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May 15, 1903 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily-News, 1903-05-15

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40L. X111.
No. 1(3a
ir Concert:, "Caractacus," a Suc-
ese-vie G(lgorza Not Present-
\'"iiou lttoooy 1. 51 ilot. 5 oattoititt of 0
co' i t ' o tt'.I l i NN -V t 100050 c°1,1 o
o' oot totleoIs the t itofpfsor
In fte Dual Meet With Chicago To- o
morrow-Michigan's Chances for t t
Si. Howland Distinguished Dotche eenWinning the Conference 0 V . Sloo
H-itoef in the Rle f 'Illo Vetotottt('ioaiis stut tot 'it ootintly Improvd C ts.
Caactacia 11 tro'oeceptions Oofthtte hands of gibe51ytilt Ot
racttttt Otme tink ors. . file fs' tt t V ox- t ttnototttetiyte ttostoinOt' to to _i~ t td Vt]
'O's' estt tttt ot hoei'~it~tiottettlotOto tro senio girlt itt ls Ittoos ,;Vtewloottsing aouondtthe ctmot'"(lit tos
00 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~cttd traty'toiythte aiiiit' otoooltiol toti0' :teritr-t' iiooV 0lis'V tott
in 1raitersi l~1I wth te prodittiortt nt elnt n 1h10i0oiytf lteo\t:citoe uncOioolthat Joe 0ad so wiliI: Iiiot
i tIbi ecep'tionOt curedtt''laitsOtoila
otf Eotss'oo~'ll'tOtVO sote'rtise '''Ca- oe~tOiill'tssiittoooo' to'aleio'to cO~ompe t'te tsrito too toi knis.15
O500t O.'' tae oftt' he tit argeoost: au h to' it. Aso' ial inetoott enjoed atout 1101 1 ' agteotn si Cs ittttl1 tol o to
el'l(;- r t 1 a5tO evr tttenoetoo l to yMot y h a ol topreselat. Itoo' Coniet'o'ts me' t o n ot]lyoty Tt. "hio it't
I( eettva' lc I illed Io t o T h tie fetureo'of ts eo'tti nsisooe meoantsto mttucik tto'e SietigoitrliiikMos.'
~ Jll lot tit i~ lt itso'sotil I tecorse Iroi'ttotot t ihe I t otto, lootit n t o yutu i altos cetinaott
'50000100pit 0til olottnditol. i ~eIne
lots'lasoto'll o tma tS, lwick 0
1117, toO OotV ita' i ctto tit' lu Alttt" ot
tool lfor t oo r t tunot ' itil r otoro g l lb ilt' to tt'o''oot 0011 tte to 'stet'ltis tutot sittttoft wrniui I t I tool
ol i to' d on. or111'1 t he 1015' Mt pao't ir 01iestith it ' e 01111n0 01110o lof.I~
aaetlSvo".rolluooen itio iskittt 000l t tl(;cr1x
tart: t~~o'k:song oo' too l tt 'o irkofetoo m oore itig wgtoo' of vent'o o silfromoatoicago:l' stoo'st :"
) srjo o'or s secured1o1 soort n ot ice mnnr 1wb' hee'cpton.coldme. esoh ols ~ra aspotito' I.olotol'
to eab oloediff'cultoptotine toBri'ti(th'e sAdrestilBefr ewspae r soian hosts aottwesiltobl otetiooe t e oto'c'l1'
brugttoa loe-tso plrosoifoth timet owitilie
'tto' 00V00 ~ato otgtsou oot'0011isAioi'rt.ott ttilo'tt plotln(th hnes bot even.ogo wiletoooot Oto'lo'tschoet
ot o t f ' ootilt:whtorh edrddes efioo oo:tl o'o Io to S 10 toreNesppr Asoctiation ll tro'trowSoer Michoigaitttot, is te.tt'tt
o'h o st , 'ot' 'to too o w'io tll o' ot'atdd ooto 'Siry r ilt'o'ito'o inos't rto' ssto' too th ato 10ttot isotot stwila dtheloNtot' n
hs rrao t iouoh i''loo' oltg~ ott' ttoof t te'ilo 1 0 s o otto th I'i c'tos ot oidd s'i I o Co.t oot o poas t h heototooo to ot toooot
