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April 15, 1904 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1904-04-15

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The Mch''igan Daily



No. 144

SEB LL YAH LAVES The debating team eft for Chicago
-oday on 7 heir boring Trip-Hiaraeyeserday to ;tae part in ithe contest
Games With Chiaga and Win. wils Northwestern thin evening. The 1
tanin- Ithe Ihikup of the Itemhas beendtrinig hard torthe
ear- Iwe Pithters (deate anti is itt excellent coiditin
Unecded. t present a winning. fight. Mr. Son-'
_____ eenchein antI str. Wiley tell with
Totiay at 1:3 It.n., teseMticiigatt the eam. ITe contet will take place
asebal teamt ill leave ont ieasitt- in the Msaic Hall of the Steaker
at spritg trip. Cicagot sill e the isaiditg at S p. m. Admisinis t by
ustt sopian te oenoiggame5 of Otivittot tiMihigats petle wilt
ie year will be playesd against Aoar have no trottbte so being asmiste.
o A. Stagga toots on Mtarsial Field ___________
tomorrow aternoon. Chicago has ail ANOHE[R TCKET
the advantage itt a dry hield for the ___
past three weeks ansi has playesi se- S. L. A. Campaign is n in Earnest.
era1 gaines against Armouis Institutie The Kenny Ticiet is Out With
aitil tubtiters. They have hail an o ppor a Strng List of Men.
- haity to develots cosiderable ieams-
wonk and might tolie soewat I si- fTsecanpaigns for electioof offi-
vance ittatt. KRedhi's mess iniorus. cers tr the Students' Lecture Aso-
However there oay e sicm trth its elatioi is now on its earnet. Last
tie usual wails lhat te bset mess are inigt the Kiisiy ticet wa niastoinc-
let out 'y-the facolty csonditioss, and ct. Thin ticket i in t oppoition to the
Idicligaii14 assisedly has ass even Goty ticet printed earlier in the
chiacttfommnece the seasns with weekeatli nflos
victory. I rsdetIdwnJenny 'St Lit,
On Mtonday Coach tUtley will take '115Law.
Iis mets to ladississasis lise tem'n isi Vice Presient-Jams '. Freece,
agaisst the Uiverity sit Wisrosin. '111 Law.
Little has beets hard 'isrte Bager Correpondeing Secretary-Fres E.
aggregatissi, thisnsrit, liststhey a- Ptter, '11 law.
wayaestop opoens iths eciK ereay-E. L. Peters,l
tints of the year. lT'either guies ' Law.
ousghttsle victriesifor tie Varsity. 'reasires C . B.lanwchar, '(t Law
an lucy are-aaisies sal colleges, These mien areconisered strong
lists exerience sitfrmser years has Uisiersity susdents suit have te sp-
shoswns lit they are just as liits port o a large sssmber o voters. The
is resists its eefeat. ecsntest tpromisies toe alut tne from
Klataao, Hlltsdale Altitsandthlit'fact that bolk sisenare coifisest
.lcligass Agriculttural stillege silllits'oat pollisg a godssiies vt se.
visitesd itsthe' oyser inamses,saitdliss Eel sitsJ.1Densy, whit heas tes
nibty anotier astetille sched'led teietket is frim Dlh, Minnt. Heen-
fosete lseard-055 te local iisrnosstt tiered the lasw separtment itsthe' fall
The oardi tf Cntrlowaent last itf111111. anti the next year changed
night at 7:301 toipass oiii the mo, ser iot le literary department, to
hiltswingigoIthle'fact-ithat saverat sitenter tesecossbineiliterary-law
thdelhasing candidts willethtake ssne cosie. He is proiminnt its seating
exaninatios thinstiorinig he exact clis 5assis an hono debater, haing
listosithsethoslits lit e. e.. -sill r'Presnts d siidgan last yearsn tes
notbe madte ut tast sight. 'T-e Cntitral Dtitin Leageseteats againt
teams5 wilt be practially tie saneas Cfistcag. Next year e will Ise a 05-
atinouniceed in yesterdaiy's aity. irdlsr lit sn u nir law.
will catch, Wessait. pitch; Detree. Issmes L. Freece the cadiate for
Rteddien, Campbel sait Bole iii romvice iresidesit. is a 't law ronsHutte,
