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February 28, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-02-28

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'--N. is. UNSVEWTY 01 MICtOIG; A,
Vjzicv, Tmzvi,: CENTS.
Th y und Enter tainment Pro-
T I il' ) i
Plt rt rih fr te c tran
iiiiflto tael i vcnto (le t o I Iscl
n h h t , i th r i v (2 r i t y h li l .iac b c
tie©la Olley ions to 1t.k 11pa Sin th.
e trtanmc~t rc heDa raatibr
Suhterr i . C e lu Bao l nn
aid the C( (umc-n Orchestra....
Y11ersity (ii ee Clnh............
co.edellota.t ~e
tl oi tetten........ .....tl
an 4 Ienagen,(high Vwife)een..
J * C. Park . XAT.lHibbards.
rsit"14aGlee Club.............
deiiii I ioo t-ba ll oug li obc m
iiiiiit ii wideydifr t i i>t har-i
aciiteistics. Thegam is adeiva-
tionfrisRuny-tith istsItingenm'
abontrthIe'yeair nl56,;,tiand iiirtvin'
tatior and ipartlymto ics crimiate
Victorious Orators.
The' peim1intary on nInnts amonL
rneprnesentativins t tlocait contnst,
n'telin & tesir li.c net
whc ill hei il n xtill iay
5Th greantiteretwaliiianifnestedi
eigh isn' t to ntsin liyac.S.lat 'Th
seior 11.lathcotestciwa's hemos
.1VI-NG the exsicerienice ofi'College
lie iart'li sit ltti'ni' ( tClge Stul-
deiits. laiitit''i iargeco(d115 oiiskilled
I) )ci'oci's 'and Jecwelers specially'
trie fortci lii littleatoither jce'elled
lint ii I11ipnt lii as swc do, directly
liipro they hurstpllilis 111(1 jisei'cs
iii 111111 iii di llI ithils 111111 i
Wrigh , Kay & Co.
I'illlII 'lII t. IlIIl I
Al ~IA{fj~NDf I'x II
if i did intlslirtassttic12 thirdd and fourth planes respnectively. D r'. o
ganme. Li kc all othtcr sports it has 11 cjunor lair conttcst, also closcly
betn changcd andI altcrcd front timne contested, was wvon by A. E .riniig Chap. Speller &
to) timec, as occasions andil irconi with J. E. Rotberts a close second.
stanccs snggestcd, instil totw it is tin Ih.nirlt ott cnsoth' University Outfitter-s,
a finm basis, witlh goodl, strongt'rutlets A t Siebak lt Son-,iiiScanr: S.
by which it is govecrncd, anititmay U ~ s ircsilcitsais
justly he tcrniedlscienstific' loot-hall,
tswoiare meimblers if thm Ietmester E N G L I S H
las it is a gamielaye~d liy ttefenn,
sonciety', andtlone if teAep
not byv the hanuds." t T Adet TTi7 M TT7-70
A. A. Directors' Meeting.
j 1no itreiet o ii icscicci ti nti ; ±L . I ± 1l ±1U J .
tthe senior lit. class netinITutesnday,
lwhen WI. II. Nichlts, W.t I,. Bels
anti L. S. Trumibtulul switl cnitnst fir TOp1 $ +' (OOefl.
a. Satenella. A meectintg of thec A. A.ndirectors
Uitt b.waktsDen. ias hldilat in a. in. to-dlay', IniAl-1
Angel's Serenmide, tha Niuiihall. 'T'he usual routine
II. IE. Page, J. IE. Fecrris. I Iisiiiess swas transacted, atnd replorts
Gonldwsin Starrett, Irn'ceived from the variouis suib-conm-
Henry Itatig,
hi nIC. C. Wordlen, celloist. slitters of the hoaril. Thte boardl so-
and Musele Reading tedl to pturchiase sttits for the nine of
itersity Glee Club......... .......Shlelrivwtose hids swnce the best
a. Rteminiscences. rnceived.'FTe suits to consist of
('1, an i.'ieaenck shirts lbearing :Michigan on the front,
Nliigoli Orchestra..... pnspde frmketoi,
P~ lrice itt altission to tlhai Ialldfon ie ohp
eln stockings, call, ielt antilswecaters
tesewansetstl i tt cit, with 'Alsxwovenin iithe fronit. It he-
bP sats Iwithout textra charcoleg
ihard5hl ieile ona olors in aniy app~ropriate fortm, the
Vtclail, at 2Ip. to., at Shieehan'si colors to lie tisetlwill lie grey' andt
plltoe an l. ttce '« ime noloir, haits antilshirts grey,
stockings, calp, helt antI letters in
Association Foot-Bait. { i nen.coltir, withi white sweaters.
- I inhenasterni trill Iill he taken fromi
tao-alhas alnmost beconme the '\lass 2;-yo, and tdates wvill probably
Unitarian Sermons.
tel'. 1.'1'. Sutnderlandl till ide'vote
the text four Suntday-Itortintgs at
the U1nitarian church totmiiienlarge-
ment of the wcork of the Btihlical Itt-
stitnte, recently lielil at the tUtitter-
sity. Ii njcswl i sIi
lio's. INssbet ilb sfl 13{Sh KJ/BILL GOODS,
Miarcht i. A reviewy if the hork i--n .",
of the I nstitute.
March S3. "Mtessiatnic ProllcY' j Pe eft
"oes th(Ildt 'T'estamuentCutttillG , js ij ri
hy our peopule ill every college
'Port Et
0t1 nhturally centters attentiont tul-
hrt e football games as they occur
attd imle to time dluring the autumni
o, Spring monthts, hot so nmany of
ttiople are oppiosetd to thte se-
aryof the Rugby 'game that thme
t in Outing for Macl on
s 0tba! as Played Underthe As-
ret,I ,Rules~twill cause a wide
anan discussion. As hlere
lie Imride withtuhle follotwitng colleges:
Hlamiltons, Uh. of Vermont, Williams,
Ivad arvarl, lBrotwt, Trintity .andilVale.
'e Conmmittee onl Track Atht-
letics was instructeid to organize
ha-re anti hound runs, andt also to
arrange for a general indoor athletic
meeting to he held during ,Macin.
The 'Tennis Comnmittee asked for
and was voted new nets. The next
meeting will he held March 14, 2
M~iraculous Predtictiomns if Jesuts
Christ?" t""I'lie Real Chamracter of
Israel's Great Iotpe."'
'lamrcht15. 1"toes thlt ITesta-
maeit Conttaini tiraculoums Preidic-
ttiimistof mitt- lKindi?'' Religion
tot D~epietntdet ontthse Fiting Sty.
'Marcht 22. 'Alleged iPredictions
in the Nesw 'estament.'' "iQuota-
tionls frona the Old."'"SouseIll-
portantt Matters Not Blroulght Out at
thle Institute.''"Relations of thle
Old 'Testament to the New."''Th~e
Real Foundations of Religion."
All persoins whlo attended the
Biblical Institute, and especially all
membmers of thne S. C. A.,are invited
to hear these sermons.
Draa.tlo Club,
Clee Club,
and Banjo Club
The Guitar and Mandnttn 0Ott- ettes,
Mr. S. n. Park, Ventriloquist,
The Cheqaumegon Orohiestra.
Thursday Eve., Marcel 5, 1891,
ADIh$$1I2fl - 50 MEflC.
Reserved Seats Meonday. 2:001 P. M., at lGeu.
ber's and Sheehan's

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