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March 12, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-12

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dsatami' Wecould folio))w ~T T QP 1 Y ~ 1E
temnporaries, the liarvard ("'iiuson, 'S\'NILLF 1"OE, THE E X T IFOUR WEEK LIS
5, (aei rt l rtrt otli (pa '5' (anith il( N w, hch aw t Ofr tt 1)1t t fpaper of all kinds to be ')1(oldobythe 0)) ] Untl t tul
trMN IM TAMTAIN5ipei their altimmii a severe leturntr: 11111 rates. 'Ire our (rowrn Imtiperial I ilieli at 25cents her
whe iii vr thee' are sI iei in ansio nguI pouinil. 1tonl Paper, Thesis, aiiil I'i inter P aper at
iiio' ii)aprpeal*,ii't'ii;or j(ii f unds. Bu t it is not Gret tarpoins. Enlop~les to Iiiatchtall papr
cti )I)iti<) tic b 5 pe vat, nstri~tl' t reatlyv rediired rates.
t111S tti thii.{' 1I t . .Thtgaroltol
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--(THE BESTS"k--
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P. R. CLEARY, President. :,,
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Michigan Railway. n
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StaIn liii' a.Standuard Tim.arie tCOtxg'
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'tee In piat(1teiilat, tot lt1 itll' :' Ic is5I usda ,i' arc It ), liit'te. iirana.1.Opera House,4 !.try. l'rtoia.... 4 ~'iI
.rtitStoli, tx 'a t t I. zir .1 ii . Pon 4iu
lie ti t i O t. (tl ri f it 'ttl ' t1 It orr sI" ate) lltittin.lleu bfo' 1Eve., M arch 130.It 13Sag tI ;aw ttnj . -5!:3 }
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01) tre oItlt ttlan iefterttil ire' ; 1it1ep. Nt ultnt, SI i'' rtiel 11 A. SIV11tY STGy itt....North llan ... t ttS6
resio tl gttils Itp teeiti g l '' 'uttSpeild Mittllls-. / it4 l '- ' qN T } T ~- te~l u ... 0
use attinaineitth 'il Xiito o.TTo Salttttftttn'ttLoguittlBlt. LLOI±IL Opera . D us 2 i 5 ....7 ) .8 6 IS e .. ?II
tote i s;r a nlpt t o o i : 3)'._ ..Ie r na..'5elt. li at' sney (tentstrito, 5 tI tl - P0014(} 5 0o ....akf rt
forS d fittl~ n l o osint ain eretitig aboit 111 l'i Vta rt y ttlllG lt s tttIB . N L O L W S p - ~ 0 M Lt [ t
.lr(tretnd-v,'(o e dIrta E~ roVMarothIIt f )hSta13.r II 4
:1ii th n Ihetrita timfthecr auseute, al ttttt -rotitlathodso n"stenle'" Laie''1 'STObRY QUaret 7 . l~ ..Fttt goi840 *O
lotte tunbe le ittor m r ;li ntat 1'. 0. Barybetsrin Sa d oriag 1. . I PaNl OOa. LcaAen

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