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December 15, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…_ rhe Mlichigan Daily =,N R f, MZ,_ICHIGAN, IV'f?1INFSIP.\ V. I )IiCI(Mllf p t5) \1701. XX. o, iri ). BENBROOK ON ALL-AMERICAN Walter Camp (Gives Michigan Tackle a Place --Allerdice and Magidsohn on Second l'ish Andlrus slpatrick NIct itr l arar (jui I lI ialei tilld Talei GuardPt~ GARGOYLE SOON READY I L IS READY FOR [Dramatic Number Will AffordIn teresting Reading.- I h -da Ce ilen-n o he 1 lla c1t~r f theGrol re-nutiand theLast Dress...…

October 15, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…The M i 1' car. XX. bI%,N ARBOR, MA IHIAN, FIID C AV 111- FRESH AND SCRUBS FALL IN DEFEAT Veterans Beat' Both Teams in Succession--Gates Closed to Prepare for 0. S. U. After saring t\iie ni th1 resirves ini a ]calf ani hosar of play tit(, essesits teami tooik tihe aill-fesh squadl oni for a ltl briushi -isi in Ut le-l minutaesa hiad C~ediil titi ice moiire. .1t liat the mc ihe freshmni eam lit ti asnpygm and mry- thanil oine the regulasiwc...…

May 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily Vol.AX. ANN At1>()ID, 11ICI IC \ c, SA cI~D) ,,, MAY 15, 1'909~. MICHIGAN SEEKS DOUBLE VICTORY Track Team Meets Ohio State at Columbus, While the Baseball Squadl Tackles Syracuse. Ai i ci-nnc lct cii c nn c is vii ifighti i(n r Ctcii todaii on ccii iffcccni battlic cods h ei tiralct:teccii hil ci-gwithliOhio State i iiadu lc 1cii atciCcciiiiiicc-, iwhilc tih cc l~slal t ami -ii ci l empt to make i ccci sir cii ron iS-cc...…

January 15, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Mlichigan Daily \N-ARBOR,\MICIGT(AN, RIDAY.. \NI NR\ 5 ',i( )No.7 No. 79- Vol-. NIX, NEW CONSTITUTION CNS1UT RI (0k 1.A>G1~ Ff HEARD SATURDAY > (ctnu ofthel~nfi-t iuhsoit ti Revision of Athletic Association c'giiwcrinii chairgcofte oiitrctio of the New I iiuetonchannel at I ito Document Conmpleted; Can Be loic-nileOtcotItc Voted on One Week Later. twertitvlestthe buildi of thlestcc ohnth te :Athlletic (-s-ociationluieet- edte faot 50o0...…

December 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail V'N\ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T FSDAY Di Vi-Nil')I R r;,1)08 o. V VOL. XIX. No. 6 ,5, 0OITLOOK PROMISES fllteVnt ntis Mticianit 1t Wealth of Material Is at Hand alltiititis for iteitrtack ttamiiti Cc for Distance Runs; Candidates ii tisteditoottlit ti of Nt tttsat gt1lit Fleet at Gymnnasiunm Tonight tsimstiti itttot Fitpatricktiti Cp on the tcktierc sicus to Vsetairob-tmetintgt abiliity thtttNiic ii n i sniid ta ite Suib Agii Dow...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Dail y ANN ,ARBOR,\MICHIGAeN 31ND Y.NO7V llPF R r.iga[90 V01- XIX. No. 42. MICHIGAN SUFFERS THIRD CONSECUTIVE BEATIN'G Quakers Outplay Men of Yost in Greatest Struggle of the Year; Allerdice Plays on Nerve With Broken Collar Bone; Captain Schulz Injured, Forced to Retire. 'ic~higa nr at th i iridI lumiiliationi at the hIands(15of the F Iakeri yesterday, aithe gorieacte'stiaeioftheIyear lby a coreoft 9ptto o.\ tlot ttttere ta...…

