k The MichiganDal VOL. XVII. NI). j9. JUDGE V. H. LANE IS OPTIMISTIC Michigan lad No Chance to Carry a Out Plans at Conference -l)ele- gates Were Instructed. 111I "That1 te8a111 1 ()f 181111la '' 0)11 wa1111811 iii )t-1tl~'it~c rc mark" 11wi 'c1 a1111 ' I'Cn1 twI tf b)le Wl 181' l11i 18(11888111.11 (lcail than111 t t 8811118 118 ) 111he,11181, 18118 I. \. l 111 (f 1he rll ) f1 the II 18 Il 1 /111 888 118 I 1111111181it Iill 8 said 111811 1 1"( "1 M C IG N ME T Kati 11111 111rcasoll 11 t () 181 111 18f1r 1111I ndcto sP itto CoeD btn 11wrc fvorabl t() laclStruii 'r am.c 1118188111 a1 ', 1c r~naic I(i]< BASKETBALL MEETING FREDERICK K. STEARNS WAS HELD LAST NIGHT j IJIES AT SAVANNAH Hours of Practice Arrange. Repre- D)onated Fanmous Stearns Collection sentatives From l~lfte a, Classes of Musical Instruments Now (Jet Together in (Ivan. in University Museum. 1, IN (II III , I, 18 a. I r prps trd at111 111org tic 11ttIicl lIlI II 11111 t of1c11r811 trg111. wa; 'O1141th ll~lliII~ 1111 (I 11 1111111111 11111 I 1\ Ml11 ,4c1 ,, h s t ae n t-a foll-ow1te 5111i'i1 lt \Iit li. tI 'U '(1±g 8 t ic b. te ciihi'iii I altl 8 tilt' N 111 88 ) Vs 1, N i lth'P*- 1 111ti>1)( te chit> fr m l, 'til t ~tic i /rlcu' iling IINI 8 '(11 8(i a )nd Th t-o anc:t-c 0810811. 1111118crc1 t lts I tii c r81)tt ila 4V Iri eth / i I - i u'I