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February 27, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-27

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or. I-- x1l .I NIVEibsITY O1 '\II..III \.N,
tn. W i
, FRID)AY, IlIZUiilAiLY 27, I1591.
PInci.:, ZToIn-c .Y
Where the Money Comes From to
Run-.This Instituticn.
1 . lie onIe-twventieth If aitnmill
tax is a gixeral lax, and~ was author-
izedl by section i, act ;2, laxis of
TIhese are the characteristics wichel
dleterine imthe kin;g()t ti)-ilxi. N\u-
lxiii iii5 iilistraiti~Sio s eelriiu-it tii
I' -(Il~iiiistate Ireasarer Dais ' 8- It amiouiited lto $4,5 2 f2. 0, hear iiii theisiijiit
' iii xxii xilassi i 1st fiscail yeaiitand it wixll lhe.abotiit Xioiigi" othir xxiii's the u il~i-
lie lx, ii ois a stiudelii txx - t he xiime.foi this year. afier this ,gixeritie lowerii oitf xxan ,lilietiie for
suit reI i ieseIxiatixe if t ihe lx liiiii xii lx 'ilixixi x
11it 'ilixil i ~xlllixfor the sIx r-t tii.foli ii iirte.!ilxx ii' Tiii 'xIir Tlildmnxexds
~ l; xix ixxtxix' xiii x1 x ii l i x ii iir d ctosiiii at Ixieniirs, !;r'e'it
ix oratolili'x11(ttiii, let andimi ii
s(iiixmx i f tihlii mxxiii ixxx xx assssxxii xxxii f prpery.iho b leihii xi ir f omiservaiin~
iiippoirts o r xxmersty. I nIcs i itlt 1111t. c xx1 o th getet x n, lixto h
wevst (f he )ULxx exprssdl is liii. li-islatiy xx- ilrialx-d ro iixi it ois o ivr
Willill, vary,*l of1 -ioxrse, fromixi s sixiliio -
ii s t tll all hexkniiaiiiit Death of Dr. McCabe.
iitt ligavecxxaxve r liar I~xnxhur. I 1js' limxs Mc( alx iesod-ii
on i o~ if the ixanxier ini ilixeli viiidren 10,00iIyx xllast Wednesday atlBrn i 'lMwr
th sate's fin anices are imanxagedxl oniux, the t i vty e ollege. IDr. 'ml ralic iwas iisini
hxlme taxis are levied andi collecI ii s alfrox or in reinrh at the uniie rsity, hint
ti li urnexid tov rin fnisfr aernsl xisland i d -------xl --- s 61.00xi
the an novrosfnsfrMiii tax. . . . ..-_-_-S-t4,272-5,0iiyrars ago. It was thxeixseeix that lie
Suppxort of a mxultituise of state Legisilaiiporeiatin------10000 wvas a main of great ability, Last
lll~ota115 Tlmr reporter ivas 'lalai. . . . .Isx ,icziLxa year lie vas calledi to the chair of
eatsh mpe swiltihthe ixiimilxr - - -- Gerixaiiat the university of Josh-
hoptas prisonsi, pouselH.rnwl. ansa. iFromihere liesweiit toBrn
iise$5 ands educationxal instituitionsii The sixth lecture of the fstuident's Mlawr college. Dlurinig this short
Whiti NMiclxaii nmaixtalixs. The etr sscaii esia e periodi lie becamie well knowin as a
I sa loixe numiber i teneg--ivrd at n jvr i rosminent cxliicator, antihis utiie-
iiitheixcgl-lserd lstexcising, ii1)xi-etylyseathllxxiibe xa cause of sleep re-
nod of twvo thiouisaiid. Hail. Althiough Mllr. Coinwe ll feareid gret and great sorroiv to altlivwho
drDaxis sixoke of thie fact that ta i oe vulllmtba lckixewe111111.
c ivrst. tidexs vee stralix, aixdlalthougbhlie iras xobligedxl Geological Society Resolutions.
ali ciiiswic lgitb to specak somxewhlat sloswly at terst, lie tiiixt.Smccv
ale '"the close econxomy-'"'of the siG eaxeisdei vlili xl- i xmrms-I-<I(It LMxcii ixx,
lgislatire ixn makinig aporain ,NIES~ F'II G
f axlrc xratbn Iect, anxti deliveresi oineiof the best ' iFebruiary 24, IS91I.
