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January 15, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-15

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The Michign Dal


Nt;. 78.



ions to follow in thte footsteps not of DaifI~l l)'ssls l r on to he particularly strong.
CONFERENCE IHARSb the hest scholars hat of thse sest play- MICHIGAN1 DvBATErS. och- adlro Ciag- shoeu
I tts)for t o ttining teants. Ie saidl last
OF 'BOARD' ACTION Th esl of the conference Wasthe CHICAGO 'RIDM cwek : "The men are workig hard anti
-- waythtrew the Conferencre colleges into one:, ss Ittt prhaps tfte tost difficnlt
Official Letters Are Mailed to the atuttmoil. 'he most strikintg rule'. Burroughs, Eves and Wettrick Iave't r hadrso to hantdle, lout we are
"Big Eight" Delegates-'His- were.:. d1ingtoar fsest."
tory of 'Big Nine.''Thsat so ontteItmay'play for store Itt N'iRpeetMchga i ''otttorrrsss afternososs tte negative
thtree years in thse aggregate ins ansy in Mandeb Hall. team w till lease fosr Chticago. Prof.
tlh olwsgi slyo leofca ercollegiate sport ansd thsat thsis patici- - llTsmas Trssebsloosd will .accomtpanty thte
pation he confned to untdergr'adstates. Frisisy sighss threse \liclssgasnsttscts ii tt Cberesent at tht'elseatse.
circsular letter senst to thte eightt remtains- Nostnsore thsanfitse inttercollegia'teBusrrsssghss, Eses sssss Wettrick, swill dse-___ ________
insg colleges of thte Consferensce. ft is a "C CEI O
facstttle f tse ltte seit o ~ garnetsstall Ibe played its onesestason. lssse itt )lassslel IHallssf thse Universits ID\A1TE fF "~IfI
fasmlfftelte et t rtf. A. That freshmsans teamssssod seconsd of Chticago, wtlile thse stsusents its I. it -A'A, IS Cl 1A GEI)
..Stagg, chairmsans if.Ithe Ctnferettce. elerens,shsall play ontly ssithsteassosf versity IHall stilllhesar Wittsser, Iuslie
Ants Arbsor, 'Michs., Jan.:.-4ths, )o8., thseir rost institution.tand Knsellersdebsate agasinst thes'North- I Ise dtesof tse presentastionss of Shseri-
Professor A. ,A. Stagg, Thtat sot more thanf'tytnt s Ihall we'sternstleam.s At Chicatgos, Michiga slass "Schosol for Scandal," by Mrs.
Chsairmsans sf thse Counferentce. Its'chsarge'd at anys g'amstfor anty scat, ssports the netgativ e, andsf satlhsome thse Wslltim I ofmsassns tider thse auspices
IDeasr Sir:stwhethser reseredfor stotfor nmcssbesrs ssfirsssotis C. of thesubssljetmsenstioneintr of sthIte\Wosmans's lJcagse, Isas 'been
Thse lBoatrdits Control of .Athletics of of thse univiersity, 'andl ta t less stumtsyesterdsay mornrsing's Daily. rcshasg'edfrromssFeb. t4,tlseclay' first ass
thse Uniiversity of'Michsigant soted last Ise charged if possibhe.. ;alloryI,. Busr rousghs s bsolsrnsststsssssscs sIforsit. and swill take plact'Felt,
stighst to ssithdsraw fromsssthe Conferesnce'. lhat 5no trainsing tattle shsallIse tttint- Hoitkinsv ills, Md.. )its 1884. . lHe is tnowss S8'at thstNess'\Vlitneth'' ea'ster.
WYltile fas'orinsg all proper reguslations of tainedl. a rsisdettso fsfdwarslle, Ill. Br-oeprtis for thse performian ce are