October 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, Al CH IG-k\ THURSDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1908. No. 1 . vo'.. XIX. EDIMUNDS GONE; TEAM WEAKENED Fullback Forced to Quit School- Scrubs Beaten in Weird Game --cC.C C. Plans Practice Run. isI toastandstill b sthescrubs, h u ii ha on sieledifilt i lai iii l mning to avert 5501 aitic by scoring w o field1 goalis and ( singl ln-udo«xxii:Allrice icked101- gosl fromi toncdow~, eotha thescor atthe csd Iii cxcii thatitisis s~o...…

May 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MIlCI IOCAN, FRIDAY, M~vAY isz, 1908. No0. 167. BUCKEYES BETTER TIIAN EVER BEFORE Ohio State Sure of Three Points in Each Event-Cross Country Race Postponed. Facing thscetitssot scring tthree points intvrye ( hoSlha t uniivesit trk i team ill Iarriest paetdto cinithaniit hIsisetr lieen. Undser it the rs 'sirritin ills 7ttts Director IFitpaticlsma enteransit i siitit t ii ii titttc et bi tso d...…

March 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…VOThe Michigan Daily VLi. ANN iARIBOR, 1MJCIUGA--\,SITNDAY, MARCH 15, 1908, No. z2,. COE. DEFEATS HASKINS IN SPLENDID CONTEST Easterner Couldn't Gain in Final Sprint-Benbrook Puts Shot 43 Feet-Myers Wins Quarter in Fast Time-Numerous Vet- erans Attend Meet-Notre Dame Not Scheduled. ;peaks of the possibility of a game as *X(-tic1)Dan1e 1wo01(1be migbty glad to play ;M1icbigan. but theyre io a tigbt 1p1ace. 11(1i110nalans NOs. 14 for a 0101...…

February 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Da ily VOL. XVIII. A---NN-ARBOR, IlCI1fIbr.'\, SA \T ldl),V l,"EIIldVARd\ r5. IQOS BASKETBALL FALLS iSNIORIs 11 ANNUTIIT llS\iN )T IN THE LIMELIGHT, _________done11in1regard* to te sbingout. lTe Next 'Week Sees Interclass Con- c pyatolt la cci tests Begin - Fifteen Teams 011) tl ttt patt r1t111 inte 111)101a1 ftunction said thtey regartdedt it aschd Promise--Fast---League. lis, lintoadmittetd th...…

January 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Michign Dal Vol. XVIII. Nt;. 78. I c i ions to follow in thte footsteps not of DaifI~l l)'ssls l r on to he particularly strong. CONFERENCE IHARSb the hest scholars hat of thse sest play- MICHIGAN1 DvBATErS. och- adlro Ciag- shoeu I tts)for t o ttining teants. Ie saidl last OF 'BOARD' ACTION Th esl of the conference Wasthe CHICAGO 'RIDM cwek : "The men are workig hard anti -- waythtrew the Conferencre colleges into one:, ss Ittt prhap...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…re Mich-igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MXICHIGAIN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER r , 100 7. VO. XVIII. No. 6r7. MICHIGAN TO HAVE 'QUAKE STATION Geological Department Plants Many improvements --Stu- dents to Do Research Work. GENEr'RAL SM1ITh TELS ;c'InDAIQ DPV STORIES OF TilE ARMY ;1ISORUlINS SPEAK~ I'icAn a-atgaanclb rcet y ON LOCAL TOPICS 1a-n e, 1held tia smoke it the 'Mich An!) i fored byri meniintia tire i'rer- ir " I rare tWerdtat onectime or in- t11re ...…

November 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…T Ichigan Daily Vor.. XVIII. \2N \lB R, NIIC'i11MAN, I'Rii)AY. >'i)VElI i,'ER 13.1907. 10. 46'. TEAMS FINISH WORK FRCRUCIAL CONTET Ti Varsity. Lineup Is Still Uncertain-Coach T'orrey Holds Secret " Practice at Mt. Clemens-Pennsy Team and Rooters Will Arrive in Ann Arbor Saturday Morning. i~~xtixti~~itli',! Niixx. N x. 14 It I:x N I :. 1'1.Dx It II G1'i. i I ikeitdi' Mih .,Noti I tlxi t eas a'i ii ttlex 1 1 t xis ,celxil, h 11111 ui lnt i ...…

