11TIE MICHI1GA1N DAILY care-I th( bal by the viecus 1(1i(1 of o000000oooowowoooooo*
Falllayto ithwein aimedoil ing is orn YurGo MAi
Enwed isS cn -r as r ttter 0, heAnn ofel seonsin'S goal, only to lieeit on" Y * " ntire N ees i
r 1 ,r Ol " owns. Bush, aided by the wind. ad
F ~nuihd iiyY~odii-teiiduring theaitittle te beler of Maddoektlin theiLaIeial il
A lflolncll nt 1 a- iuh-vtc \-ii .n Dil Ra welre v e V . a prl a eia n~ ~i fu. eeevry bard to udgeantefet-iefet-I
* * ANAIN EIT1R10ff e(s olthe VWsconsin ends rcente en IMMN rn sceoalrtae llU'V~~L
155. SNFS5I ANA(1t1-R: offense, the Woverines, allioghi n-
10)(' 3I L, STiN nabe itocore, proved thei abiliy t(fC 4 T~n *
The TLargest arid ot t i consisteiily15'ani( the oinem at fol 4 1tV 11U1/f1K 7
Complete Line of EITORSc:oWigion rIth,'roois t Slsee*mTedtBoUbeO
I hal (h(O,, - -l half s-eiiti.i iiii soiv"* Nw and Second-Hand
P u -;. 1151 iitorn Onitle cither Ihant the Visei: 4
ASSOClATEyS:I~ uirotr nbl oe. al
a r e n s e~I ll11 - , el l e u t s
vl )1( lic 21iii ii i elsm-ili ri il (I Drafting Isrm ns alld
A C.I Pound A. I.Oilcios r e iiiiinia t ivertctbile lir- tn
IjL E S l eIl ,Km 't ~S\Tr. Bt em mdtilfrtes ot" Egineering Supplies"
ii 1 Iei micyr. \\"fit( Myne l liap arlily fll tt oi l ciiitit
is-.o . (s1i, ir.- lan i 1 'Giiipi1l-li--rn aggiessis-canod w i nmonSp caly
Editor Today-H, P. ERWIN, ilin iifullbla-ls hsitii i In(is lflii I"
in Ann Arboorwill bin d hiiiid li iiifaso-:dI iliiani Abibott h ig tP ie *~V.
at (z. If. Wild i fo s, lt108 oo iio: 'ii i sitoi (oii i- fofr Wisconmisin too laimnmool 4
ast Waington 4t. (riat (, i~tir I f "eC 14(11l') i l Sii who 1(( iliwa iisiiw -it cn his i9y i Ind i * S co dHa d BOOKS
Painso lhalr heina he(iin mi Office ours:12:30 to 130 and 6:30 to 753 0 Di li liS ll0 S tii .iiii ecod-au
theuseoin o (01 allsing~s, oBalyoughit5 iiiilAttii Sfiiiioldiii
toseig -e ctios Address ROSCOE B, HUSTO,EBuiness SMan-thel r.i d o I L ong mgnadded1(1 i Smeto.oie and at
for this sceason, ager 331 Packard Stret. . ho-iglo i -mrt, plalcinig I ti()b lt n
Tlepone,461. thIro Yrdlie. Cat.Abbottiwent +
iii-iiiragirig Iis eu-mi Grao-is ii'S
1151 i: isi-niibac-k is-liyardl s- train-ichen rcd a
G .I i-si(tiiLed i s anod huiii le or Soc
aloirs( owen f(i--s-i-c gined i-i rd "
G t I YY1 . ~JECALENDAR.on mau ool tihe talt mu iiaide *UP TOWN DOWN TOWN.
ami f i awn by oi o- -- S Asflio- i aili. BO K ST R S
O.0.OO0.OO~oO.O.O.OO~o "0" ovi 1.-We (-ynou ild lectoro-b dacdtwr heIarrga ie ®o"O""O0A"""
1S.--d t No-thoo, in tiofe ns1:ive50p1011 of Itleioponeits
Stewart Edward White *;tii-liodisl.Chntoreh, a.1 7:2,0t sI rgilhmi- L Iongin-orm adoe hiss
Auihorosilc e)n s io-, oI~ sso *)>. in,. iui5oiiamv fis:dowino iamd ropeatid or F l
111 aioha0 il, ec. Nov. I IG, (Lectre1byl o t 1051 lo'Laioiio- , mutor iglid.1011otin ithe oi- 11 l0011.
