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December 15, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-15

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The Michigan Dail
V'N\ ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T FSDAY Di Vi-Nil')I R r;,1)08 o. V


No. 6 ,5,

0OITLOOK PROMISES fllteVnt ntis Mticianit 1t
Wealth of Material Is at Hand alltiititis for iteitrtack ttamiiti Cc
for Distance Runs; Candidates ii tisteditoottlit ti of Nt tttsat gt1lit
Fleet at Gymnnasiunm Tonight tsimstiti itttot Fitpatricktiti Cp
on the tcktierc sicus to Vsetairob-tmetintgt
abiliity thtttNiic ii n i sniid ta ite Suib Agii DowntiRularos tire
cst tat nwil ess itlti nlitrieigti t For te soiiii itim biont its t ecii
coast, t ithe 5 li-ith tsdi t ill 1tie srte d tiencoofthereulr ad ie
Conife c c hampitiniionsitiit a inisichitont htftheiiic ocndti tm i itt i tescrtuttbs f
s represciteiVicignin iititc c-i tuwo htutung ittit tFie <°a i udi f ai)
yscasgo I.itittgit acti oktin111k till 1i3c scre.
trsac ii in - V teric i gni wil l iii iiisnio st iiebettpie tamw rk ifibtht sie s s ex-
gun unl afi tisri tise(Christmats iholidys, o Vii ts cfi stiuadti in--sigity rcc
-Gritic Keenii itzcpiiaticliaidiCata51 int onheagetihi'i bciutcchensutic
-ayse Dtits acetiiei d y begtinrsigtiotionit c ie tithic ng tictic ts costhe id c icc lc
ti eligilic -ndiaie'icc ig up liioilpapci f ti cscondteami ltiscd ightiiof tei
thie rela tiiica c tit thesitcntniic igt p it titma itt ty iis i, sbtisvelsct ir
have whetict yis elit thitteastirn tils sichaic s tscorsilt eost:ucbyi 55hist- c
iThe itsualis uiindo iiitr ciot tt twies trt- is i-s ii t ic-t is gtittti ti
tiis-s itmptingi-itfitslit lhotsiii ticcipasicit
thes trils s hae frmery ben hld. FesiReay Squads Wort . ii
'Iii i tiis e to tiepse ce51tsof isis t ibitlith
isiatVasity cispot h ets fis sit htm11e1n tut ii s twi i lt sity me iwh iis tuteup tithe frsh
ciiw titr st-lot situ titttiitfisomouisii e mpat iesuin Vtit.scsi sits's is- it
sitiacdis -tilms-it s tietSeventhus t. Amontut heis titmo islst n u ig ofi
ied iii ci tVi tic-iran g i- tlsi i t sye r. In s i ii 51 is d is V s Twoitcfa ssrelaui rn
iots its h se indoorii eiu s a atciil 5w1il ere rtstilt th feslen inerV
time in .A~~ay iibifre ithe siayt shu t \s ' 'I 1\ 1;1
is ts ssto P itsdetshi oth is ni uaitits Rs"Itt G si is- icsittush -t lii\ isl
the its teisi tof teisai ti ehoding siec us ofthsit iittiterest that is t wt
te fisticeir tct ititc t-iisitt iiie. i hesrisih itnimi is is otisitis utis e
he Into si\itini ii tit issincl c ait twilltbt cot u ii l t m
if ae D ll liii itit itt andsc lsitistiti 'iii s i 511 ii sT ittnlytime ti t Proit tii sil i
us it n d ii to tse theire iaisJssn iet ic' ho asi ha555o 01
initttilt it s \fi lt sri iiitt hyaecphe s tns fsosit si lsace s heestsi rsithis o
Vsf ssctoiminupt Vatslity mistirtetmien tll i ttsuoon a 3sitd i soclc, Vn t-it
it s u l thess ong si s t (ta tiltvintsiill iii 151 roslit tl ,lniR omii Lni