October 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily_ ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBBR Z 5, 197. No,. 19. Vol- NYITI SCRUBS SCORE BY WABASH METHODS Varsity Preparing Defence to Op- pose Hoosier Style of Attack- Heavy Program Outlined. lihen Saim avison-deltaiedl to wtch te lPrdueii-Wabash gcaie at ,afaetto Satiiiayturnein is re port to AatrBidYsthe ALI. . imnmed iatey pocceitit oretinasat11 soon11aterwar~dcase tile m plemes of teivarsii to se tinigs of asila nattre. An...…

May 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVTT. ANN ATII1k. 1CHI AN, NVf,"DNFLS)DAY, MAY 15, WILLIAMS NINE IS UNKNOWN QUANTITY S. '. Fo~tr1 t 'd:Old 07 10000V0. (-0) 1lo'. 1 O S. \V. lorry fieldI. fDTNV IOTE TO r> e d c , . " F r r i d C O - E D S ' R E S C U E Only Chance to See an Eastern -_JuiorGirsPesetFrceCom Team Play This Afternoon- I,l"VS1'1TIONS 1,1'RH Juir in reet areCon OF ' 107 t[IIcIII (:AN!; I)NS1A edy Portraying Situation at Team Is One of ...…

March 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO. V II. AtNIHGN.\l(),iiftf(\. FIDAYf\N, MARCH t;, WRESTLERS FEAT1 Program Includ Classes, Sems Final Ba: Iliilt ii' iitte .i'j <lt t i rcant rtil S itda ' WILL BE Siiitt v(In I :itIIt 5'" IllIII 1, : SIX MEN TO COMPETE til llI[I Il URE TOMORROW V W ~ FOR ORATORICAL HONORIS des Bouts in All Five iii nithall hdll f)"nit ac)1-Annual Varsity Contest to be field w:,ilt i i~ iii iii i i li to) tit, fi ta i-=Final Relay, and...…

February 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…T h eNN RBOR, NII ilt II INI \ > tc \701'. XVII. TRACK ASPIRANTS ARE NOW HARD AT WORK Interest Has Greatly Increased in Last Few Days-Preliminary Meet February 23. ieabs in the lut fet chlt'. W liei thei cll .it iccitc Iorctack cn ia totictte rspns %ac xt itt ii d i cra ic c hlttt ttit he ti cc im I, ixa utti clt ciand ch c itic i larly gratiied a the n cuttt ttslaye cfitra iing liii i t h firtc ear.T he tt order tio pee vt] cd i t c t ctuw...…

January 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…k The MichiganDal VOL. XVII. NI). j9. JUDGE V. H. LANE IS OPTIMISTIC Michigan lad No Chance to Carry a Out Plans at Conference -l)ele- gates Were Instructed. 111I "That1 te8a111 1 ()f 181111la '' 0)11 wa1111811 iii )t-1tl~'it~c rc mark" 11wi 'c1 a1111 ' I'Cn1 twI tf b)le Wl 181' l11i 18(11888111.11 (lcail than111 t t 8811118 118 ) 111he,11181, 18118 I. \. l 111 (f 1he rll ) f1 the II 18 Il 1 /111 888 118 I 1111111181it Iill 8 said 111811 ...…