nivsersitvyIpurposes. HeI recitedI lecturas of the year. It is iniixossi- Whereas. It has plecasedi our
litlOf betenitenanxsitwveinty bit, ini 'coldi typxe,'' to give any Hetavenily Father to call froiiihis
estatesarc inthefieliofscfncethn
ae institutions, qluotesi enor- adequate idea of thme value of thersac i h i~ fsiicta
moos s5us of nioney thlat are voted lecture, hota fewIpoints ouiglt to scholar, teacher anii friend of alt
12titieary ni hwdthttebe -u mniity, Dr. Alexanmder Winclxell,
m YearlSyvand ixote tht tonbeiresere. and
the~eritywasnotnegectd, ut in 'r. Conxiell pointed out the dif- Whereas, VIile thie University
Contrary, received its full pro- fereice between his lecture delivered and the world at large imourniis
purip, a year ago and the one deliveredi last loss, it is nmeet that ire, the members
I Th Omnversitv derives tefnseeig tta time fiinictd of time Geological Society, who have
misSuport from three sources, whien to get rich, when to lie sue- ptyiiorwrsol d h
St (I)'The interest on the sale of cessful, whens to he great. Last testimny of our deep sorroiw for
axlte lands- (a) A onie-twentlieths if i night liis purpose was to pointi 0ut this great loss; therefore he it
t5l ax, anlxxi(3) lgila imap how to get rics, ihow to lie success- Res olvedi htwie hog i
legislati ves ful, and isow to he great. ItIe took, ideaths the whsole scientific world suf-
I, fers an irreparable liss, wce give
et1 1y an early act, time legislature as time foundation of Isis lecture, a manifesation of our sorroiw for the
s ,alrt secio 61 ill :every lown- legenmd of India. In a kinmgdolm of loss of a ipersosmal frienid, whose
yep is Yiversity lands, the pro- marvelous richness there h~adiheen a lofty isleals anid oble character have
t 1 romm the sale of which are failure of the royal hine. Nobiody a constant source of inispirationx to
-e UHlIno the University funsd. A could he foundc to take the piosition u Resolved, That see tenser to the
s ontains 640 acres or one of kinsg, anti great sufferinigiwas felt family oif tse deceased our heartfelt
Care 1111e and it ivas not alivays through thsc whole country. A't last synipathy ini this their great afi-ic-
Set x16tat was set apart. This the astrologers receivesi as an an- lion.
fInd Is a Principal, the interest fromnswser to their inquires the followiisg: Resolvesd, That a copy of these
mlilL resolutionss be sent to thme fansily,
5te~ '7 per cenlum, paid by the 'le, whiom time animals follow, ansi a copiy published ini the college
A Is taken annually for the ex- wisonm the sun serves, wixons the wra- Ipapers.
4ssof tIhc University. This trust ters nbce', and iwhom the people GEORGcE 11. SmixocS,
penow amounts to $515,087. love, he shall be your king." Ans ig- 1t. OPHIiLIA STAUFFT,
ofCreIs Paid yearly to the treasurer norant hsuntsmnan op us thsenioun- JENNIF K. ECKSsTORMx,
f. U.e of "M. lime interest ois this lains was found to he the mais ivho I:.. IXtASiliti.,
T15.'ile last paymnlt was $33,- fulfilled the requirements, ainsi le F. U. KUHN,
ruled successfully forty years. ! Conmnittee.
b k x"IN G thme sxper ti-emelof ollege
Tiiis NN- I nowi-andm applrecmite
limits. mviii" a largxecorpis o01;klmled
Deisignrsani .'iessp-mx 5(5' eially
trainied foIrxbadge andl otheri lessellexd
work.mi liiiiisitiii -isNve doIn di'm'tly-
frI'm lii Pamixs, Iimmiixm mll d - iiiterda
oxii Mlx Imixiixil, ix otheri rmecmioums
IStollems. We aini psit~lion lito Imrx-
lice t fimnest lnsi- andil j iiw el
oii-ixix liis ofxllmthindixhi lxiiiare
ixixiiitxixtn-eillmmtIhis cxi xii i.
'Wright, Kay & Co.
11 III'tIl'Iltt , .11 t~l I iIh
Chas. Speller & E .
Uivisersity Outfitters,
:ilm Smxtl'I'IiT;SIT.
CrflflIBAT$ A120 BALL$
Ffn.al and Laacgs'.I
0(005 IN rTHE srrs-.
Agenst for Annl Arbor Steam Laundry,
quick delisvery and best wunk.
qijk. $PULER & qO.

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