its dells sili tsi i take1111111ofssCspt ini s ii canii of its-1pity.
si ot edNi o n itoini ts til t o ii ilitevt t Ii n i saisg is tii un s igh f tsesplayif
anciuis si ihtiii ihs hutle ts loc' hiiPsy. ietrsat ss iid:"icetesisisf t
si lio s usts ss sstis ug ssi ilssit}-.iDultwtulsltitlist'nitsestnets
sil ii iii sts t ii iii it sts c iithiissitsityssientofithesitln~ f
milef ilsssit iiitoO .U t s wl Iwe hlet111 i t i ius- -t- fc-scs i s's cIi" ist icall tihlitan
nntirun 'uteiNalcuic .isicse t t wo roshn a oris sssuc isIts nsc.siNoiusus neusdsit f
mint-es ail it s he ofd(isus -tilt-it cssiatsiny s-ea ssin eadto stuitingis i
hatch-et an Waner thisenNt usshod ;lt is yting tissonuctedinsushisit
expirsscdtis incntioni of tig t . 11 I ~ sit isi thai i t 51 i t I ssi ii isscomsu 1
Pc lis telbuils of sIrunnert, pssescses telst tio ls wsill hite siii slits
a caiistricis ancs ithti ratiissc should I itcshanice s ss a hs w ocmstils i-lst Tis I
tic ableictoo ks good. s tccus' o -ciut iviutamstsi scuin
Viinlcasssomic n cut umatecri, so ftcrui-t esuimitstito ll
knotnt-urtils-outO'M ishigsn tsil 'aglt iin he logs numberi t osi siats i iii -
lck m in iitespsrints ut wthiiNNar uolut oti suex selecntiostotiietss ts
nr tunu a minamediussMVycrsifrout Cset, iss i-tst-st tusils cs su
th u a lsrister- ils stvct stoul itseiin good iculalyci tittueie guisitont is wstti
handits. Iihehu rdeisiiss iuuiticscm' M mci glt itssecalId ia ssitliusdramatitu x1s-t
igantuis sur tstic ttll trciiiesnted-Hod ustie tutmen tti dit iit0as pticispl
en tcasitgo ovt-c euuchighsicks i i p30 siusiactrs ttwitabouit tiett iitsut
scoinds, whil T rlryccvCraiVind NTal erllc uiieI usd ii tiuc " lt scnecs
umougc urc goodsiniibot iui , ts ii itc it is siti t Iith gn suit
hturdles. Hodgsichai s ino lucisit1ttubenou situnPama id lls iciusisa idi itsr
two yait ut heu ssd to iruita clos itcuc
sccoind to"Jhntny" Garrlt in this ccciiit. 'xcp foisabout fourtbigipaitsisall
H-ornecc occms to tibe ith bic aittstit stiniu5 15susili ituu uc
thuefildl cs-nts for iiadtilonttote t hsc is i pricuartly sitsitb 'whrei t he il
shoct-put hr iay tic scciini lucpoecastis sitlaig-c
votlt and hamumrcstrowt. In additioi _________________
to H-orner, Bcitrook aoiTui bts itill tr-'I'- -tOI tVWI I CiiV'ii S
out ini thecshot ut wtir Moffat will SIXTIY N N lNi f1-tVP
cientr tehocammercs trow. Ints pole_
saul ithcrcis also Pgc f Virsnd Rap VAbotitsixty nusimeitisit weciseswettlc
ids, who ts ccocced it :4. FrcciistheitscnnetintotheicTsentuniR Nodyter- lc
Ida Groveo tins who holtt ti-icnesrnooin.Tuit Ietscitairmticnmof ts nsitiiss
iiterctiolsic rcordl is lut ligilc for sitpiexecuivet-cp i-isianid tillty omtmit-i
tc Iitercollcgiot is tyc'arthoughs hc uesre potesc.
otay compte ii tce Pnnsyltoni'scar- Prof VisTyie, ishlitad a canoh
nital. trill dotnthe iicDnubemsslst sumititri situ
Ini odditiontinthocmcinti-ohot-hecitenPuof 1.'ANScottwitll addrsstecTei-

