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January 15, 1907 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1907-01-15

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The MichiganDal


NI). j9.

Michigan lad No Chance to Carry a
Out Plans at Conference -l)ele-
gates Were Instructed.
"That1 te8a111 1 ()f 181111la '' 0)11
wa1111811 iii )t-1tl~'it~c rc
mark" 11wi 'c1 a1111 ' I'Cn1 twI tf
b)le Wl 181' l11i 18(11888111.11 (lcail
than111 t t 8811118 118 ) 111he,11181, 18118 I. \. l
111 (f 1he rll ) f1 the II 18 Il 1 /111 888 118 I
1111111181it Iill 8 said 111811 1 1"( "1 M C IG N ME T
Kati 11111 111rcasoll 11 t () 181 111 18f1r 1111I ndcto sP itto CoeD btn
11wrc fvorabl t() laclStruii 'r am.c
1118188111 a1 ', 1c r~naic I(i]<

Hours of Practice Arrange. Repre- D)onated Fanmous Stearns Collection
sentatives From l~lfte a, Classes of Musical Instruments Now
(Jet Together in (Ivan. in University Museum.

1, IN (II

III , I, 18

a. I r prps trd at111 111org
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football1118 .11n1,rho18ha1d1cm1u11111d1three1
8818 %er. i d o fnshtei olt
Year,1 1ut11the8 board refuse111 t,)1 make
adtt 0111118111may111he ained1b1y8"goi--
188ci .'8 1It' 11111 111 111 811811
11818111111 11188.1111ONtT 881111lL

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11;11111I'l1l1Friday 1111888-11
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eN 88 ( 1t with 1111 1111 11111
81118th t t) t18118 h () 1 Ill st
'18 111pr sen 1c111it1 11 r-1
c cctcl t tll\'tru 11811 1ud e
11.lw, 1. . 11 11118 I 1 111

188m18a1c 1in c i llt 81-Im h yk t. l'e 11111
"e 1111 1181181 ii 11in h o htl 1111 II o81111r-
Iiamiimi 1111 f 1111 Ii Il ist a
w tcn i th.C n l I 'ca11 11 e11 1111 111
highNi ti 1 111 81n11111 ttl 1111 tl eb
ir' u jni l . l D11118 11111e1 lc,
1.11. 1hig se1 tc II I le hsI hreI ativ
Ill Ie ll-re idetI thI\e Ad8\Yt
litc ary ovie}' a d retres 1181it 1i

\1118(81111811 111tititttiliti 1181t 1nigh1. It1
was1 cl1led byt I iecctle ipic fet111
,ched 11111181 ia i o h l a 11188
III 1111111 8 llin 1)llth 1po 11c o
'erepllit N 11811 . K-i- It' 1118,111
'0 uit I-b. m aa, 0 IIt
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li: 1111. I .alay, Italti'rtI-ilg ty ti-S.I
it 'lt-811)' l.i a 1111818tlI Itti8 lll till
Ilttlb-atl ll'to In1111818 . W lm n
l (it:1 .itI 11 i-car a nt 111 C.itV (tlia 11
tr}ll ii iotli ric t 'ant er.$ 'lo ,c it
lilY 17'11171171
SThe81only Jiiimes I, al- forpralielii
niht ad8ri7toiih 18881 11 t T11 clay, Wed1
it' II 1; 8 l IIchly IigI 118 T I I ,, le
om iht ,ilg diide nto fifctee
Jir effrViarick sathet~ilytrefuse.,

- e is a l p a t11r li fI' t i t
tia a S, tit la tl('481 111 1-1'8111n itIk
\I I.1 (te I tilt~a, 1ev tutuy I) iiv i'5years, 'Id
mill I dthti i t.I i i r (((el tI unexpected
horn n'.c11 I II Iiti s lb l et'lth at1)hei
Ca t c lfll,,cip th lsaytcheti
\ct ~, d111ucil1t~I ionIeitct i t of t1
1 11 1 r-, a, Ion it Lock liort,
N.hh (te I ti, nd n u ly 111to 1 '111it n1(t (8;18
Ile 'ttted hs 1(u-11181 lcaeeuithere ast
ri Il d ((t i t i (ly c(i'tit'-. lik litiy 111
ofti, g uae t i eia l taoutln- illag
ill,, %1-8 .1111 Ittt at s I a1liberali a tol)es,
ar it, tllibwas onei of11'ct litln lcate
donor of lthe ta litu Scibic iiili' itittit
ttl ii -11: lt 11111(11becn cti rcly e8 Ialasi.,
i i .111andlarrane tatn oclatdtnn
the 1' i-t-ilthid -gr fill,-iit'. 81 inlit ,
((tt- itgI te ttan rni ee itt Is-0
cinti' tdig de rn, cii lii' 11d118'. 'c
prore of18 l~I niii ad 818cuical81art,1
I nged in th(1118 letin 'll g agd li n
iruceslig in:t rln 11811 o lw-i-nat Cll-l I
, idrald cep' ao(g'Ii. 17Veingl
In(additiototle t11he col le tin lcat id
I tturoil many( 1' Ii lta i str uments,.1111
toli, cletioli en.Jittim 88' 21 . I Swilvl-
gui-itfb.Mihig utu' ittrominent188. '('i-
Wil tilua1 t- g r. t patllea eri-y sri t
itIt hI hI N lll i tht .11ttter i-
Ti- ei-i litetin-hill-ill al e) a nit', n
Br11at nt I tt -it 11of (1de 111. n-Illt'(Ito t,
11118(8o- 311or$00 adinole
fau ty tuiti Iluw'(111ib i scussegd7811
,1 i ha lucbellIm aa ,e Ail 81111 potel' d'11

to oro night.tItwill Iecie bhrthbi
will be h1 e dI iCt ilitr tit hall Satur I i ii ttn I rIt I. l h wasI c tv in d lae g th -I b f}- c coe of he s m-
dav atrtc 'clou h-u'188 iic((tm t here itt I it ((1(11 ti Id iI
utuiut - it 11 iiil ctt t-il tr. (t hletit l ini t [ ,11(11-'lwil
as fou11 llow tlt It ft bal tlt 8(1118(1118 btll n ~t cd itm itt 1111 (11111111 N 1111 11(11\8-il 1 c 119/I- e f;l 8 frt
retlrt- fort- unu \'treau ie. 8rry (11 tilforl l l t 111i itito w ih h w s wllb h iitiI d tc"m ein ,a
ainesl atiic1(1 nagr er.utu hhhl ( 8 ul-It 1c nccli-gct lectitc bun l uui--uhug illiIta it il upinc y -c
iuutullc' Ic frecordluct' 'hlgit1 1 n ig ct 111111 ,>,4c1 ,, h s t ae n t-a
foll-ow1te 5111i'i1 lt \Iit li. tI 'U '(1±g 8 t ic b. te ciihi'iii I altl 8 tilt'
N 111 88 ) Vs 1, N i lth'P*- 1 111ti>1)( te chit> fr m l, 'til t ~tic i /rlcu' iling IINI 8 '(11 8(i
a )nd Th t-o anc:t-c 0810811. 1111118crc1 t lts I tii c r81)tt ila 4V Iri eth / i I - i u'I

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