lls'o_ heo facHt thagt hetthllbutssotw o bel o'to 0tot' n tensolsooiation tf Soil.tiso 1'111ttootEllorothi. tt'tt H
Parr th k is' '~estoo atS 1111 tlit't 'ttttthmoeia to'' ois tA11'.otIsit en 1 hoaIiti its'poke t: StItttthesh t tso t oot: 01 n ittl o. isha tve lttto
tri lt o 'tJtlio sn'. 't i ot' f ''Ohi'to ; i st'' ott I oo t tiotolt Ills class i chtvo' do Ctli t: .obt inilotsoot, 0111 ito toold D itinp t ot
Saa al um ig a "1rei a too'nt uptlittt' tolittt'ot'tI thottls i. 01 101 25Ctln, too'rn solsw
'sv.'os s' er ro'hitt sop J no ic' ws015 011g .p rine W ing telat o ltttt'letsitio' ( l:titttRob' ns on. ltwh o s lo;t
hicat i M r. "~oilioo oo "l'otn o'o inoe'o tilttI tic tt~'sic." oto IlroooTohooooolasa otdse lte so ket:io uot t e Au iym tls vr3
a'n alrp're'stioe audoitenoeo. 10r Fred-' lo'o't tkent -p ottOhas ooo'O tulgoodthtle Bst: chasnoe to oilte hatlfmile t'j'ie ot
-rock tMhrtinotsanog taltet'tlytt' i Itt' 'succe'ss.tArtict'loes ocave otto ttwritten io tout, ahoot lnegotitedo'thedistante to ber
Le-ttonrs'sof "Clauiu~s."toe Archol t1"ot s tols tot'ts and sltoshon noth1110Illintois e i ottalt mtet:infor slot
'ri~l and st hoc Baro. tndotii; s oi e0xIIeptonalotai lntt ando brilliancyOil'0102 mtiuttes 1of01 secosdootwhiile tHalfromtiltt
Voice '02.s admttir'ablty sutit'dIto tosoe te'pit of00somolo'of to' stden'ts. o tof it lootran1potto fouor son'soootalgu
T~ ortkof to' ohors toos, otheledt'iieo
-az sbr ery good,althtoought at tmes andoo phil
It e3to los a little wteak, dtue 5t; law-,'
r-h. s;'to theoeavotoy Orcet ra bteig Ir S >ift
in f-rot 11andthe doeep01rgian sbehiltd £h31 ~ ~ ootoso lee
tecc. Tndeor tefliieot eadttoship wa1.'R L s s oto
., t'Prf. Stanlihto' [B'os'~oi ttto tival U S,1' w5~I~ssomoen
.oh soC alddikeuebyo thgaeinII 1T N m efte catta:otoSome of theloo' " givusen
'olt beautifulandimtlnprssv'e pars Anon
,o voo mioiii i on rebrougtout l y 9 T*Y4X R O K hch1
"it ercioeoiirtoiwork,-atithe succe sL V T aA ~i Rre: )Et
bf,# omer is quite largeiy oue to «^ "tiniig,
-h e 'Cv Oh ee of te latter. " Wll be out next week. tes.", eco
Tais sa nwhole "Ctiosorcues" _________was___________________________
a. fidele'o'itosu'0cess, a120011 iittk hEntr
'a', 'ci xmusopeninog ofthos }eat's Engineering Couses loeon takCsomhedy. iotev v o
terossitele coni onertof Sixcorss ii ttcioiitotiienloter i hiasliinot eentbelesotios er A new
iayexstval ix corsesin mchanial egi tor- lt s te hast oasoipirint tt: to'ntrance
Ibi atenoi te ecndconer o g anot one corse Ioeectricleni-1 'there is sr to Jetheiharest: tind CItlout
1 e-i~iawill te given at 3' o'ci i. oerin" are oferedt ty fte5Uniersity f oa struggle anthe Jicrteeistotundoooof tte01
- o'ruoamtil l iconsist of a sym- us~u
01 aert sowthoMis Anita Riol, for the suimmner sos siooo of h903.. 'Tle to 00101 fost iooe. ooii
'sp 'ol o olon 'oooi ts"tiles of tio cosrsest ioo mechantiicolt Te esent:will Itoe rnof on 151 andoiofe
fet 7 oser ian ist, as-solots, aciti engitneerngate: "Tire. Eemients ofsedeiule, a es' teprtre fothOie 01n10a o