Motiana. Hie manages the high
pose'theinielsian suitarotiers Kasi--
maisuitAlisger, lt'hesutfheld. itsschool tpubliations in HBstte when he
addsitiontoIthess, 'l'srsr swi ribs seas iiitie high schossl andlasinisee
lly te takets as sutiliyroan. Disc hailts years exeriece its the news-
tther pitcher will gos ts Cicagosasd 1paper bsinsss.
Madsnss ansi a t hitdxvijisisste E. L. Pees, candidate for -ectrs-
team at Kaansazsososn Tuesday. Tesen g secretary, in a juoise law, frmm
men are stiltisnseled. The suadt Ottawa Lke. He attended te Nor-
wiltle' itshar es'itfisoachis', ymal ats Ysiant itwit years. He has
an s Jit sossn Maagr 1idnd St-( tasgt schoostlts years anti woree
set Mhanager Brensan. two smmssers in tie auditor general's
- ' tofithesat Lansinig.
NEW Y. M. C. A. OFFICERS. F lrd . uter, the candiae fr
The ansuia eetionst sicshers foisc res-'tositing secretary, is a junior
the university Yungsst len's thristianiaye om Ansit, ow'. Ater finishing
Associaton was holsd it ,'Mctilanall thie high schosil he' completed a corse
last iigit. 'l'ie fsolloswing mn'wse-se athe businsess college at Denison.
chosen for the csomsing ycais Isswa. Bellies coning to the.eniver-
President,-I. Roess eed.lsstyb tanas onnected awith the Ill-
Vie President -Lewis H 'ieetor suis Central railroad at lDehusqse.
Treasurer-Ralph A. Stowec. Ituwv, sr yearn as chief lect.
Secretary-Pai 1. Vorhees C . .BHanhars, the candidate for
Naitor.-. S. iatey. trasurer, is a 'lit law. He has ad
Thiselectiuo, exceptlfoseacetaytuelt u'ofexterience for thu impur-
wanarnmly contested al a close bah- tat position, having taught schoul
litfr somec of the offices- ressuted si. years, l(ii yar of 'which'being
Vourhtes tr secreeary, receivedt a slent as principa of the high schbol
unaimsous vole.atWasseo. He in an hnor dbater,
President Cart Smsiti gave a sot biuIeingtin the team which recently de
farewell address in uhich liepe hated gaint Wisconin.- -
dited ifurher success ifr sing A.s.5ta fhe - tminatiuowill be maec in
ion and President-eect Reesd niads a tuOnveltioii to he heist April 310. The
brief speech in which he spokte uof the electioi -w ll occur ay-7.-
horganiation a sanding for a boad
life among college msen. MtrKetd BOIL THE WATER
has ibensconnectedt with ' .,H.UC.A '1 h.- olowing notice app ied in
ashd e campius uidingisgn-yeslerta Yg
wonkfor a snumbersit yeasadi I am auvised hby he ireroh f the
welt qualified to alec this respoibi-I 'eenc tLabuoratory that white the
itiles imposed upo himn. -- AntiArbirsaer does not contain the
The Association, nituist the scr-
earyahsip ~ ~ ~ ~ re ofAte 3 trost-si-spuecific taiuss ifttyphuidtfever, it
taryhip f Ariey . Pasonshas ti as been slightly polteu by the melt-
an uonusalysucesslyear aduitg of tebsdtirtysnooseand suhube
greater work- wilt e attenm-ptedt slbuie$-luefrs using.
year. ? ;u JAMES B. ANGE LL, President."
_ - -NWalarm need be ceasiunest by the
CROSS COUNTRY COURSE. sove notice as its typhoid cases have
The course over which 'the Cross serelopesh and from r. Vaghan's
Counry lub ondcteditsricee. statement uof the absaence of typhuid
centy has been accrately measuredut - ,bn relkly'Teadiei
withtrasitandnee tae. ~ .71regard ho lbs boiling of drining wa-
wit trnsi an steltpe.It s-371_ter, hwever. shsul be rigidly ad-
mies from start to fiish. This is the hred to.

length of 'the shiofteet' post lilt - causiste
that a man could run and so, irusha- MUSICAL CLUBS NOTICE. -
Ply, is considerably'' hustectto,4 ,;, ltearsai eonight in Room C at
distallce. actually traversed becausne itt 1:45 sharp, of Glee, Banjo' and t'Mans pf
in trnig. tJ"hu slast rehearsal.' PARKER.

