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March 15, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-15

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I piffft
ANN 3Itt'30R, MICH., SUNDAY, ALIRCH, 15, 1903
o~. 12
Defeated the Illinois Team 42 to
in a Most Exciting Contest
-Visitor Got Three
blight, \1'114i11 -ierwil nuing ~trI te111
defea4-ited Iliili 444 i).vnexi''eitit rlss'
Of 42 to .04oin is. 1Over'ione t14445t41i
Siec-tatos irs 4c-14'li-si-lit at the big
d0II.Il1 ni-t i '40:1141411s'5'1ila14141
mildi tlilt .1,4 111.144 14144ie, ' iron Sly
Vlii ,rec1d-41the 11111 toii'lliierltil 14cord
} Trf'iii" ok ll il leeniepo
(011Iw11il;1iii I i44441 411 445441411the
tr l; i li i i til i's were a4 Ili s
11111O ic li irt : t 111 1 tlii't. Ii 11h.1,
secold Io l-oh(Ilillo ishi d. 1i1e
10Y 1( 111 4 . I ..S1~
ll s), scll-Y. i1iI l ION.-'
,e nd \'.Time tl : ;. 1111 i ini
S ep lr (loi s),1 fir st P st. l
#n.; inen ey x4ilt !,: T e Ili I o i, s ietih. T int Oh4'/, ti. i l
Inchn did -'in-i orkt an 141ec44v41 III<ThA' MC1AI.-.'; AlIS.
r liii 1aftr 1r1ud 'of i i 14414 44 b 1)4
1'411 thei t hesteft s fa'i i led to oil- h rs, hal, IN __o__ :1141 _ e_________ o
'Into4the1tii t-iteinlofiihe Tel11 overOhlfWNEDingIlnoitHe mHURON
lo i" ine. 111141 41 I" ,1 ii11 i4's :4:;
mostInterest'. ii" ing evr 1held 1141 \V 414 Ernst Zinurmerscheiri, a Freshman
2~i't~~'~1Tiii'4:' tin4444 ttintr- Liter ary Student, Met Death
11111 41 ws;j l clseencugnitoii Saturdav While Canoeing
thrllton~l sieetaorto hee 1. Thei - The Goat Unset
Tttti liosIn~ aesel 1 4441' 1114 s hlriint N 411 14ile '4'i4'4 1i. 1~
I~~r{ 4aio\-iti et he110', Whitmore444'1 4'Lkeroa its t'
441 ~~I 111s tllelinirst dtr14i4ii41actcidiinttin
lii 1144 lii li ii the i 1 Il nn t i ri-e. Th'I hti \n~
1: 41 i l so 441 ii 1111 thei ii' Sli t-u111 ntbi w'ii i'iit 1114'.r~e14 :
'14 onlitiorthe l inler uff.4i 1411 0 ''~ iNot 11 444114'414444
441 Ii it bight ill t minutes Ifillilt 41141d44
n4-44il'41' Ms.i T i ii' lii ive
i :tIrlh n wr fo ti e a is ati44 1t >V) l ow' ar11 lA ML Thei mothe
W onihonor'is onylr ald to he l':ui-1has been sentifor
4 s y , ( o ier Ni n fir' t 11 14' an Thlito ro her f al.Iian a
441 4114 InIaii4'1d4hisliii' I litIs1
Iii spin, of theFroik 00111111 1011 'Mi tinitWi pmrln e od Iiily
1 l e n t e c a u ,:n ici 44114 i '44rai 'llro d b i geiisin t e \'a Oi\ - n
A Most Enthusiastic Gathering En-
richiod With Clever Speeches and
rosts-A Serior Bencih has
Been Estahlished
Pro'ill otill' 14 1144 Ituilt~tithi..lts
glihertxtha h. ibenhetutr in 4
c i V iilit 14 1 4' 44ditl']ii-e'ineer''4
144414. ('1144loyl4Oty. '141454' 14144
iit 114'stmite iii 1Y4'lo4w1a 4444114't44
which 4~'s sully et1rti' e14111 11144.
:Afer 44o1:114 n" ith :1141 e' I ti e444
it'tfr, T ni' 4441 i 00'ittu' i i
1441444444tlt iiiiloali' ot11e i n, of11 li,,
I~~o t ;o liihe 44spi ''t o 44 cits'
I'i'4'e4' 44114 hill oa1 st'-1' il'41 4114' t
the nliith' 441104i 11144s 411444 1o4or14 or
1144-' 'inil 114' 01444144'. ('44. ''11414'
Pa 1ker 4than 'let it is vo444144 ' 1
illth 11i 3' 44' 44114 ed4 to1 444 ii ga u
444 4111' u~le ': . tke
''1 ft"14'' '41444 '40' i ~l Ii 14ll 'l'4ig o'
Style in iii "ut- i 'lt n ih o ig, 44444 in al4
in the 44 l: lx .T he ast fo111111'
o(tiot \-il l ' I}. p i t 4441 liii liiiu
l 41 r l1 4441 t ,l flit .i t l. 1tt 4 t i m
11.0, 11. ue l .Ilt-b . 414 114 i til 4'W'411
010 Il ioi Ii i llii fot ball,41 1 in1 the441
h144e 41tIll- :14144 441' ii lil'.Ilit' 1in
'.4It 4[g 4l:. 'teii Iiiitlr ti I 1 1 11(1 4
j;'l tn ll 4111 the ''Iis 0fi tl1'4 iii '1444'u1
i c l liii id 1141rt -11t11 4 rio i t('44 iii-
iu 4444414nd 144 ii 144(' ilull ioft h 411
l iw gr wth ol-li c i' aoipirit41ro4
jit.tl' 4.1I i mi' I 414441 1e1:44 tt ill '9114
11\vtol 1 )- ile4 o1 114 14 1ol
lMttIiii ili ii 11t4444 oo( : Ia
.' 1 II' it lI'lltg~l l, i t t-livn 141
11111the ;;onn ': to: lo l'1'c 1 er
h li it I'l ililIiiiti'' Ii
Assemhly Cluh Party
41 t'I'o i lt i nl '4'4114(. '1111 ' 1444.141' i'4'
oi 'I ItO' 414' ('14141 i44'I'sle 1 11 4 i r l
1'1444114l 11I' 114410'.4444 11)~t 3t1
(oi ls (:n e1 111111 1411 41' 1111114l 44 -
Prof. Paton's Lidusis
444 i 114141 '1414411' '1)144444 II: 1:1 o l
flle- w4111 ep il4.1 i4' i l'1'Ied1it i ldi(4.
