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February 19, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-19

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~Ij U.OfT l. lp.~t~
5c* 1I'-No. O.U
At 1reoio Nine O'clocka
sefoul Career Ends.---Th e
University not the
Only Loser.
th nid of Sthe tniversity ac
a 'iii called up1o)00to omourn the
dethifoneswho has lbevn forenost
NrlmthUniversity what it is.
C aew alone in our grief. The
efiC wod hlas lost ao ardent
Nre an original tlinker adola
Poof extraordinary speclate
H'InHnanity itself losesa
thtthhas ied sympathizer; is man
hsalways seens sometin"n-
eurr11ytes ofolife; ooe who aalsoass
sal the right side of things.
fes stan Ider 1Winchell, LL.ll., lro-
i4 r ° Gology and Palo ntology
(5ah liiersiy,1(ied at lis resi-
this °Northo University aenue
Sr Oning jost as Sle lirary clock
of kA )ine.Promo Sle eginning
6et tollege ytear Sle Doctor has
Vo he visbeno very reluctant to
e 4p his college work.
Z$ tinchell was loomnfDe. 31,
Y tNot ast, uchess county
lialo i'll first menoer of So
SA1family i1oAnmericawa
ha r Wilchel, who settled in
to se in 1634, hout moved
f511 0tttict ino 1635. too lis alt
for D toctor shoowed great aptituidhI
to1mathenatics. lie swent too
Par id ge Acadeny two years per
ipe a uture study of moei-
i' At 0 heb egan teaching, lut
dei ot~ 5till towo years later that fe
ftert4 to make this his life swork.
i~attending Amnoia Semiiary,
Ae natve coounty, for two years,
Ataltred Weseyan tiiversity,
he ret0w Cnn., where in 1847
A0 Strauted' omopleting the course
h AthYears After graduatinog,
At "gh natural science at Anmenia
10'SY for some tinoe; then wen
of(Wberm Alabama, as principal
ln cdeny.
fo Short tinoe,lowever, Sle doe-
Sra aylat utaw Alabama, fand in
1853.,lpresidenit of Sloe-Masoioic Unii-
versity at Selmoa. Wlile loere ini
the Souotto e ofiodoomuchooriginool wvork
in Sloe scienoces. 'Ibis sclhoool at Sel-
ia was closedon 000a0co0000nt of She
yowoo'fever,lperhiapos 00fovtniooote
hingofor Sloe 1-. of of -.;foot iithis,
coot he wooas eeteoltoo the tchoir of
Physoics aono Civil Eoogioov'cioog'
00or otirtit ooo ooeooito, loon 0'tileo
ovesiolcovof Drs. Tapan.ooo 0'isi
makescooDr. 010000 lc loooopoiiii oicoo
hoe ololesitof aoio vinhocrof ot
facutyi, thouoo'lo le his noot loeenoin
contin000005sc0c e 000esicc. 'lohis 100-
itioonolie livid till o185, swhenoolie owas
oaodeopofessor of Geology 'Zooloogy
onol Blotanoysowfoclo liv lotlof till
0073. In 18a9 lievwsps cident o
foe ?Michiigano'T'eavcovr's Associationo,
and( in Sloe sanoe yvar woas no-aoe State
Geoloogist hy Got. Wisner. Itohfi
capacity foe did nouch to locate oood
develop Sloeminoeral swealtfoof Sloe
sate. Th'fis positiono lie ied againo
00 1869, and Sloe next year stas di-
rector ofthSle Geological Sureyo
of innlesota.
Y'ieldinig SoSloenoanv iooduocenioents
offeredf, lie resigned lois positiono in
lie U. of MT. aood acceptetohle Choan-
cellorshiip of Syracuse Uiviersity, ion
o 873, hoot findioogSloe fioaocial cons-
diiobn oor foe resigneof aonofbecame
rofessor of Geology there, remoaion-
ng unitil 0878. lHe hecanoe a lec-
urer upon Geology at Vaioderboilt
Uonisversity in 0876, dividing lis tinme
betwseen Sloe twto colleges. Boottbe-
cause foe taughot tfoe existence of Sloe
ace before Sloe time of Adaon, lois
chair at Sloe latter institutiono was
obolishetd. His connectiono sitho the
U. of MT. hegan againo Sle onext year,
wheoo foe oas elected to Sloe chair foe
has so ably fileolouotil ofeath closed
his stork.