_____I Prfessors (arart and Hltt linen
Diretar Bair'l 6Weeid Purify College invensted a new substance for use in
EBaeall by Radical Methds- electric cells, which wit greatly in-
crease lhisl efficiency. Ftr the p-
Hard to Prove Profenina let thin maeria will e available
isan Under Present ony oe experimens but after a ime
-,,syem. it may become of immense commer-
in cmentig sn ao editorial in the ot the new cell lieu in the act that
IChicagos 'ribiue, which argues foe the it is absoutey accurate, whie in the
abolitiounf college basebali no- the cell nowuwesd as a standardt there is
grountds that it cosul not be eit frees an inviabue though small ers.
hrom professi-onais,Director Baird
pited out what he cnsdees t he R[GENTS MEE~T.
a cures toethe cvi. ___
A lrgeshre ittheuhiteuhhenpsyhopathic Ward Sen to Be Used.
keepodingy university authorities of,
eeping poesosiosas sut itttasehbati Girls to Have Tennis Courts.
cuss be uiscfiered is thu infuensuce o Medical Bilding Inspection.
pubulic opiion," saidt Mr. ales. "heir
years the ideal baschall player has The Board of Regents meet io ex-
tieo the professional, ansi it in harsh ecutiue session yesterday. A co-
ts matte a young player refrain frosm mttee cmnpsed of Regents Carey
iluttwisg its the footsteps ott the' pt- and Lawton and Dctrs Vagho ansi
sitar herocs. An a matter ot fact, very Herinan, was appinted to mee the
tew college players areunow playing jint ayumnsboardi and arrange plans
prosfessionoa bath but it is sate tu say oe the opteraton anti management of
that every college has tnesue muses a psycopathic wadl at the University
sen sn their teams whso, have e- hspiuta. ti. Herulmaus adreed the
cevedstmoneuiy finetheir sevies lboarcsuithlistsquestion.
Its oany instances younuug playes An approprtsiation of $75 was made
neveearst that lucy with e baedsto hidueray thissexpeses of th, pubsli-
fro college basebali.oe receiving catitin ashcirculaion of a circuar
ayhbefoetir'htey' beginsteir cousis.)1ettr tsalumni relative ts the pro-
t hny aro cosnsantysurouundedu by op-nposue erctin ofota sldiers' ans sail-
poirtunuit ishun mak~e. their abiiy c- sits' msemria biding sn the camps.
sususerative ans itheinthis tadt wich A check oe $1011 was receivedt from
sakses it infinitely -harser tikeepi W. C. Mcllhan of Detoteto be used
baseball sties thanthiss othelbacs'in kee'pinup-stshe MMllan Shake'
of collegc athletics. sears' lirary givens to ttis nivsrity
'"Buuutundehe presnt system, it hby isifathe. A oe ot thanks was
is ath impoissileistou'pioeecroufus- also tenderedi to the Marvel Axe Cut,
sionalism against a mas.the hrden sit Gladstone for a cmplt outfit of
f proo1fi is ue on the college authori- woodsmsnan's tols preented tis the
ties asse evidence of this tind is ns- Futestry detarment. strs.Ith H.
-ssatity harsh to oblti.lus. woul lie Newbery sit Detroit received a vote
us see Isis changns matte in the ruses sit thankshnhi acknowedgenent of her
in hisnuunetion. Candidatsues shoiul check fuse $00 t deray ie extenses
bei rnase t prove thheaumaturuism of the Newberry casica scholarship
beyondt a dubt, thuusuting' the isu- tunerthis ensuing yar.
sinsoit proof on the nmen. ( A cmmitee heaed by Regent
"Anotther neededuhsiage in arusts'Fletcher wasanappointedt to ispec the
peventing cllege basebal mets trom lut neica building ansi decide what
psyng sn summerneteanms. ''henn c- mueans shouldis be use in improving its
foems awouldthsiler free basebal from usefuless. Steps were as taken
prfssionalinnuorsu uin thne 5155rt in thavethissWiman's League -room
