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November 15, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-15

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The Michigan Daily



.No. 44


IbE Iiercest Game Ever Played or) Ferry Field Resulted in a Score
of 160 to 0---Ilammond frakes two Place Kicks
MichganWon ostExciingFootallDiscussed By President Northi
Game Ever Seen On Ferry Fied- ,TeDaaTu oNtr-
Longman's Line-bucking a Feat- delia First Amng Shakespear
ure-Championship Contest Femae Characters
Was Free Frsm Rsugh'
Piaying.,.iTh nhms intrutive,and ian,
_______ riy tihe'best iniiber tiiuiafaint
in acontst wichtaxe thelxtw i y h s.-L.A. Course ccrred
el's o1 tue piayers ito le utmost, the evenseingi n ei hri.si tiiiieso
Mbichigani fonblltetact yesterda y met peietNrhoo inst
andi ieeatedi the reniarkably siong vrsi v isoie on 'King Lear.''
piayerrsfromintie Uiiversity of\is ai'iiice is atentie adiifoil
ronsin by the iecisive score(of l16 ho YOST REDDEN tie sailr v-ry carefuiliy as
o. The Wiolverines were aiided by trar-idheiveopment fth
ainiist pierfect waiher coiiiions anit- - in al is details
lihe organized roting of the 1largest and eii by Coach tCurtis andt Trains bc kik anti Redien secreit the Ater binginti"irodceiiy tres
crowd gatliered tn Ferry Field this ODea. Their mascot, a brinidle bhal-balt fr Michigan on the 25-yard line Agellt as a rersentatie iof sri
year. esteriday's mighty struggle io~ was very much itsneience, arMtddock bucked for 1 yard. On a te iUniersitls (Harvard adMt.7
was int many' respects' the tnonale- rayol in a cariinal blanket. The ake play Heston gainei 2 yars sitat tihe; tneitrr-vrenaued
citing, game ever layeid here, anid the Baigers passed the btll far a fesv Longian failei to nake downs. Vats Mchia aiims 'nottiubotsu
iat hal was especiallytprodutctie of mtinutes. The Bagerswent throughiderboom ciil nt gain. XWraet hatipirover tliieveit o liii'lay
goithfoitibal- speetdy signal rill. madei 3 yards. Scfield throwit ack liii-lare 'sutditsce mnifetisediIlit
Tue sno1teamts swere amsltaevenly Wsonisontetitan hseadMichigan to h alon dwsweet-i' rie tilt iitt b
stithil is weight, but tileasueriorctli artisigoat. enrher 27-yard line. Te tefensive tpreailing "fervescene i'espirit
traitning arid pihysical cotnditini of the si retethotiCboth teatmss sas astoutni. hrunabst list's to te Ieloct
Wiolverinei'saas appiarent frott the Mihigan. Wisconsin . Eeysalfuh ieadmn o uha ptdt n ne
start.'iTie garnti- aas renmarkablhyfri-c 1i'di'r....... .... AbbottI(C) Lonmant bcket fr' 1yard. Math sitiu Kitg I-at -
funt roiugh tactits and the best oh Cutis ......t.....Flay orte hrdled for 3 mire. Graver lie dramaas pesideint Nona
Iteelinegswas evidet.mntg the play Shulte .....t1 g.... er theemade it a frsttdosn. Crti mate tatoudhavtoe"met.nterureted pr'd
era Yost's choice for fuilback aas tGregory rig.m..ria. Longmar.on.a.elaedpasothe terrmbletposiiits otbuiia
vtilrtetiyhu udr iitneb Gktooding . e... hamberai atds. 4 yards. o eae a idctdbytewneflln-uk C ae4yrs raver gainetd two trrt Ye tie bhor''(ors are mdme
ing o o ngmtutu" ime'amf -i - ter time he addock.....I.t... i. ashryit yitoucn w eso
fuliibacrkiwas ucalleditupontormimatte a Haamod....rh...... ush tyardugh.Longmn aicotldtmakee ut tne titiyms'iuicmgIs'sis m
'tt hce-tter, Maddtuoipuntedutot acers'the it-mg andmdiaugters
isituson, andttatrely dieit'etaint to tames ...... it...... l.ogeFogg, whmowas douwed oil Wisouuritdular Edtindanti Gloucestrt
do sit. ilanmiunu s ulace kcksHieston .....1 it.. '.attderboomri 0ydlne Goigscue"arorspdngt Crei,
whicrh itettedutelun iofMirhigan's 1gGras-er' ...r ii\r alit 1, ilRtob tsi'sStyrt ' oingssecured'dear ert'ait ermng i t'oriem
points, wer remarkahll accballeond Lrat play..ittf.centerfiofdthetersonnthetollImn fismstplarst'fntmrmsfire
lutiris i-ie -nsahaiut acui at''ani uutgsar Iii cuhi-uhlett tiieli.Heston tfailed to gairt, Ontta ithliiiillma-a systmatuticii
