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March 15, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-03-15

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he Michigan Daily
Wolverine Orators are Preparing for Electioneering Has Begun for Selec- Rose's Shot Put of 47 ft. 6/ Inches Geo. W. Maxey, '02 Lit, the Recipient
the Coming Contests-Wisconsin tion of Officers Next Saturday- .. Will Be Allowed-Relay Races of High Honors and Prizes at
Men are ConsideredStrong- Thompson and Leslie are Candi- Wednesdty-D. U. S. Against the University of Penn-
Other Notes. dates for President-Hot Freshmen Next Saturday. sylvania.
Contest Promised.
A committee of four alumni, two Anent the general discussion arous- Cuts and complimentary sketches of
from each of the Universities of Mich- The annual election of the Universi- ed by the remarkable performance of George W. Maxey, U. of M., '02, have
igan and Wisconsin, is now making ty Republican club will be held next Rose in putting the shot 47 ft. 60 recently appeared in various Phila-
arrangements for the judges of the de- Saturday. About 1800 republican stu- in., in the First Regiment meet, the. delphia daily papers and also in the
bate between our own university and dents are eligible to vote provided rumor has become current that the University of Pennsylvania publica-
Wisconsin, which takes place in Ann they register, and the fact that so record could not be allowed by the tions. Mr. Maxey is now a student of
Arbor a week from Friday night. The many are interested in the affairs of Amateur Athletic Union and the Inter- law at that University and although
members of the committee are, for the organization promises a large rep- collegiate association because of the he has been there less than six
Michigan, Messrs. Sidney C. Eastman resentation at the polls. fact that the distance was not meas- months he has already received many
and Frank P. Sadler, and for Wiscon- The two candidates for president ured with a steel tape. Concerning substantial recognitions of his schol-
sin, Messrs. Samuel W. Kies and are W. B. Leslie, of Clyde, Kans., and this it should be said that while it is arship, forensic ability, and populari-
Morse Ives. This committee will se- C. A. Thompson of Towanda, Pa. Both true that any performance offered for ty with his fellow students.
lect the judges in Chicago, and send are Junior Laws and men of experi- record must be supported by testi- Mr. Maxey was appointed by the
them here next week Friday for the ence. Thompson has, been active in mony based on measurement by a law faculty at the University of Penn-
debate. General Henry M. Duffield of one campaign, and while a student at steel tape, it is also true that the feat sylvania as contributor to the Ameri-
Detroit, will be the presiding officer at Pennsylvania State university, repre- itself may be measured with a cloth can Law Register, an honor, appoint-
the debate. sented his Alma Mater in inter-univer- tape provided that it is proved up by ment .to which, is based on class
Michigan's team composed of Col- sity debote. Leslie has been active comparison with a tape of steel and standing. He was also elected to the
ton, Blanchard and Anderson, is now in two campaigns and has been prom- the latter granted as the true dis- Hare Law club, and the Woolsack,
hard at work in preparation, and ex- inent in the work of his party. Each tance. Keene Fitzpatrick yesterday both organizations with the highest
pects to make a good showing against man has a strong following and each compared the tape used in measuring membership qualifications, and elec-
Wisconsin. Wisconsin has always is hopeful of election. Rose's performance Saturday night tion to which is eagerly sought. Nom-
been a hard opponent in debates. The Leslie has on his ticket for secre- with a steel tape and found the for- inated for President of the Junior law
Badgers are especially strong on tax tory, Stark, '06 law, and for treasurer, mer to have been entirely accurate. class, he withdrew, and without so-
questions, on account of the strength Jones, '05 lit. Thompson's ticket so The fact will be certified to by the licitation, received the highest vote
of the economic department of the far includes Koelbel, '06 law, for sec- Detroit Athletic'club men who acted for member of the class executive
university. The question for the de- retary, and Clark, '06 lit, for treasurer. as officials and the evidence forward- committee.
