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December 15, 1909 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-15

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_ rhe Mlichigan Daily
=,N R f, MZ,_ICHIGAN, IV'f?1INFSIP.\ V. I )IiCI(Mllf p t5)

\1701. XX.

o, iri ).

Walter Camp (Gives Michigan
Tackle a Place --Allerdice and
Magidsohn on Second

NIct itr

l arar
(jui I
lI ialei


[Dramatic Number Will AffordIn
teresting Reading.-
I h -da Ce ilen-n o he 1 lla c1t~r f theGrol re-nutiand theLast Dress Rehearsal is Smooth
11 1 in % I --ueot saile the lttr ar
he wek. Th and Everything in Readiness
esecaly 11tit-ar Ie]],i vrytech for Curtain.
i1rc]sd1hs 1ot 1 a d tilt, book prc- ,--___
fetrs iiiee u u urtd i th telat tIiim . th in u ,lt- ()itit-ih t uc- t
liii- i-;ilieuu iii hitchll l1,tefnsil;t i
i-i\ii i 11 - d ul a l iicar ton i the eenull Ps h lit. l tii timl the oit )
tit he lia'17tle tpon thestud nt spe t lteo c ti i iti~d teat 1siiIt 'i'Ii ti-\ ti Cl-
iiti l i iiiIii itiii- iltliil tt' rii IIitllleis~ide hs o n l uhhsbe tiiiand i iii 1 aou
lpice ofi lia itkipiii iliappeal-int e a l ' u u t i.\ t attiis t he lli i tl
i\ltiltti iii oni eltb te 1e1tto avehon ol
1 fullpage alip-n utotut Iitiitautit-i'thepo r srt he I- ietcie.itutit

Yehroif 1 1iiljai
thei tilt-xilesi --li-t i li1 ttt

Ca it-i 1 s le t i to tutu 1-lu - -
gttti.elvnil eno ltt -t It ittt t um itt
pir C . Twot M ithigan i itutri - u-uc
and -l ai hn weretihosetuttuhe set
and tilr westrnti me lt lii litIo--lithi--
ChicagotsaItdiiil li io l liictIa Wr
styes tItkitandil-i litof-btt s--t
pati cifulr attien ti tot e w n as h
had tinside a pi-lti e ea in
u ivers atli iiititi stionP ot he uu ii
lItntspett in f thei1offitn eibite d - it
easlil ttft: a d en thill e~dl thit ithetilt
I- - clplies hd ucit glat erid vri~ty
of lay ad ha tteyweePutAT wth
moretn aptithIanflte itit ofte ser
tlft tea it.ITh nw tiltrn tamsuuud fli t
It ift pa , lt s httu easttu ern1 rsi stuii
atak. tt he liebth ilofes
tiltdeienttithaitel f I-li- i tineat.
ttspt ite ftheifit-it ha --- taha
xcvricsand powerfui~l ofls hsya
nitdlt- estit foo t-i allihasiiitti lt lyitbeeni
ipto 1its-ldliistndird-it it eres11 tsinc
atolloISTIll 11-Cit Iialeibin
a itcrr -fiftlt-iis chit ith theliisi-i
bitiesiof attack to the Cinilit otf
dfen I sdifc lit vidi hsi n
olyit 5itl1icttiiItieso nd r ic fol r llat-us
thasPtt masnyc a i teamith c sttit- raioi


Hinockley,. Independent, Will Lead
Hop This Season.
lt IIJ" tilt e iti ittitiitiic It-i Ptiti-
('01 ;>ittes. rank G. -Vhelert eta -
T111 a ee tillgeneralcir-tl-
maii. --ht a -- A.Hin klyit-li I cnt
I lilpati ni--s, - iiis e hr3n--
ot K" hut-ac ii tiwill ladI- sarh
Th ccc i -i )f he- opIf-itt itc
te nte td in( lip n citt itit, ilOt-
indc~t~eatd tit t(' Ic t tilt;r n ma h
liii ii t Oil P ta i(,t te ictliiiitdti t
It hut(\-t-til u m 1;1 1itr Ii It-Itt tit-
Dci5111 Tlli ita
Go tutr i s~r ttt-1: 1 il
-l~er i--it, it.

