo CILIU.
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1110 1 1 i171-th c tt-ets t e ii Ta su c(1111EIto ( 01 "IAiS 'ill lBrands.
mt tct liX yeII. libefore 'tt'i tttil ,..--_toll'ICI Xl I Ii: LINEI01"
titc r tt' t 11111 it I ct~ Resolutions of Respect.
j her 1 m t iliLA rl heCc EI3LIILLA1S. -ll
('ilt Iii,0 to lior tt't lithIi o It("111it Whereas,. It Las pilasedt I vI 111 A ILE L
Xii Xi.()1 F i I iIril I ~ P oideceto i rcciemioe frond ou ' pics. ASTIE(01C1
lliiiilX our beloveid frieid tind iiicli ndG NNA I
30o 1pi la t, 111 ti ; Ls I i i 111 im Xl. stem d l at, 111iss Mi11n0n(ieI)
0l JIcksn et toal5 11at111 , ( trilde 11rundageo, c weax tll kniiw GO S
It I tt 1 I I' I i,.Maih 4,t nd asiifathft sude titcrdi til O everlt iiiA iii A'lio
D tot i tt! 2S. IWI 1111 itll ourc iFssand ta l tearniisti Ilrisll li
ileavFie LIX Xp\rrth i 1 ltepfor ItllI i a ind i I 1FSoiil e tr en in AEn ls acitoh
prl i ii Ii it I. Ot irtirera s. lilrle Cal1111 led ntii tori
c one t li lit (;rnd tRa is tie saite of ronkeiwholiill5a 1111riht rspof tse(IL Il>
XV'1n1 'o ;adN pdte fi-isith futrein 111eryiihou r tiie qickdeiv radb twok
(iti 'kentilheafrt , etheicBST N
I otl thy( ic and i ito (111)1 Resolved, Iatlilht Iwco the oteeLL &
Air I(') ; cll iitcndioth pi sear hereltosybmpsthlt to e bere f
iSt. IlosC , lb ihS: b c ilcreasd stickinyfari oI ol ege paperns . ItheSITU UI TTERS
Chicano. A rils>C. beitSfortS,
and is practically under the efficieint MCS N .S ONERS, NIV SYOUTFISTTEST.
leadership ot Henry othIiug.lheC.N.JOWES
Glee Club is also working hard, and Cominnttee. PLEASE CALL and exain~e.

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