December 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, M1ICiHIC iAN, 8l I.i Y,)IiC 1I'* .,l oo().i , VOL. XVII. BASEBALL COACH NOT YET SELECTED Pillhigan Should Have Successful Baseball Team-Ten I'M" Men Eligible This Year. With tie s it ti iaStreUe tfootlallSa son sinte rite-adlvettof 'tost andehis iesadallo e conli qunt post mtorcems irrevocably buried--the- ebb- iss are looking forward It uc(s eell season in baseball and track as part con solationt for the fobl ...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,\ N \ RBOR, \flCHIiiGV\ liiRSDAYX NO\VE- Ii ,i iT i VOLc. XVII. ENTHUSIASTIC CROWD C S \ (,AMP'Nic sCil iLllV GIVES 'TEAM SEND-OFF CHA.rii~ NGE'[) AAIiN Tilinn rmeis an ri sh rlig iii itwenty!Men taken on Varsity Squad! vei ly thiremi nit tgam' Satr- -Another Change in the tine-. la is tead of tis aft rnoonii up announced. . ilnnulilineT heii." wl WNiththt cheirsof thousands of loyl n, sti liv p litwi tiedts .hlop...…

May 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN"J RPCIP lTT(~T\TTIt ttrxM o , A l z'1, 10K .:, VT. CHICAGO DEFEATED I l( 1 ETREGENTS HOLD AN I \l PC I. SS SC HEDLE ROS OUTRRC CR;IONGIRO CRSCONR-RAEMICHIGAN YESTERDAY CONLONRIRN IMPORTANT MEETING__ ANNOUNCED OCCURS TOMORROW C hicgo xxilpt' Cornell Although -Interclss l anaDii gr C rne uotn DeNeffe Forced Out of Box in Fourth tttxltiig tt doxwit her sitetitle sto at Fill Vacancies Caused by the Deaths below the eitire ...…

March 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… r;.. ._; 0 * - w . .: u .- .. r" v -. L - ^ " :+ y aC,, " -V ?, . " W "- ^+ . - A / C Q_ "., ) " '.' ., .+ n . 7. l "' . . 3. y ;J y+ ^ . - w v . - G+" " V "+ r' = / ^ G . . . . J J v n _ ii .. { ! t r ,y .Y 0 . '-W v .n.v rw ' ~ '' ~ n ' ' i. Z '' . ,"",,^ ! p44 r, A \, 4 - I' r YN . T J ~ r _ ' . . V t .f - f . ,J i : "- w .Y u r ^ ~ r fi Jr ^ ~ cz -C bp v t7 W C' " '"' VG A, -, ^' '+-! t ac 7 7= ct r 77 ^ T v ~f y J G ^~ 41, 77: 7Z: G -...…

February 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…1 400 ANN ARBO(R,flItHA. A. 'll lt v-) N) I lY . Nx - ~V (. XVI. No. 94. COACH W'ALLISTER KANSAS PROFESSOR ISSUES GENERAL CALL SEEKING NOTORIETY Alii Baseball Candidates Called Out to Professor Landon Charges Coach Yost Begin Practice=-Large Squad of With Having Lured Football j Pitchers and Catchers Out. Players to Kansas. 7 WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY PROF. A. C. M'LAUGHLIN rEXERCISES DOOMED DEFENDS ATHLETICS E Prominent Orators Too Busy to b...…

December 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…The M4ichigan Daily VOL. XVI. ALL BALL PLAYING ON CAMPUS TABOOED~ [wo Fellowships Granted and Other Important Matters Disposed of at Regents' Meeting. At the regents' tmeetitg held yster- (o yit wstdcecideditopltan itettdlto hal playing of every descriptioin otnte cmpusiit. Ttis saction wass casel y the act that the appearance of te campts s seerely marredl every sp ring aitd faltlee tie practicing of the class teams. After this semtesterte a...…

November 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\l IS D\ 'at)N50\i)\4I811,1 5.i 5 1(40 VOL. XVI. N.\) -44. VARSITY TRIES NEW PLAYS IN SC R 11'.1'AG E Scrubs Unable to Clain Against Varsity Subs in Short Scrim- mage-Yost Is Worried. ]'eprcire esterdgY aftenlool in- clda siort srimmatlge between the :cseeand l(the IvarIsity,. athogit several ,if the reularis wlre not alowted ta prtliipa~te. ItovarIsit ttsetl several new psiny11whlch wll be aprung...…

