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January 15, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-01-15

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The Mlichigan Daily
\N-ARBOR,\MICIGT(AN, RIDAY.. \NI NR\ 5 ',i( )No.7

No. 79-

Vol-. NIX,

(ctnu ofthel~nfi-t iuhsoit ti
Revision of Athletic Association c'giiwcrinii chairgcofte oiitrctio
of the New I iiuetonchannel at I ito
Document Conmpleted; Can Be loic-nileOtcotItc
Voted on One Week Later. twertitvlestthe buildi of thlestcc
ohnth te :Athlletic (-s-ociationluieet- edte faot 50o00 r I -
fo osdrain h outetitt t cii, 8 tp.it, i Roitiii ooQ Nc, teiii-iilg
cositutiidotlievisiolthas iompleedits ilding.___

WILL GIVE RECITAL 1lrifcnid Ito henigt of
Gabrilowitsch, One of Foremost ci alc at thiricmetIiTryic-i-tyit.
of Younger Generation, Plays ii -ic tl inci tpr ticciitsI t l ic fsl
Tonight in Choral lUnion Series. tI-shoudIl 1c atn iht iiind li that citihtilid le
cvent oftheiseisniictthe ecitaliic colieme d.c _ite cot utiul-
at iii 1111 111111 k ii uic-tti 111y ()ts l lp j tcc t lithr eecas iappoi tec ioiriiel,
te lii -t vi-ited i cril-ic;e ighctyeri -cue k i, heogaizatiioni
freltuss nd ireofticstplyig t ic-ITITA flfCI TAfINTTI MDf


i rtolt iat t Ittiv~tt Tie nw ciii chili
tilte thecagint ittt melcitho' fmng-
lieitmadeciethe odiiColtteitlitein wa
rft titc to -ndy ill itpo iint eil


tic 1 hit c dtcl\'.i ilt 1icaic - tr 'c r
ago lie-c tttilltu i t tiscotlilitc i-'y it
hi a t clupo~cl a>cl r hllcl, w i to-


