"SD X I .811RUARlY 17,11.1. n~ I~CI ~~ICNts
Oratorical Contest.
The jidges have been selected
Ilricontest of the N orthern
lai rical 1'I gne, toi le heldI in
71u Arbor NIa i .I'There are to
two sets of ridges. rne onl thoiight
cnIsi t ioliiiithe ithiervon dte-
} 'l ilg;es wreveselected
rig rlitoa iprovision ofthe viri-
liti 0lo~ii h t }re lii5iITe iit serve-
arStcitieisurer-oir ile I.Caine,(;
If Xlrrtriii of h iconiinI iivsi she,
' IMirker forhetr
riti ,. i u
co eliecti~ey
h licp e~5sinIliil tghund coon-
a n a t c: NM rs. Io r c l ich -
hi5) toft, lion. Alfred Ruissell,
alol ofIlclriit; and George H. Idle,
)u delvey:C. NV. Gallager,
plto, Wiscoirsini; XMr. Franklin
Ata:1 Chitcago; and Nice-President
It SbAtwater, loomnigton, Ind.
shol cr tIleremembered, hose-
15 tat airy contestant objectitig
ftr nudge 'nay liing the matter be-
eteassociationtliere and tite
lti lg be objecteil to, if the
r°"sseemsu tfficient.
An Historic Building.
in- pl amatiotns anduin terniaticinal
treaties. Ii Istla teras, 1802 anii
ii thewals irf the blrllirg Soodi
thetetof i-is fres.Th ilid hell
th i rs.With this exce\ion ianrir
tire smiall tocrol rheens te
1td l ire rt 'Ii s Its o -n 1a
1i ti11lroiilecalliiwitileli iiiirto i
orir I iiiensits. I rifci to thre lack
if liat ici tcnstruciniloine of the
piitcipial courses in the tt;rgiiieev-
itig departmrent:-rasing. A glattce
It thtcciurtses rceqtirccl for an etigi-
Republican Club Banquet.
Tecommittiittee tppiti editc to cati
vss thre t irisetsits iiid to secu rc the
niamitis ioiithose itncing be re iesen
atitheihrilrict tt Iletrorit,5rMondalyi
Ti'It eli.z,,is -ovenIr elInn
Iiseciiallsysdcciredthtllil whio
crOea-i toithe eniririrurree is soron
liii' tl r e lle t)secrie c ketii sr
dl thosecwrosictamsiriwNre handed c
ic lis. CI Ntiircs s bits., I Ian cy
latdil AV. C. liiis siri r Pes.
Candidates for the Team.
b XVIN -GIthelpeiece 'of College
he carefil sscrtsnsrifCsllege 'S51-
dlents hatsiiig i litgcorpsI ofiskiled
I tesigniers andi cesclets-sdecilly
trainsedl isvisbade iaiilothierjessellecd
is so-k. Iitlirtinr is we5 o, ir e iicItly
Ii sli lD siiriiamns n oriri rciotu
ts . e'r ilaInrositionl ioipIo-
Soitin irii.;s ofiIrI iis iiich arss e
tnttriizrrctureii lthIis cs trl.
WJrih , Kafir& Co.
INI t ll 1111, I G lX I I 10
Detroit MIch Lan.
C uhas. $"41De]Ier &r ( .
teer shtows thatt itstructint is gisvctr The list of catidsates fosr thte base
its ''Free IHatrsd' "'Macluhicecdrasw-Iiall tean s tsincreasini;csvers lay. 201 SOUTHIISTATE SI.
ittg,' ''Ie tterinig and Tospographry"'Alreadsy forty--eiglut cantideatesItasvc
atnd swater csolor wisrk, yet Itirsenetterediforr positiotns. ITe ritkik s VIii ~ ~ h
poorly these corurses suptlylethre rusit open eo Monday, Tusesdlay, NXetites TEBUY IILJN
metits ssfantesngineer's sucress. Ant daylandutelThunrstdas afrerioons, atnd
etttployer does nit care rhse cave-IFridas atid Saturdiay foverrootis. Champion Light Weight Boxer
Pithy atn applicntt fur tatslicerooi-T hIIe iolloswitrg is tire list cr1 catnci- Osv u'S toses IA.