sthletics ansd mucs as swe stould like to A lengthy provisions for the, presets rosughts preplaredl for college at llsspksns- progressinsg rapidlly . Nearly esery slay
conatinuse athsletie relations wsith the othser tion of brutality in games teas provided, villre, t'ttssl an grasduated frost St. John'ss rhsca 'ls ore givess. NMrs. Htofomanns
Conferensce Colleges, te Board felt that ansd appended swere thse requirements colleges, Mary land, ints 55o4. Its tso hle recessily toote a 'trils to Detrssit tsotrders
it cosltd not imspose os'sthe studsents of thaot coaches lie faculty msetmbers; "tha'tt elre d ths 'sicltigatttaIschoo slssisstslttith th cttmes orlseepiec', swhichs till is'
the Usniversity of Michsigans conditions thsere btc no preliminasry training priorthec cl's's of ssof. IlIe repsresenttetlSt. tsg'ed s 1 ar tisticaslly as poss'ill.
ss Iicls wereIthousghst notl ssarranted either 55oItse tbeginninsg of aaemicetniistrtsq Johscofslltege intshle Masrylandsorst oir. .
as promsotintg gotsch elolarshsip sir purity tioss," ansd "that the seasoss entd onsthse eal conttesttswinni'ng a gsoldl tesa.l ie OIF 'Msit 555tt~s 5 tTBtit
its sathletics, stud somte sof wthichsswere secontd Saturday Isefore Thasntksgiving."'also toosk pt 5its iter-socie ty dtt'tls' s Fls ts'euisitits of ts'elOmesgas Ph'i
dleemsed t h le Iloardl tosbe,tissder the As a fintal step thse Cssference rusleds Istalmts' ma ter Since etelrinig te ~I. sIslise'sty ss'oityee'entertasisnedfIy the'
condtsitiostsobsltaiing st AnnssArlsor, ntt that its ease thse varius recomss a e rsl5 sity h1 st s biIeens actiin dstsebaste',ssocety sat ss bsnqutrt aBIarissour gyttna
essssslsseis- tisthse sest isitterest of thsost' tisosf teeConferensce sdotnt siset'sssa's presdentof sheWs'ebstesr soiey, simslItrSastrday evensing. 'T'he new
selo lart~itste is slseti gassC. with Itse acce'ttance of thte colleges, the sndis 'ssmsstssr isf thes' ,asrPrseisin ts meber's tre : Flsirense IldI, Ilearty
'se oadtrsttdeieisatotConsferesnce recommndsss, as thse titly club. < l t srosn, Grace tFakrr I esirietta Carr,
try Ise cosnsidleredsl ssaosinsg ieen taken alternatise, the susspesnsions of ,isterrssl-Geosrge'vs'sis1frotsh.\illt'rill i. IJinHdge, 'tlicetHIoslI, ;eneries'e
(si actCintt of assy'feelinsgtof snfriessslli- legiate fotbtall for at least tweoyear si herse1thtesswas ric its1884. It epre '-tKinsmasit Agine'Mssrphy, Ora Msurray,
tess sits'its pasrt towsard the Co'ssferentce Ilmsesdisately isstese ansiety'asttsi tepit:d for cillegs' ot tseGeorge schls IdnatsPeet , Mlay tPrrsont, Itta 'l'turlote,
Colle'ges, b'ut,1 its ae:,sees'stake'ns slely' sffesItI tses s- sswssere to hose utontP's.'sand e'ntesresl}l t'e'sirt'rsisyofit-s Iis's hts ney', I'sablsslW'att , 'snna
becauise 5o1 it's convsictionsthsat sucshsactin 1se'-sensterresultt't.IFaclt co'llege wss a'.ig's silltsoor,sswithite, ifserasry cl'ssofi'ossnsir
wavs sieessary':ftsr thse reasonss abosve