tilth itociclhwesternii andtiiChicag---IActive Influential Leaders Isa
till111cc itiitillttt ii -itili ii oth ortwesern andChiago tt tti clii 111 111citlit itii aind
litl~c~li~i iiiiitiilI i lt Teams IHave Experienced De- idectneittli;tic ca l f'lil ai l ia; tt Need of Present Time; Large
tlaatrO 1ccags i wihld il baters; Michigan Confident. litle iitetitilil t (l litec i()fithc cicilig Vote and Careful Choice Urged.-
peicie the p it~t~ fthe titItt Tli il-tilg ctit ilitl il mcire aindltSlctmdc iu lils h at <oavle vciilit-y itiritii ii Sulii tii liii
Stil;tit ill i liii IOft I lii l iii it-iii ii T i-citillttc-ccwlit-c oiichiwill ltt an tptweeto is I li ng."iittt i t--le s ctn\ii lit ittluiforiSiucc ntif lie ilnln
iaudt- \ poie ytheiiprisOnch tiht Chicailo idetbttrs- hereiiii Sa tura rll o sdert ob a o gte toe(il-(iii thei- lii tijun iuior l tse eof theltell-
oc1att t l i l itclttlt' h i,(s Ilthe11111 t l tiiilaitgiaiitlei I in m s ofte l tig r clrtol fpiall- ili i lltit lawic anttil haiii ciepartentsii
lii ii ItO itil)le teli httttii io i c Idc ct iitit tt I i 1 i 111 iiiitc li wititek iebe- tle lifistitsi-.h
i ci T huiti cii d , ote r praii 1 1til c ticei tc iiicii i i twillb ae ii r ttee . ''w le ncn wl
I I tlcy ctilh t111l'le (I ° ialril i ii he iitno ntin t hei lasi Itiic 1tciitii-L IIiketrilanyotilt re t i Xii irns b e o itedli byi the l i tw eie the n hein
lrai cs) il'nvvcn ttitin iiii XIwuiO co tc ones t .ii T he i ilgr i c tutu t thitle iitciiiltutu )vr yu~ -- it iii lieuribythei lawsi anthwoffiy
vttIiciiidrd ial ntl tlas ~ncio nsttictigofE.G.Fulei. .huh l c;itisiith(,lbegan thi tmti l ti ti t i li ttl i i 1 ic tjl
1'e 1,iy w s i ro I'i itdI C cVtnBalie PalieM citci' tiDonn ell ndJ tntt ubet e in wasI ainii tit e fr1ies)(;L arsct-evaiouc lassestittintieale te
1i1r1 n atn tht thec i ii 111 Ali.i l oow f h co -itlii I-ti Ofi tefl y an1dic ei teres It tihtheii who havei beenlt cit tl1ti e i llssci fftert
ryasii ppXiii ti t crelnt ive st- Teitti cx itilt of eCica Di l yii i - i inc ii li 111oo ltithei vi ng pIiiXan cci~i -c nd wh-hvea iealqlit anceic itt ) u
(1('111m1 tiii liThisc 111111ce Imi d tultltt a ut a i el laidc tith h i ec 111111 ntiittlhell telt ubc i ofi thin iir oiwniiandhceftigthe-
, t ociat ilt-nIllllli-ttltcc-c liiitic iby thi 11the 1 tidntcotheir1111 c ilac ta n h hntic Iiti ii iii lii ciidied G b lti it c c t Ic Icle . "The s e eomiena titigs andthe
tutu ()liretoriid ctniiin-ti(cfll i i : Te m ciOt het eamti upi ofii ihiiz Ii ilttetti'he lc il hc il tk )ae n x
il Ahei 11111 c i itic itlilt tc arc e o i ng eceiilentliii si dCoa ch-Cha ic-cisne o t cc-si pipulie-i tfete itoInI iitiic ti tha"assated bye attenateminti
I lierclig h ert Ofche lei- "and tI feeliicoitidt il oftc tr liit (I tl tPiais it itleatdlh titos cutu a11111c tlss letitaretietetl -l fecifg te
O I, il 111itIi I iii l cisi~n i .1111 t i(ibthc icilti iatici dt Northwesterni IithPinipciti esoic ti c uii ci and eitch i i riueistuete odylie-tndteveryutmembetra
it liii ctciil ii elect ruedit liXiihe a irlit Cntest. tiiii 01h J i ic cittleittiiretcBricitilesaimaicotcharaier - fithe uniortlass ateho tod lieeret h cil
littn Opolenc cclifiam iexpec itilg;thlem Ii llI ii slieth in the. iiThetclassiie cii eietoday