bate reads as follows: "Resolved, that W. H. Hornibrook, '06 law, of Cher- ed to Secretary Sullivan of the A. A. On Feb. 27, Mr. Maxey won first
the states should relinquish the per- okee, Iowa, has announced himself an U., and to the Intercollegiate officials place in the "final" which was held to
sonal property tax." independent candidate for vice-presi- with the request that it stand as both select a team to meet Virginia in de-
The team in the Central Debating dent. The full list of candidates will - the intercolligate and American rec- bate. The subject was: "Resolved,
League, which debates Northwestern be announced later in the week. ords. There seems to be no question That the laws of marriage and divorce
for the championship later in the year On account of the coming fall cam- but that it will be allowed. should be uniform throughout the
has been at work for some time in paign, greater interest than usual is Tomorrow afternoon, at half past United States and that to this end
preparation. This team is composed being taken in this election of officers four, the semi-finals will be run off Congress should by constitutional
of the same men wo dehfeated Minne- and the students with political tenden- in the series for the inter-class amendment be given exclusive juris-
sota this year. Ripple, Bills and Hold- cies are hustling in the interests of championship. The 1907 Engineers diction over these subjects."
erman. The question for discussion their candidate for each position. will go against the 1904 Laws, . and On Wednesday, March 9, Mr. Maxey
in this contest is the same as that No one can vote at the election who i the 1906 Lits against the 1906 Engs. gained another victory in the annual
for the cup debate: "Resolved, that does not register. Those desiring to All four teams have proved to be of university prize debate, receiving as
labor unions should incorporat,." join the club and take part in the class and het contests resulting in first honor a testimonial of $75. This
The university oratorical contest election are urged to register. fast time should be the result. The prize in known as the "Frajie's Ttesti-
takes place this Friday evening in two winners will compete for the fin- monial," and is Penn's leading fore-
University Hall. The six men who ORATORICAL CONTEST. als Saturday night. nser honor. The debate was partici-
are to contend for the honors are now The University of Michigan Probi- Rebstock's sprained ankle is pecu- pated in by those who composed the
practicing for the final occasion. The tion League will hold its annual ora- liarly unfortunate coming just at this Pennsylvania team against Cornell
contest promises to be of a very high torical contest during the first week time as if he is incapacitated by it and those who won places on the team
order, and keen and close competition in April. A cash prize of twenty- for the Cornell meet on March 26, his to debate against Virginia.
is predicted. The men in the contest five dollars will be given to the win- loss many prove rather serious in Mr. Maxey in winning honors at
are Bartlett, Grey, Welch, Halliday, ning oration, and the winner will rep- view of the strength of the Cornell Pennsylvania is only continuing to do
Sonnenchein and De Priest. resent the University in an intercol- team, what he did in his four years at Michi-
legiate state contest to be held at the This week Saturday, the Freshman- gan and what his many warm friends
NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT. Michigan Agricltural college, April 29. D U. S. meet occurs and promises to here, knowing his character and abili-
A large amount of enthusiasm is be- Orations are limited to fifteen hundred be of a high degree of interest. The ty, expected him to do. In his senior
ing aroused in the different classes of words, and must be upon some topic Detroit University Schools men to the year at Michigan, Mr. Maxey was
girls, in a novel way, this year. The relating to the overthrow of the liquor number of fifteen were out here in managing editor of the U. of M. Daily,
sophomore girls held a candy-pull at traffic. Three typewritten copies of charge of Trainer Macomber last Sat- President of the Student's Lecture as-
the gym, and practiced songs and the orations must be in the hands of urday and during the afternoon went sociation, University Honor orator,
yells. Last week the freshmen fol- President Hernett, 503 Madison street, through their paces on the track in and alternate on the Pennsylvania de-
lowed suit and gave a peanut hunt, or Secretary Welch, 628 Packard an effort to accustom themselves tu bating team, also a member of Wool-
which served as well, for a very sue- street, on or before April 1st. its eccentricities. While no record ey club, Toastmaster's club, and Mich-
cessful and enthusiastic yell-meet. Meetings of the league are held making tests were called for, the teen igamsra, and class orator of the 1902
A large number of freshmen girls regularly on alternate Sundays at 3 were sent hard enough to demonstrare lit class-a collection of honors and
were present at the entertainment. P. M. in the parlors of the Christian that the freshmen will meet worthy responsible positions that rarely falls
For a while the girls danced, and be- church. Next meeting will be Sun- opponents on the track. to the lot of one student in a single
tween dances, led by Miss Shartell, day, March, 20th. The subject for dis- On account of the fact that the D. year.
they practised their songs and yells. cussion at that meeting is "The South U. S. men have no place to practice
Bowls of cracker-jack, placed about Carolina Dispensary Plan." All are the pole-vault this event will be drop- NOTICE-SENIOR LITS.