isciipy of.is lett r wsill hse sent to
tiic gentleme s'sc's rsliiep'esentsedl lhit
Coltlese'si lite recenit Conitferense.
'sery "trisly ysssr
AVs N's F XSN Chiasi llirmasnt.
Board' iii Constrol tif Atilltir's.
I.nvr itof -MlichIigan.
'The, sisissilcis co itiii is atlei
affairs. diss tir -"'t frck lis sslsirii
wass se'ttledl I~ts e ils ctiits ofi ie lioted
its Cointrol oft Atletics dass' hsack tio 0, -
asctiin of th c\-li ('isfrier ''ce
wh-lich mtit is Ch is.goi, Jsan. io5 ssnd 1.
Prresisl 'sst Angiell, i t' rs's'sities'.
cleast oif wsse'rn edc's atsosrs. a5scsdt
authority if callinsg fir a. ofeecet
cosnasider ssssssrsatslosic reors.Th
sssesslsers if this csonfers'sie wr id
testdest of1 those iii t'e rs-guslarly s sts -
lisped ''lig -Ninse," shoIsis lssss sisci lie.
5(403, ansd whoItai tsss h'lirkred thse rsslssi-
bsility of mteeti'g ste foosstall slquestions.
''The tressssssrsis refisrIss movs'eet
starteid throusghstout thse stisn sit s csrys-
tallizinsg ints e eacsst ands it tras ste atst-
bitiotn of we'csterns t'ducsators to tdistansce
thseir rivals Its turill legislastions.
Prof. Pattenigill seas set tss Chsirago
as' Miecsigan's reptresettiv'e, writh itn-
strusctionss Is' sote for thse extenssions of
the freshssssas eligibsilisy ruile froms sit
montths to osse year. Before thse Con-s
ferensce cosnvened it seas ktsown thsat
Wtisconssint ands loss-a swouhld cotendt for
thse aholitios of football.
'Ihe first slay of thse cotenstions a let-
see frosts P'residenst Ansgell seas readl.
Ptaectically all thse reformsatory mseas-
stres foundst their ispirations intshsis let'-
ter. Presidet Asigell calletd for re'frms
in thsree directioss
i. A gresst reducstiont intshle snmbe'r
of gasmes u-as advised, togesther wills
-- Redution of expesnditure for
coachses asid players, ansd
,. Reformiatios its ste chsaracter of
the gamie.
Presisdet Angell lameitted the con-
sditions bsy uwhich "mets of braws' rathser
thtan uses' of brains are held up to the
sworld as thse great siess of ste univer-
sity," deploresd the fact thsat "thseir sligsht
ailsoents are chsrossicled swith as much
p'romptness as thsose of a king in his
court gazette. Not osily usndergraduates
bt. school hoys are filled swith aspira-