mil 'ohMoleiilo'ir, conduictor.. Mtticines" "oser Moeasrmentts andii Mchigton maagemntutt:htone ovc ito isicsa
_____________________ totit ooigieeriog," "lioi.tng oa-will tobatlO'ooioy ieoootttrermanien'b~iit eato r eitoitt
c'hiotmry, P-oilrs, andoI ogixo ""Steamtut ire of te condtuct of fure eoote'ts, stotetes-
Graduates o.f ihigan thogiotoriog,""Pmrne ototr, " "tto' 'hefir t eeotsiltJe ced t2asa
'h"han 25grduates of the Uoni 'lotnetDesign," Thre oe tcouore i ''tloesk sharp, s00asto oalloossthlosesobleto 10e
corit'o -f tiehiigan iare etgagedi as 'eerical ietgi'oering is (entitledottof -the spetators whots 0otsre t t .o tudooy
-pzsors1 Sonstructors or assistaxts intI"tO 'oti tEoetrictJla"Sticitet'" 'ft e ten te F-stilocert tafter tto'heithue
'aboh. '5 uoivttersities, coleges gicul-t cosesi'n01th Ie roietit' ot'Ma'Sie hos" finishtOfot'the .at o'ti eoo't.'Te 51o11
o.ra o,,lt ges tootnormtal seholosil ol ttke uoxthteostyo'd iforent Latoin, F
-- r"ee 01r5Itessssthonu12 Mchigao macigasxandespecal'ytheoteam m01sn01eoriaiSchol (i't1tc114'ndilteontheifcultiofEthersoner Meegoriald SchoolThest'dottwilbto' r,
-st of Iliois; z each 'at te Ptoeri home. otl'familorswitite namtes of','te plans oandootram foot'filit'te fol
'itofChicao, tos Vat ssaor College snot to'oiffeoren:tooats of tiocinttoes Emoeron MOemoriali Shtool, thichotois
'at teUniversity of Wsconsin; 06eacit 'anod tir constution.Thrie cotrse n Itoe helol ii thostotadsootncst'orod itt She
tt 'oUiersity of Calforniaat "potwer 'Oeasooeooeos ndlStceaooo tlot--holy. 00ire erly iorfett'toile tosobhooto'Sttrrs
LeantiStanoford Jr'1Un11versity, at glueeit" tisesigteod to gve te Stu-' tilloe iottndasttty Jhly h:4,ittneittowoile tito o
'Ohlo Stae'University, axelat't. ittH tol- ont trcireolltoo sloehse toothcalibtrationoo 51511' ot't'abter t' colse ofot'te Nottittonal i rol,
yoke'olege;' 5 es toatWSeiee Cot'-ot' tariouos aoiens suseot 1inotmakigE'uationaltisootCovett'ioi n' il osoto toth d t toooogto
'"lge, andtat he'Utthivs rol to' olCorto.tets otoaeiisooth 01 power piatios. o'ooiluifoioth lro' weso. 'litre. sill Ate os
lt4 "chat John.Hokins Uniter- houry leturs, csoveoring' it 'the.~riooo 1'po' i 1
sihy mid at thte roktyn-'Pitteinic The Cloroti ' Sooou w ilotmeeltoon 'i-osecots of tEiersoto's lie'ond otrk.5otnno ooi ti
-n. iS te Aongt he oter more hts-t'oroity'allothtits mtorintg tt 030. Teo mornig hoeo'or. sill te gives'oit they -~he
'port lotintitotiono. atw'tich heCxrare 'lthe "Moitrsingr d"A'''xo 'ittsilla 0 'ooo'ooCor totnd heto'etoo' touture'st'toitoosessi
'osep~ ore. tolehia ng fotate o lihe bo'roeearsed, thet tormoer for theitt sBostoon. 'footaoftrnoonooSs, ill too' it" tasthey
factoties 'are the 'olowing:tHarv 'dtimte. No rehearslohalos ssyet Jbeen voseestoo Mmoisofot'Emeitrsnlil'oonet s i
'-iale . stointtia, C rnel1 ri kcet , atiooiioo dfor SLUtotoot Os 010011 to'toie slos soto ro nal'r5111ifrtie sth t too it
11artinout, -Penn.saiia, Syracuse, of' liii'greattinkr:atoothtere' siithoutoso t
La.' Forest, Cie tati, 'ttoetesbM K~ennetht Roinison, '05 enginteeor tois too' tousghooutt hetpeiritodtofthe sol