Il Ptliterrysetn ull itittIto it-it
re tiltkab leto tiltct dram sPith of the
dcc~iedly realitic ype tineit t ithI
"'The \P ituul PI us 'is frmu h e pet o
1f PP foo lihtli-"Thile T irdlnl ,ist
lu-uuluu'tb i- Ii"ut lstr tl iiiil P -1
'i t d it liglis IaloII I theil I !znc
'LSwwel a oh t ttsi Pnn tmu -
" a so tilt ino tatm n ta
Class Expresses Disapproval of the
Daily's Conference Opinions.
lii; Pn cts ItittitA'sitnttilt trc-
-l:ii-liitheCo tu ec ft - es tiit o
ne ihteap-it tl ot hcIi enii en
the Ilast Votet tt it cm ite:t
frne stttr wittc Irttti bei prte-i
sented tothe itoa iotro fAh
Li- lii- (tutu-tw e
Pta t iti i thautcn irth i mprfsi n
re giatedly -kenillthe ctlt mn ofyou
(itt;ssen ti tuofthei stutiti Ifs isitt
fawIIofa IPX ito heC llIrlilc, tti
Iii tilt -ii - atrI ft h e studfi t- st-in
ih gnert: eatt-tt mis f"Ind -ia
tte I t utes is igto btuiI (lii Xcii

lip studi-ts fot friendt s liu-ini untsitl
t-- it- It tei-its stafe it ap-thiat Ith-
It d dotets itill Ih- busyt---i-ills-vis
- lirs te tlitti tun.
ill 111,Theine liling thlt wre
tilkts foriP Wedneusday, ThIpubul 1icei-
de ty raie ihtthir it wil holeut ofu
ytuui ut oodchirsuwas bytpurchas-
litsrun tighltuiliauulertu tha t
Itn ti I it itc by tithetin - nin f al
S ti 1 l i- --k t, Tihtil ii ut-ii-teu--rinipals
fessonal see o te PP hitne'S- tague.
hit l Iyes, -as sun it diu dancedt- by -t
I- anduu his bluitilrs -call cuntedu-il
-i-g r mvs ii-1i I.lih"is-i-- s
Pnd wi l sve too introcePomeothseit
ct lverit versesaillm t it
\ a ilsumi tand itt lt\unit f ,uas-u
Iine by ilt cele danigt-Ius
"Alin - t Ih lt e -I-it hi all",
whih i on iofthemst s tnflso
PP the pera.ut tis rumreitt-it the
ha\"c malit e P1- i whatiicu. lnt
cas o n -it l tile wthtibl u tu fb ttuoIk fit
s Wt lt er lu allitesa thisuuituuu iuui fooPfall
str a p iani \huts l tilt ag , ii
tutuey bdlJctilandiiiuied adifo
tutiesity l i i , \h r e is still

Pttiitp cnt -- . I. Iw lc h i-
tlu _\Phut i I lt - lhii II;, l l i 1
ste lt, I'ii tusulutut I I. i.Yu ngit .11p I
Tail ()muegas- PP 1T. til -. i tli
tutucIptio 1) .Iiticlvy thuh r an
1leil t cilt ; 1.S. lls - I app
P i: i.u .u lw ntK pp inlmut li
N1 usic- -Il1 . 1. it Z. uhittirittuuit Ph
I )eutu Clii.
Another Student Comstock Says'
Smokers Are Disgraceful.
J )hut' P)l tt t!i lt huCl t ! '11- 1o ia
it- hoi-- lIs utuu tu ii ttu- hut-h tutut
ulh u " e tiof tthe- u ii - u ti-ilf ullihi-
fits ( Itas sttuuu l ean, it ur- I hightut1u Pt
make u i usitu- iia(1 i - ra11(1ulho tt- .\
thl i hi -nI -u--u1 at- tuuuuuiu ttu it(tt-
tellin-i ti-s bel ni-i-i itiIlguci in, r uu it
tutn ()f uthos meu-i-u t - --halt (Toes a- 1
is-no nut1 ft)I- e la iii l-ut rll~r
tucti l iuti ~s Ii llytis r tutu huh(. I
tut i anisult it(t he t- uuu uli-cr t, t( th
:Ai itt ii tl - i~v l 1 ttheis u vr u-u f
Tl- -tut-ta-luii ctsi f it j re
ai s ,f theuul u n shoa(}t at uu st
1n~e(ccl. It hit ichaurmen t u t he
lm cit snte i ii lu r thau lt he' ren
I tit t ii ii t t tu -it i ui'11(1 uuuli -it :1(u
r lciiii(I pacull swg tlitu i i
ic tt IiP tt tu u u t uu
it - lut tilt tut\1.\\.
(' uh - I thu T*V- -B N itt c~I ii -
I'(}-tuilnuci >;itt- Ihutur tuht if ths w k
utre\-ill he fo-tutu ItiteiI tci-s ltailt- itch
ivl- iuu the electtri i ne.utt I tsltit n (ti h i
tas ill hlsave Pitt- Prt -rut p:po a.HIn.,
t : it p. m i : Ip l. 111 7:50 P . Ii ll.
W(s ml h hillitels till hue utuesamti

