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March 09, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-09

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01r, J -\i o. _ U- IVEId ;ITlY OF )1 M IGA ]
~n. Wai p.
.N, AIO .DAY, MAR('h 9;, lh9l.
Pmi :, Tonta:I: CENT.
Addtress Before theWesleyan Guild
by Ur. Bashford.
Dre. asliford, president of the
Wesleyari Uiiirersitc , ofl caa re.
hi5 bocupied the pulpit of the 71.
chrch resterilaic norlimilandI
delivered a verrs able sernioni ou lie
text foundiii h. 2: 1i
Choral Union.
Ilie tbird concert of the (boral
t_'ooii series swill be tijeeli liytile
(Chiiral I iion, assisteid li an orchies-
tira ofthtirty- pieces, iin:jicersite
hali next Flodav evening , Miarch
r tli. At eight o'cliick sharp the
dooriIs wiliilibe closed anilnoi ic will
to its suilject, uniity atii sequence,
anit types iof structure. 'i theoelry
of the paragraph receives dute con-
sideration ant apipendices, oiines-
paperstyle' anil puoof-reading ace
adi(iei This little work is the
most conlletc mniograpihiupon the
paragraphl that has ret biech puh-
l ishiei and srillbe iif great bienieit tio
IN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~b tieadim II tsfol lestiittedl frosii that tone uintil !Lill uwriters, hut especially to newrs-
Ii Or iafter tile iverture to "ljlristotous"i1,papr iiien, for whloiii enidentt c the
lieretd the tirdl aidiress biefore the I sleeiiiei tli esa ieiru
tsea utud. Ilis siimiect wsas
iiiiartnter1aiil Workaihaonii titriiit iliisenerfo0sian are omiel paes aiiilis irtitedin i -r t
slint, 'uisiiig as a textlime 17tiiteth t et.Te
Itif E tateltaistereaiif an'henitfneceasary ctiictive fiiriii It is for sale at all
ilan wi l iii w iliiishllInowto secure thiise liresenit froiiiiniter- liibiikstiires for iflycesits.
of viie do trlllieshalokotv the doors trilllie cloised I-- -~-"--------
oftedcrioe, tvhetlher it be of ani!I shpd useeta Amatewzr Contests.
h, or tvlether I speak of myself."''-
' eeveryonietrill be cooiiderate enough Michigan Aih'etii Asseiatiou,
pepaker likened the i 8th Ceo- to niake the last pirecaution iiniiec- Detrnit. Michigan, Merch;!, 1891.5
fury to the nmonthi of M'Vay, at in it The First Annual Sparring and
the seeds twere sotvn for a harvest of csay Wrestling Contests for tlsechamnpioii-
ieli. It miay, sot be aniiss to state again
We.There are six thtespoeraiebtissneadi- ship of 'Michigan, twill be given oiider
ittiveat s o ecs ot snesexcep
iven of that century, Voltaire, the auspsices of the Michigan Atli-
1 agnlostic; Napoleon, the enibod_ those hioldiiig seasois tickets. Sea- 'ei soitoosFi.yat
Meal of wrorldliiness; tant, the. Saturday evenings, March 20 and 21 .
Pihilosbphersiei son tickets may be had at any timeThcotsswltaepceite
;Ilunsholdi, thescn from Professor de Pont or ProfessorThcotsswltaepceite
1i Goethse, wvho thought iiais tas fr h sii p ein Theatre, this city, aisdtrill
Into the tworlid for self develops- ai hspietilntlermueibeopeis to all Aniatenrs.I land-
nt anil Wesler, who thought mtan souse'M. A. A. stanidard golil imedals
Wa, b as the season grosss shsirter. Single t
Putitntis the sworld to dlo theamsintces o hscnetrwill be given the twinisers. The fol-
Will adotiss.loiwiticketstforithisecgicert
of Cod. tr~~ill cost sesenty-five censts, aiid for lotn custillegri
W esley owet a great dleal of his thiotnSmhn cnet hc e v eighit restliiig. (ainy
reiiu Dtt i s theheroston wyienyocr, ic ihtary
lios leii toIsi nithir. ieis the next after this in the course,iegt)
tarly rsolvedo to devote all his life ile-tilcstoi'olr. ltri Miiddle iseighit wrestliiig, (limii,
Gotd, aisi spent mnyp years iii the seasonishlb "Redemption''trill 158 lbs. isv ustder).
