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February 05, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-05

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I)SA X 111 XII1U1l' i, iii ( Nitr
Sergius Stepniak. U. of M. Oratorical Association.
Waetulak the Russiani N iliilis, AtaX l eeting of the executive
lc ill lecture Iahivrt II t' ! oiiifittee of the U. of ?Ml.( ratori-
lerua = , is a antuo(f mithan ca11 iiAssoi ationl, held Wednesday,Ie
ilirI Iint i. t Some:ti le cIMC). 4thit wais decided:
lilrs 'nio Stepiatk was broutig I i. (htrations for tim' prcl i iii- l
the atetion of the readIing pubilic nI conetst shall b~egradled il _-i as
P51a, a I1101,1 hiliiippeared iill ui ciri t
Stepn ii is eoily atpseudio- iiThit all o1rationis titist 1)e
IYtil ealnameioflthe.ifamousI lltypewiriiitten i tthe tim e of thei
tati esrcnesatoitd
eh )1 ,t i itti iinti T i hits first itvt ii Iiiti I
ls ltatr aTti itatsiiftttI I t- titt pewri tIel
i~ mlXss it tilt as sioton as passll]' o
iliter btik'~te T'hree aldiltotial jutdges willlie
Kt boshaebe te1s Sterni Clouds, " 'rTe appointedl for each if the classes otf
Carer of aanty"andi "''hle the Late Departitent, owing to the
has Ieof a N ihilist.'' Residet lie large camber of contestants enteredl
Benafreiqteitt contributor to fron thtosea classes. 'Tliese addi- nls eidcl.toa ugswl eieuo
ha e~nia was a miemiber oaf onie of thought intd comapositin.t
et ea evlurnayli'is a Announceement trill beinaile next
Petersbuirg. It 1877, le teas ar- eek of thte namies of the judges se-t
Itandtrie iithli 'theie - "leetetl for te variouts classes,plaltce
litre ize 1 of lholding preliminiaries, etc. l
lie explerieedithe irisonJ.I.Ilxit
titlcli lie so graphically portraysJ
liiin ln ~ntea e c 4t61:.1Liberty St. Pres.
ys~i1~Cl ii Rusialieno dnut Who Will Sing it Best.
brihtbe sent ira the milnes in--l
ha. ' liie Choral Union, itt their conicert
frcrgt IKennan says iffhilmt:''"Thle \iMarchi r3, still si ii esidies thee
t lressioii made upon tie lay thristia orits,'' '"Iail lirightit
uthilor of 'Ulndergronaed Abode, the niarcht of Viagner's
liia gwsani impression of T anhiauser.'l'he menibers of the
W5ias and nmental poswer. IIe Union enjoy singing this piece very Pantyamn3or:oers ucadmnyhv exesdai
head8 titli a massive, rather rug"ed iish tot hear it suit,,
f' andant dark hair, a short Prof. Pease anti his Normial chirir
ItI beard and dark, tleeply set eye~s.tif onie hundredI andtiwtenty-fiive
haiaked little; his nianner swas voices have kindaly consented to sing
Str ieriou~s anti reserved ant Ihis this fav orite nuimaber if our Chotral
itteyOught fil , attentive fite tnmon in their concert teolie given
l sls a nitged expressionc; but i n ('TicesdayI 'ebrutary' 17.
110 aitite in liii steatde seif-ritti Ihis sitlllie a grandt opportuity t
tZ- if 1I the grave, penietrating foriCsoewhothitave never beartd a
Ivas hiiisinserv~ing eyes, tere lairg'ecaliuts sing to hear whiat gotitd
mIe abundant evidlence if talenitinispir ig music a chotruts ciiipro-
eltinan ower. ifduic. is Goodwien, the siianoiit
an~l authotr, Stepniiak is ac-tif XWestmnister P'resbterian church,
setislied aiIvestl. D~ etrittMr. Spiaulling, miss inthe
e ad riersa alf e are
itt1 nd w ite litenaly hl a satme church, and Mr. Stanleyar
bsItltgaes incluiding Fre ncli, to assist. Prof. Stsaley, otn the
lishtht Gtrmlan, Italian anid ng- large organ, still nto doaubt ill the
t'jand his literary style is easy, place of an orchestra.
sra 44 sitndpicturesqu1e.tie writes There still be no Choral Uniona
Ptilsoit theponto view ofja rehearsal on that Tuesday night as
cansntheuconductoraillgbetin cpsie Th
tsi * ressed fellow,- countrymen cnetwl ehl nNra
nvris ownPoint of view, lie is cnetwl ehl nNra
$e4 Y elieve, untruthsful,) disin. -tall, and the admission,:twenty-five
uusor unfair'' cents, is within the reach of all.