tiotn casn cotistrutct '(IOlIEngdsh" dates til to tire resert titme: Ior rruticttlars inuire at thle store.
letters of beaustifutl fot urmuandcittict Pitclter - Could, NVan- rt svck,____
liont; or hoiwselabisrately hit an e ytt molustr, Krtgtasi atndJamtesoti
conlor a view ocf 'level gleanring. Catchier - Boosstht,Abbsott, andsI ~ stu~
tiassau hall, swhichs soas thte Icr" XXWtat toswatstedl is a neat and ratpidl Dodge.
i cc in N orthtAmerica in 1 76,ttmcthtsd of sucht lettering otn drawsinrgs Fivst hbase-Asley, Richt, Woosd,
Ik thie whole of Princeton College. and tractttgs as is of tiractical value Wiliams, Bironsott, ansi dettont.
isuilin has the nuost intcrest- in a5 office, aurd tine writer kntoses of Second base - Ashley, Banser,
Il0n history of aty college buildig otnly too nuany cases where thte Marshall, NanIeventer, MdcGuns,
our cuty It received isyugegne a othspsto Green, NWhittaker, Kelley, ilod
Hm i onor of NWilliam 111, oho throug~h a failure intshlis direction. Harrison, Tressler, Angell, Spience,
ofT branch of tte illustrious htonse ian etinueer swho can't drase sr KnieYanToe.
asl u lhandle a pen rapiidlly atndll i, soill Short stop -Blauer, lny-ti, Van
Trle old bnildinsg played a veryits- alsears regret it. Iutoagen, Rosencrans, Angell,
Uo t part inl our revolution. IThue XWhy contid not tire In ieu n Speusce, Thlomtpson.
tgo edifice htas bieen a barratk lDcparttmetnt establishs a practical Thsirdl base- lhrogsrai, IHunoter,
atraeYfor each of the Itosunecore rais"das'. tu thrPieson Loonmis.
Xe' 'i5entuhie IBritisht hadiistoii,- stin niplce a youttg etngirneer sitit Otth en- 1arl ahetoe
'\Itotl1 they rifled thne library. ability sand. exiperienrce at its hteasi? es Xikirnit' Sne, Fers
a f r Lnks1oomitis, Ihart, IHeasrdl, Tosecncd,
of tebo soeve fonitrlnt It wouldlie of nmore salute annudtn theezanrd Tewsbuiry.
t oot Calitia, left thieve by rsthemeans of treoenllars andn cets itt -4* -
isl;s of C ornwallis. At rise battle tine lpnckets of ou ninesgitneer granlrs A Junior Law Suspended.
i fan cti, ttidue of searturned arcs ttnlth iie "fanscy' cnussoiii At ho Iectitig nif rie LaseFaculty
ei sins ou counttry-.Onitr egi- the calndtuar. CrneiNFnRvn. lat n sightt, Charles XV.iMoorne , a
ol ialiv Bitishs took shelter inth~e ---.- - --- junnini ns'la,seas sustiendlediunrtit
001 , and Washintgosn drove thsens The biase trail commttittee of rtse(October lot, 1891. It is said that
it. rY turnngIis artillery' against LT. of NI. A. A. have dlecidend that Mioores habits have beetn somseswtat
litll ealls withrstood rtse canrnon- mnwhs~o are playiung on rtseUCiier- irregua o oetm at o
lIght thte inmpressions owere visi- sity teaml will not be liermitted tothisadfohr so eine ast. heo
1 Ormby years. Jr,18,tt play' on their class teams. Thris reqluireenuts, of thre delpartmrent,
As 6hdcsonicuei i nesod the faculty after investigation de-
liiscan Congress asembled in the those no or 25 men whuo will play on cided to take the above action.
rya of Nassau Hall, which re- ltre two University teams up to the Moore entered at the beginning
tfin-d nsession for four nmonths. time of selecting thse ninte for the of the year, and comes from Fort
11Iits related to peace, issu- Eastern trip. Dodge, Iowa.
Brd'wOFd E~NS
-FOlt ALL-
137{SE 1BA1iD, BPPIS
CGymnasiumtrs Suptptiedi at XXhtole
sale iPrices. Call and tExatminre.
Arentk for All! Arbor Steam Laundry,
qicik deliovery an'd best woork.
q5A. PELLCIR & q0o.