October 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…The, Michigran Daily \1O%..XVI. ALL-FRESH AGAIN MEET DEFEAT Despite tame Fight Turner's Pro- tges Are Unable To Score--A. A. C. 24-Michigan 0. tot' ing. tMich. Ot N f1'peial to Alc i~ tT il.)-Ti te motlt it)1)1 cotcld oclga e f te season te' r'ln ll tcttt'tlt tamthisfternoon11 It i oe f g toit .T he git nttoo ('Irsp l it.ala total l Ott) ti l acfltft The tre l ilu ttt it''ftCott ed tiry i ch f gocitnd btccyIv- mitb to retit the i trili 1)1)1)...…

March 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…wL . Z « 0 A ] sue-. ~ .- r /. .- "- " J. l 77 .- .w ;: f _ J ,. :' .-. J l "- ... -" O 1 J W tit-i r :J *- U 0p v'J O r; M r+w 'J , r'. r^ .- C! " o .^ C!) +- r -Q; ' o , r, , V ' R' ' - ° :: w Ts .r, > , y ,, H - y r « ,., ' c O ' v ; n L- n_ w f r _ . f. . rl ra .. 1. t J; " f r .s 'u r . L r-. ~ r--" '.% . ' w F9^ P - '' "J F+y d %"" + may-. n 't_ W :r r yy . .. r+' loj T .d fJ :.n 'J 1 T r e! "Y \ / _.. _. Y " L v jlJ 'r, , " "- (--a , I ...…

February 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIH.. WE'lN' cDAY. FEBIRUARY 15. 1905 No. 92 FIRST BASEBALL PRACTICE FINAL CONCERT WOMAN'S LEAGUE NURSE. ALL THE MAGAZINES. Pitchers and Catchers Work Out in on Choral Union Series (iven Last; New Scheme for University Girls- Periodical Room in the Library is Cage - Captain Bird Pleased Night Recital by Miss Muriel Experiment May be Made Now Thrown Open to wsith Candidates. Foster, Contralto. Permanent. Students. ...…

January 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1905. No. 75 INTERNATIONAL PEACE ERONE HUNDRED OUT1 CROSS COUNTRY WILL MEET AT IIN ENGLAND ANN ARBOR' s.r quad OutFo First Day of ___ Permanent International Peace the Track Work..Fislaleigli Does If0 Letter From Schutt D~escribes Inter- Michlgsn Political Science Assocla- 'treat Social Question--Internation- ft. b in, in Pole Vault, collegiate Race-- After the ___ tion Comes Here in al ...…

December 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…6z ~ ~ o~ 0~ -~ *~~;- rT~ !'. " " ^ } n , . v-.! .. t \ .y r tai . r' i-. _ 7:. J 'J 'J ice- "f. ",. f 7-7 ., CU a ^ t r C ., *I * 0 (- W U s v; L. 0 O 0, 0 H- vi.H % . .. - J l .0J OH z t ., ym , . , , ! : , , - -' . ' / "i .e J , .¢ J ' / ++ ' . -, c, .J r. _ _ .. ' ... -/ /, J !. '° .. . . .. a J "' j r f. F. f N J " _ r j wf ~ !: J 'f'. I, . .--. "~ :J ~ ' .-+ I . ,, J, J .-. i ^ y 1 = i" : +- I- t -+-- f - t- C 0 I …

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1904. No. 161 CHICA6O LOS[S '05 ITS. WIN. ANN ARBOR WINS AGAIN. STOCKH@I. R ) Michigan Tennis Team Takes the In a ten-inning game Saturday The seventh annual contest of the Elect Board of Directors of 1nI1 ndr Squad from "Windy City" Into morning the '15 Lits defeated the '04 Peninsular League was won by Mat- Publishing Company for Next Camp to Tune of 4 to 2. Engineers by a score of ...…

