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January 15, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-15

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THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. bet after all, If they do not know who
osTiraction ti ws htsty andit, itI* ~ -
(iH Wild Comipanly M_--_g_-_--P u' oa Mw' site aspets astunnitg.'ow we are flDUliC aI an ma T A B R A H A M
MarrgangEdiar-PUI, COT MOWER.told teoseesoni s conpete, within
________________ Business Managr-C. E. WINSTI) less than a week after the qestion wa.L N C L '
6 ~OSthroswn oeitwith the re-penitg ot si"Rte tseuri; tites."
lit 0 iargest Stock eshol ;ntl Mctigan now elotgs, whe Ttsrotgh the earnest efforts ofPry
in tlhe City ess................ " " "A. r. Rithie Perc
of Athletics...._h...Dvid F. Steveinson stppose, to the Confederate State of the Mutk, e, James ODonnel Bennett ani n to n. n ei i
felt ue II. ohn WaoholdLoine Star anti the Wolerinte Ramnpant. oters itterested in the igetfrtf
\httusic itnd Draita...Roy D. Welch '-rattatic art, the college drmati or-
Exluiv Syls n omn' Vitr...Lois Vn oohi tOhfi, ~tsOt' R ltGANtZE. gaizatios tave till raised their stand-
xollll~e tylesill usteu s Flttor... ouiseV muVoorhis"'his is sit age of organization," Cociechrd' aterialy. From nil we may OULICOLdOFE
WEDITORIAL SAf siud a siell-knownt orator, phlosopheir lokUututuoiIuNioOsLNiclOFFElRoses
5151 L' II ~ J W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams anI statesman. lie wst ight, sad uwe udrsinttime smithliterary nmerit, amnt will We have a limuited umbunhe o
U IOl E . N S Russell Mc~arlandc htiled his disoery wviit rejoicing itthuleefoure tendtote reie, foster adsmt ets of the conplete writigs of
VV ~ -I~tJ I RIGHT uIO te time.Nowemitcries sum ouisder and ul uisn late tm td u ttelters-ArhaumLicoln, Te book are
[ g Hiram S. Cody George H. Hoart asks is itt a eter et urge the foreima- tulrc attactively ond ait puttupmilni
F or Gentlemen's hear Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams ti of yet aother society-ftnal ini one fluo(tumucly clubin m foloswing this nine volumes. Our price for the
Raymndut Visseher semmse, ini anothmr settse thue mumrcut ofid eat thatteplily i te tinug,' has eintire set (including tle uuhuerip.
1-countless broods cif societies. Thliie- sccccitturusuglm a commmite with Prof. tou to Curreint Literature for sie
It cu murequtiird te Suits , L .ed REPORTERS TeA -hte'quest is foe an organiaton, omine-Surn aus ascatirman{goerge Frqchamr's year, valueut at $300) is S3.90 lie
tie suts, ',uu Pstins, nit L. C Red Le A hit 1oral cotmumitee ito versee smithfmster c i suertus"l,'e Reeruiting Of- thu.cloth ining-nch $q onfor thu
fabi outninmus ad o is. iteiclass A.[.lf. I. Mei l inneg e J. I . f'rtenscottorganilzationm in the University" Weasee v etdi- lya u imm fh ui letlerhidtg Thesesetste out
aitiic ant stiecial sts. 'A.ILbi1-faanlanethRohert MountDaer
Loel .Crr DnldL i me omtretredutoit aetite subjee t lt ikuuand Peg XRcffimgmc tn sas tltycil exhiit iat either of turmestree
LoelJpae DnadL inytresemnt 'he timue is nt ripe. XWe hiaue eers yere at te Deury Ltne theater,
Ful Drss it at 'ate K. 'louers LotisKaft ucuu
isu'l'DressikSuitRsuaurtS\choeanch o tie lokout fr some years'mtIoueo filaianiltd atmucett ______
Speiatyttmttt Iece-onyoue-mwu sotte edeonltf tut est curus out the Englis sage.
Santte hi Moristhe secondulmonumthm f-last semester-tdid Iatim. in this cuctythme wiiondumerful
_________________________________ ~tuu Eugu Ped C Goditg we think tl ime schid coetoilauncttih -genuius tf Augustini haly eiseuit ati W A
mutt organiztionm sciefy. t thatlttue a hluteater swihua csthiauedl hbyJion W H