nomed therarc uindouitcdly ottcrtstwho tonsias ott Gcrmany tometciimc aftcertc
tillI try 011 for variont evetsl. From holidasys. A dance for the news- mi-
ihete tome stars nay hr det-elopedtoho sctanti a playtwill hr gciensootn.

medy Club Actors and Per-
formance Conceded to be Best
Within Memory of Faculty.
lth u sess u t s'be uscsensuis u f
at Ahniaht C ith iton," the p l
iii club rya ithe i sli iss cchst i
rp~e, nd mot x lust i itagtted
I ssit i rt ic organuizasutsiinu-s-lutec
1g titus isat ts-e NN itlist ihse fatsort
us itus hcl s iwith althuc sotmplituouhts
so ofi it uiucrVsutucs its citsos
Ii ii s u ubd-- unigtote-Cl
re"sui at s he Cosl d yut u b has V"gtu
tutu . St riua itiius sy: tu"Ihae cs htsif
ums-si tic- cpst i tc'ssc rs ts ir it
cut ts een exceti naiss cst d iiit u-if
,ra cusiibuh t -iler ivts'esc- t-
oneith l hc ihut u t i ecellenceoflist ht
tar'i aittshre ry s tileso int i
plays wuit o id i t ontrNibstyesum the
i lisfthe performancis ands m any ttof
'ii sric- icsit 1-~scli-theVuisctlt iucxt
-sfiuitl t -sle of i tutuM1Iryt ith s tus-s
ch i is iiicartildthetu coit tduyspar-ti-of
tutuc y is avemii st amigh marku fori hei r sss
ucsit u-ito strive for. Andthes tmein
lunkw remst excei lln alst t heiu t
clits its esIt don't tic i nkliu suschauvet
it rhd layu-is ni theiis~ tiglo
liii sittifor ia'siglet pe iisfsrma hn c si
it of i V s rou erc s y s: -tw ssm l
spen id T o cit iistil tcansit ic-c
;i- -toitaniuoiu t he ast norilsittu thlista
g ntn. t c s-ih bst itst i atist
)tht lsii i it i tittdr il lie eersetin
nithett icst it i th"
tilt Sisuius"tfesi uresiwsu Vw i neve'
ts. sIt i utsh~tpoucin ILv
Nis Kutmyisxiestais . sm I itliinotiri
Mliii tususmiricmtrsl urs tre'"
"Hine. )Fi itt Ev sr l ine f tilThicc
ir. hiKu~ it Ige utel tstricii ctuth c Whitoc
tic us iiis it clistrschimo ut u Thsumsis t smhes
Ctte OCf yoIng one I Nversa.
Prc Dt rlu fas-uty dsicr o sfic"uis
sitk it I utuu itlt w s (svry cd titab ceiper
sth uswcrk tsf thu ictoric suul wsulfor tilt
SeatE SalOOeRDt
WHITNEYumo Boxwi Offie, eegrulare
toteefc hoeu. wud a
mesrtCKethnMBersmaE: a

' 48 Wed. 49 Thurs. 50 Fri.
I 51 Sat. Mat. 52 Sat. Night

tush this ttitttusthiiiperformancie -ost Viii
usc iiButitieritssuiteen tmiiti ino
let up iituuts inth iemn iW ickts an sui
iiinl tutu the sale ii it ilsh isu-id ta
noti ontesiof mt ho sfrt he ie lae
till iintils hits be sl iot T e seahi
is-lecositnuss tnud usiMonda sistthe Witneu
isis'sftiihc -smthnd ihw i pro ced odayinus theit
lhts-greaiiut emand fuliseas-ts tfor Vtc-s-
itt-it-t- nigist i suis p i-i 5ttstthtti5-si foss
ity OW fist thatiithis- suits fuit drsit re
shoe-- on for (i-stilt tins ghtitu n iii tsuit
list itt--itt ance. "Cuitlti hi" t sc- ha
Wen 1p1hcl wtou altllo
sit suniigt. steadih-fhi-h ti i ng tl n
siafhtevertutttphtetis iltsthem
ft4 4- till htcatf iter 1}"11t he ffit ialii
lih : o h vr is sens
iTheis ulli dress rehers a t ongh-h-l
ti salit oda aferooftTers
hditi ts of Soo ws ex Ih--itedtillut<lhu-si
Barboi ull gymnai siumiillhheit he i i
sit this' is i-tutu sit readsii this ee 1
hitscollegetir sill niedaldac
Vii tst i' ileise itte sit ligai tei <
g hisller iy, ttd isiont to h icit l h
hilts gguets ma prcue ictsf 5
Nits.Justantutu ;osci t s.i' lli fiacuty
ii ti crialli nvit ed
} Ths-grtndsmith chi w i llei led by the
soho or cm itein charge, andit ll
ter inte ini tie Iftrmtion ofushi s-i
10:;30, suit this 'mitd s pirsi ds iii ic th
ICNtliz OIii itutu it it ,i i VV
Atttsii5i t M ndys ietiingIof t he i qi a
class iuhtit: a eidedstohold hei ii
i thisr o t h e y e r in h o o ott e cl s

