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February 15, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-02-15

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The Michigan Da ily


A---NN-ARBOR, IlCI1fIbr.'\, SA \T ldl),V l,"EIIldVARd\ r5. IQOS

IN THE LIMELIGHT ltaiietingoftesnrla.la,
_________done11in1regard* to te sbingout. lTe
Next 'Week Sees Interclass Con- c pyatolt la cci dvie.ga-
tests Begin - Fifteen Teams 011) tl ttt patt r1t111 inte 111)101a1
ftunction said thtey regartdedt it aschd
Promise--Fast---League. lis, lintoadmittetd that the Nould lilkc
to statnttioil)thtesitdewotatolnd 'atch tltc
tieginning w-ih next week, class lets- othtetrs go be. Nothing deiinite was done
ketitall will occupy tte iittecightitn in regard to the memorialI fundt.
WVateutan gyttt ttntil tile Untiverseity It wt oilstdhttechcittctmbertof tile
cltatttlaiship ha's beentdecciied.Sidney- class shouttttiie assessacd Itwat tttliars to
Sm all, *'oSe, hatsbitncttpointedlittle r-defray iilthe expenses if theeictas ite
class ntubager, aschedttie has iteettato the eatr.
ranged, ad ottTuesdiav next the basket- bTe mtenit tttttateti foietdfices tere
tall seaso hIere, wilite in fttii swing. Foe ciass valeictian tJttittt Een nd
This se asoi laetttises a great:tt)improvscTom itrd :tifttr class Itistotaian, M.lJ.
nteilt oec last- inso far- as tamitt otl 15trtts tanid I W 1. Beaton :fotr class
and fast iplay ace concertned. li l c it prophet, 1-1.A. Claris. ite class poet..
teamts -exceting the freshtmtt-uhatec had t"C lne" Itatee.
the advatttagc of twonseaso~ts' rat ices
togeter. Last year ttthemnoe lc N \,Il50I CAI StIL DINIS
to cachltheltr, and conbsequenttlyt Iore IS 'IOl 111, i.5MAMMOiT1
year's ell tate tt eefotai t a'aer Tt ttew totiicaflauilding, foertwhicht
start in .cnhntatitihst atttdlthsae moreltheIarahitectsttwee atutrized Iat te
experietncetdattdl'itt better' ttotditi on. Jauryee et itgai thte relaentstoda
.Fifteen teamas wiltlteeeasenttdiIn dta iletd pls iad specificattilt)), is1to
the leagttc. Every fll)', lit, atttenineter tinsist if three xltrie s and-abseet
class is ittcltttetd.ttwihile eisax15w iI will bei-270 feln ttg and 1ot feel
havebtw o ttl hlets aditt tunes awale, twith thete p11fottroinIttoatedt
eacht onteteatttin ite fieltd. 01 alltaeseolNarthlit verli-asityavenue atbout set-
thle juntio eginteer's lototktes-ttisth-l- itv- eaIetowe-Isttfthe gytnatot m
ed htartd lbyttreshtenltttotfttithei on wherelhe den tall itttilintisno in-
depairtmtentt. Btthesettesiicits are l- -I. T-builing Nill lie if blickwith
tonally strontg, tile forttt aviga a-;t Ie ritthintgs atndinte-rihrrifre
te chamtpitnshitt litIyeari. Iltl ptcea reito-It wo 1inttittecoutt sspate
the}' ara- ptttinlg 1111 afatst. s tiliiat' ttle, itaeresshlir cmetn ieOp;
passing ttell 1)1111regtitlresotigbs ;dsoil h tuiliin'
bets. Thaecats)ttmitte ill probably.lie
text oweek's gatttes, ttrein11110satvenl it Ia-Itoikeel)lte eta))strutttionttithtitt
gattes seltetlttelti At first, tamals twill ht ao uut . i It ihpthat the) llans
bte elittitsna t hylettatmntoIs asin thae ass'tarhethipllatellatttthe coatrlact
class fatbsiall s-ries, bttlfater inl tte ll«-rtd-l ati1111tts a-itt)strucetio al
raceinta-r-deatrtma-t gamte s w111 take a t-gtasin i 1as attdlcomapletetdinbla Ot
ptlaca-. 1,-igoo.,wt, authae UnSiersity opens.


