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February 15, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-02-15

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The Michigan Daily
No. 92
Pitchers and Catchers Work Out in on Choral Union Series (iven Last; New Scheme for University Girls- Periodical Room in the Library is
Cage - Captain Bird Pleased Night Recital by Miss Muriel Experiment May be Made Now Thrown Open to
wsith Candidates. Foster, Contralto. Permanent. Students.
Me il, dy whn h -tcry catt-'it
diladtes m t i teii c o he <; At 1
flcc-atcl toNI theitie t ttict ii o- ft
rite etr - o tae cag f the a
tilidtrick rctvdi l~ a li v ii Ii it
itefcif il t i i l tve , e itt be ou iii
titt 'r perd ey w l a
isa c ih t e i t td at s i w orkit al-t
net II lmititf pitc er atilt c
i Cbt O- dit it sakehitap-It
te ri tilr ar al- - h a
f li il a t - a e m -e +r p a - c
t iic t t ril i cing e NtI i th rti t heI
( c st tetr l lg cie it ( ty
tri l l ci -- w o k i g il -he ca 'c n
la ~ i i ill b 1 ti-tito e ort cr -ci -
li t
liet ti lliiifh e tiull e of t c i W tern il
W i ff u n il th e 11111 ii ivacti n t h ere
I i clih ti c Iehts iflaced i onit e thei
cirtbir ec o itzat i k s fi e tn lli
ie itt i ,-.
es il cthalt. Now that thei'i
ler~ ift'llth lf-m i llm tit, ile m itpI c
rthtlt ri pu ad ig jng
itmlt ceucatotc n
ell l I're i f ina t I t
if I t u ue.
"W Otn I liiirls-
?t'ctat 1+ Jt
ti tltt'
111 <l1 ( i
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ti ltk% 11;
i+it- \'21:l t >
lii- cirtnit - o g 'C trticit iof theic irsrity atoii
1 lst ii t i-i' t citti t n; u e. Aciiigirl w its i sick etititrlli
tra li>, I p ii rc l i o b tt t iofclase . iut w is noit ilill
o c e tblisedt fthe ittrse beitwreenii fr .r1rrr 'ntl 9 p. I.I I'i
Onic itril evcry ex - it piilergeIris lreerr garrrcdIby tre
tileull t lise efort Nof trsJordnthre wsomrern's
nbes ndedthedeat.Irei etrrfAnigell Ireartilyap-
tl iii intese i- ci ii til ifofof tce plan, irrndrirrring thec
it liiias otini rc i; erren remete rse fitetgentse
1 ieIl 1) p eel thecir aptror tirtorr. IT rce
icC t isttt-;cAl,, ih i \-; rrrdelc posesile fry the gerr
encreSclt~ann, ro itt tfrrheIrosprtalthorrlrit ties, trce
ticenOS O tis a-;eric; -e tt seerior ntrite hIrinrg bien
1.1-1t cnt ith ine lieired y b th thftc regulat r if thre-
At fpreentIthei ntrses rreadyrtr n- it
lerd mh drm- hniiIt rsJodanoftce orric 'e o-
fi)rt-htii appt~laiuse watthle riii- tire rrfreuestlet to call
ic eingitt 'tiel ltheu er. JoI rdan irthfer it icr office int
1 h 1' I't'iiCli 111 w
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, llt ill't' tlk' ?I11 )2't
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t_ 'P to ith tir l ifots t f Pitroi.
CeI !alTiye a c otesi heiia
fo tl t)%11tpc ltt tIllittil' efii 1lhrt ci
in0 rt its nell I ftc l ttil 'lit iiitti
Cetiffi ''t' l C)itli I li'thu iefti; ,tt
cci ilc
ii rce icormetreguicrfyt ill e -lift it
'Ic lie nti cit iind toItnil (
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ili firt cthe z lilt al"v tie i tl -
ftitrIiccaaznest Ii-eda
tlif re et i 1ith ir Mlieos t a ivncei dea.;.i
The hfoundtilt eastsid
unde l-\A i cc - iotti"Tra e."T hi t hereit
Irtl ccare a aiS ci etc to to t ftc t c the'it
Itge thecr-rrruldun huticlar, n
(Ifle itile, S Cifille. mtr hSC it C in
'14-eofthe Frncliseresh rceied Pa loii g3iirn i itioriat ftc-r homie.
