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October 15, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-10-15

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The M i

1' car. XX.


Veterans Beat' Both Teams in
Succession--Gates Closed to
Prepare for 0. S. U.
After saring t\iie ni th1 resirves ini
a ]calf ani hosar of play tit(, essesits teami
tooik tihe aill-fesh squadl oni for a ltl
briushi -isi in Ut le-l minutaesa hiad C~ediil
titi ice moiire. .1t liat the mc ihe
freshmni eam lit ti asnpygm
and mry- thanil oine the regulasiwcre
Th firsti secret praclitice o il ( tea
s-ed yestcrtsis teic tasrnun
through pthir signtalsa fts-s cion a
biesi excedi f riiii the siiiids. Frtl
list timen this Year ihe. icant sect ai
tingis like ai wel -o iiil muahinte, siltsc
play~ golns of llith i uniiiiisial snap ails
spe.in the sipgnal tpractice Lasstisi
was-ss it fill atnt I \asmuuuis at liuarter
seitli lsipislm~u is codi, bti shel theii
scimmagtie started, Piattilplt ailk Was-
m (Ii ll's aeCirk (senti to fuilt aii
I lerurasus titok the codu posit iioii. While-
tse iniilis siiiferedi lie siiiii f le
reglar ar not s-.e tie cics is
taksin nioii chancres.
Sevie ral intricate plilyis t icli ilvs notsi
lid dlurlig Ticlerst sirs. f tile after-
iino ainsi if tlhereguslars run throiiigi
liem iists is isih pt irecisiol ashleu lie
sits-l sosie isf the ig ceams a tey shoultds
b e grlilligalilils. tit fesr'sit le
scsi plays didi lie fiotwartd pas figure
indicating that tie coascth si-titld contienii
hisefeo tile piresent at tleast, seit
tlicissointh play ilis oft that naturs- tat
arc usadi at present.
Pttiengill, is-i issccuiil thle quiarter
listsk pitio t (hirsisig the maists f liihe i
.5~af er s s forssce(] is ils way to \Vas-
tittisid tweardl ti(- situ of the plia Ity a
sever c tsrcitel sit his anilt. This ia-s
se-tp in u t osllis the- gat utili iext
tekandti f \Vasntiiti h ipt goes hc
on hslite ill ultteritics silit lbe i po
silt- isle qutrbeacks sits Rosgers il-
jtredl stil Itlertesuti n lies-isi at etil.
Otios Statse will coesss tos Cuts lr1sil
Saturdasyswith isle of thei isvst tni-sl
that as hen (wile outini re-cellscr
isp acor ing toth studen-it pape5r will
bev basckeid by tic larest vitisl oif siot-
its thast lis t r vsmitadts (ie trilt the
Vl'siivrite isoaml. CA tilts manst f its
tiii-lsecs airs- it-it r i ills- llpoes
lsi-ttait ailitte a faict lists he
]hayedi this year.
Th ts le s fese wichii Coascht lviii
a~nhat buii i si ilt upwil t sit ichgs
stes( pstoit- siitu is p-ti trss--tsopi-
isv-v iti is felt thast MIichigpan catshly
lie freshtiist tti slitwev-i lii i
greait sitylv- ni lt-ir first scimmageiit withl
11ytocoev sit anpt of ills saleriss ol-
is-pts ints e istatisits- hll tilei e-tiont sof
tile "-Apple-s. \fte-r isis- ilspliv (tehus
Notherntleaitt wicsiht sholdssisis t1hcei
irs-lesiipshme goo practice, Tleii isam wiilt
tltiar }1 . iasci lt sliss thie i ellis
stis oit tis strongepr stt- iveams
sess itse st151 vse sIlililsis.
lAst lide liss be Ivi-s les v-till lii-i
itsisittit cil thatssil lass prelt--sietsi
ist i-sil mee-tingps Saturdayis fis thei
noiatrst sit sofices for Th comi-
Ise. At thevsetmeetingsp i is teitn
lionto Iasinds ilpl nintltishedclssiis
ss sit ittv-s-itt th namisle s of canit
fte office.

liii-y Isctlty 1 (istiss-l is contsideingits
- i-ipitiiritt tiecasiesic tea byu-sir
ishintihs lfaivaste ssvacati.