In 0867 fTr. Wiosefell received
lie degree of LI..D1. fromoo lis alma
mater. His labors base dooneoooocho
o deoelope geology'. The acuotenoess
of lis obsersvationo,Sloe zeal with
whfichi fe storkeofanaooowoerfuol
nind have enoaboled hfiooto odevelopoe
facts already partly established in
foe geology of Sloe earth's crust.
lBnt his great nmerits 1lay in lis ex-
raordinary possers of thoeorising.
Thoose who hoave heard hioo discuss
only the elements of geology have
not heard him at his best. When
icame to discussing thoe origin oo
toe world and of the universe he~
howed his master mind. ils the
ory of wtorldf formoationo is foeeoono
omore populoar every (lay, of not al-
reaodySloe theory geonerally accepoted'
lby scienutists. Iinmouninit makooinig,
alsoo, oandl Sle tiodes, is thivoties iioost
poerfectly accouniit foo thefii . l
booas donje iii ichtooreonc00ice scienice
anod tchi-iooni, espieciaollya ead
evoolutionoi. Iloe makes ev00oluiono a
ooricile of decvelopmenitootaooo inot at
oll 00 pri 00000use.Ills lecitres Oie
vety ieretcsing, omanyo of thir t1a0-
soageso risioog5too aohigh poitch ofveloo-
ooeooo~e. Ils worotos comioe forti in i
ani eveno rvthiicool floowo. 'liiis, to-
gethoer wtb lis Oie appearance, owill
hoe long remeiooberedf by' those wsoo
hiaove hoearof iioo. TIhie Doctoor leaves
o series of lectures ooo evolution 000-
'fnisfoed. 'Tle attenodance at those
already giv'en shootslois populooarity
at Anoo Arbor.
Ile has boevn a noenober of onearly
all Sloe scieootifoc societies of this
tounotry, and noany in Europe. Sonoe
of Sloeoiaooy storks stritteno byfDr.'
Wincloell are : Report of Geologicool
Sorveyof M1iclo., s86os; Grand 'Trav-
erse Regiono, '66; Geooealogy of Slit
Wiochell Fanoily ioo America, '69;
Geological Choarts of Michoigaoo and
Nest York, '70; Sketchoes of Crea-
tioni, '7o; Geology of Sloe Stars, '70;
Thoe Doctrinoe of Evolutioon, '74; Lay
Th'leology, 76; Recooociliatiooo of
Science and Religion, '77; P'readano-
ites, 'So; Sparks frono a Geologist's
Hanomer, 'Si. World Life, '83; Ge-
ological Excuasions, '84; Geologi -
caf Studies, '86; and over Zoo scieon-
tiei papers and pamphlets. Ite has
also described 300 nest species aoidl
genera, mostly fossil. Sonoe ofl
thoese books have noeStnoore eoothou-
siastic receptions Sloan aony scientific
bonoks heretofore poublishoed. As a.
sriter, lois style is very attractive.
While using ooanoy lonog woordlsthivy
are chosen wvith admiirale taste.
IHis wtorks bave contribuoted moore to
noake SloeConiversity fanouos Sloan
those of aooy other mno.
Thoere seemos to be doubt in Sloe
mioods of soome regarding the date of
Shoe Michigan Club IBanquet. Itotilll
be held Monday, February 23rd.
President Scott, of Rutgers, has
receivedt the degree of 'LIL. D.
from Princton University.
Mr. E. V. Robinson graduate
studlent loas returned from Albion
college whoere he has been teachoing
for a few weeks.
I. Pucvi;, TomiLEGCENS.
b VINEC thet expe rience of College
Alei swhooknoot oanod alppreite
hoe carefol sruotiooy- of Coolege St-
dots, hoovng a barge cors of skilled
Desigoner sooond coJewees seialy
trainedo foro'booooge oiloo] othert jewelled
workt. tImoroting ooss w o oodoiety
frnom Poaris, Lonodo lonlnd ostooo'ooroo
0000 D iaondoooos arilooh eoorooprteiouos
Stioes 'oe' aoo'i 00ajoositionosto o O-
ou h e fin'Sl e bist 10100005 dojew l vled
Socioety lioogs of al kindoos stllo ore
osooiofostlooo ntii sbeomitr.
W/right, Kay & Co.
Detroit Mhan.
(has. Speller & ~
isbs versity Outfitters,
137SE Bg~ih GOODS,
Fnsan id Larest
GOODs0S 0001r Coo's
Agvnt 10r Amnn Arboo Steam Laundy,
qouck deitroy and best work
qIjA$. $PELLE(1 & qo.

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