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May 15, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-15

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The Michigan Daily


ANN At1>()ID, 11ICI IC \ c, SA cI~D) ,,, MAY 15, 1'909~.

Track Team Meets Ohio State at
Columbus, While the Baseball
Squadl Tackles Syracuse.
Ai i ci-nnc lct cii c nn c is vii ifighti
i(n r Ctcii todaii on ccii iffcccni battlic
cods h ei tiralct:teccii hil ci-gwithliOhio
State i iiadu lc 1cii atciCcciiiiiicc-, iwhilc
tih cc l~slal t ami -ii ci l empt to make
i ccci sir cii ron iS-ccc ,nsc.cc e rr
held. On cpst prfc illac I mth c teams
shouldl \\ cci lhogcl l upsei n theii ic
dopem t foce d efeatic upiliclime oriibotii.
\cciir. Iciiccccthcr ccci cpart ificl
w~'c'tc. i cci i ll te S ice gale
schl d !tol tarkatI ?,,;oon iicciganc's
cci I~lc,ha I h nncicciewe thier
icc cic iics arciicctIhcgclyi c ourcaicginig,
cciii hcli ci firccase , b t d spite
icche ic millsi i ci icc ciiied cciii ibe in

cevcnciv ontieisiccd accidiiccreiitercsicc
\Iicigcichaic-cs cccI ii()Saei ad
difficculti foriii hi an toi ll, altiii ;
couirsceciiotccibe cicffe ct Ic teamccl'
cciii Aribcrcat 9o uyno r iicic ciiicci
iccer t1ch icci -hi iccborcrilcro d
(Spciaici(icc ThecMicicigncDaiicy.
Laniniig, Such.,. .\icc 14. :A\ I(cci
cdccwncccccccshcoctlyc- ccirc moonciidciii cciI
alli 1hccipe ccI cccc lth icici-ci S rcusec A.
.\. C'. ccseicclli nmceI linic iclacedi i chic
fortcirs ciiseiconil :;ccc e\ wic h liii 1;l>>i
Japanese Prints, Persian Rugs, and
Paintings Are Exhibited.