tut defen'tsi ve work ir ue i'bicagouail ''ienutritrouis bankuts lit rserv'ididelayeupaso aigriart gaieit t-twentioi godnlmess friutm auttts
statrreditJametsidespie is spraietdstats wete solily tarhedt andita.terse utsu.Muuot gist i.Dsstrength firweiaktness t'iutcru
arit, p1laye asieally game, antihtd ieceiieatthsuihthtli down.hm ul iMaeoc rutaind 1 abrtd o' th.utm ie ittiemu ss
hartk-ilittatcklingimwas althuahtt tersostotheii' fietud as liii Ieanms tineit rt.Mastatettcue u'" a What m aeluch ,a g at Irtat
vented-t t'iBadger s frotintsrorigoillrt)tth-r tieIkicleof.Til h'li-reere's itusim dumnedulGraver' withtout gaits caracter" Nt ILi--tvimtslf;
inet1han otntetccastinwhimtsle sas hearth at 203, ansdta iii rgutr i -flecra iteenathemiru-is ntin imn in tumoim ut is
Coachm Curitiswas atIfrom11 utsht at twntrmilater ',;intit'tkchetd ott otMichi ats ttgirshiieodt n tri'. liii as [,,maiti say sIL
etmutwier st-i at in- 'uahhitistgai tohiAbbott whosas udownedul OtCimliittgain throuught the line. Gra e-thsstusmmi t hstii uua
last ight. Shutichigani [eat is fary his onrn ,y ar line.- 7 Linettngurcksirrthediihis-inttitualoti rs' The
aunut demnissititditer supueriity, autedi ntaiitiul-bc "l po stioit assmuirs lstlst-his
atiteshitt ut aunt'hakle iuihu errt faketbudk butte,.ntnake is
thutghi attutoreof I(iti0 would uhave tn wtyris '~sttsn iilhtitmtr ietutistahtt ir21 il ftid i'nhus vemur'id'ti-uslvth
heei ntur ar ur ae Metigau anIback lir a punat(raver douwned t iiyarduliehu n-Ie bich culd tnt gain
defeat Chicag-o y st-s-i-toimchdotwns. aut of bounds on Mchigans 2-yardiV'aee e rauutrgted nu isuatuttuanthu. fimludivisinu of
'fheufirst hatf matti fetli1pirout tof lie. Graver mat' two yardis aroutnidtdotan Mihga's center seemeuim reahrybeirg -s tuatas-it-m
nay tamn" tiesaldf.eitdehat."
Coach TYost wears atradt smie of lf. n.Hetn bucediithroitti ughpenbenn cfetd culduotru t'vi-i'''ili iitm-uuit
tactle fr 2a/ nute. A artetrbacI'k Cooabtnhrowiac.accohrdinghur'uumtsheuu'it)it'hemisies-
contentmnenmi "Wiscoiun pltaytd aopnnionofhfnetw
runhuy aientaetteud iii Hestoin 5tff 'Wiseonsin tutucedtopmit.urlto Janes,rhmtrsiiuimuii'amitu
struttng gamesut the secondiuthalt caatr i ie tirad h
ahuuwet tu-r-at Mithiat siltittackle, Maddockrt 4 otf r ighhtickle whit was dotwnet in hi trachea tn uittkmul'sar'sieu-
Lutgmnat's worik wsas tlitlrstrt if enGr aver ck tnraruht atbutukell mtigt'f41yruoie.re unw is umsuiesI gi-eint'tandutovin', ml
marvelusmand a mmohuuundus defensive ec nlMdhii ira~i iihi o arriiedhfliar21syardus. Miaiatseuin sial- tg vr yitig'convu'si'mI bythi-
aurksea tnt t imeIt'attiesis -2 more.tReston filedtutto umakeinal'ailtstscausedt a hss Gaveurdltuiitedtli t i l'uuiu"I
doiwnmanti Wiscoansinmsururedii1 t h attltiforoe. Madoick putnrtedulohw to Althuhtsia i -iaiiii iii
saudl. thieaiestfietualth gaunt-ever'rSa~~p r edamro r ~
seen thre," islime- verdict f everyone tn dowvnstutuMit tiugau s 4r-atitlinelimttnt 'Wiscnin'aius 45-yartlineu. VanClue' t, itie rfecionofuhichaeiuwe-
al~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Tm thhad1t tieits u amest tintbei'takuiniout liiiAbbottil drbooui maue Iyarns anud repeatedham iuiuae'' Imn'"
thu btstlie.ttlelt ties-tuetin bl ita~tly uaing frt own. WrabetetanrmIit iiBeatie, of Lady
fhe enrowd commnrtcedt comigtin time. Wiscuansinmbathed for 1 yard g aied 2 yarus Scofield thrwn leuIs a linmg dagiter a liii-
thiedtuntotontsandl a terady stream sthrough centerSecondmuttrialusti gain backinutmass otartcenter. Sciueld antChuistaim-siiediiswomatutu
itt e nthusismibtlockeedtthe gates. Te Wsnuitsiniwis ena'lit2h yadis liii aiedtohutgant Michigan's ball onalss'i i mnt-iaiiuih-s
arr'angemrentstafoir-tandling tie cituwdsld aingin umthu huneWiscontsin uckedttowhis in mumimdle of feld. Heston As rp-' tintheii otinrtwo unsin
s eeutrhfect. udea aeather cuaruti' ati-r ut ustuuwu iabt/ra cied ut itof houidrs for a yaru, lit tewas sti xcept tihtt tey