A Pew in Berlin for the U. of M. X.\ ING thet experience of College
I)Meii a is kii v and tippreciate
''hlere atreutiCnitrly thouoXiiiri- Iecarefuittscrutiniy of CollegeSt-
caii studenits studs iii' iii theytIci- detntsihavinga ilam e eorps of skilled
versitivofii1clrti IHiretoforc thurtD(,suptlers antI Jewvelers speeially
titt nsifo allIii, tiImpoirtinga as ire do, diirectly
churh yof 01em 1fr 1 Pliltsi Loonanti A isterdtin
lFor som et rs a r 1iutmbleiiof idevouted ourIiiiltititis il tiother lpreciouls
Chiin ss havite ikit t il eries t s Vii 'ei ini a lpositioto lipro-
list chiich I'hehIv Ir tc- weltv 1,-tl;s of allhindts wichitiare
rntiicl~ ()ihtt akech targe
itf tthe ittit' Ce-itillilfor the upast
ei-h 1Cers.Seonuctwo SCICeal' li1
seime of the studientts at Blint.andi
otiiersiiiteresleui. i~illelitheflau o
bildifin g a cliirvch for Amierivan
Aecordia ly \lrs. Siackeutle rg
twas sent to Xmecto isulilcit fundiis
for the ncwvecii lce.XA meetingseas
helci in IBostoaiiatwichiiIiit sias ide-
termtinecd to raie Osooco furthue
building.t It isas further idecitiedi
that a gift oh $Si 000 iwouldi endlosea
hewand ami'aui tting. Already
$40,000 hatvc laccniraised anti it
seems ikchly that thy cntire amoiunt
trill sotoiiblivsubacribedi. 'lanls
twere early madfe fur contribtiing
ii oo for a itetwfor the U. of 'I.
t'rof. Kelsey tooik tue n-tler in hiand
andt sectireti frioimthe I'resbuyteriani
chiurchi$2.5. The other churches
here raised the amoiunt to $I lo.
About iMccc has bieeni raised iin
Detroit fiar the endtotvmaent of a U.-
of 'At. pew.'The nationcal treasurer
is Mrs. Grover Cleveland. 'Mrs.
Neweberry has charge of coillections
in Michigan, 'and Mrs. 'rof. Car-
hart in this ciiiy.
Base-Bali at Corneil.
't'wseinty-eight men tire iowtarin -
iug fur thle atline. Only fotir of
these playedI ltst year, Field, Rich,
Dtavenport uand Priest, tthilere is I
saidi to lie very guod nuaterittalimtug
the nete canidates. A. C. Ftieldl
ttas elected capituin last teeck.
The oldI rinik has beeni secured for
a cage, and the msen gii to twork ini
this to-day.'The training for the
Wright, Kay & Co.
Chas. speller & ( .
Champion Light Weight Boxer
For paticlartls iinquiire tat the store.
Professor Hobson's
-FOil Ar.--
l ULL STOCK tN .OtAilCtf
fiymnaasiumuus Suippliedl at Whole-
sal IP rices. Call anti Examitue.
presenltstill consist of light wsork iul
the gymnasiuim andi battinig in ite Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry,2
cagc, on alterniate day's. qichk delisvery and best siork.
'Traylor, the coach, still cot remaiis
at the lUniversityahh tie spring, but Xci' "" LLC1R & ([.
wilpoal eo h il ihthe men for at least twco teeks-Cor- UNIVERSITY OUTFITTrERS.
nell San. ANN ARBOR, - - MICHL

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