flu' BUSINESS STAFF ~whitle tctus pssed willhout strlhering Dets smndlAdauhutnu. B osoe
UT John . Wre Carl H. Adam ofa'snlne roxhvgbenB ktrs
HarolsiiP.e mucus-group maimg1 cii hemcleaudig art, tCiututtuluminaneu, 5wa5
311 Suth Stale Street aol .f'otd formuet.Ve t mcee-gt ini oud. vuuw ie r llyrecogmizeu btyFar uluitrs uemow senretS t ts
_______________________________Address: MICHIGAN DALY, Press Bldg., somme pruomimnentmcammpus chracies andth omt mmiri cris a potrmait of himsel.
---__________________ Maynard Street. put 1km.nater ii their hands lhey Thle udraatist tdedietedt lut ply "Ti
Manager's Hours: 1-2 p. i., 7-8 P moued witthi is its draw-lgutp a constutumi- i Frieds 'Round tie Wei'lkitas a
A daily, except Sunday. Both phones isn ts iitie swelt uattnly egun mim iiiml cmplmiuient foe "liv hosptaity RENT A KODAK
96o. when arepormtee rushedmin w tt icth 55mthe ewsndpoltemes swhihttie'authom expert-
s-tat tree ewsoecietis ath just bhenen 1ccd wnh mmm iie s minrecrumiing seies te
F e w msarteit stiulttcumetslV, thus mutalcuug il tmuSlumcushmmy" tim ee-tichs coim- a
fer tme1laps tututhu r urcetimg i y mmd dy feemuuthism-fact use titusloomk uuupon A
I clestvmg ou-mito-uguton WXe .drotpiedh ut le ' 1 he Rrmtimg Offce r" t ituere "
11c'il I N PSIANJ A NARI I mo1, wo08 kcmctiut(- instanst; isas panl n- A)itt lutteps andmannmsues in ushchi Far- V1I
~f j I~j~ i~ .... ____ called...fume No f peeoledmhof stinre l's
mmmrc cmusCct'mitcmi muesuss. mumhe rcasingtszing flelte sice ocmmeed 'ltIeRmcruting Oficer mmli be guittn
C a en a ke malmin eltlt outtuof a sky limt upitoma ate.'When i does eesilgadinusomuftiayus.Janm.24, mt tie New Wh ines y # ;
Ca 1 end ars icu~prtially loudedcttl emuhe mittnmfomatmin prttimure--ies tichind tt' movemeni for tmiuc i, ithm ieseta- detail immt us way of -
F or 2 Sc s~mdmms that tie ('onference questtan in org anizaummtiontoeneourtgc-e guia- costumes, memrv and otier tetical N° i
rya n imumuann tter fisr..ml ethm ic- Lion- ro ri reuiediiikep l_ ict ure
E acri it i Cmimibeen ; sclcc"bit uthanderthem miintust'he5 permi'smod ____ f-
morinis Coui n tirs l mit ms shtiar'dsv emo sgbeu emusui-f t ef ssmusm -cmcviii
ushmle they° last. IThose si-uldtiheiur e eft tim am etel 1?iii dutesc fromaswerks of atrfstill goes 00onummmml 'm4t. oum ' lmm X iI
erTssie ett iwsmu m hiciIle remitarkabile thing is tuti ny , ' ,c M audei Si
arv the orgimnal Mm ugm milemicmelmmi tmu ei hrof csmaiimms necesstry. XmrIsofat mm il Stin ewrmgtim lim er'eumarerieSt--mu
Calvendars vcott i imn sn um glsilr dsussed;, muid hundedh northinnvueestduato jes sit, as sumch, Detroim tie engagemment ssas formalisly when mmyoum ty yur ittSuppies o
!ndm 'ts sbvousuinAmm mm 1mmiimmii. itdh, amndilmmomonded est neessitie s mun uma emelermcy. leieslesuaesreo etigfoghsp
mmccl, tmu-Otime'tsmimsworkl Afist tire ' no immuril l ti hi]innmer glue-mulst fll t plies aimdatse anaeesm prints
adesiyteULmts'rit) hbemiy, .asmolimfsr-mrsWr-ouumpetiivmum the tie ciulaPhm ii smrority litus, HYPO Sc Pet'Pund
Arbmor. We hive butmtam fammilimumiuug tie fm~nii'tltst of somue rommumermmidcsense o1 the tren. in sork mmciumoleelr.S.Jsmmvsa L Y D '
uliuiuc thomuti. humlIfmct, a statement f omart s am work of gen usu, amdlmt thtie tt lem f tie-Phi l etaiPhi fecuernity-
feslef sut mnI im ditomm minue tinstie chairumn mf that hard hattpoutnumfmue m a uchime. liere' isn isath vsptsinmelhetien uileteamuinmuhis PHOTOGRLAPHER
mf 2000,ts li.nusmrelict tion-as gvmgasarnce ofrepeitiom. uXditty on art vo ks s7htoy w, uumu eain___________________