Student Council Chooses Wnter
Headgear for Freshmen and
Suggests Caps for Upperclass-
Class caps fir ill I u-pauu- I- s tilt the
n ruin ootheucamp s Suhu nasti1le
hut u-utof theut- itle-tt C -nn i lits
n c - I huthe ls ltiht-ua tttheftng
Ilt siCo unci ha ci- scn a tig lh ittil--
tc rsigc apa. teofil c -
terf llU it ri t tle I
tu tu ple itttiih theucapc omi ttee, li
wited her pan tt -ih t i appro ie i
an ccpe yleuthu C -
i-hilt hintter ifut, is th1 a different
c lo d su ft ,)' each-s -ii- - -t i~t, tilt
htIh ut -d o Ii f ite - shn d bt
'It, 11 huti hui us r oatut cIais utul n
hei ni u-i tht a d tte tutu ul il
tugl hica . ti"odn ~ t hesl t -u e
for ;il lnt te h-itchiii thul shwill b
Ihe s ii is th 11111or ofii l( cap
ltr uit ofthi StiuIscniCuncilits mak-
in - tuselingfi heit n ca
flit - aft i ill re enft le ftI -l il
fr m loi g i - i in i th uriiigtheut+'in-u
u-rumh nh u atl t f lr las- i ri
ano heut ut thulasuu - iuhiu t
'iletcptrttu l beCuttplc tillo tille.utuluu
tutuk at dh ithiu ii - tittit t he ptr
,hasd hcmre he h t i th lit ts.ini
Th tdtin I Pu il i - tutu--ilmeet
ing tof tall tthe u hi i caset h latush-
hario tthe ut :titth icern
tof th lca ips u and t luhei t ui t stcill ie
fi-ti-tisexpla ined. t 'h s m ei t i
sii--lsI, itn ed t a i - I lzth i-i h-
tht thudit u C'ccuccut
-gl t ile l hu t sui c o c tte t i
and $iou mad I)N the thu t:ut ncslu
fothe stuitMitcign--1 sgstill llur11t
lan i lt , 1 tutuit s it lso tPhuc eiu
seco d hi t Ii iu ttt i i lhpdthtut hefu
Chisim hu tt --iii it a d ha suuu-tt
-hieh o c t tudiof hu e i siiitfstertut
l'ima NiN IIhCrP trihe ahiP CI r I
of te Cnitesit Sc itc ith s uri ngi
aItront ],co-lull rtu tl - t -uxtieet~
herr~ith Cecl rr ci s otai
I lit fits I i"MonteiCarl""
facul t ill tiluca e rthh i s i s I fal.I( ,t
ii'a thu lut te lit histPluuuu C til thetu
presdIftohute tucle
lie tatk tutu~a5 in r n tl, ttas
mtlct I uiciuiit- huT tuuuu rI-sur
Inc skiru dn co iithu lt hen1u t'14:
Iles hi : it -is- te ce tier ito it cosmopol-uu
iont lt i c by sie itth Irtuuls c
hi I liii ar t pe illug ut g il tes ti-s
futu- siufil -- or toiti it haut ig 1o~

Th Icutututuu:1111if the Ciechc is eeh
jul nulls tine thist ear. sevetral intereth-
jin k hi-tutus us uwill us atplipyfituiu becn

fuuhI luT utu -i - rr o i "s
it isc t ao
11thA" 1 If I tsRCf 111515 IXllff l
PhI, PPI FIQIsK it. Cute Y.Ph.C. ,- s
sideCout ]riiss - i- hixtluut itad
Iii ut tshttuit-onuttetufrtmI-uphill.
IfuIt1. ull hut M~l- 1CMtutu ve y
Iit[ 1 C ]'111th GtIVEPh J151 ILPiul
Ph ltts f 1 tutt1 u i- 1'it w e
sip;, 1) )r. . f. Van l tuet th<°rii
trhil h ith is I anuuuuuf uhul tuiproblem.
Or-ftAc persontitcttiuuk thft on-.
1n6r c urrelt --utitiuit affurd to l 1.i hlt
viwigt- shuiut onheaing t gIhet
e iccuultur s
. if/ittiit -\uo 4 trtsgs-tiiflfnt

aisiI- t-li ct ;i laest'tinc it 8:24.. hutM. anunititiucedhola iutedtes

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