or. I-- x1l .I NIVEibsITY O1 '\II..III \.N, tn. W i , FRID)AY, IlIZUiilAiLY 27, I1591. PInci.:, ZToIn-c .Y UNIVERSITY FUNDS. j Where the Money Comes From to Run-.This Instituticn. 1 . lie onIe-twventieth If aitnmill tax is a gixeral lax, and~ was author- izedl by section i, act ;2, laxis of TIhese are the characteristics wichel dleterine imthe kin;g()t ti)-ilxi. N\u- lxiii iii5 iilistraiti~Sio s eelriiu-it tii I' -(Il~iiiistate Ireasarer Dais ' 8- It amiouiited lto $4,5 2 f2. 0, hear iiii theisiijiit ' iii xxii xilassi i 1st fiscail yeaiitand it wixll lhe.abotiit Xioiigi" othir xxiii's the u il~i- lie lx, ii ois a stiudelii txx - t he xiime.foi this year. afier this ,gixeritie lowerii oitf xxan ,lilietiie for suit reI i ieseIxiatixe if t ihe lx liiiii xii lx 'ilixixi x 11it 'ilixil i ~xlllixfor the sIx r-t tii.foli ii iirte.!ilxx ii' Tiii 'xIir Tlildmnxexds ~ l; xix ixxtxix' xiii x1 x ii l i x ii iir d ctosiiii at Ixieniirs, !;r'e'it ix oratolili'x11(ttiii, let andimi ii s(iiixmx i f tihlii mxxiii ixxx xx assssxxii xxxii f prpery.iho b leihii xi ir f omiservaiin~ iiippoirts o r xxmersty. I nIcs i itlt 1111t. c xx1 o th getet x n, lixto h wevst (f he )ULxx exprssdl is liii. li-islatiy xx- ilrialx-d ro iixi it ois o ivr Willill, vary,*l of1 -ioxrse, fromixi s sixiliio - ii s t tll all hexkniiaiiiit Death of Dr. McCabe. iitt ligavecxxaxve r liar I~xnxhur. I 1js' limxs Mc( alx iesod-ii on i o~ if the ixanxier ini ilixeli viiidren 10,00iIyx xllast Wednesday atlBrn i 'lMwr th sate's fin anices are imanxagedxl oniux, the t i vty e ollege. IDr. 'ml ralic iwas iisini hxlme taxis are levied andi collecI ii s alfrox or in reinrh at the uniie rsity, hint ti li urnexid tov rin fnisfr aernsl xisland i d -------xl --- s 61.00xi the an novrosfnsfrMiii tax. . . . ..-_-_-S-t4,272-5,0iiyrars ago. It was thxeixseeix that lie Suppxort of a mxultituise of state Legisilaiiporeiatin------10000 wvas a main of great ability, Last lll~ota115 Tlmr reporter ivas 'lalai. . . . .Isx ,icziLxa year lie vas calledi to the chair of eatsh mpe swiltihthe ixiimilxr - - -- Gerixaiiat the university of Josh- hoptas prisonsi, pouselH.rnwl. ansa. iFromihere liesweiit toBrn iise$5 ands educationxal instituitionsii The sixth lecture of the fstuident's Mlawr college. Dlurinig this short Whiti NMiclxaii nmaixtalixs. The etr sscaii esia e periodi lie becamie well knowin as a I sa loixe numiber i teneg--ivrd at n jvr i rosminent cxliicator, antihis utiie- iiitheixcgl-lserd lstexcising, ii1)xi-etylyseathllxxiibe xa cause of sleep re- nod of twvo thiouisaiid. Hail. Althiough Mllr. Coinwe ll feareid gret and great sorroiv to altlivwho drDaxis sixoke of thie fact that ta i oe vulllmtba lckixewe111111. c ivrst. tidexs vee stralix, aixdlalthougbhlie iras xobligedxl Geological Society Resolutions. ali ciiiswic lgitb to specak somxewhlat sloswly at terst, lie tiiixt.Smccv ale '"the close econxomy-'"'of the siG eaxeisdei vlili xl- i xmrms-I-