ths h'uc. friie., tie qiestionm hiss Ignocranc of, tr disrvgard tr fO , tisPtiin r i l 'is Sm Jtlu let.imrla
hel tsi ig its lrsentlproportiosus itles misai which the tariff lsv is uusech feutuuu(ieOhoCtCle. -ur
Sh e an frabr wo es; limt certainmtiins anti alsomointpl uaeuhihmtie une arts hlIr Sm. Jomlimhlsta position mas general BAILEY & EDMUNDS
Sheehan &c COle t ake thur issue at hiikholdt initumy sef-respecting civilized misiimsar pfmm in ue.
Student Bookstores mimucusew andlpeculiar. sinsthat even'the tiom. 'he' w' ought to e repeled a[#0p~rtI g lO o
mosticithomuugtfuli sere ofteni dumbkakuout oce. t'sttmat:'STATE re4 tINERi'AINs. 121 EASIT LIBERTY ,STREET
whlat amctionsseemuedh ess o them. 'fle - -Te uummuuers f tie Emmpire State _______________________
/" ^ - A. G. ,,~, ituue lst eendeates] forfur teor five SEIOR 1,1I'S WILL DANCE. -icumlb 'vm'emtertained y Mrs. Markley
qty-.mvSeveralh seks remmainetd for i IN BARBOUR, CYM. tASt ii Satumdum aftermnooni at ire home on
SPA t I wLagscolcinooriayLLhLh SPALDING -AL~ us be-thrmshedcuttmitnore thoroughly. G-c- 'Letes svenue. Aboutforty stdeswuvre Lagscoltinforuay
$ ROS. o"'" ' 'iermier s of tie boardl professed thueir Tie senior li class decidedet in in mnee[- prese Ittincludmimg associate memners. and the only ollectin of fine
Nasaum us~~uc4 mm illingnes timfolowshiminetuwishtof theimemg yesterday to oll ti cassdatti mm 'fss Meal, tresidentu of fle cu, amd
e Largest Manufactureres in Ike World mmmi)timpet mittnly ums the mamjoriy Barbmmour gvtmuntsim nmaxt Sttim avMiss'ss Crulaum tssistch Mrs. Mrkley-i hum 7~ 17 1 Pl
of Offiial Athletic Supplies givnnacm mmipporutuity..o express its evening, nienmamid(]vuwomenm io attendtc ei receiving tie guests. Mr.onial
usBsle ooBllBoalla, Foots mni tt suflBeuttlrtiifmum-artlyfintmesLnuawnimmg tFOSstSesuhdsttiecofe ti.POOBSAD NPO S
lisat euleteoi m Ye S Fild pnuu ie lmmum ''hm' ttuIs xiressimi itf. pii- also udeiedhu a mulace te imetletres it liii
mmmcrm fllm d pGatans.Sling'e s Handsiely uin uwichm ailyet ibeeiu deie vts tie class uficers std athletic anssmum the Celkrated Martin Mandolins and Qualmtv Best - Prices Rght
Augsn. SAeJn o&t.--chinksee. Mchmigyaum and Fat Sttuui.s
W Yokiu ant imega.St. tutu- Saim tel aisca. gregates atm-listoits. VIleniers o ilie eAfter thur umeeting tie susekers gmmli , haek rI e& Son, >to S. Main St. esnodR OL ,Jeve
t ielpi'stemI ia.ciyras, ttis- hutmu-demxpeiress themtselses tis bein g humerecmt audopteml m udesign ime t acs --- o S, Sat.S
ie, i~ttn, im.tansasscty, Ceed,doubt as mytmouwheher their sellout was pipe. IPortrait frames at osters. f
mw OrleanshDetoat, atatroa, Canada.I



nn YW M70n f
L J <«

Every day one hears
people say "imf I .were in
college again, I would do
Inore in the hive, of- cul-
lure. I would learn sotme-
thing about music soas fo
appreciate good mi u a i c
when, I hear it. ," .
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study,
t Courses in all branches
of .music are given bhy the
best prepared inigtructors,.
at yery;reasouallaes
at thet5 .
Universilty.School of Music
utynsed teeet_

-Che tubents' lecture tssocfatio
Season of 1907-8

Johnu Temple Graves
D~r. Brander Matthews
Lreland T. Powers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Open Number
The open 'number will probably be filled by
lion. Wnm. H. Taft

DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hlours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays

Ir tIIj

121 Washington Fi. The Randall Studio, Randall c& Pack, Props.


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