-cer hultteh oiiliityt c hac i c cci ccirccci. Mcc iclc i Cioah cc-
llbscc cccIII icccl-icacr icchagsin theccarc IakingiiiL nt-cccioci thsicinc-cc c
upi ic cii Ic ciiiiii ci ii ths"iierlot.i ii to promote cii c art inti resti foca
isiiclil--c-ccsi iciii<i
that c arii ngclcilc ccliii ien cicc neclr cia pitn s ad lci pt
rilcc itltc n g tin r~n h aciteictr l adifc e-Icniciccic.g
cc icc cisictc. dccidiiniii iiiica ' lu l y t td lt ft i I icc rly im
-lccci cc
al ctctiive c featurie. c Theciii i iii c
icc-cl icifcic t ici n the nc uri sct cic, cnd ctie ccciii
c tiic cci c i cnkccII ciii cl ccccs c c 1c ci c
-icii tccicI ilc helci -cic ii ilil icacve c ccii ciiar ielm c cI I cii ortra iied.
m di t cc i sraic h ifron S rcccci--cc, ccli i I .I ylici cwh ic ii cicaiil Ccil
Cii icic \il aln aytw r icc ilis dci ci i ic ii ciiiigi
iii cccii iith vasi ty rckii i atc-c lctccisn icn ciulic tis tit'i ccii ~ tc a
byciiccvcccc cciii dcccii ccwill cbe iiiombating- c1,110 exhibIitccii witho cut iany iii.. cccii
ccc ig n' mll liic i cii nc cci \iriacck m et f ihe 5 l ., rmiioi-,; . n fo
ccciicc i i iici ilsLAWS WILTL WEAR ROBES
thine A iic. 'I'l(i icc-c-ihve -ve
ccc l iipe cilly iist cmiin cti:ii athletiic-ics,
iiiholg usually ci ii iccccccici in i cciciccciOnce More the IDignity of the Do. m
th hali"si cc)r thccI Ohi lig Nicuc. partment Is Enhanced.
ccast cca Ai iMccl cccccc ccii n iii cciccccsc Cnocher liti f seaato dlc l
ngc ones from c iccciilii Ilicic Stacic ea , c hciii andcl-cic ci li- -c et f hec am puscicc
and culessto ys I varii s i tycci opponentscici arcc wacci brokenlici cii c-c -i- ccwhecci hei -
nn c i Itcnlcc i att i wascii heiii ameiiiicic c laws c ii lihicr casi ucticc v~c
nrc-gtn c last I lcd- therei isliccciii I ici sc f w a ig thir callcs -ccii
b li ii ha.th i ar c icd cci k c-iv o-c -tocwns cTuesdays iind 'Ticrsdayis. 'his
tedci selfi tocEnidi tiei-viitcr'sc siarei oflis liii ciiciicciciobsercved ii b ciialliheot-
th p intsc. Cases i ileli ccii ccii.
iciciscaicc iicerict i lc entcrii c iin Lh ccili ccci c-ccr,.cwhin thce-iippecace-
icwo-mccie cci ccli ren cccv n tit icat-- i t i c s ci in t icicinicii.tic cccilaw liid ccciirecog-
iii ie dccihat Cicicilr ic Illlis ilikccyitcoibe cccuc lihe cuctiomic t all.cii oSic rnctihlc ccar
ieaen hcilt ccc uicccci everpmeiiciis anxiotcisi thei seri c itci- tkincccg fciesc law cwori
ttic-c c vciibcii cose ciihe ccc-Wolvcer ciadrc havcbceiitheionlycir cc iii lthedlcaccdei
can iiiicme cto thic-iececnt ccmarl: cmaciiibicc art ciint ldisplayicn 11c lassiiic-obes.
I' ili li-c Un i-ity ofi ltiilc ccii c iit remaic 1 c ccinst e en jusct io cwlat
sesatcinccia l iscidc-ic rcciiircc Ducl isccextent 11cc cgrceeiccccnt cciii cbe icaried.
co cdedanic el c-lentchnceiciiocc 'ii, ciii ii Dan i. Symconis, c'iii, expressdc i m-c
ccci v ncitcc iic ciiiinte as rn ieccllcgite ccslf cas cilcccic i cnieciit bsrc.cr- Ile
espeiccally sicccni-c ccnci aral efom ad "Nxt iueidiayiI aliii-miet
-tcci-of cist cweek. lti th cilc iiccl rcciii maoi ty ofili tccl seiori lawiis ciii ciii
in ilIii,;hi s entcici foirmitcis doubtflii cciiar ci ccciiind gownsi . It i acusitcomc
if ca -civcc-icc clga ito- ier caciihie foiund iwocciiiy-of gcecircal oblse-rva-cccandciiIsie
icc Amce-cr c ci c-i c ci-n liii- te Qucckcr's cccircciscon cwic) 1e Iicc departmcicct
ccci. eshould nccci teilc wiih liii-risti ofl cii
Icc icc-cri toc makeii h e meetcciii icore ncciiversc ity i lis caffci."

VIt ii Scccic ccc S(:"i c cOFcTill., i

cci. cc I. ccc Nwrici -

IFREMSTAD \co PLEASES ttan a 'clt i~ltssttcss r
IN WAGNER SONGS 1 icun cuciclftlns ciiexrisin
.Operatic Singer Receives Ova= hi--c lcicccicccccccwrc ccc "iiisciic,"
lion - tanination of Faust"' iiic: d i ihe irci ii ic cccii i ccciii irsthi
ln~ein headii ciis ofiRichardciiWag-i
I Coise eti val "Tonight. t cc ho edth "wonderfui ccccccili ccc ivicic


't iiir t

\\cia is - s~c-I Q - h clicr ii c cc
th c-i ii ia-c. h ih-eaae
ciii cc am it i cr s ie nnic w is
- cr i i s ccii trati p s
ini ci i iN~ t c -Iscn iii 1 H ift iii stn irrec
sic ilc ai~ ccclI thei i de I
Ii io I& is eInisi- ulo i
ccnil v1I ci i i cn sa d itsccciii cas
O jclaclI ccii cl ii-l e r i - a cc i ll ti- a
ccii v ccc riic"cii - l Alic c ccci
To h ii dtil her i "cu iiil i
i- iv m i brise iii iii A c icr. I
iim uaria rtn 1a i a sr, w s c-