b'.-s~fl'f Ilihl's''IN ' W-1-1 XII! 'iNI 1(10S ('I ILCbfl IFRllIAY'NIGIH11.

"Ohio" Presents Side of Some
Alumni and Faculty Memers
-Was Action Too Hasty?
Wht~ile 'it is retcgiedlthast tle st' s'ins
tsakenssbythe -Boaisrdlis'sCosstroloitt-ts
setc sonday snight virtuaslly lt'sssn
rnto reonssferencrtdisusssit, hre re.r
a grist mtansy- upontssh~e tcampulstwshsis'irs
noit sstisidt'i ttthet'actionsss is'tsttoo
Iasty. The fislossig ctmmuniisctiin
brinsuast sa phase' sot bforseipressntldi.
Ediiose 'IDaily:
Onsts or twoiiconssidesatiosg tolth
rosst 5f this L'onsferecser mat5ter-,
lOstsof thsconnssssects istlswit"li-
crsil athlitics." A considerabsleh ssssssslr-
of 'iiyasilstden'ttss sissilustirs aisi ai'
thats stirs'gamsess, a taininsg tasleiand
Issue ears sf playsill girt' is store i-
tercti'oin tletics, better -tsaer
athlestses, ad a ncdttstssthltiretw55i-
tiu. 'They- then'coniscudeshattlis 1s,-a
sb-s tewe sq'uerstons. 'IfL'onsfeenss'e
rus-leI-hs1a adfor athleic-s, wst rson
aile sats iwsusistrefuisr- toisay isut:'..
Antheusr constiderrable'sniumb e 5floyasl
stttsecuts,asiltiuatd facultty titubes
dii ntthinksit iworisthsosyiss ly-as rlwhi'
toien sthIis s-il'e-toisssathlicsle. 'Thery
moerely- say, "'sel, wstso f tat?" Atish
this is ass attiitde lt'he sport' es is1 ''hI
eral ,athletric"''iise'nasstsisally cassussi
iThir poistio sss weasilslstate((s-s, it
a~iseems t,blithsise sstr i1 of -.sSstsh
issi'grassssisntis N iii . 'Sandsry"hi
ws aisked, "what isill visishisetsr fs
breakfstki' " Oa timsial. b'sIsiSatwill
yo hasi i fot r I dinnesssr'I-IOatme'
"W'at isssllysits Is sir lsp~-" Ot
meacsl.'' ''bit! 5iNothlingse?'s h
Iad sa sity, rs litsis iti s-reaith ig
light Sr smec t ift\.is' to indssoe
consi is-ations sin l sit -si to es-slvic ss ii
iTs'e s5 rulegs teil astiwo isiears iifs
itte ugsi's-sfPesils' ingll
fahe i tc, isl o -llg ls'e- saipurlys i-li
atssiol issr-'ii''. h his--t I s'thousigt'
c. 1", filiiing soolargsasplceI's h
f issisilinthiri'git litce. ut it-
licird inrs'aitiniii i fi tio'sprincipa'll
ri',5 first, tis risrisil the excsiisg
i-is(luig iwh~ iisnt this' ii a ri' Isis-
bttemits bosdy f asisssstdnhinksai ts
ti:f litht lsbutlt-e gsmes-'' Seond,
sitsd5u',aslit' gresa t an(f the.ivcsts-i
shty. besscase-"n'slts sosly' us li-r's tsi
buiss chlsbotsys arc fillrid i iwithasia-
tsssiion ofsllowhrnsthe55li'fooitsepls, snot f
shebs sc olerse, lutsf therbis' tsplay-
ers." 'isaseessedi t te smore siss'sghs-
fish amonisg suden'tss, fscilty-an tush isi
especiallyttrite sof tsnn 'Arisr, a liis
t thise aims thasithe sup lprss'o f
" it sl thltics" mst:sfssraiy asmtrls
1stirppositin. sbWhy 51o5 shsy-nt isilsse
tsties t, b's Ii t is tilhi is fist-
'hees'utisiscovshss ess'itinlse isb ut
foodiuifors sthoughtith ~i's I.:thisrc- io
hers'antidecsIltat wilswsrsy tSeiPowesia
Th'astslie svestif 'Nlsiianssgesostiltsi
this- Cofesrensce' ' 'sill 15it t at -ts s'
sonsablelstsisis '1tt it'usmindeds met-soi
resticte s"swllensathlesltis'"''nsisows
'he oler cosieation55of cnesiis-
slis-tcs- ititss'sny is l'theshumiiationssosr
ts' Univserssisyhaisn g lecit obilied t
(hasnsgs'uitssisiind t still ayodsyare hr
anaslyzce slis fe'elng?'HIwIrissdshelt'Ui-
versisy sts'ke upIIitsoinsilWs tnolit
int hatstt, isflusescedl by- mssi shosthougt

sif nosthing bt toatmsealt I isi-sis, hots
thirstandsin isce, lby stliletes swhocntualsshy
hatsedstosrier-sthse gstsse sassdits stas sink-
155 putblic esteestsastissi heilrrepoirtera
twhosse tecssliar senses stssy swire; isy
(Contintued o Page Three.)