O il ~in Tappan hal, at1,('Iro- hoil -was 0no 000on 5is-oninsi i;3-
THE I'I.R(CE~1 ± p0I Yardlline, whiormeo- fooiis placeltolf 0
'I'honna o- sgarty- of th(Ilook100of t (lsis , ltuston hulo edoio-R ompator loom qu
-I-o T,," (Ilooio rItall lcl-e oom.0000 siloeodisanmci-. ,ladol- madeio ne.001an0d1~,
it___________________________ 0FreS. ostoomIl e hoe.0 (on thou-131 eroos holdtot /PI+-- -
A boooolifull oof the Ich 000 00011 Nsvlo 20_-S. I7. A .Cho 0001 l oi -eby Ilomtooomooai-o sioli- todl -i lo seool {-
the moosstery andl liiiwondooiithoWollll yas n rp0aed.fr0or0on1
± thre go-vot ooo. It has15b100100- - - --- ttiirloole failo gam51.0 touooogo ttoil-
ooiiodof tile.Whit e t1 loam h asoi * CANalh SWraoiot . oiio-l oou-looaods but10
* thye1cm-I- tOio aiiou fol eiooltoe q ii IIU fiN 1V6 ISONfSIN0 tn b~ I (io e ! ho- lath dmolameo-s oornood
" wooods as tmeli uiis o s aslt wostm ---- i omo Sisvosiis it-55Yardotlinoo. 11raot-o-
our iiotton nI c~o000food1 the soea*(.1Contin ud 00(00romipaeioe gain.= two. lso-o o ke tmo J h rough r TMel°
a) la d 1i1 tie chapeOf olthi- b ulo 4 (ou oooo 1 cenl i(% 50550111 l oO s lrowno othe io- eboot- o155ards, hooll. los li(,too-F y f
li ooaliyol os000 O 000
thi qualn I ity 1100000 w o el oro * c iad\'adl oo udgiwon 0 01hol, .to l o 0000100nt. 010isc o osn 00000 (00atO I V[ BEN
" ot'ool oareoothalos v0000 Ohio 100000 * Ito ao!,li0( n1Danteoloodohoig h o 00m s Oin)s loomi-ld o 1000000 dh Wi o- oor~ 10-os 01-
hil u oo i tsO olea l 10 4 4001(0( 1lot 110000
100a0100 t100 1 ir01 o r adoln00000 I * ,, 1 000 I ollooi 00 l on. G a e n el[)it- 001100---i p oit o l h 11-00 01(:yilli''\'
biso4ofraf lt O loo( o i . lto n s-vcd tooh- loo el tooo 1000 ls oillooi ftorb0100-0and0ln l0 ,bouo r bob ooo!c
ho uo 0 1 001000 4wood0I00iarissslooon. 'I'lirdooim0:0vi0. IwooI)ooo 1000bthouel00o00he0ballIril00 liolt ooooi;atofi1
4. A[)ABO ,fET OT, 4 0001 5 ol ossol iool 0 oooinI toeS 11d o oooog ooiu( 3yarslo irin-o lsioon wil pp a
* 320 So. Stats St. 160 Wodward A. lowonllm o Ito o n ar a
r+!""OO.HO..OO.®O Mcign IdP,,dOyadsfo ol yrd;adLo oougniooobukedoo i ens Togery. T7 S. "inm
O1{l CENTRAL iLINES nI, ii , 0(0 /1(0tlo 1(0h01 ir tbown 1(00 obiau olasiosen iveootoors or 'V
TO LEDO TO COLUMYBUS 00o 01n ((Loll m1 alebdo io h' 01000000ds iLongmo. an oiii-dtfovch:alos I 911 --111 yt
P r.,o I e n 700l,,oeh.1.II0(00 ((00011ttisuoomsios v, 0o
C. 11). !M1ajor A(0000:1 00cnho 01 ,cmol (in ooo0-yardlin11000 tooo I005))a 0lul tioohI t ard s or or (uttexj)r~l~
000000 55 sO loishowed drat bo1h001 (-lone. ladovilooo17horo bacofioe 5Use11 it lxin ls' h vi
Durn T a ksgiving V acaton 0000il, 00 c01 srooeronnoodole0us00t0tanlo a rds.e-is- lo Grluaserur-gainedhho os therig T a g do-lo O0 ooli 01 001- Ilooio-iioooro1011 O IsitosllalS'Slii-
yooooeoooooos ooiool omo 0-i -Ooe~~s- casio ifithaitoolly0011 11000 ine01 as"05 Oil Ilirdtio waius hoos wo oilo i otpto ____________________________)___
001 yooursorm. lfacoOa s \rciii s00 Iw00000 1100 ho 0 fooulmehau 000 1
203 E. Washington St. 'Phone, 237
' :aZDeAN M~. 5IABOLT, lM'anaer
Will Slcak on=j
"D~hiD¢t PPIP lpuS H1 I i lDuDD"i
flonbax2, llbvemnber 13.
In thor (tuatost otofathl coriie()lieras
IItIxilANDI) tANI)si1 , oHI- hOllIS.
Pr'ices: 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50.
f ~~n~TUESDIAY, NOV. 1 7th
S aturday Ilvening, Nov. 21 ROBERT D~OWNING
_A He IHon. Jo hn North.
jAUWNI SSION;- OC[Ns CENT S :2PRCES:5c, 3c?c, 7,1.0.