The Michigan Daily
ANN"J RPCIP lTT(~T\TTIt ttrxM o , A l z'1, 10K
.:, VT.
C hicgo xxilpt' Cornell Although -Interclss l anaDii gr C rne uotn
DeNeffe Forced Out of Box in Fourth tttxltiig tt doxwit her sitetitle sto at Fill Vacancies Caused by the Deaths below the eitire age iI1iiof tie inte- Many Contestants Are Entered For
InningWhnMrosSoe7 lxitittitl sitlroegs te ii Professors A. H. Pattengill 1ass shedueltle tindIthe remandt er o te Race over the New Course-
Runs-Eckersall Again. toy tixxtittixutthas tdecideed to tate (tian P. R. de Pont. gmetxs inii if xxxit 3{anI Bl ot h ixigme'rs Election Follows.
_________ Corue illxorfootal. Sie lha; so tdrawntlx l i x x xxlx' iel-t
Clxxc- o. \ iry x-Slxecial.-Miteligoix thi nue xof tistiiitim tii teweenilrge Ihajtg le eei ltrit x lx itefobeen 1helidtIsoitarIithxexjteams thiat 'leatii gpjtx ue x h rs
xxi xrtslixg xfetxt t the hiatnts of axxxdIsmall I colleges as lxo julst excludiebe fly a
ix sit on \ar xhal i It t er itix \lici ti nd t mi tittCotrxexll. 1Tle flx board xof re tt, -exrxl tints terethtetremtai g gtxt ionesxtxtx tl i twilnltmoxex
byxthe h r t m htheit xxiililt r} gieertlt'xxirt 'ttt prttesented a-t c itti'C't' Ixeli ixn ti)illhetweekil ile'te o eat ernCiil xxix \i ae w sr eiliiir Ni 'ix i aY 7it , -ian 'd i-lilt
;It ilsx mxxrx xlChitctgxx frxxnt lthe title axtIlxxt tilt'igx footx altt gamei ne"title lx
xix ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ cpel Planxs ut welrextl Cit(il xi 1txxx b xi l itx ageedax olt o artelxi t>liettlayetiou xxrtfrie ldtithixngeiatt thite .xtias it xxxi ixand xiwig
th n n it-stx Clltxd"xlaystra it.'xit~xxxcxxxwill platyitc ttnxxMarxxshall lieltdig xoinItcxi it0iat ti sundersi titixi i xtti oft thelxiewxxxiits
NovembIr\ t'.insttll'a-rxi tx xlixphxxxiechange on uiiia l xxict ,titx xi li
-kialctn Ch ic-'st ar, i t' h ac tNexitct-eINex'ooixctcngineeir.c'oi6 xxg-xxx-Part i of theittlt' ts tilt be x titnla tiilt tt lqi arrt
xxi ai ndx x i xxxxiitprtt'' ritt lx- tens w r o peetdxxi xxlaslixxx x xtix sitthe xitu, arnxxxx t I xx utiixcibNi ix tlt i te' xx 1 17 xix emti t.lxofi ti r i ii I ihxeirate-
e xed it, w ilec'hisiiit iisensIa ticx tittttionaliirtts for nightcxbyxx)ix t xxxiStaggxiii I w-rd - itt-lirxsixiyxx lxxxii t xtt-rr't'"ttonIts-piSeuth
xx xlod rn tuer i lignm dexi xxxix xl lxCornlxxxixislittedxroposd xtra land i'cre lxy toxixx'lie llll i ii x Potiponedi xx li Mtc I tI. xt7ei ner Tl ousls nw aragd rn
xxxiiine in-the fourth.lxx I n i iitixs in- ttilbeto Work upo ~ i~tixi un itil hei lxiiipxxinted prof' essort'ofiGreek clIit't" s hNicXli 1----'hursdaytxitixgi'lx uixi7, xx iaeixttdi
'xi- itx''btlli' acx battedxoiti ofx the oxlii lxxix tiixxti ll tt txxtro ostiio tt he.lii'NIil -xxii.xiiiicxixxawii v,.ii ittitit xidenttttitionx xcirc le. through xxtuex iii Stl to tiPackard,
lxxxir warstt xciiin xxxin- :M atchiii.I.i tie he-tutu" 'lticmediucsloxl links.xIlilt' Cerexthe'roti-arsi Ciesxixiteic
wis t o e rosx i ltetict b itch- the Ch ix xtliii g xxiof xxhas ih uta xxxxx xi o sr co x f G et: nLtxlxiiiii xi NxxxNixxii ixi xi xixtwocSithillicit xralyxac otith c ix txixxi