lionstr eva)eni, with tute excetutionm rutaroundt lu-t ndltur 2h anrs antIwssaettoun ,auluedt natre aro-umnduAbott collyit mssu tutu- ye-i uuussussmrm
a aiming wsnuuiarterinug crosthe lowaned b iy Jaineus. Duliitceud luurith0aLonman uckueduiitfr the newssaryIthi' itaIduquatiieis tif uwomenin u
fieldt fromithi northwstua. T'he stantd, tn net tdowsn, againabeinglittarkledeuby yard.i Maddockt hmate Syarnshthrouugh tussing -sm- ion the'uotmu-n chara(
ing bleachers were tpacked early. tamies awhotwas laidlut ant iscosinsn Washer-. hungnans iiia fale buchteleci tuuer mu'esintedu-lEdmund al
ichigan yells followediheacti other inhattllntMiudigan's 35-yamd itnu. Next artiexed t4 mraunt-auhGraver nmate huhexamplie ofut t situle, ickedmu'
ratpidlsucesesion,varied by an tcca- bickrthsult~tedt i rutogamut Vanduerudisanc. IHestn mate twomyarus unestrainedisuluitdprodutuceluti-v
autruat sungbWiconsiniwas nt heard bun at he ars ' hiI tthruguh e nte t Lit bucks iy LongutKuntsm-imtry elinu'sribedu
uti tie faithful bunchm tiCu-taters tok temptedt another endutrun andlman oan mate a hrst down. Mautdocs phasr':'"Faitfumlumtinetutu."
their seats At 1.4h0tie U. tiC iMl band aged to matte firt dawn inru buckwient around ut shm fir Curtis-
caine ous the hield arid their advent rue gan by Scfied. rae, math gani-dt1. Maudouc faiedutot gain the FINAL CLASS GAME A Ti
was nreted by a oud burst of ap- 2 yards. tOnt third douwn 2 yards to necessary ditusanc- ant isicosin se h0t Engineers it hi4ILaws ot
plusm gain, Peterson managedutoti mate tiscrnedbal tan their 25-yard line for ma the tale lit wilt which thie suit
The Michilgan quail trotteud on the tance. Vanderbtoom thrown laukfor era o tht tearmarant nose telin
fieldt at 1.416 antI were given a tremen- a loa. XWraet lie gain Quarter Continued on Page Two) their frends
huns ovatioin. The sqnad sas accom- _______________________________________ Tbe na las game was pl
Peid yCach Ytn Trainer Fitz- ffffff fff ffffffff aturday monaiung at 1h tclock
patrick and Assistant Coach McGtr in. we hs w em ihCi
'he hand struck tip the 'Yelowan rd * stlt of nu score fr teither sieu
Blue". At 144 the special train from f R[SULTS 0O0 T[ST[RDAV'S GAMEtS. f was a trn abutt in passing the
Toledo arrived and unloaded its f * each side holdin it for a few d
cruowds at the grounds. Michigan's*f* only to loose it,'fhe oval at noi
mnascot, a fox terrier swearing a yellow f Michigan- - - --.......... X6 isconslin- - - --........0 * was within 2 yards of either
and blue blanket, was carrietd on the f Chicago- - - - West ptnt- - --..... tt.. * f ard ait the playing tioktulace in
fietit.iMichiganiiwent tartthe fiueldhfor * Minnesota- - - - --....... 2 Illinois- - - - - -it........ * f center tiC thetugridirun,
practice auth Yost followed them f Nrthwestern- - --....... t Notre Dame- - - -h.......0 * Thu rututers were out in nreat
throtughi a few lightning formations. f Nebraska- - - -I Kansas ...,...,...... h.. * es, lining the ence about te
The fheld was hardt Fuerfst.Fuirwathe Ciwo ehan- - - - -It. .17ilMiaosmri- - - - -h.. *. am..0 thid earing yll.Tututhings 4Lsguneraly
.irt time thisi er"rylih a hcg rsmn - 1 lini rsmn - i tm el--'he't ashiti
equippedt aith boxea and white-wash- f Princeton- - - - -i Yale- - - - --........... * f te nmidst of their suporters
out goa posts.iHammondt kicked a *ftDartmouth- - - -it Harvard- - - - -hf*large banners sggestive of wahat
fetwhpratice guals at various angles f Carlisle- - - - -if.......16 Pennsyvana- - --.......6 giing to hapen tt the Engineer
The red-hesweatered Badgers trot- f Coulumia ........... 17 Cornell- - - - 2 f which was not raimed.
d1tl onto the field at 155, amid the f * The Engineer wn the tos
ihers of their scattered supprters f*f f f f f + ff ff ff ff ff f f f f f f* (Continued on page 3.)

t Ini-
I time
s, f
1' tt'-
o nil
ug tol
ag the
a tt

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