Gilorious Attire is Provided for the
- Campus Musicians.
.\t ast he ib ne]ist Is iisli a t i s
silta. Miter mari ng i tip 51 ills] 1 it -
""l tst rccils t i vsi)s iastylvs icif nsi
itls a ct 51e511drsill 111 - v. sissys 1ks -
ltt" al t1'~ "/all i li 1iii I is th Is Ill-
glipmli ia- ti
'I'h sits i ils illasls I i Is l ul1 1:+ Mad1
r'1e m - or t e -sills()he tIkIi
Great Critic is Impressed Withs
f lichigan's Possibilities.
Vaslie It. 1iclv csi e i. c-i laC )t i -;,
hils Imi o ti t hli ie -i- I"stc 1 i l bIn -1
tiwi t i 1rs till aislees i l 11 -p s I't s31l
pat is siltssi
.ilvI ies'' -ii suit he 1-))is ].11As-s 555 ,1 3.
es-scilltu is s t t,;Il i l(, {cry lik
tite is Ywi s it) tarnis s) l 1I;1i ir
tis W a w l1h he lt~ l 1-s, ;
t i s I l iisi li lst s s ilelr" i sis lll
"L s re~a tc~lll all Ii is l i c - 111i -
tilsis sar is t~t e plaers ill1)) lua c
iv lS\J-l sc ald tiss i s I Is r II,
its-i ~ge d fe slic is i lll 11a5 i
lesv, u 1e1 ps t« get5 Ist1e
liha s i s n hal-i ii 11 i ll(- l l - 'i{lii
iis s)IllusseI w i i usis t)) a 1 - )l 5

it t: - r :is-l iiiliss Ibei-oxpll-s-is i issei
17 ill season. h taks tun1 ,blith
,tuf is lieesandlYAstsi is l - ie is el
Is Ill l-ti tr t."SI C II

Union's Newest Opera Christened-
Try outa Soon.


shl- cc tI .
_'1CI <i

ticn te le it i o i I-
Ills r+ii is posed 1)
1 hc5i l ii 1t s 1 1t)si
is lii sill I b) liii-
I51 5 r i)5s 5
C. 11 iii 5 II - i


i- 1h te i al
I hir - 5 i ICs i iv les
emmlwlsmI thei-CC liitis
IhTriS s- TO Iii
01s 1 i h s s 5viCi n Iii
1,1W i s busil nn Arbm-i
i-Kn m ln V-i 1iI- CAms
1 K oure5 swill ic n
i s u ri l i m l am! I

l l 1ii l -d I 11i te55 -%.h l p'l
tl l5 \ CIkl- 1,t ~ ~ l1 ut(
a -l,. 1 th ird-I I c r it iu
1i~t \ it t -ss- l t1i 11'1 12'' }li tt-s
Underclass Struggle Ov-er Three
Poles 'lis Afternoon at South
Ferry Field --All May Attend

,,lI i lti' is all ill r
5 ii'c1 Is l-ait tl
-Is l cisl l~ ic li ,cii i
551 ustillisil~ oc1I -
II 5 listle si-s c 111 Isis c
t'l i - ,,%klt Is s I t its
I v - - II, hs I e c -
I. - lit' i ' ul )r l it
il l its . sIlc III
I< shill ilc I r t ,
i s-s I I l " 1 1 1 It- i
c s I c l I , 111 ) li

Classmates (f Students Dis-
missed for Hazing Circulate
Petitions Demanding Their
Is - -imltk n il.f cultyif] icx-a
is i I slw r( Js K llyfo iltint heii
tt i s ivr 17 icba rt s i 1)1 iii-
s-itr Iofithlii - is enlsf- ecstedib-si h e:i
fnt ring t h iet it h o
cxctc en. t t m ctngoftl's- ssl -riss
5 5 "llon w s 'pes-sss-i at lih a
Is sir ac in ifiti Is lIisis sill v v Cli
"It s i;:rl t rc oll i ses sif Lo
ill( 5 allisl ista iiiniby ithe 5fa listt itipde-
o ntc" md I fll laic lispsa i tust the
is ~oocd ,,<cin ie ills1113' vies
55 ii I ifac lt l ( M to pu isis tle
vio~ltrs of he nt-lizin lesI, ilat
Ic Is sislit Is sil lsit 5511er ln wh
ba-ali ii- Isf haisi. Periitiy f
Is-s wlc h uisasba l ll hzingp lscais nsi
I 1y .r i~ 1 1s u- o1is11 i ll thu ii re a
:l ill -s ill s-usia wsitup about ti
\ft' I ilsi situtig, wh yeicna
hal (t he tu ln T is ptivtion uu is
ra~idr hdl signc sih3-ithe iees uof
the spli cas I s tle uuvsiiuup
;,Tinon tht y onor m igtitt vesry
\ C Ii s h uht tsc f--
555 5of 1til. ssisii l Isa- ul l .'uesislvuu
Ilthis ba pe ol iing to say. I
I,n tis kandin ac Ia iuiqtuitasur,
:hi- -slsissiir, leha o a toitiy- set
h ~l Ci sthtI.1tt fSTue
koar of egnt hve fulliautorstil
ove t il icrii n I feel suI
'J 1 -eting is nlisened by
h ead ciI so 3 o teadviesabity
f ill sop111 lati's paItN ilu it)eruh
heel, ill tllteilet-oli a ic(ill.e
by a clie 11 5t
islan s r hepcrma ssue 511or fuiz tis tof
I nc ;t ni usthus us illser si front isout
c p ofrlnida«-a chsntemuporaray
chari~cl tnd ? rtISWilia s f iiihls-
In ashot hsilessmee igll'u iettm-s
hersvt~td ton~lmI ih or a izati ns
I~i(,aclb. " I. ~aii'iiilit, tllwas-
be . I vs i cIils liilt55 hosliuthei t ex u t
on (. t 2 . l hiItme i is iuitee
1 si ol l islesctisn ofiiciisiuieiitoffic'rs
l t o i l l Is 5 d i nlth eh iw-rtfu t u rs -
f iar. h scil iics alshi ~ rnsn

