ANN ARBO(R,flItHA. A. 'll lt v-) N) I lY . Nx - ~V
(. XVI.
No. 94.
Alii Baseball Candidates Called Out to Professor Landon Charges Coach Yost
Begin Practice=-Large Squad of With Having Lured Football j
Pitchers and Catchers Out. Players to Kansas.
E Prominent Orators Too Busy to be Current Number of Alumnus Contains
Presents -Small Hope of Real= Article on "Athletic Conditions
A zation of Plans. at Michigan."
4 "
't l'
,' '
't t'
"1\ Kett are you go11ig t isu acal lii id lyi rt1 -ii w~ ith itleldeireluto
tit the rest. lliicithe i v l . dm s 'L C i Iii ii titno w~y ic liti m
itsaskd oa11Mlis 1r ystrda. 111 iith I C4t )b laiti on. olnei i
"1 1 icmvii iciilooki i lgfrinom ton o ,I'and11 11 mentlione in11111 1r is
rnt)( it- h eivcihly relied.aimn ptces1s .Pef T. C l nd 1'amo
,_> 1he ar haii 1 tohill whre tlkin1beilflhe K nsasfac lty" iasI-6 tc
a 1newspaper1man11 illy howeve1111 lit)ci ntchrgng Llc i osi wt
tiiiiiin votl tilljiurnlistv n& os1"f le cachng1a1Kanas 1 iverity
.°nd-- her c id no \itsmd h i lla reere ofth Iiliicc iig -Chii canoil~
'W llifi youi want1 to,1 he1 said, "yon s i to theliiroonsiiis. ment1ionedilas11the
nesi 11)0111_i]'1he 111 lnh III cc isied b h ooreyse ig
liiChcag ."L 111iv ii liii:l
Captin endel epecs t~r Wle i l ii I l ). - ;. -Chargiiii' that
iii iii len outchii feronfo agiFeligI.l >'iM cignunvrit*"
Cii d;. i iiiiiarI 111 one has ill li d outciii''-iii(i ach, vv liiii coach1at1iiivi1
r h cn iaesfrte atr p) niestivt10),h d id hililt y lto
1111nd iiorthee "A" Wrilbu layers and iiiiiitciiiith rsi whvolpiiiei
11 111111 t's endicliiii asw dariiir.slm am s er ae o a
To / o tii ?111i . (1'r s s M 1
Michigan Boasts of Otly Psychopathic
Ward in the Unoited States==Thirty
Patients Receiving Treatment.
Thc mcclical dc site l rlst> of t
wand ill <<,tltiec t
sch t)1 ill ll.,. C11
cx>-c>pcr tte v ith
PwIli;w, K7k l;l/
amt aff wds gglt
and cxperinict;tal
Ilm 1)(-, f(muld ill
the kilid. '1'l c
the allopathic
of Or. i; rr _tt, r>
Some K'cal'- a<
<ccdccl, aficr :-c
ialror, il; 1aa4 ila
latclr ; 'r:i izltl};
Fnmlwr than A
)1;cratitw of tli',.
111(1 17Ft1 rltc p"ti
the "radliatc ill
llothllT' () iiSall
t ChnI t iisi
.I }ill-,- -it
ITe I ii li biri tdavexerisyesi,
11111 Cllto lili Ilii t le t h et int 1111 il
aic icclai telemcamettoii Ioneiof the
p ii iii he l i ii i 1 i i g tt itt
liAtcdl tlW SiiililI:l
ha i sen whili ichitaes iitibs iitel
nci ar forme1t1 beinino tillstern
ilila lil Jeiiiuary 23, itant Icutnt niot.
Ct Almi Mt i- 11111tiel 011iIii rali ze l
how embarirssing11tismustccto yo
and regretv i it oethanvi I an hi. xpresslti
b lii tl te i noway f aiingtliill Wilv
wit(, Viloretl tllfu lly. iAlbe t B. iii nit.
takeithe lactofMrC umtins.iftut tisi
def f he C rn ll liiw ischoo ltih-
ln rI th lo t tcale t1 hnl til
A th squd, hli~ver, were iiW
1111 liii illdi-Pat" 1Ke ll ii iiiinfielder:i
W Iatt ,wN- s tam. 11111 h vig, bee
aic iiiof lli f erlau it desc11nt.
lne iran ti1-. l ,<tt i al( "Pa s.