lit horatio0 for Isis trt. Ite tras b i-nassigeanisostces Lighit reighit wrestliing, (linmit 135
o scientious to be satisfied twithi till cost seventy-fire cents. 'Tiuslb.oun r)
Were miorality. While at college lie i rl ese htfrayn ih The style of iwrestliingtrill be
srmned a club, called by the Stu-inug to attend these three great coil- catch as catch can.
denls "The H oly Club,"'"iwhile its crs ecepstwytilb o H eary tweighst sparrinig, (any
11 eiberswere dbbedi":Methodists,"wegh)
di o pig buy a season ticket, although two of 'Ml weight arn, ii 5
Mu Nethodism di op inginto the concerts on the course hate al - Mdl wih sarn(iit S
existence until Wesley had recog- ready been giren. lbs. or under).
i ed the~ four great truths of salt-I Snladisio tckscisb Light weight sparring, (limiit 135
lrin Intellectually,lie was the best; bought at no tinme except oiltime day pounds or under).
Wed mani of isis age. lietposess- before the concert. Announicement Fathser weight spiarrinig, (linmit
Sfn ofpatccmios of the place trhere they niay lie had 1 15 btrune)
theseanlbleeinoeinet will be nmade later oin. Further par- Special class, (limit 145 his, or
~ lghtir hae. iipoltc i ticulars msay be lookedi for in timeuser
led toward a ceistralized govern- D)AmILe frons day to day. A large field of entries are ex-
01. li" e iintroduced the Sunday p-~ ~ ~ Iected, and souse imnteresting bouts
sth001 to tiemesasses, and edenouinced Paragraph writing. may be looked for. Entries close
slvery and drunkenness, trhen it- Marchs 17 twith H. E. Malcouronnse,
'sprevalent boils within and with- lime latest publicatioin of time In- 21 Newbierry building, Detroit.
ot tihe church. I-it talent trot not land Press is "iParagraph Writiis"'Siu~vtY T. 'MILLtiR,
iut but noral. Cardiinal Man- by Prof. F. N. Scott anti Mr. J. fir JAMIES Ht. t CMiLi i,
icing has called Wesley the greatest D~enney of the University. It is the into 'EDP. hUCHARiME,
vin that msodern Europe has pro- usost exhaustive treatmsent of the Commnittee.
dited.AWesley's dying twords twere paragraphl that has yet teen at- - '
the best of all is, Cod is twith us.'' teumpted. 'Timeliar-agraphl is con- T he insauguration of time Hon.
hrm In.). Foulkeaspeinto
- ashford is a most eountadsidered i llits haesas related StrarthsmoreC ateg, wie sidtof
h tible tseaker, aind kept the atten- to the article of wrhichm it is a part. hare taken place March itht, lhas
ofi h1iis audience throughiommi. Then it is conside'reel with refereince beemsiindefinitely postpomned.
bAVtNit the expserience if College
Meni whos know saud appreciate
lie cairefuil scrmutimy of College Stu-
denits. haviniig a lairge curio of Skilled
Dersigners simduh eiseleis specially
trainied for baidge sindl othuer jewrelled
stuck. Imilporting,tis tie thus. iirectly
frosm Pasris, Londo n diimi imm ksterdans
ouri tDiamiondius anshu uieirlprecius
Stonmes, We sire imu a hnSitiuIm ti pro-
Idis- lt-efimnestiplamns unit )ewelled
Society ltiulges of tall kimnds twhichi are
imllufactumreulillmuthuis eusuinirn.
Wrigh , Kay & Co.
t~l'OIITEIIS, illiViI Lii"
Detroit, Michigan.
Chap. 0pe]J]er & .
University Outfitters
2sil SOe--roSTAIC ST.
F7lat ndl m Lar4nt
Agemnt for Ain Arbor Steam Launry,
qufick dhelivery andh best wtork.
q53A$. $PULR & qO.

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