~1jc U. ELI'Ot'IIII:
'I -I A. (l . WM NTp.
N, '1'I
TRBTSTO PROF. WELLSa, i stonedf b a a ii f (0(1a gieat loss to tihe Oi Li siti_
Senate Memorial. i that (11s1inguiishid (1aw ii fi titi whih 1to thebai ad o is pcirsonailly,
________iuai be said :to i t i Lbeenii 1fluen- tlierL orc lieit
[Cuntiiinii from yesterdaot. ticeai in cxtaiili'tong our tresn A R se da' li t uc togetter ex-
tent Offew bn a he la f t em ofintru cctiiron. otpxressclx cxthc xorirow that wie iidiiul)t
tar thecbalofithe o ailaw lctureitbrfiisot o'lls 1b
sttehve u e m na larger professionail xa i r feen Oiii' i5 I' 1 l andiil r appiL ti onoiiilbr
p it~ii~ thn trifesiir Itetl iulily p ilitieit toi th i o l iii tii i s t nocerxit nu i Pachtal wth
fo thep(.(j'a(of tti tc-tire year ie tt o I I'o i i iixtii cii
ifs acnitely enr the la iii tat i lvsiitiix en ° ihSt isti n ctcielchiixxia n ofIls
ofla nt e ite a t f ideraltcouiiii i it ui i a ii it ii ix ixhis p o o nd k o - ti- i i t pr sl wo! ii t ii cii icxtii
I rg "lt in t e i l o iiiuestiiitiiuit;e ft ec ' at' 1 ttis iru .i ty a dph lo w i e an itness
ro -;cf hohit.a d ore f lrsiouuiu'ofuo hirii nit trlciio . W flt hat thi
frit in ii ofi tixlia iii xii i o u eiiic dIl l etuIar e 0 Wr' a li u rc ixiip o to tii o I
its i hoor mt cnstittinl ii iilc o rac ai i o ta iceato f isv1iliociit xti t h a
Plsit s bel tido noitl thtic l taxa tcorthesctutx cx s ti 'ouu-ucit fr heaciereh terdo, w xii ci t ii t iixketl
Juis5ts lic ou itoliiirc.Iiicii t oodttii, tiix 11bra iaicttiscra c lnir t im iii;al 1e tt( I x itawiyeiiciitx t
Littcfir ctr fIalsp ro forsimon n tl Is to ay ov r t e os su -1T e u d n itrup on fIls ec
g in oitte ooaim. , ite y tear Lax~wicrle nagedof ttiiiiiihaiiidexidicts ifuteich ift-
it te atiIiirsticItitiliiiclstiindiiard a ths tni
si ent in a s onransubleascttiene, bie e t aelri l~rrxuo o - tito bsore 1 s 1 h utiiscigrniedbcopy
eIleradicenof rthe law sa.bestioallshi sto inishdcoiittir hx xltosb ett h
boo fen itw hh tiroiigit isrewrd Itisoa aindtiblc l tra . Dcpr 1tfamily aof iti i a fre n dsao
o9ticeliein boanciat in gietthe n vcr18 tiwtie a cticn xrc nc i fti olg
o who oursinceestrat iialttseex
himthe oithut onornaium. Tlie theatie rcht tice obof t xhicat lly, tice a hs i e
atie ofati ote In aers infbte idiat es tom p on lontit- . leittl ii xnenirsse cp
Arfs5 in hc rugtisrw r tiotna is ltir antit oxnsoitctoftes esltin b en o-h
tsoehn g olha r tocat inaiiial ref or a a n te Ltrr eat anl fted cae ,adacp
sat.Som af isrostlo ietgoiite Uniiv eiiit.gTeniI ctie. i nsta eeingeaii f the stud e eo
s npfthpem es oiithe i ndIic iaes e rem alsmostfautlssn. te icr ity of i ciiiaii, hel
sv n ar Ass oiatan- oeaiyasa e be fi tslie it-felt ms vseui ed or uc II.E'c x
Prxaoietking ite eraioii occyttsnigrsouin senuaiiuously.