April 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The Mch''igan Daily AN ARBOR., MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. VOL. XIV. No. 144 BASUAUIThA~ [[Y[~ DEBATING TEAM. SEB LL YAH LAVES The debating team eft for Chicago -oday on 7 heir boring Trip-Hiaraeyeserday to ;tae part in ithe contest Games With Chiaga and Win. wils Northwestern thin evening. The 1 tanin- Ithe Ihikup of the Itemhas beendtrinig hard torthe ear- Iwe Pithters (deate anti is itt excellent coiditin Unecded. t present a winning...…

March 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904. No. 117 frIICU6AN DEBATERS. REPUBLICANS BUSY. RECORD WILL STAND. ALUfINUS WINS HONORS. Wolverine Orators are Preparing for Electioneering Has Begun for Selec- Rose's Shot Put of 47 ft. 6/ Inches Geo. W. Maxey, '02 Lit, the Recipient the Coming Contests-Wisconsin tion of Officers Next Saturday- .. Will Be Allowed-Relay Races of High Honors and Prizes at Men are ConsideredStr...…

January 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XLV. ANN ARBO,. MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1904. No. 76 ATnIETIC ELETION. I Occurs Tomorrow In Unversity Hall -No Struggle Looked For-None of the Offices are Contested. The annual election of officers of the Athletic Association will be held tomorrow at 1:10 p. m. in Uisergity Hall. The election is unique in that not a single one of the five ofres so for as is now known will be cntested, the entire election going by...…

December 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…The Mc9 nvai0 VOL. XIV. SENIOR LAW PARTY. Successful Party Given by '04 Laws at Granger's Last Evening-Unique Programs were a Feature. Last evening the Senior Laws gat one o the trettest tarties of thi sea son at Granger's Acadetoy. This is the first ot a series of tparties which the class intends to give dtiringi ih' winter. The tickets were limiteid to the enmbers otte eass wichtetmade( the event a sociat success. Atot 60 couplses attentte...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1903. .No. 44 frICIIAN 16 WISCONS I N 0 IbE Iiercest Game Ever Played or) Ferry Field Resulted in a Score of 160 to 0---Ilammond frakes two Place Kicks WON DECISIVE BAT[[E. KIN6 [[AR. MichganWon ostExciingFootallDiscussed By President Northi Game Ever Seen On Ferry Fied- ,TeDaaTu oNtr- Longman's Line-bucking a Feat- delia First Amng Shakespear ure-Championship Contest Fem...…

October 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

… The ichian aly VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1903. No. 15 50 O R~[NI EN [SSON ~55h4. r~++." 4.+*s ~+ E.+++++4 ++..1e topsh th ballgoing out of bounds, ~ U E~ Th tleiga Dilysetnn Ie 22-ard lineIHeson and Prf eo se o 7,0 o n= D iyfyu drs ot'D iy $t Exhibit to be Placed at the balance of Isi semeser th],Ill' and lhe lter went oresfot Words air ~ 'aiI~ i tochdoliwn. Mirhign kirked off Wolds ai. lal nyour address to TheMiucigan...…

May 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…THE us of Me DAILY. 40L. X111. ANN ARBOR. MICH., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1903 No. 1(3a MAY FESTIVAL I ir Concert:, "Caractacus," a Suc- ese-vie G(lgorza Not Present- \'"iiou lttoooy 1. 51 ilot. 5 oattoititt of 0 co' i t ' o tt'.I l i NN -V t 100050 c°1,1 o o' oot totleoIs the t itofpfsor MADDOCK CAN COMPETE t'(~1 In fte Dual Meet With Chicago To- o morrow-Michigan's Chances for t t Si. Howland Distinguished Dotche eenWinning the Conference 0 V . Sloo ...…

March 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…I piffft uso DAILYO \F III. ANN 3Itt'30R, MICH., SUNDAY, ALIRCH, 15, 1903 o~. 12 MICHIGAN VICTORIOUS Defeated the Illinois Team 42 to in a Most Exciting Contest -Visitor Got Three Firsts n0 blight, \1'114i11 -ierwil nuing ~trI te111 defea4-ited Iliili 444 i).vnexi''eitit rlss' Of 42 to .04oin is. 1Over'ione t14445t41i Siec-tatos irs 4c-14'li-si-lit at the big d0II.Il1 ni-t i '40:1141411s'5'1ila14141 mildi tlilt .1,4 111.144 14144ie, ' iron Sly...…