xxxii crtir lxx iitt~ Nxti x x xuxtxtxt xxix xlxxxxli cx x xxx ri c xxhxxxxxxx x sxxxxxi Ixxxixxxx C xx i xlii III oi iiciits x x iii iii xttttt iiitttltitx .xtttiittx. ''wo
C xiiioiscc uiuuuedxed cxiin r xxi hnleto ce ti xiiCrxu tiai el ar e dt t"hlxrdisi liieIrmxi xxx C'xtt$7ix00.ttiFrietdueruickxlx I,.ttti rtttse
lxxxii' xii x sxx-'i' lx- Ni'tx-x ((t ttitxxtiii iii ii xxxilxiitt~txititt xxtxitchli iii i07N xlii Ni bi Lxxxii xl Ni xix 'lindii twenltyi t i arxxiii Iixxxxt ipoi-n' tix
xxxI ' htme p lt seven xxiixli lx ix it-timirsy onhi t hexx leadingxxx hi ag olxi lxi' x onxo1 t he ii 'nix iii lxii fl.,"~tlxii' i..,xuux-x xi tii Nil.xiiSitx xx- tttii hh x lii li
thn oo e o d ni tefu t 4 hen xer xxthe se ira e s edStaggxx xto tu ix in xxiii too ortlhe'i puirchsie ofi c, ier xi f \9axxii -tch lxxx1 ixign i.Sou th. 040. a quar t ' til.T he ldxxicourtile ila
x~iiiix ban to xxxi I xxx iii fx i x ii lit ii ittil av d t' liiiank ig, ofte ne1wthooksx.ti lxfixiier C. bexigtix x lleld.iii it ti aly hesa ewih sin wla
Nele and' O 'B in soe xxxii I i N iit xxx x x''tiititna l tl i tlwer, xaii cxiii DrC l V.xii x I h r viti s i xxxix lxxh '- xi- 't.Pteav.eetx -xxilit vi i tter ciritx tr3gCa frm ad.r
__'_____two _________________lxxxthe ilrank i ofthec hooltittttoxxii bxii ncei ( rilt-lhtito tle r ltoe tb xe xxxiii SNI ORx xxxi1il-PAx Tt .gltCshairidixxii t nt i tte i llxx iai xii six .(i
Chca(P... oo 1 0t . q1 0 o ae oe fiheies tamsieryarsat tenisxiit lyitoficiliirsexedfoxpirh atiaroxigyilstnig t. Prf. 0:0,whie htheillmeo he ne
O'teis Aakr ad C ad :1e thaanxtal hletepopcs thinsuet.A drw C.Nc ag l n ie ad cus esintet'i ,'xxiira c ofxlat e eiko
Ncff, Snge an Tat. he iid }Sa L esetpittoDA Y iv n Calls Un sieritysBuad in-s.PMost rtiN.St and comete h its it20:36.xexthe
xxx ui lxx hitxxuuuux an ual ver p blised by the U iverity.Abouitixcto dozenx ix ii (ilsitarct t h-
PRICErtea tie.thei-x't'iili1 srucortnxretric-xxxx' te asenei 'xxiiis Isiitale te best t
11(11 l) i x OOT\ FO M II2O I4-- ( 0 .cce fls al1 fPrfso ct.hnr aet norxix xx'i. is t t lxx cxcwidin-
-I --- x -Siln-xxi 'xxcxx'l i lth B u d-- - - - -- - - - -- -15 Cile. xxI lioi- 'ltxix 'oerxii tcrsi
Ii;xii ii Nb xixxxxx logLeatheri Bo n ,- - -- - -- - -- - $20 erteandiPhrtelps, he shwuwe ll xxiiIxcx oi
ii-ol tem. waiedfro te 906M I HIG NE SIA texiii-.raci. istwel(tx-i xxii ii wloreeix
'li ii he of u Sl tk ne asy oneii and and ouy ealtihyu watene Nrbok il b hl oeradoolldare ucineexnea.wlihir C '."hxavgeuiu cxxi. nowin
xxxidedten utsr.lit'ughlhe ixu
frm lxiih xx xtiix-x'. gexxxx'xx I xxxrxr x-_____________________________ uxxxcx xii lx 'xnx it x-cxxx
The xtrvofwetituuittisadancd NiALEtilt'n llUnieritxBuldng. M"tartstcindiom leethsxeenhadiappdiyxadieahe
iitit' ittutsiifxor the it xi (hit xxxierrNis.iiInnual b eveixip illi-Nihed 'llb xx'the 'nivers i tsINN CiCl muC'iiI . c h asCitwasiiiixxuhaxcball eamxhhii ex
0 lxx iitttt'tiitt'0 ii 2 ' i 0 ; 2totx cx} P R___ll xttici~ IC Eitut Cxaii (xii'Cehu mevenlty lii uxu'xbalanI I xxcedx axix h e bee xi