t l ii 4111'rofessor141t4 ' s 4111 tiu ni t
lind rii i tutu. 1.Th co 1:
Professor Kirchner Makes Ri-ni', t o
the Detroit Journa-Th-. Corre-
spondent Here Makes ant
1114' Detroit114 .1 til 1 41 f Iiii441144
1444 144'4 n A tcl' ic'h4'414t4 .'i4''ii
:lg el 1:1o xite 44:14 1110'K. 'i
14141 till',lt ill ti' te ffet i 1tlI!J ill'
1(Into less411 1 1 l ti ilt 414 i
Ti 14441414 144411 nIt i'tlt''' i 1011 Prof.ut'
()i l etiii t '411 f Ie r i,:14 1 r
tojltf imselhirte Ile 4114 v-
I Ii r T e ill -1111.O Ith''":
t)ail f i-ur.I-in nih'sin' n~e
0044 to~l 1:llile 144 itti- 444 1 114'
III '44444 111:Mic'4,4'111x( 41 l'
4411441' 14441 1 h t toii ''44 1I t 11111144141-
fr I i nel ci- ht 444,s: iitin i I-.1t
h-i ol.ilitlit i 14 144444 4 1 11' 4444I .;-i' lit
for i s II 11 4 14 th':1( o 1' 1 i t t he oi 4 1
41444144 it no 4441141 llt Il(
iii(d ii i l liii l tl4'1 t~il l i 4 1t
4 4so ly ,\ - lll lii::C - c
N I IwvO1 '4'u-t i IN W A li i
II1 414141' 414 of111
I 14141 r~ltI )1 ,It u o il c( 1
tl~ o lt111{' m /o
l Tit"s'.
s 1Tt.
i Tii-
t l; 1 t)f' lilt, t' t t1111 ;7 t
tz l lii11r+1 t<' iitt. .1 .
11t'~~crv i)t' tl t' C w- 111o ];.
11lilc1; 111(, ('v(glt' 1X(T (' 1 1111
!:"'11 \1 ':'i(i t ill!" .'l id o l 111 11I.11 - X1:1
M ann . of' l -lt 0 '1, 11- 1 .' In I fg
44-41 w( !m' ' illyt ilt-ut '
to t,14114' hs 0 m i
14'I 411 ii t-41 444444 lov ju iiiliii
111444 ,I ii , Iic2 '. I . i .. ! . t
1144wiI'llP. 1A. Dr
444411111 r I' 1 'I.-:14 'ii ltI/itz 411141
'11444-4 -hilt, 14. :.C"4.
44411m11 ll-of th41144' 4''11v iiIs1
i t1:t' 11 flit' I, v tt(t- 11 Illl 1, IIi tt'1"
1h;11 lltik of Ltlo vo:(rs, ilot tt
o writor. (0, tho Alttllwl\-
(1r.rtrt I'll (11 n o ll:ttitlc ]lt) ' '1 ;.
F l l 4 t it 'tIII i 4' « Itt 0 I'I 44 iitiiI1i'4I'.41 14444 c4l' it iii''' :44
:tt i ittitI ii ' tiir[444 li lfe111' cle : tiiltot er ill' .')iiIIIeI
. I.i.! ti4i 11444 fuile 01. 4444~i t. to 1i t t ii~tl41 4 ofII 1h4' It>
$1.00 DA#ILY $1.00 the libra-.
The U. .of lM. Daily oill be de- 114'14i 411044, ee;4lte4l14-14111'
layered for balance of school year:I - vlt'4ryellow1114ti441rilisill 1 4444414'4it 44
for $1.00. Leave orders at office h)~tr, 44 hichasn been 4414 114411so4 mucthi
1310S.IaiSt. Pbone 13. 44injury to till' I' 114'rwity.
11 Iiit ii 'ii I ,, ,
i tu 1 111,14 ~ titt lI tl Mi i 13 ;1 ,.- l
a nlt n l , o )illO' 11 :4 1 I0
ill'itt'h i 44144 44444 44 11' l , .1 1. 1; 11
pr1n444 a' Itlly4444I tiu it,-1in I , l
s %1 1 i. (l ~ \s l d 1 Ii k l) I li

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