coleges, but if the gameus'canunosh stand in IUivesiy ath recunihed andt
witishuneprtfssinaism it doesenont eduecerated.
dsercve to hodistsllacs'.n llustege 'leBouard receivedtletter from the
sehieirs. utenal prufessn of the state thank-
ig thins foe the avancedtecurse
HAMLET AT HARVARD. in orlteeain workhs ofered gautaes
Hansut was prodiucedt at Sandes' last al.
Theatre, H-arvaed hUnivesity, recently. 1D. N. Licihy, instuctore in general
Fsrbes Robeetsnsansihis comepsany, chemisty, wan ganed a year's eave
ineclubinug tGetrude Elitutan leaing f asene.
lady presented thusdrania..The thea- TheodoruenWesley Koch, whounlectur-
tee wanstered to pefectyrepesent a-'itrtuneenntysn eane, wan made
Fortsune theatre oitthe -Eiebethi ansistanthlibaiao at a salary sit $21111
London. To prucue thus pit. nit thea year. Mut. Kch is nw asitant li-
seasnosn the laer flonor were removed brarian of congress.
ash the Bhos eov esuee wsith, rushes. 'An aropsriatioof $00i wanpro-
The stage was <bulletsut twenty et videet to u rchasae the dental library
stud the galerids Ad res tits roosf ohitt Dr. Taft which is to he adued to
the ancient theare were made by thug;tnivesity denta library.
srop curtains in circuslar form. Stand-; it wan ageesd tha the girls of the
hug eut tism this glleeies wan the Uinversiy an' to have teh' use of the
stage cuvrcd by ia issL"usor roof.twovi tennis euourts on the campus. The
Fine drapneisscodedl the rear oft the men's otsei with be at Ferry Fied.
stage ansi he prperies etonsistedh itt The gith sitthe Cicagos alumol of
a sew Eiabetbhan ctis sandsset- in prtrauitsit the late ean tGreee,
iui53s:'The galeies ween uuuspp rutdpantet by Percy lyn, wan acceptei.
by carved uilasters epsmrentuuing'sa- Thnmportatis ts betemprarily
tyrs. placedl in the library. An appropri-
Thin auduience inthlbspit slush gal- atisn of $5111 wan mae to purchase
Tories wan comptossedt of Harvard nYut- sit Pond & Pond, architects, plans
ents sressed in thcousumc: ot the which the' have drawn p for narg-
pcehsst ittEizabeth; appseeu'tt-es, hg the pyscat labratury.
tags's, sitizensu, schoolsu bosys, bsr~es
with thir wivs ansi eaagitterf,' and SOUTHERN CLUB DANCE.
galants em gala alire. The su'ent- 'T'Susthero tus is peparig to
useraries' sere also situnts whos tooni give their seconu ance ot the sea-
the part sitcourtueiers, gusans' playes suit at Grager's isn May 9h. The
and custain bouys. T'he'preogranws committee has been at wtch for sme
in keeping wilhthe rsf theurlto time- ulaning a unique affair. The
dusehissu andstu he studuent orhestra, getlenen with wear thusCnfederae
constaig sit a cello, visita andu twos sash si thlbstnas and baes, ans the
viulin, playdulizaet'han usmusic be adie wit wear sprigs of magnolia
tweeno the acts. The whoietp'oucnstuin hrught tn puurose from Missisippi.
wsa great success in every way. The'munich will e suchs anueer
a, ails tos stir the Southern heart, such
The eniors at Yle have adoptedt as Dixie, ad the host of other which
the new tunt of roller skating whih have been known all over the world
las now supplanted the seoior top ( an typical ot a secion of str country

,,sme seniors attempted a little prae-I The Chits has beetscoumplled to
tine in a. big department store and limit the invitations us its members
-sine less proficient than the rent fell only as there are so many Southern-
into a crockery section breaking about era in the t'niverahity who are mem-
;0worth of that warn. hera of the Club,

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