The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIH.. WE'lN' cDAY. FEBIRUARY 15. 1905 No. 92 FIRST BASEBALL PRACTICE FINAL CONCERT WOMAN'S LEAGUE NURSE. ALL THE MAGAZINES. Pitchers and Catchers Work Out in on Choral Union Series (iven Last; New Scheme for University Girls- Periodical Room in the Library is Cage - Captain Bird Pleased Night Recital by Miss Muriel Experiment May be Made Now Thrown Open to wsith Candidates. Foster, Contralto. Permanent. Students. Me il, dy whn h -tcry catt-'it diladtes m t i teii c o he <; At 1 flcc-atcl toNI theitie t ttict ii o- ft rite etr - o tae cag f the a tilidtrick rctvdi l~ a li v ii Ii it itefcif il t i i l tve , e itt be ou iii titt 'r perd ey w l a isa c ih t e i t td at s i w orkit al-t net II lmititf pitc er atilt c i Cbt O- dit it sakehitap-It te ri tilr ar al- - h a f li il a t - a e m -e +r p a - c t iic t t ril i cing e NtI i th rti t heI tlicliK ( c st tetr l lg cie it ( ty tri l l ci -- w o k i g il -he ca 'c n la ~ i i ill b 1 ti-tito e ort cr -ci - li t liet ti lliiifh e tiull e of t c i W tern il W i ff u n il th e 11111 ii ivacti n t h ere I i clih ti c Iehts iflaced i onit e thei cirtbir ec o itzat i k s fi e tn lli ie itt i ,-. es il cthalt. Now that thei'i fill ler~ ift'llth lf-m i llm tit, ile m itpI c rthtlt ri pu ad ig jng itmlt ceucatotc n ell l I're i f ina t I t if I t u ue. AIr.~ "W Otn I liiirls- ?t'ctat 1+ Jt ti tltt' 111 lii- cirtnit - o g 'C trticit iof theic irsrity atoii 1 lst ii t i-i' t citti t n; u e. Aciiigirl w its i sick etititrlli tra li>, I p ii rc l i o b tt t iofclase . iut w is noit ilill o c e tblisedt fthe ittrse beitwreenii fr .r1rrr 'ntl 9 p. I.I I'i Onic itril evcry ex - it piilergeIris lreerr garrrcdIby tre tileull t lise efort Nof trsJordnthre wsomrern's nbes ndedthedeat.Irei etrrfAnigell Ireartilyap- tl iii intese i- ci ii til ifofof tce plan, irrndrirrring thec it liiias otini rc i; erren remete rse fitetgentse 1 ieIl 1) p eel thecir aptror tirtorr. IT rce icC t isttt-;cAl,, ih i \-; rrrdelc posesile fry the gerr encreSclt~ann, ro itt tfrrheIrosprtalthorrlrit ties, trce ticenOS O tis a-;eric; -e tt seerior ntrite hIrinrg bien 1.1-1t cnt ith ine lieired y b th thftc regulat r if thre- At fpreentIthei ntrses rreadyrtr n- it lerd mh drm- hniiIt rsJodanoftce orric 'e o- fi)rt-htii appt~laiuse watthle riii- tire rrfreuestlet to call ic eingitt 'tiel ltheu er. JoI rdan irthfer it icr office int 1 h 1' I't'iiCli 111 w IItl-it-211 which -i-c. , llt ill't' tlk' ?I11 )2't 'i2113;t\ t tllt' t'J Iit, I'C tll lt ll itl t ~ il tllt iltclit'Iltt', G' l:t'tl tat'I17t<1 I7t' " t_ 'P to ith tir l ifots t f Pitroi. CeI !alTiye a c otesi heiia fo tl t)%11tpc ltt tIllittil' efii 1lhrt ci in0 rt its nell I ftc l ttil 'lit iiitti Cetiffi ''t' l C)itli I li'thu iefti; ,tt cci ilc ii rce icormetreguicrfyt ill e -lift it 'Ic lie nti cit iind toItnil ( sclrnrr -tiof er y i ti Ilt', tt lt It ili firt cthe z lilt al"v tie i tl - ftitrIiccaaznest Ii-eda tlif re et i 1ith ir Mlieos t a ivncei dea.;.i The hfoundtilt eastsid unde l-\A i cc - iotti"Tra e."T hi t hereit Irtl ccare a aiS ci etc to to t ftc t c the'it Itge thecr-rrruldun huticlar, n (Ifle itile, S Cifille. mtr hSC it C in '14-eofthe Frncliseresh rceied Pa loii g3iirn i itioriat ftc-r homie. mine i rcaX he ecnr ths ime I ilt in tendiedthafit the scerrvices ocii-,the l it ong by tanord f e v itriitrnursestshall ftc int ony "1h, eialcii fe thia groupiftwayiacarite Th ciatris tart experr- ,fl ildistnir l .ti ay r e! etit i ichfr isto beftC tried for trwo he rln oftheBraunsor eiih nm nonti ,uniflrithspintg vacation. Aell rers Ti. " watoothe I~ll, hov("ik1 caesire itorbe ketn trcoior rrtte )r V1 a ns~t deighful elecion wttof the romc's'tdeorn, tndl if at Alis otr'spo~p s a atit f ;th edif ifthc' tw-ti monrthsithe lacnott ats 1IlNo nle cimm i iIi tiher tee a ti ict ortandthe tntursefatsfreen lcui t i, rl)-t c ttVItit I fM w i itirit de'tnind to jutstify a cotn- lu.10 e q iii Cheet saiysi- ' 1 C athi oi rthe rlant, rtheecxperrimtent to ll n~rds an atnotim isWe, wll eilocedf ttpotta fimttfiiiancial a tin rih lrr He Ialier s jba i iaIdfbecoetita iregrifar iitittttion $10 0fCASHRATE ii Itti2tbok, whniich hftSuppiffilied so t liii tiI The Michigan Daily for the Sonetric otiti titltiee itift ritll balance of the College Year pIredeibIy aothetrad ucci V! cl leeticirt iff iti-ir I $1.00 if paid in advance. rhrundtlint fclth.r>titl - e , -" fil Address tie oli f rtnrliai iii f er adalr C A.THOIlP.SON, Bus. Mngr. Ctec the etpla hiC C n)in "' Ith Phone 46til331 Packard St. utitereity turf iii tilt lilt i itten ir; e ,rrrrl I 1rut I.i l 1S f tuit if ulrcpefr f nIti as1 1h e -v- rthe irts depait r t entot rf thre uti-i ren tie eti tiriritcolfee utnes in yt it; tiff -I all f e-t t it I ur ro er -- If thfit plairtstt eede, text yecat fipthe ifset Ic c NI ite i i n ri ah girl rdesirintg rte service of the__ ,r,, Cl-' t ff' t f c,1-ut im, th t rT ' \ I )te- ti crecliret S11111 - hel, I: fl the u- t e 11' f~lF~l t-l11 it l IIffeifC li - -f-lit f'll Alec tI1t'ieturictil( A\CIYKIl IA-iNIA 1\1 Ill. nur icecrcl if osnerinsuirancce conylt pti-11lw ~ -fi~r-tek iThijnrse twill lou- Imbif frumn thfir-genr-a u nd antdI ttIthe w i -he luiec-n to thne tall if thre tick tile if titer ur liii Iravec-aioiintorthe ;.;enlitre treasurir b reiretnte ceiverd.'Thte pIrk ei ito lie .t :;i tire ornd I iftirerI tu e ln'cpi fflff IIN' r 1ile' 'I(ICI~t'L t C'us oetime e isnunul iut nt If.l "I11fR VX-L",lN PLAY. C'hn l tI l f rI l tiiho ttihuac rl