Seat Sale Opens This Morning at'
9 O'clock in University all-
Doors Open at 7.-
sthmat)sit s alet tilt fa
lir twett-ivectnts .
Te etisnal tseonthsepoIe s
th 1111 sni1iii) itsby\Wlt)r SIodr
itj laus 1tlt tttilts) d }' i xit ith Is
Ill< on tht tili ii fa s --a acm rt,
adaptil itity 1, foter 1 a d ,via
ittitts at) se ttngu tat, Nitaittu atia
it ealilia f artiticabtilit iat its fiys r
ity' is I--Ive ald byills ia' tall a
tugs ilt \iiaieacaatai waosnt1with-
''cd ig e 'fate A lti t il a iti po-111 II
lnciaeis be attded shoola Cicg
lb- had a-ar f ightt wotllite
Art rth atrCago. it adionto
ret, itti t itand ifi te.ti lattoom
llcoitalnit woud le h11 [ 1 t at
swill b taiit-, Isor 11111 fill ft11)115 III 111
itt' t p'ilttt rt a nd l it t lilaotallr11itff swfill
run ut, f it the profs msi illi 1 t
itan i w ll pp \ionthotta er oaf
eills lit ii a'alluic R m ck i t iltu-
sit pub lit a-,i's niwtatit- to n-it
th citfit'soaa ti ti tntdollar1 tut
Iot 1-,a-"i: Ir.La i r a l, \"il b h
-ts i ew rsafteaita l tl. t i
Iae i t ill itt att ortttta icat 55itti ie ii
at o 'cloitsc l tod a ti 1 icsil 1111 ill
Pie ) ssatiitis ang'tufromittailt-fil
ceffain the l tlts-til-s to d llar inathea
p aliot ft, andafata oll atr taitla. h a. i tilt,
atitilh titl;B igset- aoa' hlit' ai c
11111te lsas 1-m ifat'alatabli stre rr
sa iltt i otinefiat' a ll-,;.1 ttu
Should the de andforhI atta 'cfc1111 111
stallaIlsthfi.tellaseilntm wl
It.at)'il saeaoftae ine Sthtiss, 1, a 1 St
willt 111 Ihts iltorstansieatof, the1
Pora siob abl df riaet. ilds)tart
laieeb it enttt tltat ' asftta twllsthr ta taytf
onle 5v atthoefla t he et lita-haie-
S fritsa- n u etalt i' lt i s morn Itaing-a

In srgeon pF1b55hoR l uringthe psit
an ilerstl Slett'oan tiofme iaillpll
a ea dye tolty hisis:iith a alot al
sits o f titpnai oftt pm xil Ia
fall'n heprset' is e. Ihec if aril
is cotiue5 y Pof ebn Ptr
sn a t' tliita lo f a ehasi ve dis
tali cetanttraio s
Tai numbetraIt contans 111 aia rp i of t
bCongrless it ew Yok it, ast S-ft
aed r Othr fatreffr f~tatti ii
COL tII f O I N 5 1 f))\
NIaitI), alt ~ rattat
(Icn Ct71ncl Wil b hel ne taFida .
Cla s 1o111 a on l t ft I),. 111 ll 'l l o
as 111 I M'S11 :fi ti rot ia u c liii,
I1" tun the i 1iterary, tune from th i w.
111'inc 1a Is enr llmet. a liii'S t
Couiat l menttaIt wtill lit present1 at al' cas
im Spoiticlm th d, i,.y s ale allr
fls ilb all a p tab Akeaaiiiaksi
tslt ift lt altla 'Sa

"Tilae ciahiap iohip glita a t aetwe sthet
ijunior antI saeitar gil will itt pl~a-al
slttme tttte text woek. SSrittit, Kny- K
Qot., of Detrirut, toill presenat st cup tat
- 'rhe gitls at Biiarour gymttium have
beggunt to ptractise' farte alseballt si-rico
tt lie strtedte 1r tebseb- lsao
etiloex, Alt classaes will comtetfa t inlhee
l.ITS h[liSt1' 11F DISCI 1l'
IN 1BOLTINbG Ct.. 555f5
A net' svsstni 111 reporttin~g alfsattds
is teitg tieid nut i tha literary detptrt-
ttiatch° ont daily class attlendhance.
till authority- ttf decitditng upon1 dcas
of abtsettce fromi class las teen taketi
from intrctors, atnd studtents are mtade
dlirectly' responsibile to the diean. The
instructor now tirites thle suites of sll
absenttees ott a trilled blanttk and) tplaces
i tn a Stall etnvelote ac t~rksed N\exsett-
ger." The ettetlpes are ciallectedl esich
lap and taket n t le idean's otfice ithere
the namves are itoteid ainti a recortd aepti
Rfoomn C, Untiiversity 11a)11 flis bten
partially filleid esicht sfternoonait of tic
last, three idays lip stutients .siumiuated
In tiet lie dleia andi registrar tif the
literary departmentt. Te fatcts in esicht
caoe are toteid anil tact aix a basix fair
actili iy the adittistrtive itrd Tile
latter is tmade upt 111 leti or eleten fac-
utly metibers, the olean anll registrar
actinig as chtairmant atnd secretary rr-
spectitvely. The idecision of-h admrintitt'
tratixe board is tractically fital fir ratil
ficatiotn tip the sentae has alwayes fol-
lowed. At appteal toi the ragrntis still
he te last resirt ittd, if stu-cessful,
wottld take pirecedlencr over all ttic
Thte qitestiotn of letigiteninig tir ax-
am~inatiotn periods twill tot lie decided
until te curly pact of May.