megt at C u c i Hemasnitiix e-t Ittis he stiiet s i wa s p a Ini ti i i, te Ittii ~ r i
mutchateto the vacemet Cofitlawiperon , hersir xaIith fiea of helePres r
as a ciene anda prfess o f I a diniied ad gnattnlm n.I A netn fte tdnso
Itin catiismanserro t e almtytef saltles ntssi.dyexedd ou a n
At , theIiimt. u aicl esisicsratpooineteor O the oiv o e n t heMifigant eldii
dn ouset of tiiaow irkh I in He waunbrsvutc dilad
itin * biinc oeh t etirdlin tIciir icx or iody , a rtcshiileore, ss-eretheirol
# flrsiy rc xs ,ii cli ps tlearly hiwini
~l ta al y tainng uad heel bauttit. rec eininscielxy'a rsotidon eerunancoutsy
s Lld tretiisisdoemtadtc sr esIlsc iiiiit iie iourshi spot n tin ritu oittiad he ir orteeor ei
noti lI ln,'S7 h a il he suet wse-atint AERtEAS, 'Flat wettitinar, ex-
sancl ea toiheKnt Piilrothessr lndpinsti ngheI nre lwa yer inifunor ersourlapresciation, of the i meit
t0icuyuntilmhofdthN ov1 en mbii elts h benainltyle egsiainicr Wels a ndlycon eideto a I
ithe ofutsear hsaworklintheandfornsierfthi dutisein, ttil- vitatonvth atn tefngrsedicop
Oteisd Iicdegecof acieuir dbandy pietiorranger oy, nd rcsleiwte sentetothe
Tnivesit P ofesor Asersityar
rict frthatli early ri ingof aV er- uiitsas ntonha. We cueldtaiwtysc guetsoithowar A ssocatinridcortes
011, audrinlum3ofthe eEgee Drngtepesn erPrfsoiepesouiprcatoifthi id
°ler sof fart frs a Ien z8 r tas astu eeisla thridythnla Oir- nsinetd niertheonn. rio n
an revd thte dearseo..bachelorif ornuiaceifthiax faus thanl Ui- hnReotldTter. gose cp
A1 nisfrom tarUnvar i ois Vrst vtreesiitn, snd peios a anefo theesdolu t ob tii o th
~~tfl~en waeSloloeesc ~r auls ctrho he lciuetyo thet rooitrAsiatiEono,adcpe
foel, an nr h seit 'I ieU irrit oreit-ICoosite
ter of rkrkom x oth s ais a stu ehi ls01 t Fridayhedyo eisre i h n ro n
aw if justieaofvard hUnipesittire, eIi hnd re tuetst ted- ll1 i-otis
1n ai hils t actrsoits, tilt Her hemntatedsyfunatieral tte BrterJo1natC.HARR"
and Lw chol eresuhennts Puls ofhurhi fam iy oiii trourt hegrattraot.foIuaiOnsene
due gpaueriknon to tistt acts fTdelivrrsi.ttoSlietgiven by the 'Commottiee.Jn
tnhiig i m ste c len uaiir.o
1hh ohiu Parsto seet illeihceof s} than Boltaerionat hn Oir
t5L geatmiiilsticontrathe ife ofrmes ofios ofathelaw in ts hu I goserexttransdayi rose-
Prfts 7it thigentreyne
h~o t ls. TheL methodh if At a ine'eting0 of the stiudents of thn nieynw In oine of these
nucttt0 knowsn as the lectureb Washingtoin is see'i asleepi in his tent
tYst1whc thtey hiaih adotpted in the hose deplartmlent if the hfniversity at galley Forge. Suddhienly in a ra-
e11 Hatrvard L~aw Schoolaind wohichl of 71 dugan, held Thtursdhay, 'Marcihiianice of red i ht appiears the Scbu-
flhInroduced in that institution biy 6ths, 139, thte followeing resolutions Pert Quiartette, aiid the soul is
FsI Story and Simon Greenlheaf, wiere unianiimotusly adopted: thrilled as "Columbia'' is poured
hisl bPrefscorWelts aundW fe forthtosver the sleepting Itero. Then
hi1 byoite nth a DeofassorWHEREAS,Wefl thlat the ideatht othter scenes are equally as graiid
Sat1ofour Uiesinty. tEaseith of William P. Welts, A. 71.,Kettt and the singing of tbis famous quar-
Ip it g of ptrofound sorrose that Professor of L~aw, ill, the lase depart- tette can not hells but please as their
Wntoethe withtdrawal fromni uent of this Univxersity, has occa- selectioins include all kinds of nmusic.
J5 IN 'iNlthc expietriene'of tohege
he careituitscrtutilly of C ollege Stun
tenits. having -a harge corpsx oh skilled
l~iexi nti"elerilhs specxill ~y
t rainedutfoc badtih nd hotheirijewell~ed
worik. Impotinhg, sNeddrcly
hiroinI Pais, I oiiihoi andutAmsterda m
"l Sones.x e aei ll pos xiti t pr-
lii lb1e h fnestx l box andIjewelleul
ocietls t iul i ll huimi tii iiiaret
Wrigh , Kay & eo.
1711?"'Fh:ht Salhit"I:Lh: ts
Chap. Speller & @.
Univ ersity Outfitters,
201 Sil o it-TESc.
[-i itm-
00A13 ATI-NDI70llSElls
iA.AitLtINE IN ScicK;
_agetnt for Aitn Arbor Steam Laundry,
tuick delivery andl best wsork.
qI 5A$. $PELLC1R & qo.