_______ ______ lie11(1 llt crdi daiic to uI upi stronlcase (utoi ourI ceileetthetiliti-tittiolalliioiknow andtnxtiWidesdcyihould ielwel
'1_h__ tot ci I Xcccc-c Of theissociationIliiiciclintcristuwilehe-attachdito It isrumoretitht ial lieetate eptslhav
\yit preent 11i'r I-jir ciThimein; T e t11m whcxhwile t licti thcci 4 til1 t ii l t Xl l of X on XXof 8his tncompost- bet rad elittitfunetevtso h
Iccscliigale it( ite Ieli Illtt :,() irn I it sam iiiquestil l h t wl be i onii cl sicu e iltepo i-la l lt Ic)tlii - th t erclasses.I i. t ha
an illipobaly lst ut ash it tit, de tedclherle c i cilic t l iti re cit-te- Ti i ias I nevert ibefiore iibeen ittlaydit ll al ays i sic lttinctlyC eInu drst oodti, ta
X~hcuguuc-u clii i re 81ictsif hd lid n h at bnkc oteis--it-c-itmecial lit I er nld tcieis on e tercompscit li poitics o an/k3(1 ae 11beuse
1111 i 11w Iie td y-t cho ticI ll \ l sIi h C iiIite aet c llpitii Xitlu Asiletui t i uu o 111t 43llti
1 ;) tcr uiitc ttiltfc1--ltcill(ttoitthose ;I(tcuredi tutui tritll ithe hnomu icatinsiic uletaioni.
e in { cl iltftillaseb l ta lcit b 1(11," 1eftIf1118 IN s1 8 XCII iii XX hue- nl mo t iat-fauc i -tor t'h is uuB th iii iili e-ti(, ns an ielctio sae b
I lo'clock.1The uttit ti hutcheetinutslothiclntht
"Sl: ,Ill~ AI T;' t ha Xi t lders of s 11111 icketsX 111 i iiutuutiftieor ictt citheth ttii NiXN XN dii iilS Flt
Oraiiititttttiit itctoial Assotiic itit itica haete iri u-tillsctsil tch litwIhtilli iltbueetchsidei
1)l'. cc Chillli-i- \ + o O h( t itti hiIcats iieiserved ttfr e of tilta ie atthee Uncili lilt .lPFiTtt11111'.t0 tle-D RIttSIiitier uiuby uaS te t Cu c ile-m a in-be
iii XXt te l t tc '(ith i niitilet in u le rsitcy hale tic itfice, llyb lte e tucq liii() 1cc tlttitctI 'IItet hu T UDENTS 'liihcciiisufIlet uu l u o fs: ltlikim ekr cit
I l Iii 111 1 l axlt i hecte bac tic ill be > elull n tell charge I'll hetlationeoftc I 'lviil ote It iii lie ut C ,tcu Ilew Nliciiga, P.io.
(try t t tttttttd ci ii ic I < t lttx Pa itien t waslie -tt liii turuo rhu the dd ess 1 u cu i lut-tgoom 409 ilNew lav ' e- i
r (~. I hut I l i - oftil e .1ii ltlk Dr.l Of I huentX lI t b iumae fru cic uct -l iilitii i u iii X tith ui h lo itte
IVtcitbePof Rebe Ptesonatthcicut ui 11ldirtu:y- c.Ius l el. tffNeo
ive luter ci eit ii Thus-telrutl i ods a1111ci ci t-mIe-1uI uu-ueti, fuhciiI:tMie ttdical uReview utlt P _______--Rm_ 2,,_ C emisryb ild
1 1 Ili .11hut the- ii i icatutile it c visl l r-i 11111:0 - li
tel utuiuc lie Ii a ii tiltlofi theifjteuorrt;atditsecior ii- liiiCauidatii elifroi t h Iu nei e prtmu ent
iterature. ii lili.W ger81 lielilt ih i utc )Y',(;IT II uupiuu\uu hl le lutl; cul thu ic case N te p ros fI-clls; h v lreXdyttbeenicnoCinautut edi t
r and uuciuocic iitil-ltintitorcxicati o IXxI n ht XI iiis 8 Itiisuomettu-lutu tcu tl ietjeua
lyi n l~ntcP.' t u ndtheci ntic utuetuic hstoli be li venh btc h e cii iii, ihutu I)titiofltheib81t1)1pNIh o C tuhei u eItcci !1-trttrhc tut
pon i ii tXX sulctcsifiecttraie ii Cttucu it 1ie uinglMANe Ic retuFTl IrS Eci ASreueTti
gl ie X l i rlsute wnll Rbe cciadm ittd )tunhi utu il veryi i I. C XX iutl It iliscu eht 111lteasu-ctTuoIm i e iht ft hue Toatrinasoi
t[cir.uu\u.-10ti1t(21teedutuied ac rtIetitItttlitoftein4 Ii tc ek