tic_ faitdiala till, enlide tot.hrt'
ure abort'atorties'afor quaiatieiitl
at oe fo)advastelgenal) stcite-itslty
one fotllritagmtta llg atittv layiS
meat' rtadat n et tsuanstittivetanalsii
Mettforiat tian ta asolaancC1"tritsef ii
,al I wela-iofielass ial I
laoatorlies forthlilstrucatig stiff.
threvill be' tals' large lea'ureiii's' i
tetrwhc ill 5seat 3,0. liet' tat
220, one tlatcsi6o and itoo. Setvin
smal tios -ill be' Isedlforfan' a-
its, 'Tie librarys-InIItwhict alae
n aoa'tiaau 111the cematistry hbooks art'
lt ibs'ksit,tilt hinichai-rageif a sit
a1 bla'a tateIphttlIldcy ilt) 'dellt
tiill bfaac~ edloalt l-hntit ltar andth
misatittiotabemca~ltetacthnoliogy oilth
secod.it, lTe dcrossbalr letwteenthte
court' s itill contlain tie sutpply roatomant
dipnig sail foriclimicals and ap-
I ifAbot burly'coatlies lanced at thie
alhoor egineer psty' aIttGrangert's
last ngt
NtOll 12 t i itt'5' aurtu OF Ce,
1 Thea-utit fr ohfIUniersity'ofalbeits bat
hislyeasr,including tlila'iachitg aorce
totndaditniistrntiv t' staff, is412, Iccoirat-
ing tat this' hat'ihts'titig t. iii csits y
Gln 1.' I'li( mibersx)ftabelb fitctlty an
officers are' distribted insfl o's, : I'rat
" faSSuars. 5813; ittitr Iraofessors. 2b':s-
sstItpraoftssaars, 3i9' tirtee-ar ill-
siruelaurs , o tns'-yeariotsrutoruls.93;
f it-law .42 are'alust onta heteaichtina;
1 farce.

title 1 t new' mSafer a rc tilt
tall a tutu with liltoit dtail nela the preit
tilt councia men'fa elaa'si'i''1 1111olfina
in'regar tat thegti oni t hat the
SnlConis holdpta et igsta ubi
lIt~Y Is'11stitll1terstd fsud ntsto at-
tenda a tere is.aparnly asrog
ts snt imeta titlsthe rtull is aoi
the ou il.T) iI he clis h t i
'alitay i latia' tl it t u -
bulbseesf.at Fi uthefatorea somtacu n-
aulsisc taiol t11to ak.he et
in s seta uhar a nditt politia lta LIotfsa-
1 altttlta'ss ilt l tatutu ht tfal r
faltod y t istotso m hlike fa leiat ivcla
llt ittlaof) 1 hiaIleIa aiitg t ranslit
ifeIf I) 1tIffftsit sin thativ ate.itiisre-
det sstey a' a''argue 'a-tio'aeafcl-a by
tail o ncl
alnt mustuaeureapemssfi'n utuhio t
tiltearig' fliii'te unlt ts si gnedI i
it i s 'a -a ai tu-forahe atuisa' iof t hf
ihnsshtospakhe ur t I a sla-
Uivesit y~ IIt flds i u leit h t sl saitl is ima