1 ikitigyr,' Aji.sont, 'Kansas, Ne iska, gonete es ii City ofilMexico to accetotsteili Sootlay sort'i'Oat, switsermoti on \t, Mt
0$1aboa, 'Uet, Nevada. "Thore'j a rspm boo; he .ston wi thothe toex- 'oraddressest bto'emoineoot toers stf titytotey
,ne 'Michigan aumnnsoxi'Cbe ftilty tooxo Ce'trltilway.t o Ikeexo'pcts to Emtersoon.to' ilt
Co the thooversity,,'B rli tn. He is retrto 'toocoitegnthelofatil Hof 1104. 'Tie fooingoitpasrtial list of Ot't"Othel ttos a
ltntotoill rivtools ide"to
godcaaterol d otp0e00oft
tO I ittt' olttllFl ito 0;. R 'Oh
toot stilt 0l*:" [0001
]m' inot:-,"14 tot'1tot elit
IFto. ot t Oo'o' tt turi'
ot' I" orot'':ol"'' lt. Sttimnel
touts'1;,itn'. box;'' 'S'itii
Emertt'sono;wdt to iv(til \War:'"
VF. to 't Trubl od,"E eou n 00atndo
1, "'Emoersono'S'OWiotondItofuo-
toaot i tt . in 11 'o'stoit's
O'trgo' oWilis C ooeo' tEn-
Vil'iotit.h'oRo'' 'I l oot "rrnro'o
fIndtooividiual ismot:'"'Prof.o'Citfo.
r.i toio'rsoo. the Seer ofDoet
Rtev. t'ttt'oio'5E. tJfferso,
ot'.eotrs. Annia ('Ooriui Speu-
hoot ois 1. Abibott,'.Jol Ben-t
bProf. Nathaieolo'Schmtidot.
Women Graduates
l7 per centof the lioig somoun.t
s oftt'sie utitorsity of tieti-
eogogs'oini t'ea iing. Absoto
out tre bel'iooev to to eiepinlug
sot1(;tper sot:tre eggeh
eopitoistitt swtih te lagest:
tre oengagedotautdb tei fgre
'to occuton1ius s comopooed
ce recetlyultt1ttished gexrl
e, tre at ootows:ot o"reahng
2S0:; missioa'r, relgouts
ouotbrooise wosrk. 34 entitryo
2:; phaormascy, 19. floefgoe
nrthe numtobe eggedh ou
p1i1g is iro'ttttlXtoo Lrge nt
shed ty incl'tudinhg all mtarried
whio did notolroort beig eo-
oi soms ecoupatio other thon
g.the other-,Ocupations' 'lot
iciigon alumonae are engaged
ngieering, clerical worok, ee-
stenograpihy, art work, hst-
ne, Requi emet afyYale
;reguolationo perttainingcOs e-
'equiremhenots at Ytle has re-
beon adoptedobty the ftclty
nis'rsity. 1t posides for the
iiu nof ad' xxstetidutathetiesa
ither ativaxcdbFrechi of Ger-
ou etrne. ue k. A regoa-
tOalo adopted whiicht allows a
ut to Coke one of te three
-(Soek. totin oh' Jiothenatis-
loctive. Ao.freshmanotois nowot
'otose fivec sut of eight courses
one of whchl, thowover, mtust
r C'ro'li,. tatixtof nathemticso.
rses oen for choice areGreek,
reocheiOroiatt. t~xgishb, Moath
'Choeomitry auttiHitoy. These
;iuaioxs till go ntot effect:ito
iof 01004.
It.eot}'" tbo oter and'h "Tobte"
bolost tilei root tots'ntartBellev'ille
to their 5005'Ii toeDtrot'via ehe
the~y gavUot..010ptaotlostt.al-
1ooteooeixug Coo .I 11101 10018Soson '
otndob totoso' t ry5' tC oisitg 'it.
otsteo'ttottChety iil not o'eturned
[le,'ooogatmoiito to-resctue party
to ott tthoto ftoruloo'r'hatd gainted
ottofit ii te oot Ialotitst a5s sozlt
rl'ft it toatoolis otow. claihog
its lowni. It it otosotictoss to say
t'oauoeo wsiltltoo'"iit te'tott
i a 00e1ry shortl'Cileoo'wo.
aboilieau stiiltect~ot'tu e x-t iTues-
forei 'lie tso'rs isyofot' owu 000
"btuitios o'oo'oto si~the Uniited

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