mine i rcaX he ecnr ths ime I ilt in tendiedthafit the scerrvices
ocii-,the l it ong by tanord f e v itriitrnursestshall ftc int ony
"1h, eialcii fe thia groupiftwayiacarite Th ciatris tart experr-
,fl ildistnir l .ti ay r e! etit i ichfr isto beftC tried for trwo
he rln oftheBraunsor eiih nm nonti ,uniflrithspintg vacation. Aell
rers Ti. " watoothe I~ll, hov("ik1 caesire itorbe ketn trcoior rrtte
)r V1 a ns~t deighful elecion wttof the romc's'tdeorn, tndl if at
Alis otr'spo~p s a atit f ;th edif ifthc' tw-ti monrthsithe lacnott ats
1IlNo nle cimm i iIi tiher tee a ti ict ortandthe tntursefatsfreen
lcui t i, rl)-t c ttVItit I fM w i itirit de'tnind to jutstify a cotn-
lu.10 e q iii Cheet saiysi- ' 1 C athi oi rthe rlant, rtheecxperrimtent
to ll n~rds an atnotim isWe, wll eilocedf ttpotta fimttfiiiancial
a tin rih lrr He Ialier s jba i iaIdfbecoetita iregrifar iitittttion
$10 0fCASHRATE ii
Itti2tbok, whniich hftSuppiffilied so t liii tiI
The Michigan Daily for the Sonetric otiti titltiee itift ritll
balance of the College Year pIredeibIy aothetrad ucci V! cl
leeticirt iff iti-ir I
$1.00 if paid in advance. rhrundtlint fclth.r>titl - e , -" fil
Address tie oli f rtnrliai iii f er adalr
C A.THOIlP.SON, Bus. Mngr. Ctec the etpla hiC C n)in "' Ith
Phone 46til331 Packard St. utitereity turf iii tilt lilt i itten
ir; e ,rrrrl I 1rut I.i
l 1S f tuit if ulrcpefr f nIti as1 1h e -v- rthe irts depait r t entot rf thre uti-i ren tie eti tiriritcolfee utnes in yt it;
tiff -I all f e-t t it I ur ro er -- If thfit plairtstt eede, text yecat
fipthe ifset Ic c NI ite i i n ri ah girl rdesirintg rte service of the__
,r,, Cl-' t ff' t f c,1-ut im, th t rT ' \ I )te- ti crecliret S11111 - hel, I:
fl the u- t e 11'
f~lF~l t-l11 it l
IIffeifC li -
f'll Alec tI1t'ieturictil(
A\CIYKIl IA-iNIA 1\1 Ill.
nur icecrcl if osnerinsuirancce conylt
pti-11lw ~ -fi~r-tek iThijnrse twill
lou- Imbif frumn thfir-genr-a u nd antdI ttIthe
w i -he luiec-n to thne tall if thre tick
tile if titer ur liii Iravec-aioiintorthe
;.;enlitre treasurir
b reiretnte ceiverd.'Thte pIrk ei
ito lie .t :;i tire ornd I iftirerI tu
e ln'cpi fflff IIN' r 1ile' 'I(ICI~t'L t
C'us oetime e isnunul iut nt If.l "I11fR VX-L",lN PLAY.
C'hn l tI l f rI l tiiho ttihuac rl <d i\e Ii, ctc ]et-( 111 c4iecinine
'uitr tint'Ariur it c iinute tick i amil een concudeInunuittin nilte ti e in iunuhnr Nerinrtill offer thne cermaron
ne duff) 'atatigfo teltr o c\'tce~l )t\~r', eerlIc reti t 1) neIr stay' aridevery' ______A._AGNER
liftirt nunr ennIffort finn hnt u s ne igtilde to present ntne pl ay -
t ui Ii itt inenit ii <)o4lie c rersetedif TIe University of Chicago leat asked at erlitia's possible int the Germran patconntribtic'marnys of rtenlids ee
C - w)AltAhile tcc lubiat te St. te-1, eltf ai hfornia'iif thretare rath initDoctorun Forer it the director, lectiorns. Ihose terniorse en fit hutse it-
cltlf llt c tle is nIIInriu wh fccc e waltl lvitstg Icsttudets'sonrof especial undtileincatnonf enunrcersit a goodf tendiedf thne alfiInuectinge i inJuite
urolc I~l c intin filh.vuft it uIIftttpomti5 itewo cotiuldbe recomnmnended bye . nil re tPtr ariedlelefeohtitofIn,"" heard tire told ''tit llchu flueS
ht'iahhls lc\~scunter thin utn I iri oroe nuothnen nfil ti eneiii unlsniffln'ia-e leading partstht r e unfamtifitr. And nultntth eothlen
ti ii'e chtlnpioltitip ndl ninnra n ne felohipi~s atrte Urniversity gof unt iDitIftsy-lntevystill rose thne htI. itS'ufgui r nu 11 r
lie-oftlen intui e er 2feet.I Ie!Chlteicgo I Ire Univeity of Cicaget Icailnrg fein irnc rolc.swithn nno f tine itunesIoftoilay.flue
ashi of litcNIigaiin eecn'scstar tirtormesofferes'tunutiffly a hinge numntber of fel- fine patisinia'icomtedy' that hat beert comiler etf ul cthe news n ob ft-nt
ll i Collecge atutu isl anuni ~bc ft c i iinstie linig ensof from 120 VCnutI eictesu inGermniyand is said seacedfduiligerntlyfor Itete cild songs,
i Pris te attn -crmouuir Instintue sinl'tilol fr cra irerro uhfi i itrhhonoriaiycee.~ fat telecedrtnosee muostptuarIIunntuiri
unitetoa mut'fscit)h c)r la odnrl cee.I
Ii ti at wnninng tceamnu n*,1 dii 111ach- scholianrhipcstpends at Chncago is row trill bercienct in Sarah Caswell Anrgell eficda iifand asthusnacpnesvednnth cl-
Il inythnfng to do wthufit.n abouti$20oo0o a year. Ill.I(Continued on Page Four).

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