-i), ccliat e iic an ccci iisicicIcicciciate
kli icc dramatiiclegendii c, d'c Dam-
I ,[ion of cciii " ilcci tiii ayc
festivac-siries ci-h . AllisoI(icn
tReligious Piece Well Portrayed and
Well Received.
\ith ll the sc cularciciccnciticeciccc
dram"Iiii ciii c cliii andiireliiousc c saciyni
&i thei ciriciccil p(ccciiiciiio i-ci 111cr.
icI i-c c-i ccc ctatc tiii of th
~ l l istory c hichid urrounicidd cicthei
cc-icc-13,cNazarene, and itst i ccci-
whli clheii mcccinece ofthI Cc- histiiiis
cilgo s aen, cc ilccicc thiecslightecst
lige ( sareihis concionii whiichiii
was feltci uiringi chi (c-cc icg of 'Thec
Sccciii i c iin he li," Oni teil - c
minion of cc thecc dramatcci ic p liii, 1the Whul-
ricei.gici iliilc

Tug-of-War Goes to the Second-
Year Men in Both Events; Bag
Fight Won by Freshmen.
spr ig intrl scl- sri c c lccc c
aftr ahotconestin he cleey ii
I-nlii- bcciii ie cecuThe lit
ciici itcontestii cai ne hirstcamlc the c chi-u
and ool h inic he lc , tn isae wh
dcft id cccliiinue o ar i iii r.
ccrlee ic imm rsd, th - si ii )£i h,
ciii . the-. cri-ci misak iof lcd c in th i
heaiest ii ccfirti llc fill, c di
Iside cccf c e cciveriiihisscmai tcckcin O
adc soii- theii eti e li ne cci ci cc cc i -cc
Foircu tiis dccii dir featc thei i si -ic--
cciingetrls 1111 thanchic ir iii a
yeari mlt secudlii l i p c .i -ci i i
hi s Ic s theu u stcci-c i csciu c i c theI
letici fieldcliin lepi l i sulo. N l cia
liii peo lecindcctiliii hillidesci li cc the
ud rl s fou ghticcclcc i ni li u- -
-ndStatcctreet helcd clivcing curdns
hit ns who iihiad s ii vd from 1-
Push Bic alli -Coiitehstc Touday. c
ith the sic oreiilii icsu i evelc<iyi<i-cc
today'si itc laciii tets i llc dcid
Fheresmtien moeitsofWinhelaysnd
Plsss. he baleonestTayeswl
start a. yi a.dit.i cclii c-cas i ll h..i
heldi I 'cic ield tac kcl wil l be 23oiii
suriountedccndcharrelsi c-hiwcc ,civedi
bacontccci ic) liefuhi on thesout1
cres u cwicuretcccniii hincidicic cc 1c- lii
particicipantscill wccrdccci cis he
JoecKlceycv 1w iiccyrecuthis ela
cliuldcha lleiof ith cpush vba ilcnte ist. Th
oficcancciiAettlictir Sccc ciiibe-c
coAlaciyz5l.1ccOffuicechornscci cit1c
P.rucucri:ciiitioill30ccPccidcc. dacil1y, c


Ini lii- li
w11l IC"I-II
ill crucuc11 ii i
u-c dIr.I-f cIi
tII c iit cccsiI


1 c 1

u--ct iei i iiascc
sciii - 1 ieI es-
,ati ccii cciii c
hull}-i ccc c
i l sI c- i c I cN%-]]
u-I iil lli 'cccl iii
cur ii .o c il]
ccii< ii h-cc- oiii -


1}-( .Li
It i tc
iIi't1 dccIIi
Elth orii-

mr -is o1 XShI[hh'ifS SOIX R['h
lat Caii h(, i)tiCIX liSillIhI CACi
filecouoc. i ittte ptingc to cc ss 11he street cai
cdli uduC idicnt no n Ii cctfhldstrccli ati4:30
Sklad 1c. C hiaycprinkifiv-iccar-cud ccci
ac ciii icc raih c i c )vii accstciriet cc iiiand suiferd
Magae tli h-i ei- cuci ci ccclta iiofIcg.c

hi ccitIi In . :\Is

II are now on sale at the State Street Book Stores. The sale has been larger than was anticipated and the
$ 1 o 7 5 remaining supply is very limited. Those who have not yet procured books should not delay buying
longer. Address mail orders to Business Manager, Ann Arbor Press Bldg. Ann Arbor Mich.

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