G~.o '~ to the' Isisersits" hi ldec G7? REAT I ORTi'N XIt L xil' K
aind repustation illsurvives. 'The Axx ILLvIiU~ H TFU EK
tih t Col ege ear , binspresentort iiiieii is Ri' ristoiiel to (Ilfer tive toins ot pa~per of all hkinds to be sold 1 sthe iptied it il
OF M~. INFEPENNTAxC IAIION. Iassociate thenmwith the 1'. of \tI. if \lMill rates. Try (ur ('roswn Imnperrial LAineii at 2j icetits 1per
lt (lii . Butinotweithistanii ngi these lpoundii lBondlI laper, IThesis, 0an1d ITewiriter Pap~er at
suitearaline loses tret arattleihe-es, (rseat IBargarins.LEsvelopes to (nantchall paperrs
ii laripio 'ice'F!,0rieiieainsarihi a graty vedltced rates.
liii ad ost tui es standiie~rs'r ' ii t' in>i i r wth is r r .C . -I o o 1.! C
ft a tithe 141'Ofte ~iiiis,(iueu'ru ihiniSe at nd'oil li. Iti nc wO Lhtit thei
N1. ifthe arie toiin i(iiDerthe Sautie d.liiliirio. einlei riireiliP'The .Rlara Falls Route."
tsni~ssi isi iiihei'sent tt> the iiiities.-Mani i nStill l rn ri. = -n SCENTRAL STANDARD TIME,
EDITORS.(NotieesrinereiniishciiumiiniritithereeI llisU, 9tiL tIE, h
A. VW, 'O'iiussi re'1, t,n oiigiiit.' toun.
t'. SEs>NEu, '91, issisitiiiiiigiigEitoi re.
RALiHSeONE, 'Sit. Asrsi. MnIaicgiingiElitori.
ti'C. 'iiirV14, *'i2, Blins M aI iinger.
IL Wii. tis~narr 't Asisnn.Iinsnres itrisr.
'. iR'. I Ii .inis,'%iAssi'i. Biusie"ss urn'.
IMIO UV L.. I' e.tt . AIirii ni" a'9.
time, iiia nd iiirux sline r; rusueni tsr by pplyinug ii at~cu
Lose.-A spair of lack silk miittenis.
ueareD1iv. St., btt. Williamiis and Park- -- F H E B EST w--"
wsardl. itRoomiuQ"".25 per 'eek.SCircusruesiiorniiirtri-
LAivou s "'.' i. 11 .' l ?t'Ell t 1 I' in'' . i 1in ,l iis.k. cEAatPreid nt
().I. t rsJi,{ irrkl1ie IasIin' i i'iiSi'tDrisesi1
ist . 'itN'EI ,'9rr. dllr"lni'. ilieaise rie r tsrMiss le.i
. 90 a~st it rinsliliitoniistreet.rTEARU RL8IQ OSE
Onte aindl ione-thtii'dIfat'e lifo r ruiind
I'liIrI:[riri sts 1this rsear tsrc>ti 7t s r ip i'',A . N M 8 o is-
alret dniit wichrr(r rservrs v'slIntil :lnu'lac :ttliforii' I. :. . I
Ire lrullrt I iiliitI.t t h ir"I-i Itier
ir arde trrthre ii rouitg 5 ' ctres 'ts ii'iistri rrir' il~tn~t'
'nrrrru ' shunt i it'f ib sroin shtos-A.
onsir ia su>eIs 1cst ra' i"ilr ir'Edtrusti' n r k i n iirivbri'seenis'tu
ristr 21i wan iii r It filled wi ,st -,oni rrr thr is sh ck inl th l ewis'i'store' nI' im
itenits ani l'lit. 55 who azi lv"atestreet.., 0 w
recar qr1 i4ltstct 5r iion ta i Ifirrrs. utii'.ii'c ular sti il A4.
tistics. TIeI cciitite cr tain 's'50 tcents isirail. ItI litis 2.'irn., -
sine ofsri t m orist reminrt i tt satrstr il 1un innInsrri-rin ., Dstrit.il 4
' 'Iniant 'tius rund l111isils Blsls. W/1
tians itt this coistrten antl i roods i'.Ililiriil mm sttitrs r uitir ii
iseaks'' Iftisr act itisiic sit)it viii Fist-Nrio nstl lBrank, aiiis is prepa' edri-'a,
-oniah light aidriHeiariy rilisthrenuics. - ---
eminent mteri tsrlvictureionttsleital nitrst eouse be is ue'iisday, Mairsh10, TER C H ER S /RE INTRODUICED
suibjects is icsntinrutedi tiwino 7:0I. 3l. 'Termss $31111in ridvaisce, frt'siH OL
tinly lissios. IC'll oi orisadidress. . OFFICERS,
sonly mike the ristruc'trin rirnelit i to-. F. IIk- Isso, 4t1 Li. Liberty St.