1-55iioii l he 5 is ppeI clsseio
Isc 'I m C sisesa ()t - us1 C l mviss gonitu- sit
a- stsi-1 isis-sli''to IIs T~i-S-lS-u-
lipova fte ue-siasti-l usitup rc;i la-
Is hiss 5w illshav '1C isso) itit tils

11ti 1r

Iii .-ii I ]1 )''C'[cr- i Iisiii
r i si. - s r svl I

urk s w ich is sv ssitlssss I11c- is-
siacts f isislsii \ its111 s pi - I
Ic it\;Iis15ssilm l II s- Isisr
itf uissuclsh a is in t'da i 5 s
A(s ha Ine ;rldp~
th tf r iir pss i 1tiro11 II,
hitthie itliess () ii is cct
ithiili th e clra al i i i si
toi ii llsi 1 thisi s a sses t I IIT
lshM a eiiiii 5t ct>11 f

\vs~ ' l O\I I lsI


to ii

-l~ ' th- is i
J Illtl. 111C
I'm c I t, is

hut 'eastaiz tis ;old a lloin- hi
lytuhhing. sil
loe l'issus assiuiin vistisi iassissan sl t
ss er, h sis ittoc ued Ihe lstat us sa
havs be ostl isht entl sadsse 5 sl
lie s esuslus andsi cr t a
he sidthtu asl hei rspet an ad
comr in cionutac ih
th u rtn, si arki i tosl thei sl t s i a nd is
irse ts-forthe:sus isol >m sn i
ash oewodichless -sc te ilst
iin, 1 i e layser s arc - s a- d fas
Ail~t.S-u n'ics f s hup rcI 1- s"-s is h usht
1sti-est lii- s-ss atus Isis Isv is Isa
certai1 luiting sasaN ( i c - a - ths
i t hir1om ise, F' h Isis 1 ssi: 1Tes

I r~issis is~
thes Iinnl the


wil i~llsed
Iateas ofi
he triled sto

fl I fccl
ilies in
a -er i is,

ii-- - a 1)
f21 ? is 5 -
Sit I&s
lll t Sc
Ill i

ill i s1I1 line np irt) WI
e isis is# i5 t e stu i.ati is
I hau se sill t h alst Iss
Ilss wihn s -,rt )
ill 1wdod"Ird th sillc
()ewl xdi)i;s: rvl- in fois-i-
i-i I ison s () t h riull

itl 11c kt tl h[,~ a l1sf
w ! 1- ihsl il l ss t l I a --l)
IV,"tsis , " h 11p k or , i
-l ( " Itig a.5"- lp c ail as ist:11c
s-s ' i s 11 C I ildlt> St e it '
1 i1 I Is: \ i l is 1 isfro
a i- s~ll mll soi .
-5 5 1 i 5mw1t an <plr
)v ttt .l-rial ~ ,t ouniS wel
;r. l tC1' l ll" w l m n is is
:t ~ ltll~eeasslnl to besill-
i cnt~ ;l Sw t: llv'iss s ish

-5 5 ~i~rI(it

1tc-t- il 1 iitti 5 at M ill
I iv , I l ii
T o ittt ti l ee is at ll ela- 11{1 i us c I s t-

ills s. w 'll I us
'M 1 lustAsihal

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