/* of
v )I,. I .-No. I I0.
i l(i, iiii:(txN's
TIE OUNDING OF THE S. C. A. Icrxe r s I \ . o1.penlieiuiother 1fxiHon. Carroll D. Wright's Lecture on
An interesting Article by President I IIIof. \_ K. Spxenc'eenionedxx above.Statistics.
Adam-s, of Cornell. 1Of i (the 1 .classof180 0vryacivexnx
lli 1Kfollottixxe. article frontil lPiis . 11 x xxbxxce pxxxxxi ;tlix xixiof tile B lxiau of IlaborI a
Alaxxxs, of Cornl l, glees Ilxii I xixoolxtiint. tx IiI xli vix e lxxie t "sit onixiigace e i st lecture onx
S leiere'stinlg.lxhit rical relliniis- residedx frontIii sl) lo 11it Statistics i ctrilac. Ie trill 'ice,
vexxc c 1erl~ the fu01 o f flxix xlics. thatxliii'S1I i llixliii ttxl ur.si etxa
whileeerexistxre utixlexures, xis.
Z-1 S" C ' h i cle appil rs th lxIxltix inx its perhcapsthe linc it l~a cii re ''lusd ecli.aix
1 wenlt iiiiiilb o lc l1e c l x ilx lxil xi'xx lx xlx
5i h ixl 5lii i tutusitcelin~it olxi l xix r lt xxx.i'iiie' i i i thr aw l~ru c xo l . 'tixi
lian11a'ixid xisier sit uinh llxlc ;t isx'l pu Ili.xxhit axx i lxi t. iiishxdlx IIctalix x at lti rel is xxx xxix
date xandx li iitxxx xii isc lx-x t imse lfiiessr ofi 1'"(ini lxxxix xxx a~ l' lvaferoos
lII ill xthe dix'' i xii f tiiiilxxxx lxxix ixrixtil ofi'' x (xiril x ii aiilone so I t 'l c ,ii r
2.4-ivest. tta tmxxh o he1eniitn« Asca
xx xxii'x xxixxx xii xx iiiixx xxuirci..xxxxi x iil 'x ttx rits til sil lxt i xl
htx'oille isilioxi anxi I xli i r xxx iolu ioiixbuiiin t t i . I huh x :d i iJol laxi iilx i lsi xiil
"tl l'ix ve yeari s xx eflo'ex''oxs lix lx .iixxxi,- tokx's heol'it lxxx ox ursixiiws ofii an xixtisto i- lxx i x lxxii
~L"tis ixx i of rixollisi ofnxxad il cour le oin Ae 1 xtxx lxxl xxxxx'gild 'tsii ( s ii i rstiwlle oiia
xtiixxioxx off l atoll xceavi entit occito iediial 1iii ixixit, ( arvi tilet'ic r-'i xure ssibexe gsorl-
c et thir i wtoxrkx. Itiw, oiI elive, xp u iits i he sbeuent ixixtxixy ifsty cuyss Iilo as ltrvlia rsii asixlax
c alle thle Soieaty oxx l io uesre I ll~ - 'i, iamong xcixersoeatlxuxi'liiiix iandi tls x x lce r xi
wxi tosllcytitci xixi xixx xi scxcll. ItxuitI xixen xe ores ethod.x I n t ilesls ofn
'e be11 ong 'xli' thixolxon Ileitsiv oIne xat x lxxsiflerxaiis;1I2.xei'sxcx iii g iiilc-lvte aiia xx rilx
lilyt i fyt l ai ngo fw (li teix whl~ofcxompltedif lx i O 'talry ilt s .nrly cniee
0-u'odcas ,siene n Eiln ehd
iitii ndof lxxie xxih ld xivtingI cc- xc'al xxixse if teBtiuss '. I iholic xal 'st all six 'xxelt ci
sili l B' r ilciripsillr01 eti nge andO 'iie SeB mi arM a'ixichet r.i fexrxiaxvixx'T' ich us' e L oistatisi gc eiito cor-
tl xc earlyo lrisioii ilxixafifait. 1 prachaoxL e xi Clftoiiind'x irr t . ci, theo gtco lec imprssaiosct. 'lix
ltOh as n l ngxaii e rxxi the buaxeinnxxivsgI ) 'xxea iiist il a er, xtxis penaivd cby ;txi egr tinei or'ii arsaffigairsiofare .all c hei
olt to Mr.as ma xi lstedto xode iify e'ixitxecUnivrityfoVr m ii ot. ixuvauesodsatsicltok r
tlirleteixixftheoraia tluit Iian x itrin'.the subsexuixi hii torxxx olfxthe tiilcolci xlonis repati onlecndxx o
yip ealt e aew e h eorars n i soiait n he thpr miernllthme e rsxi- o statistics . i 'T'xhexauyre saretwo
1 id ssi taxit xoeau hrd of th yrs xvie cassociwed iii therlt1. al spass res en ;te Uu reeSa uo. lxtheo