hre nure tnterestinig lint it isill Ii ti.''_- itr siniriils"titi o
teniiltoi hrep studreints ]ire vs hoi r oomi soi, groundllooIss eriy central,
laey tle} sit tt li ~t is st cheeaprt, apilpy at 471Sis. Dii'isiiin-Sh. CV A- fEW R
irthier inrstiturtrrir on illorde to reit tire Slieciail btrsariis of spseialin terist N.OOC BRN s.Ciia .
to sui.T heT oS m . o ilt. 77 'I ntu tin fw oud ec : l iti 'lirin I!'IA,.;t -IIn 2",ub. o
uP1 &..Agenttus c Agic
Toledo-Ann rbor ,and NOc-. l
Micign Rilay
T"e T S iigltcietILiLie
Oi~.Wm. tGe H.W HYSeA b l
Told, nArbo~rl nd N--ortp.
P. rM. A ....'Lv'OI [A5 . r.l. , tO 11'j ..
4I0i 40 or' nltrore J tin 12 25 i 05 3 ....
4Ir0 ri t7........IiDundee ...... 1610 2".
4i:31 r7 tr. t 10 """"".
it ANM ian i li 5ii 40
4ii 5 ii 27.' ittleuueur.i... i11 t.')6!51
55 5 di77 ti .A N rt rll ',,.."'
tr.,.....lndiis.... ''' iS8~
88 8.. "'
iris '' cI5 .....ReHoelel.... 10 '
7.W, AS: ,) .. u a .....! iS.f1
7epe; ieteedee.Co en. i'. 6
.....E i ... OwosLo.. eai 5 1 4.
yerrtnsan rhaafwspeianl leu'ttres suchi
as we hvrain te at fml st~t in isrr', of IInurt it ItPlvi .
llarlie. r i 'f nile' and Irs I-. Stirt',
sri ('fuCruell. threswoutuldihlit nt'
tIsie i t ur D ret it stilt' Is t
lit.'theI "'i ir sit -
'5'I'nsIIItrururus- 'ul sutls's'I srrl s 1;1,111
irishln " an'd's otr 'Geuitaurns. 'iii-
'sn'rinlr l'ui' Jm stit llt'r s utl ir' lur'
doins IssAu'sIsim'st'si'riu'oI"stncil"s
ruit IS.Bewre of stuns'tenciled"r'r'us'snstu
irlilck. Te5eey 'etstStr i''gs. 'ialld
10ct.ii LSY I'it s 'Suits E
VIt inl ilseypo'-iris opsil
2.SotisitI I8t v. A(is tutu t I
71 Fort St. West, - Detroit, Much.
-- . In staa intdisrnil at IldsnrS.'tri"M te St. 0
tI 1 l Ia.tlrri ii of i Itr. in m i lii tnGo to l:t . InutI tu rrestl.
ntl ternoI. 11 ol.. thIr' t'trtit Irias Bthtts Wet' nt IP. U. Baurrer Shoptt. J {' ) '
F _ Etrerutgrerat Iloss,'je'atcr, e cIii '!'"liiiIrish (_'itilnitetl ir ill liethle' rt- No, 12 I IIIIN S.
'rttion rut tire Oli'e'aIlhouse', iset _____
hin it rhais erecedni rn ai rynOther e titrsr tnright. Te'lalhy suill rts'n- -
ve slirtits ei stence.u' p'leI loss d t'wl b'e urne ofl'the lifi'esttin lus rand Ope ra HouIse,
l 5iithis sesio-it, n. t'rirricompany is ruts
i deaithir igthepatsre ni etar rtstillx stogneadheldig sbenupcdetudinh iscaat iti sIr. r ntltreln tlilig Wdnsa veMt } 1
tires' nsf the rJenn'euDelnd. harve lnt supter'ious in
tonoftetiveesite, I'tesietiers thenir line~s.C
in e svirInusssc'nI thesdeathrs ofri o nfes- 'il rrsrslrtin''Sliteltrre
sines frieze', Plmlrer,(tlnc-v, 1uni n ts, nil'ostnssl, iwillnappeail'ruat thn-The Iish .'1Corporal
Upriens Ihourse, lnextt"t'iry unighit, reli
stere, W\itiu'll,xMorrnsJ sines andnl13th. 'Iheoy imrke itri Inlert nsf the i TONY FARGRELL,
Well s, Dm 'nn h si-eve nt runty of "lIrl'tnu iiuuroathran"' comntioniuu. SUPP'R-usTrEtD
inclcuabl vlueto he'nicrsty Ituv. J. Nelsoun ewiis, thre eturerl
whrlntrrl rhr o t er nvrit tn ~lls the sturry of i"Jonarrthan,"i is r MISS J EN N IE LELA ND.
liut si-hit have couiintribtecd largely tochaeirrminrg speaiker rndtr h ~e enile-ilul
Itiooun.light viesswith thre miusic riake it a Sents uns t 55iiPosnnieesnsteed Monrtrr
sciice, literatture annul iooal'grndrenesrtaiiiiesnt.mringris