xI i I ixe ix0 0 i0 0i0tutu ri 4-hit 4 ii c t o i trainingxxi x xxuxu hard.x t t tl D xxItxxi x w illxxii xhcxxxxu t xxi lheuxixh iletvteryitbody'''sii' x li- xixx
tt ie.-xixxxx ndx C mpbil, BekxCtohtuo ndx--x-ii-i$15utuceiti l thI last i lxxi a id xxth e is
of iith xxucci l. . N.ix Cinalcx ho xsto( siitilait ixhilonxxiedxx xsixxitttsthte turtlinNgi L iC (h iiiihhi ttu lexixmx titrei NAIixiCainCiil
xi bxi lii xxi xixci it (i xith rict iiiit lx'ucu i. I. iex'stt - cl b for in ul elexxixn ofu ic ers
xlncayt vcg ixlexu70 -t ii xi glthexa' soc"iti'tox a 'x'tittxica um e its andxate ii itx gil wasx' a poi n i ted tt utoiflak
oni fxilefuur. f heupe lhio'ex nd cai It is notic mown asi y
iihi tuttiitt l uicxx m xtheidual C tx xlstiyexxxii e i sxc sstto T hex'ix hoardxi x ofixu regex n.s t- urtuher lxii it 'xx y't. Thex xmembeitr -
beesi . Cxii x I i uuxxu xrxix training________safe_____ t-tltwhostle t wi il lt e caxucixxt for' tee fi ci Ni
'tilt Ihelgreat trautelxWiix IaIethistmen Coilsihitixxxiiidxi.xxiiilarktthetplac- inCC'xxgrobabilitycixlxDxcoration
urdav thve bee taketio thx xsextai igl ionad t1ifu1 xnxh ftreo il xx lear: Pretsxideni-lthus lxx'.xBird, I uxi.mxxi
Tile ideaisoifarthas(metxwitht''tt'stx-illeulastxuxxixix-xofhthe iingin'cr
lxi ain(i' i dtl l ix t i itxi p tal ht itl eatlt at i calx liy ill(tiwh1leitack1 he5 .C I, tiltce-resientli1ix xi ittiseting socityxteufolowigmlficer-esr
a i' a xreuil xuofuNlrl iletixi w rk ere Leatxiii10 xa ing unir K Ni.en n axlc'xxx'xxesuske , iiu ii1G P. Tentx; rea ure ,xf. C
asc-- for nextx 'yeuarx: Presidentiil x uxlt ixx'' hi-x ciii xi I xuxx '0 1 he icxucx nt.x li ~ .xxixg s-rcity' Rlut i ii i I
ti-it xx'xu'l lxii xac l t hc mc patr.~ icktu 'sgx ieye i. xxbutith bd ilxxli c-gly xxixe uxrxx thxi.hirRiiu. I' N ''' x uc-xiri
bhe C'. A.e-tiipciiofxi thNesuttiltmxxw hich i xwillxx xxxin nd C n ide a ionx tee - it xixne Ih eel )Nh' s i i i ~ R .bb'ieniorganized ic, xu.c R.C orI.b1 IC xxxi
tx-urb) it Nb tlt xCicago lx xxihun t t-ni sleu- ii I efore ii xxi i mx tl c ei xxiition. xh ali tl ovr ayear tixss xxineiofgthel
bit' C(aily xiiia x ic etonx I graduaxtel h1tl xxixlxxl tu xiig' xxxux'x(li s icorrespondiingItl5 'xxi sxixtiuu'' i-ii--- io.shtecreta'ry,'s C xxxc'iug'l lx-IxO.cxux lxi .x
and one ofxexi mosNx b famousxlxiii let7es c ee Oxndix dexx upon, bt xit iNcl erru iii ix xii iiii'xxx ttxttlxttt sIt rongesxiii tlut itieudxest xtorganizped xxtatec ixstgexxiilxxx Fxxii11. i uTracy; U hirmanii
xxxii xuxxixxlix xix xxiiicxt xx 5x x e lx Con btila 11 x x ep teehti ttit'ti tiisitn tall'etof(htihetiimenlxxwho tuusuexi-m hthe unvesty 1 get. di al oixx t-'xs lxx xxi'xxy hrtti x'xl b
lxodueii b x t h-t t lx in iion. Asxme ii tl iuxgxix u xr-xi u xrxxx tiitti i iiIin-'.xttC\,CO L Qi Lt x Iittiieit xx i xi' xTexr rouux iuu l c hnixc'l boarxdx' R. 1).utxxImc xibain
hhxul ti' xi''ux lx lxseresteud xixCrryxin-gtilfcagfislxoriecondim uuti x ltux I iterest xhas ubee xxiiifstett ists. r' Ian i ici tutl ixx t ttxii
he fte ta f' i a n fF.I otn i ;.lo ;tesrr
Sir hentng Jang hengTomorrow Night
S~r hentng Lang hengUniversity Hall