N55o) 98
Committees Announced Today
for Union's "Uncle Si" Event
Club Books Being Audited.
'T 105 S3lt hitg ' n1itt c hitty' ait'
t-ill hea haldSontFridgy anil Sturdaty,
SlaY I tautif 2 thiti lales tre st.
a, sa i as ladt y i la'the tU ion ireh ctts st ter
11'titg It thah ut htttth sa', Tiecodtntitiit-
Iei fist twil he madthuphalitofilyp indl lil
ii I idatmorro' 'ta i it au ntug bits fast
.h_ ar;ie tlt 11111 fulg discussedxtt w iti
It t was otdhctrdy t st asidet
IS laiis' l C , hotutgtI that
ntct~i~l ishIrwk a tisllanhc it
Tllh t1ti1,t',, lnanc l lco s arei
Sprnge. W 5l h amatiuititn iV
uupec t ahl atbe. issiiita'to static
it 5is i lull's~er ta, h cf i h astti
Plw lie flii'n em e sis stti
li~vc cgiterd teirnais stif
likImeb.t lli t lit impoibilet'
,t~e w ,,,er ;nd il ar Inttmemb-liirs.i
;; ll he r: t' i ter at theisc litb ,
. i~nat thu' i e
it \i Si a i1t iu ntbil forost e
: t te 'pitn ito avSithe h t-it
If a oth atp 'iluauion neailt x 'lit-it y
- ha g. M s iI 'utunu atoi t x x
Iii- cIo orS int. hs tb it
''11111' lic this for athut s ) tatwtil
ltnt rtiii;te a~. Thet Wtai 'au
;, t I i, is 1gthi~sfproucti on tftr the
It Suit sf the ('Ila i T htt playti t s
; 11 i i y aatit in :At A rbor's lt' forily
it eotO i that sth'aredtto makeii'thil
a 'huitticinl'hera raaisesot t he S tat,l
St-ii t1at it. t n les iprobabro
th sia til tactrs1 thai acstei ttlis Ix e
ti'il. l esu enItauoy.T het Daly
hula Iety e ets ar t fly'i the-
taucd il thepay. A omplee set- o
--sintet I ttti a-fli alitascibeteni
ofi, art , geutt a ls ittahiceturyh
miut il edac s n hic all the
i - is elsirgeamalequtubt
clt tiaiare tall us 1 fit poath tilliftol
theft callst fortitat a r atst ki l in i tai
she util yai a ta iaa ' 51arn lal'
Iteait ratN t-ti draatic ar ta inthe Schttg-
thala - i u SttgtNew tYo )1rk unrthe tislaife-
Tihe ua flmatly tats ta-ia flayig Shakes-
aft-~t e rilt tahd tturcut lbttope

'altar its Nca SYtoruc^ia cumt, tWhile,
atIi ll's SMrs. I hafalwias suriroiud-
,d faa1, shah wllboluf peop tbule-at' the
Situ' l-S hGilbt,u hIaio!ltes.,sIn
Sit' I3re Gehm

otnir and)11't 'ilfIlur isl trlat l Prof
Slotussit itayfetl calledf toat uu11 ar

Prof, Sliutssal is a Johfals I liu~pkns
untttiverity grladult'ahtte r utilac-aathy aAhttRaCrIta.
leda hprofessorsip t'iistoatt Sulfa ' hrtugila sttti et'ta(iiig.t Eht
collesge. IEhiteutnatoccuptiets theu'hsirunofhhaily yestera-ty statethat Prfat I .tK.
historat'siiSuuuo'uuuandathis highlyeu- ,tiaus, ftormerlu'y itblNhtaiigall, lath 1:
tmedhay'thet satiltntt't's catly adlad at P'asahdena, Ctutu ii af
'Ifs'couruusestthue coducitetrdeth Adti-ns h' de attsk 1glare stver'ater
the new t' tct a-u' a- ,sinbifat'trtothousea' go.1Its bit' tax recen-uthy feni i-
giveni hy 'Paib. Vau T 'yne.-Ihaddliuttiontututerrtdit laudistu, SWis, wath'tt-
the li'o'urse'utin'auuslitiioa irrial servihsce",aaauaaaaa-uuai haaglifeit
tails toill be 'giveu-u on th tltiroatn iths- tilt ilty
torty'-''tffi'tlss'ltce. a-nduhRfo rmuuato."----Pf.-
ltfVai Ty'ha a-stiteixat Cticaego t11 thres-a'fI Slt s itchues, SI -urils,
will as tat)aiaetictlly tic sil ae grttii 1 1 uh au ahdVatiVMek, lau'eitt--it dl-
aix thuse givet fare inthue1551s tuturridb tefaut fy.

II1DA AlC' 111tENI)ti

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