e ixeesit ollieaftx ex tothe iday ii ip poxcioiaxte rwarxig so tecvraxeatioil-stt'xlils i a ytetbclxaof ahedxvrk of
aY of Noi'lcx'irieOi Icixxo xx',e eibebttbl Ieve colethodsaitc. xiox hog
° canioti1 xi1t1o0too1xti l gteatall thoe, ro ai tte Anos l oen et olc
, of carstime ve li e x's mli irst pi nexi s ity of winnt a;c nx d ilrx. xirai.-------
ali o na10 llofthesoite suhte soitox eoelielx
th bereyorwasiaon of thamcin i o xga1 iatio of thew so 7a cioxi
irl e 1toswoidxtlix im t a inw ealarteas etdrgc y e t odu'tiorefof n glawhch reidelt eth-
ilite -Issociat ir s tsn boe i i th diporxcexfnlCrsiniileieo h o sisiui tClm i en
vfaltri Irliru . S en egrx'xclswoh1o. twa ni oi' i I xi- t ean pacistcaly heostablish-d
a thStc olngical courorseinl yexix in- pxx ~xrill tirge.he nlcwbxthfose oc rexisotistiof andthreeancoorsete
cteolondcAssisemna rfsry, n hei xlxl i xie aytoxnlrt x t hs eonxhiaetnldthe
hued for tinie a Salemixid.,acostaiaisxesxxihunuuallyelage.atsi.icIt the
n x isoxsii x 86i. Axoli hersxlixfwexre ixlreigousesmoiciatedilc o tuienorithteehoc
b~er y Iof hnett thees-meclas was Mr. Lit le adllinidtr h aizp, a t iIof is t des muchofn e aweoro
c iety of_ asvilaftwere' lies ooka alcosecu- las sihxlix xa o lele thos l fli
promi iiit pos ion utbiloti- theatloftem ic hxideareposibleteirx vokfo-h eatio n xli
, 8n tno a tdhecaxie stor ofes lbo Asciteex-i the i th
Isoihp withxtae registerednnowflie cai, choose
er hcxatio Nexeto muh.er.xHenimi.,commcsetentseIsel.veheorYeaiftursxat loisbiw
eft't xtre atsLyensf ithe sumacr othergof ithe isaxoie treli o cit ii on h 'Sa cash dnife i - h ors iany Pdertn ent ofethe
Ap e beeflf xet lss xxlxxiat roif w iotveqalrgeligieto ous i i sit uis i at soumiorin he
witte Assdiatiesn a tsbecandite xi eryulyswasteiaifluereoftfoihe cx aeancxigyerb eo
Aferreiinnhe isnivrsty detreho tats of 1sim.Ir asolonis aixlau-ter en patial h etbih
t~'d took heloiclcourseiinieA-Ixisualy lThecrlabtfrgelyeretioninntixoghishsenioryear ocourses tere
'5et Theological Seminary, ad butng aic tisnot eersy tmenetnaipsper ylaw escireoorms ' e'hi x nd thee
elefoaie1861. lemgr d.at onwaireal n se lyreaigioxisesub et - r
ie thWiosik, in bec.Amoter aniexetiaolregorseeeplssgeiaofi- paerssas, earnsthe csame
hi in on o ffthee Cngegs atioMial Kittle tolaC dsrispplviigand epw iork hig s thres.y rearlur senith
th5el of MichigaftI elievetokaamidyiMiorsItwriotuntlwaysftmfguibral copolicy whichooeit f i
~ea rslted ite on exeleni-theatx ndnm te niernsi th wr o thedear einatshash
V510 h~ mnibca exasthofa iaosAdsopited becamethe nthat cueeuc hocn m n h
knot wastryesriesrosamu'othresmoreprevsaleentiossociatoseof
A ,I n oth ersaluablehnue hat fsimilar a iatt oprsnt ada r tisd sentsaioumbe a - coe s nh
J5 IING Ihelixpersilexnce if Cosllege
Menii xliiiknowxxxasiu apprec1iateiil'
hex cau scrt ixnyxixfxCollegex'Slut-
lu-lit lxx xxia'ving " lar xcrps of skilledl
1eigne~xrs and xii lerxs spieciaili
trcainedu four lxaxig' axnu iiiher xi'xelled
xxiiik l~ I rixuici lx '' s wexi',xl i reuuuctly
fro Parxis Lilt ndonxi a iil txerdiim
luil Rinox xuuxls alxii otliii preliiii uils
Suons. We- ar I ix xxllpoit~ioni lo lxxi-
d c tihe lxx f ines t uxux 'aliii ux-ellexi
xix ba e oft It :11'1' ki i nds t iixi xliii Iali-
Ixxxsxxxuxti xxxiiniithxis c nr
-Wright, Kay & Coo
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