BUi esOc-Grit S
t conssider ste rules, ratifications of two-
thsirsbeinsg cosscliusive.
Studieist excitemsenst cosstinuiesd. csl-
msinsating its a s'sosstrosss s5 sieetinsg.
Frisday', Jsan. i2s. Tromsinsent alumnssi anis
stsudent osrators sprike. 'The result of
thsesmeetinsg was a stuidenti lesisious his
te senate requsestinsg she refusal of thse
rtules, especially' ihat relatinsg so the
Ons the 31st, Chicsago ansid''Wiscontsins
studetis assemsbled so protest agaist
thec Conferesice actions,hits without asail.
Ons'sMonday, Feb. so, the senatemst.
'The rule requsirisig the coach to lie a
faculty mensher seas laid usposste table
asid the three-year rule teas msade nons-
ret roactive. tr. Vaughass headed a
msovemnit for she absilitioss of football,
but the msotion to that effect was killed
by a vote of fifty to nisseteen.
By this meeting ;Miehigan's athleie '
stars were surestasid the four-year con-
tract of Coach Yost stas honored, bitt
Conference relatiosuiswsere straissed.
Michigan's disrespect for Cosnferesice
enactmsent was- disregarsded, huh tolera-
tion ended at the last sessioss of the Big
Nisse ansd Michigass was forced to meet
the issue. The sequel is yet to come.

spriS. Whbilec st steGorge schols ie sr o lt LCI. rysTItNl(S
trus thue insterschorlastic oratorical cs-rutTIME (F0lI,FI(t't)S
testadwsfrtoyasammeof--e interschlal~stic debcinsg tram.s Evs- Th le lprecedet-iestalshled by'forer
wass a stemblseruof teL'nisversiuy of ! "Studenrtt Councils is' postponsing thse sec-
'sicisigansts tlesintssesastof hi907 swhich m isis meusster electios ussiil the 'ecosnd
dlefesstedl Nortshwesterns suirersitys II s ssweeLofute semisesterehstbeest incor-
is, a msembser if ste Deltas Sigisa Rhsts oated Iits ass assesissesr so te cossi-
arui 'siplissNit socicties, secretarsty orut hetutusits sa thslur'Counscil. Ratificationi of
'l'ostsmsasters' dish,v presidlet of te S te amsendmssentrlies itste post-rof the
Cit-ice chubI, sandl.a umesmbe fti faS cuts l'stllisenate. fly'Cousncil ensactmsentu,j
theist Council. hoitecsr, ele'ctions still tie held this year,I
Samusel..'etrick iswa se' s inatNew s Fer'sstFebs. 21.
Casrlisle, lb., its 1881. 1Hie prepaoryes I Its-contiltutiore iards ss followss
wsork stas ldsts-at ste ighs schssolof Net.NV. Sec.sI.' t' hse seconisd
Pigeons.Mich.li. e grsaduastedl Irons V sI- lclttu ion sal sake tplacesassorefeore the
paraiso usnirsity' in 103, beisig hrtsi-econdu ridaruy after the Chsristmsas re-
rent iii Iis elasts. Four stexs-t twon csstudbhs beets amensedd toi reads:
years lieseas pinscipaul of thse high school sthutsecond election shall be hueldIott
of Akron, Colts is 590j he entsered the thue secosid Fridfay after thse beginintg
klichigan lose schosol with the claiss of sof tse seconds sensester, prosvisdisig this
tgo8, asndh sas its first president. 'sVet- sdsy be sot a hsoliday, its whichs case elec-
trick is a stessiber of thic 'Webster so- tionus shasll lie seldl the slay- befsore."
Iciesy- assd the L~awsrersidlents' club. the Sectiosits? of the samse article pest-fies
swas asiesestr of she Chili sebatinig teamsustlut nomusittions aret' o be niade three
for the Webister socisety in 1907. d:sesufore te late of electiosns.
'The Chicago team, swhich is comnposedl
osf Johniss1. L'iver, Arthur lb. Hope ansI ThIe Armsy-Navy goosestill likely be
Thomas 1-I. Ssndrsons, all experiesnced play'ed isi-Nesw York, instsead osf Plilas-
debater'., is repored by the. Chicago dlelphia, next Ifall.

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