i~we Iwa- d Ni 111,leaur Iie lltood
Ihr i l l I theI practic w - iiiiiot is
ProhahY theh Crdet w t-Ii o'theI
NN 1c 11 111 P IV111 11, LI 111 ps er l la t -cinin 1o i 1 1 ii, i tC . I Ii ofI ll ii c itn d thosif111 publiclifeIl
und 1r all1as tilililname aii t -dlli - iii t iiti i
ii- thu1 liliiiiiClinlily '1irltc'ill tli tu-u iiii 'i-i--I- 1111 diiiti't lbe present.l
Ind Aisu' li ilil yea or tam ec - i vi i ii iIl ll' r, a ~t' o II ll 111 111 iiii tiit ii aiuic
i i l iifeaediiit'ielr1 ska1 andt M is-il ents1111 1 vl'titiiiitcliiirti'arotl msv
c 14111 11ac'c 111it1(tiiltititi 1111- - crl.i i 111 1 f1111 n's111 re1 enc11 oill theti ' l lit
lilt I Ill ii tamelout t iiwr ncel \ hllc filie i''ii"ailn!i 1111 11tu lI itll iitii
liiIc(111atuttll ittiit uttitvttgltcctr
and ma vtrictd tdei nlt fromti o-ntlof tisi -I lv 111 \ ut CWeisquasCoit hre(eciandti'ftur
assumednIvIe.llcisil too Ioul ook tlvttt 111tzpa t i iic, naly l 1 11l f Itwiotmuere
i iif< h otballprtice liforltaIIweekivit s1ut-,,en A l iii th 11m ltherettappearst
111rl 1wil theiti iii o ih ic~ltdia l ii li ii li I 111 I ii Iit'
tcotitl ui. Il ai ta h adn~vi.1111 eC spilnts. 111111 andCl ly ark:ftti hto
11111 lvi Ill it tti tilciti liii huh,1"C'~sitw'
itt 1111:tied thaIt i tl tth y ilo ed rut tainn1slliiiil (d raCiii refrs melillh bs o tehu c
-Fli ~h tti 11inally11 t Ptaim vvt iftheI Cliit 411111 -c te il tw G or g t titfact t te111in cincctuastb arc
hi1t1 gtino)h glitAt tIl ttcd I so i 1111 1tiv Probab 11 l cte it i nterith Iingvc cu ttrt-
U i t. tlt the lven of li t li l nlt 1 1111-
sit)who1s1throuIlyi famlilirlll-.i 1the
athltic s~tituatipithenth iii- itld i
igan 1wereitliteilcodiltionl than111at
Ill ot Il leinthe iii 11 eA1 say
itof Andrewt.xu CCIII ll'' I 11111
Ctiltgntitteti nlteIIicia
athetc var lofcotroli 11111iniew11-
ing il,' ituaion h givs atsw vrt itv
a11 ttacksimidetaitt ma1111111 andiC'tblu
"It, i, 1 t elsy toi c li-ela liiv~l Ii
iiter an i salt grteeab ' l'il f lings t.onet
chares ire el I i lt inorati orI iiiiiil -
pl i ll1111 t ti ilcry li-i; iri ngt
Itlee it, intacoit ii''flil-iiilicor.
IuptiotCni.t. ul. 1111 i
Itvi ing 'ei ic- filill il - t
ity liltrges11aiainst 1111111igoalletes, I
Prf Itt'ltuvtittvinshowitiv l c ha
tebar liii itt lli nvsigati o n ofii1111
th taning ofttpttyirslia illtatit 1111c
actedttt romitily11itt 1111 i ii Ii'wh iialt 1111-
tl'shiouldbI edtilple'stocntiutisi
pltittn. Iu'isrubmIlit.'gituthatif es
ti e ill cith laredl'u top he'madelil of ringes-I' li
uc'gstsems ol e tat hememer
eve looeditoacaedaiflhtmi
toctit ttoisecwh ( cvii il i Ii ihdraws
hecu. I ittI Iorihadile all i~da1tha
tupseuchotarecut thIetes arill lcbtpnai
not ti tldg to lu-ut tttc r i'm'thaitvareii
Mectuionlingtheii tiil'ti nientiin til
Chuitco hmeT halt~l i dsiiiglay,"th
Icritethnsa"t o lii I Michiill
ottplay tin dirtyii foo tl ut eriiihtile:i -
ciuusacesti kes t iu t,,p- toualuel eat
S cctlosn arahofflllIlthe tipicl tscu
picirthte pcstu footIlluc 'huu 'tucli u-u
"tgtuIcav uttaipd cnothigpabulltheItttni
mito thetcccthleitic CttS'tiltsiii-lligen-
lodt lasserespdetctgmnn the vt
iov ll 1 11iiikl-t ip-i'll illtuititilvi-
1 ll 1111 I .11111 il ii- de lae . Pii l ilt
1 cliihe new ilrepa ir h p is io-iti lt.'
."olicr -I~m~l. A modrn 1rep11111 o
howlwit"hilt arrived
in 'I lull t 1 411411th sitution
'c ttv h tte d llyt isledltaily
rnslzed lhead 'o ra hil t.a Ith t elly l
c lnp i ' 1 :.n1r111nc t t e d
itlhlitttuicnvi partillofitildintg hasuuu
Als bee1n1 i tt hidrdin consruciiltion and