eriate Provides New Source For
Pedagogues' Recommendation; "=
Central Committee in Charge.
lttreitely- signifilcanttchangiie i thei
metlucudiof graninug tcsliploma
ciut certificates frottheue- vrsitic-u ercr
itadleat thu e atueetutinoft ic-faculty
seacte-lHeretoforetri iheptucr htugranut
itehy wtihtliiith uic iofiepten ttsI, c
coug as hue- tstet h ad lcc ci~ecu heli
leveni htours ofi ti-rk re-ti teftu thiei
epcarmentoit1pedaogy Uter theccntut
systemtua ucommiuitecompotusdh f lihe
eisidetl, tuthe cuinothe iicepatrtmeti
iatd the head thetiepticenuuut: oceulu-
tin llithue fll cntolifi he ec
aintu certiilcate. iutHily t isIttutulonugr
nielcssary ttspecualize inittany dtepacr tent
lto geit tle diulma
Further thunit histile.reolt- n
cadoipteduprovieithit a spcialip iilieuma
miay- hegranitedto tc pesons f extutitl-
ficiey iii tinayshet, egaIrdtlesstctcof
whetuhlero ttaruleuy haIctiupurued stdiec
witlin theudeptmuit ofi iietucatioue''hi
enuactmen-it is uiedto b -uhetet ithseci
it-Io cotmecfromtt houthtitielistcaeuand
udo ct itent t ueachi ittNcihuigan.lTh
lan-s f thueethuteeutireuallteachicrIc hu
takce tile special licaea cchic'sIexaina-uuuu
tionst utltisccthey bli-ithe ccretular c-
tificate.ic hNslutetiiciii diplomaIttt reahilyh
onl ia tigt reocuuuuuu Iti is
grantulet bytile sae commi uuuuttee
Thuecfolloincu-ug re-thut-i--soluions,1pe-
sentledt by IPeof.Scotit acdudouhuped
iititithuu-y hy the secnIte
N.iuhautheliii iation 1tutndcuiratan
cge-ie-it ofpccl tcice ciii tundt hic-
troet orecommiendtion,,utcuterlthelteach-i
ers diplomaiandecuttii lcae ignctitdI
te> ait stndingutmculitl i to ucnitofh
liii presidenttheliidte-il ioftticchepart-
metiandcthe hd f t hli e depiialitmiitu of
Tha Nhuu s cotic ittee suhallc d nomitnalu
toi theufaclty leursonscwho uet
reucommendtted iit te reg-utsto rochit
the- tecer'sIc ii d ipma and tuttiic I -i
accourdanice with the lawif lo;,plo
itledthathculsuchpesuetns cliliiiv fl
filledthue reuquuremucu en rgrauatuci-u
andh tehpesttce riecuqucucuirent oilc-ic-
hoiuus inithue dcipartment of ii i-l uatci- it
tnd uhllitaecc citheucapproval i
thtl uietuiuueut.esucht nomiinttiiototuu be I
maduie w-icithou eeceu til t eticiiliii i
of instucion.u
3. Thlaicuspeucial techer'es c titlotr-
he- estacilisic-hudt iecoiuuuuuc t cii i
gradhua~tes tihithvh owncuuuluuxcpi tut
efficienucy i their tuiesti andiitp,,lucc
tmacrkced ua tlifu icuctios ifri clcd cc
teachding.i Nominau 111 tiosfrthisi
accuuuteauuu ied byIaetlie tutothe in- li
Iotheii ccumitthei yhit severaliicidepart-
mntls ofiitrc iu tutu lateriuuthun Xlii-
c; f echciiyea--heanduifromnt hoc Ithe
comitutee cihalliimake cseectinIfort icc
hu!me-uua tuotohtliihilatdi-
1(O1SIX SOI 1 1 NCIN I Ihis
cAt thle meeting tel the esophomoreiu e n-
gintesT l hcuy cuftenonic wsu e
cilt-uttou attaecd hcs utudesestothe
followinig itentwtih woiuciututitedain
tiii freish-sophimetuecl pu1110 clbert
lBetutrook, Chese W- r Xui-ht hredI.
Orster. it II. Torre.c Pi tiltautd Phi
Kniskern, mana~iiger

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