February 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…1111 us t DALY. VOL. XIII. ANN 4AIRBORI, MICII., SUN DAY, FEB3RUARIY 15, 1903 No. 98 INDOOR MEET A SUCCESS Big Preliminary in Track Athletics Brings Strong Candidates to the Front- The Freshmen Show Great Promise The Indoor trat-k season of 103 -was ushered in successfully last night in a way that promises well for the future. Protbibly the chief thing imn- pressed upon the large nunmber of spec- tatoro was the excellence of the fresh- nan mat...…

January 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN AR~BOR, MICIL., I IlUtS1)NY, JANUA1IX 15, 1903 4JOND YEAR. N o. 79 TRAI Tv O? utdoor Ome Pr Prelir fli iia--r . y ,1 tit N'I~ t'i 0 OK ATHLETICS A Merry Fight -- --- ~Politieso 0 ilt- the ve t f th ibi-a] w eets With Chag- ell-itioit of A1thltit- Asooiatioo ottietro omisi~ Canidate- todividitiy toritit at prroi;nt. imirm r~rll lllr Canidats- no ,in faict, than it ttaisthe o r sft ev- ninlary Try-Ouit on irzit ye-ars...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…, . i iCD ! '-Jd , _ . ; Y , i -' -+ _ ,___r ' ' A D _, ..._ . , , 'I "I. 'l. . t^ 8 _. . k^+}i Y}q1 (^ c V *x }+ 4 ^ ;v'a , rt; . : _..8 ti: c". 4 W {i" M+s e gn I J hers w ewa r« --- . I ,_r _ _: . . _. - 3 f r - y i - . ' . - _ T I, j , --- ...._..,.. _, f i CIj ': , - . . ~ , ' . l 1 u j r ' s C ! w. iI _ 7 r3 i u r 1 Sr ; _ I { t t '_ ,, r_ , _ ._ . :- f. ' i" c72 rt' , C° . 4. rr CD' . …

October 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

….Y / f . 1 - i i r 1. } r / f ° t - Fri , . ... , ._ ",. - __ -.. _ __ - _ _ _ is _ - - __. _ 7 1 f. J I r I-. r I I r - t_ ~ I _ r f 1 ' I f. m 1 ,r _ - J f w , r- 4 _ / f 71 _J_ - - - -_ - - ._.. - - - - r > J rf; I ; ; 1 .-, ! I a I j :. I 4 . . t'. iI i J ' v u A _ , ., i 4 ', I - It ; s i f ' }Sj - r--- J , E ° _ f - I ,. t ' .. a :i ' ~_ -1 J i jj 7 . j i "- t t .' ' r 1 . ' 1, J 3 r. _ i i ix I i II {, j' G', p t e I t v. 4 …

May 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…ANN lIPOR, MIUCII 1 I1 1 i . t) \ \Y 1.)1 1902 FIRST YEAR. SNOW 0! Na. lifi JT MAY FESTIVAL INLANDER JOHN BULL ANXIOUS HIGH SCNOOL PLAY Forsakes the Teams to Attend a Fra- The Best of the Year with Menu Bril- terntity Convention at Washington liant Features F Thelit f n rrvitfor tie 'lIn- The fMat "(-stivltil 11,(r of4 , I'i- 40 t1utu lit hs iu lititi cut t iwil U fludii' 11: ltt1, iissued. "llustttiinin iii 11 inin as fuliari nSMalin, Niifui'...…