the rooms, stimulated interest. invited. ped and the 40-yard hurdle substitut- Seniors who have not yet ordered
At about five o'clock, the entertain- ed. The teams will consist of twelve their ap and n yut o soras
ment of the afternoon began; this was HOUSE TRACK MEET. men each. Trainer Fitzpatrick has eir caps and gowns must do soa
men ach.Traier Ftzparickhasearly as possiei orrtohv
in the form of a preanut hunt. The The students who room at 814 S. not definitely decided on the make up gowns at the time of the swingout.
girls who found the largest number State street entertained the members of the team as yet, but will do so The committee will meet againgin
of the peanuts, which were hidden of the First Regiment track team who today. room C from 4 to 6 Tuesday and Wed-
everywhere in the rooms, received, as happened in Waterman gymnasium redy Mrch 15 and M L-
a prize, a little framed picture. Saturday morning. The occasion was PARSIFAL LECTURE. ellswill March 15 and 16. atMirsLov-
After the hunt, the business of the the semi-annual track meet between Saturday evening, March 20, Pro- measure the girls her stre
meet began, in earnest. Miss Lawler the sophomores and upper cassmen. fessor Stanley will give a sterioptica 1t4-1 same hour.
was elected yell master by the girls, The shot put, 40-yd dash, high jump, lecture on the much discussed opera 114-117. ROBERSON.
and a practice of yells and songs, quarter and mile runs, and the relay of Parsifal. He will be assisted by NOTICE DEMOCRATS.
never equalled for enthusiasm in the race went to the second year men. members of of faculty of the School
gymnasium, followed. Dr. Snyder gave The honors in the half mile were car- of Music, who will illustrate with se- All University democrats are re-
the girls a short talk, congratulated ried off by the juniors and seniors. lections from the score. quested to meet in Newberry Hall,
them on their interest and enthusiasm The most exciting event of the meet Part of this lecture was given by W arch 16, 1:00 p. i., to
and warned them never to let entho- was the mile run which was won after Professor Stanley a short time ago, d ng a Parker Club. The
siasm run away with them, so as to a one lap run by pulling straws for but the museum lecture room was by purpose of the club is to urge the
show any discourtesy to an opponent. first place. no means large enough to accomodate f New availabilityorkf Judge Altona Parker
The practice of yells and songs con- the crowd which sought admission. oe for the democratic pres-
timued until after six o'clock, when CLASS PARTY It is to grant the many requests to re- idential nomination. 17-18
meme rk p h 0 ieaycaswl mlepa hslcueta rfso

temebrke up. The '07 Literary class will make peat this lecture that Professor Stan- ST.PARCK'SLEPYA PRY
their debut in society next Friday ley has been persuaded to give it T. PATRI LEAP YEAR PARTY
PARKER CLUB. night. The freshmen have arranged again. However he will aim to give a Mrs. Granger invites the ladies to
As appears from a notice in another to give an unusally attractive infor- more complete exposition of the opera attend a leap year party at the acade-
part of today's Daily another political mal dance and Barbour gymnasium at the present time, assisted as he my Thursday evening, March 17.
club is about to be organized. This has been secured for the occasion. will be by members of the faculty. Programmes at 8:30 Music by the
latest club is to be known as the Root's orchestra will furnish the mu- This will make the opera popular and Academy orchestra. 16
Parker Club and is in the interest of sic. Tickets 50 cents. interesting to those who are not stu-
the nomination of Judge Parker as dents of music. To limit the audience MANDOLIN AND BANJO CLUBS.
the democratic presidential candidate Prof A. H. Lloyd will deliver an ad- to a comfortable size for the Sciool Members of the Mandolin and Ban-
With a Hearst club and a Parker club dress on Ethics and its history in Tap- of Music hall, twenty-five cents will jo clubs meet in Room C, University
already launched and others yet to pan Hall Lecture room Wednesday, be charged. ' Hall, Tuesday, March 15, 7 p. m. 17
hear from local democratic students March 16 at 5 p. m. Everyone is in-
are assured an interesting contest. vited. 17-18 NOTICE. You will find 'the best strings for
There will be a meeting of the violin, mandolin, guitar and banjo at
Chaffing dishes at Haller's Jewelry Found-A gold watch. Call 1227 Fresh Lit class in Room C, University Root's Music Iouse. We make a
Store, tf. Volland street. Hall, Wednesday at 4:15. specialty cf the best. Try them.

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