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March 15, 1903 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-03-15

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Tl6o[et n os
in AXnn Arbor ivill be foundo
at G. If. Wild & Co.'s, 108
Pains bavy tbeen taken int
the seleton of all suit-
ings, teonserings & over'.
coatings for this season.
108 E. Wash. St.
[he American Republic and
Its (Government;
Jov .ties Albert Woodburn
Augustus Caesar;
The Pride of Tellfair;
The-Garden of Charitt ;
Six Trees;
Iev MarI+1.l '0ilkiils 1"trei tor
The New lfy at Dale:
1) liCk iii Ii' lat i ch.
Loney Mary;
WXigrs of l (th 177. lis it( i
University Booksellers,
320 S. State Street.
theNe iNGtEtsi toiill( 10 it ifte h fieSadr
E ntered (1.:+ s e'c 's-iiso m at e r at A n ifhl m } T hi
ostES littNler. lolcniinofa, tr stlt l - A S u e tiptis le
RU i tl' C E I t. U STU , 't( 1 "d t h l (it..' t(1 iiiii II i s io ii' i Zal ft iiii iic t o t ii t Ito ii x h
th c m~t(}eis tet 5 'i ts, of'W i l iii- (1 's 'Iii fe l s lii lii' itit, T e Ilil'e nt t c p re s a
Ass, y tl lgnni;; nt I it s'uothers It conains a
MANAFGti, It.GiiEDITOnR, ha iThte.'Of ih Sanda de
EARLEJ iI.'iii S 'i T.'00. 3. i i'l ii s o wnIiitr '(1 sto i tolet mti C ll"
.ipiiscici1.5. scitioe, iiitell'\". oficiii Iit. Price il t l- aI t
ROS OEB.iiiiy B.Bki'4 L. It wel~n;t hi na iit'yef f ltiu iiiietyu, al~g" lciia
EIiORS i A.n. Jlcsifisol th ,3. V i l lw . I t)P 'I.,
Aheics'.B'li wr05 i ten andif thi s dI'ii'icthe editor t ae .ptt'j ad* e( 1:
I b r '.1'lo,'ii ' . th 'e'tithee iiItJiiisulslue 'iiiit', i'iiti
tidoesi none t li h t ti ittimee i't'itt it ls li1 il ae-tti!il
A~iy i. s stigi me nEdti olei ar . c- tc iiioeil cicgiiieis f heetI t c ltlr
Ocs us i ialiuiscE. ertc. titey' I4.e a iteit t tds.etles tisacu t
i( vtthocaibultarytelic ofi.,sr cnearlye iat scae7;tc I,_ei
i 1lilcttseisci'btc~' Iicctflu I'u
'1'101nQ B. oberWAKR1#.S40oOKTOES
l ax Ficeiinkstein'i 3.citigciiitii'etciiCtlu
, yjeserS.Bo tyr,04 is co - izc 'in it. ssiiiilli i si
Xi's uli edly -B . ke, . Bke
FrankJ.lClrk, 96c t le b 1 I pali.ic loo rmedyitold'I .v C~.lgf
Diy is $ l:'.:o fo the . ili'. yea.i -NO-the ediorial nana__ ilientsof theout-_A
tiecm u icains, etc., ' ii' mustit .'beathtane d e r
mailedto he d11r bfor 3 I. i. of ti ithei dayfi t. tttry ~ i S cwot. u r
to'ii'. llpipeit'ar.tiilei W.AtedI'llB reKSORES
Subsribes dil roferafavrbyprtI 'ilig thiiii', 1 :1 0 a. rg~ iin ait.1Ito 3h3s
prompty ;itthis tliceztny ailurkofeorriej
tod livr paperi. X II i~ '011i41 7 is Ip ishi. Good.it All
1ci ~ l}e i Iis'. gi l 'iiiiig illte''i trulst eI\,(1;,if o-iU nate C . W ATTSre A nlA rbo
illithec' 'ii t lie1il).ane.totithece.( yspeeiou-s. AtED ART N M EMO.
thttonwii('l teyar 't u et l f' 15 iii'5l iiA hirs ucti si' il a'to' e rly1 ascon213-S ileMa,
fi i l'l 'sitit i Da il rusoli ce.- Nlily cli' .:it eeial'tgSfouti'hy i
I Menil ildFit)Jth e LR Y SO.
Athens Theatre.
TiHE REGAL SHOE Seat Sale at Stofflets News Stand.
tcse RA All kinds,, all styles, always
up to date. the most durable And His Italian Band of Sixty.
shoemad an alaysthePrices: Lower Floor, $1, Balcony 75c, Gallery 50c. Seats now sellinrg
same price, $3.50, 365 days
in everMATarNEE Tuesday, March 17th.
MATINEEAND NIGHiT. 50 Men, Women and Children 50'
Sttsns~gDouble Matinee at 3:15, after school
SIAD,61 [M I1IAN~SR~J. St~o'r 611PICES:
MMRS NES SAND 61 [AT W111A~SIM. hilren0c,0Andul50c
11YR'NWS ANN ARBORMICH. I nce Tom's Cabin Eve i 1c,c 3and C-
11 !111IIJFrank Daniels seat sale tomorrow 9 a. m.
TChe Man in the Collar Sets the Style. . - z
''tBcIlsl-i lread dy seenl in otat if theemItet Ut-en. I'2
!-N'intgs andPoisl ar rc eiving 1 i tht call pows tronm corret euss-
res II tllutrat ttituns'-boss twso Ilopllar shapes. Wie haec a gteatt
Vaity ofothuesall hlights,.a11 sizeu. .None bettetrnmade asials
K c ~ p ice-ours, 2 lioi 25c. Ash.foiritetiiiy'our cdealetrs.

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