March 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…ANN Aft IC SATII Pt) , MARCH1:15,1 } . Fn.__X___ DEXTER M. FERRY Donate; a nPo fatp As t: t: iS T y\j i;±' ikI ti. I I i i'M . I+1t 1 AlI THE CELEBRITY BALL :'atoilations on the Success of V' N III iIhi o tid eceit Social Event .,IS 1,i On'l i:;itt 1.,tt"rf.' ttl ' til~"ii Iii __ 1!' I1 E" t' t"111 in I 'i ill 'r; 'i'i ll ; t .t' I'e '.!'. f . No . 12 0 Mr. Ferry~s Letter. \11 S r pi' ?. MS i -h ' -'. ii) Y2 II 'd iI illiii ifis 'ii "i 1 1' S ...…

February 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…DAIL 4 kcaeT Y'~~ A-NN ARBOR, MIH.,SATUI-tD -, FEBRUARtY ;1i. THE TRIAL MEET. Famous Hat POWERS TONIGHT. Last Night's Meet Proves That, We "sh iiiiii xit i lxixxthis nlxxxiiliii S Will h elRpesne nt e lo lIrtn E iI, lr l i trd zitga's Old FascrIie Wili Pesent he wel Reprsentesie th Beaare to a Large Track Events This ear. ln ,x If ,tioil, r xi "ithix, i" ixt Audecle This Erienin. iiitxi x l iii md t, loti, tn t t r l xx I inu i, t, ii'. 'tItxi...…

January 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…V r B) l s v Sv ! 1 t a Aff pl _ - lUST YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL., WEDN 'SOAY. JANUARY 1i.5 1902. No. 7,s [HIE 1901 TEAM Mihigan's large sores sIn p reios lias been only one a-ield taeklte gesie eiid itt expectationloit large . this sasit. In the last three games C1B f f t W 11 bseore whh niither thisCntont o0 the O)p)pon ents maidie their fist detens Feingofit W rkbyCoach 1arrs te Indian is 1t01"the stesto f u t tnloyieseettites, three t ics. -...…

December 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…FRTYA.ANN ARBOR MICII., SUNDAY. DECEMBER 15 1901. No. 67 CURTIS J. REDDE4 JOHN P, ALTGELD. SWEATERS. GRAND SUCCESS. Setch o1' Michigan's Great End, Fa- Last Niht's Lecture Causing Much The Comftable Garb of the Colicg. Comedy Club Pesents "The Masked Maus~ for "Helping Along" the Excitement in Uiversity Circles. Man Again Vigorously Assailed. Bll." Man With the Bal. -- ) I.''at I i ide llm .s1le u i to a' ipr'ri' t ciyiar lthere tri' i sc onci...…

November 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…MhRBT YEA&R. ANN ALNBOR, MICII., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. No. 46 WE MUST WIN THAT CHICAGO GAME SIGNAL PRACTICE ONLY.11,lct elptiotl. It tllllytlonsisls Inl Chiag) Gme Ofcias. SONG PRACTICE TONIGHT. th hii Ihc o liolteensT i Igs c Ith<t'i a l istt ______ Fotflorud a Ntcrm aglol ii i t iiI t i tc ' a ti cit stllil.Several Changes 1in the Od Son~" Accout of wet Field-Meni 11i i C'.ic( pitc tai'et t heirlou- 1 II' [ t"fct 1 .:11:I 'kt nIest s ei...…

October 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…6-i Yt Q H J O 1 2 ,rte LC ]J " Q .e CD "r cS LA. , v LU bn , LU. Ltd. C -- Cis o _ z / .. i - _ _ ._ _ 1. - f -t Id~ ~ C1 ;' ~ ~k'~lira~ _ r 1 _ f. y I (...N ..J .N !. of , .t. j - ' y _ .. '7. 1. - -I - s, ... _' r.. . _ '/. _ f. J 'f. f - - _ _ /. of _ 1. i r i t I .. _ J. '_t ^ ./. _. 1. r. l .- r r,. i " - . ,. = - "- 'r ^' °, r .... '"_ .. ; '= - r. ._ ., y %. . _ . f : i. .-.. I. ~ '/. ._. . /. .. ... . . .. . O ,-V _ _' J. f. /^ .. .. ...…

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