Faculty Believes New System
wtill lbe Fairer; Poorer Students
B~enefited by Change.
iS t u it 11, tis iisi te sitiit-citsg sic
trillc i~t ill 1hitur h it iiin- I il
,t~trl c~ <,clts :t thi siltsithu
I'r E. ( tr tlci ti W ilian stit: t iiil
- I n Vt s t e(its- ve
i')d t tutu tutu sofuit l siu uti
i - ll t andc icisit1o 5 55151 lwork
. ? t i t ; utule ts-ictl i t hi- Ii si iu tl
- t1tf the class failedi. I gasts u
us suits ull lllttiuut .ililuf0tst ithus- titu
t ikl iuf d c t tlt ai d : 1 h t i
Wkll il dw habt tf tutu1)n Ill tu-
cnt i; ~ lcI~mcr isantwothours is
1e i --tutu I)\vc5 h thitttis stl is iii-
i~rm i c r ut tutti i sirovet hit h ol
uhut<l't-ui ii- i i ll ht
<ti : thnk he ( ' T tu stc-plt-
1 ,1O e ttlr t) ct th pr hlilstins is
Mul <tld t, cd(et ~t~e uont-7'hiN be
1c~re 11c h~ts t r- sithc sit sthe mit
l h t~m~llattm< Illthe el~i -sui- in
isee 1 us s iclc~lillsc i vcrhuh ill andsut

itsh seluitsint ofthss-class-
hi tittth -sosusdit bsills. h
ws 55 55stltusumussifrsitu hicisi)
avi ofit itsis 'utsitu-e
tikt;i cils.

m it toi

sit IiI)1S NiVSi ti(VtVIii
O I>NDiI V iii iuiSitV hi
Ules theuiversihi iitiadIclit
stimeliout ntside utsuot 5itilus i become ai-
dei t litm s mtiutioiniu 1'reisitu cl it -.f~h
Souls I of thibnsmis:us
1"The ihasitwillplayifusrtush mthi
galtlcs tl tss i cs-eeie his rm
this sideutsior frosm e - tills soit ce
1st i i 55 t suitse save lances iord hrt
delrii it pens, uti w hlitt-i--its
tiud atushetssiupot 5of i( ts- ll
bods. T hulls uhe hatthv tutu h
mulsig itoi heus t i iftey sutdiiii s i c ls
ilCIt o (lo hut Situ
Wtheetuetisttieill regtristsuit h eriic
etlsritiumeciii thit s mmie, si d: it t--Veu
wiu hiaiscett fludshome tileths tshilt 's
lunstss hutradi ncreii (- l
prosutastlty i give a ticsts (thutis"
This listrsi tuub metsitllii RsuiOM
Wetst 1Tiallst 7 :30 tuttiigiui. P. Gths-s.
n-hitspseuntilsst summ er uci its Cutsadtas, till
specllhn uf hums exp~erienmces theress.

hitiiiiti istui c)h
it. itu ttus i i t iniiu alstgt -uh
V1) iheckessut w ithuts sitceitl i isiofi
t-. I .G xolh lss n-i ( pssamit
hi lnit; tugm. 1. situ,- iou'
{ i. -i 5 ( nmfihint -NV Ior
M. ischs suallit cussiW.suK.
u-t tisui , uta t c smlt

N S.s
li"t s

PI'1,15itiiilsi\". NI 111(11hil
Jusuissu{:.s I i ilt luprsniipalsit this
Visi -Nc tu1") shhol de of psums
tic Isis ai tutu sisIsifithhcls-sitf 73 1sf
tsitjsi uo tons itshe tv-s
suicri ts sit of schossuts ittPonutiaus
111(1 in17,; ici li hits tmicialsit this
lluts i it-ii sit tutu wichttpoisitsin ie hits
Threec huusdrdccut onu seatsi icc Wedinsday.
night's performsuano atCulturie" ace stihlan-
soldi. totect Whitoey toxo sffice, S in iSanti
1 to a:3S todayu.

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