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November 15, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-15

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The M ichigan Dail y

V01- XIX.

No. 42.

Quakers Outplay Men of Yost in Greatest Struggle of the Year;
Allerdice Plays on Nerve With Broken Collar Bone;
Captain Schulz Injured, Forced to Retire.

'ic~higa nr at th i iridI lumiiliationi
at the hIands(15of the F Iakeri yesterday,
aithe gorieacte'stiaeioftheIyear lby
a coreoft 9ptto o.\ tlot ttttere tat
ngloyt inthetitgrueal for the\latize antd
litundred Iho Nvtu i esldthet otatitis
aw r Ifthefatoothlit it tttfldtedla is-
plyofhrism \i~Fti itthatasnevriitl
Ft to llericFi, \;M~ichian's staittchest
lack andx t t savtintin mottr- e Bairestitn
it cllr ion, ndi out tforte rest
if ithetieasli. It wastsilury wiohl.
\lii thie scotite wasFt sito th ingteand
Micih ti iga a Fcn t l ix-ad lie o
inth tiltttioni lofi lthe\Fiessto'iCrumti
Ftckillwlitchtcouildint'havle doneterat
t tii c h t e trFe ii.ait i
veilwtsitistteofort "Getmill
itt~z lietittli agiien akln a
hiNe t i Cntis ui ng- t it t rili an' vtiwoie
in itIFecndihf i dtultilteuy tha-
Ftitth lte tove ieru taclerstothel-
fenseiwasFinnihitatduadite butell-d
halif, ili ta in a latai i O tth e ltetns,
th ildi ti at theiendif ittheiigame.ap
toig fhe et vaithere isino tl- i
itt-'iu'tgh at Ft [i1,1scoue, wotut ld helee


alwacaetttoty yrd fot touht
thge othars i notieS whoe took iPrti
of Ai\F eligait's work itn the Iat Ft ill
in it it was n t itone Fit att
inan ot hti fieFtld.i :aliii ill, heF tal
an vhe citicistms iiof iithe offiialt tilt
lie sltrybit.
"'Iitstiret exibi tti itiono o tibill,
sai i lly hiio wt iiiFtoill i n\ eton, who
Inilp irethe gFm.it Ltht tamFlaye
stel ith ie tilt itaI f.tti ltertit It d
Alieltit.itanit itided he orros oit
fiel wih itth utiolnak a Salt F etti.tti i
ticign -issotinuo rin the for-
ofr theatstitntdlterelt F kana
Mled.liiTilvritn tes w tee alo ot-
pti lay t iiF ii th t tthe en s B tfo tio etii -i
Yiat ititin IFuial places, ichatiramitto t
Ftve.tcrt da ht sevtetial ttper itod is. i
the goe amet wtsiltetii'tty htleanlendiiu
Meet tu" iiiliii' isoe f thti besLtlii Fe
"ileCst lteiFastthasiteveriprotitlediFaFi
and. wt iiltwoIsinltecontiiFetetweeni
Ye nitIelan-artof illtatie rday, so an

Feoitlas ts in Fis tracks'. Fltavisone
makeiis 5 arse throiughitshroFline.oI'tit-
lieu tsto hDutgFis:inogilt lileritee
iuns toi I tlle tilt teoni53-yatd inue
Frpe cvte 1Firleotrig t 'tidlfor 20 tirds
F lilleie 'F titiroundedilFeef tid Fr' - m itre
fsthe tenalt
Meast mke tt rs . Ptto 'ii t Fent madeI -ani
on sie ic w ic Wsintiti go-i's _Iii~
the ;-yar line. DFillo timat 3it. s
Alerie p unii tseto Illl c oltl
Alew ntkcs >ads ilt P it iwta-
Fenli idt1ifilis chgFos rwar'dttol.al-
llastitusape. who illt'I1154litiais
fo Fit 'o i-w . calto is Petit
tall it ittislFttiiin i otat ifin-to
Aiitt lkickIFledtIfll eactuwit
3 ar.trouill cnd i utilP e nni e nal-iFit
ize i5 -t o i l'dig. ttliltig 'lou
ittoils it \lltoveed on isttti n e 5-tit
ywd in etitforcedlilto itkita-t
Fcnicc ti t empii tletforwardIF itassit it f til
toi pas, iliihe ball and tastacFied by
IlolIibaiiiLcI i20 toils. P Fits
1 111loes3yadOlv a lt attmp ts itt
tt ic i iietlted I lotll ti ittSirlo etitle-
cm ers tBall 1in l sit ld Te uakrssitl
areititil i l i5 t rtill f or it ldin~tg. iu'n
c-r ornAlerditae. a Iundturn
p Ent5yrdslWiDEgFtake, Mnista
Ya0d3lina. tat.Sice wipomtySermonron
(A cthtaRite oMn.'s-ar ie
P1e50 a.ntn. UnvsimtySrtudns'Cas.,
inoele fandatrCotndt. Didgthe
Prhldoheat oemeowr aMsiah Il"
Davis0 p. m. oun Peplst Pweligioats
ine. p.lerdEeingkervmiielwithla-
dress by untduD.ovid uns.DtIt
sOn, Scocrialisnnd h h us0yrchin.'
I"onlt a tat istegmi . Ale rdttlice ptii untd
I olutsok tu rn tu ed al oyad.ib

till oitt p5-yardlute. Schlz r eoves
halFisl it etit 0tat intoe Tttme veol
tilt chlz "tttl i\thugati s catin wtt a
chedtewuvl tt tlie rtuedtohtthe gamtt.
FpFatedI-ifori'four m[ort. itlriteFtlied i-o
thaee kick butttfsled. FHllenilactl Funti-
ed ut to Al'Xler'iue,' uh icltdlbaci.
Craceit ailFsuto get t'Ft-ll uittil
it ta eoil vtt i'et the hltneFPetttagaiti
kicted. i Frlit wocltvittes ptizet;
yard iforis thltut'.FOt-u forward pass1
Fentilteovueed batll tilt leu' 'o-y'r ineut.
Vaie mtaktuu'' p2 t Iars aroundttuendiu, hu-
ilg t'opupued bly Crumpack~ erv
T-e tutututuFit-tu it xtoial i en'
MX iian is uuno ttttilhatndtelloluttgh
Ftr. uFintte it-te sit onl' th'ttu handii
SiecondFlt Ne tutu o catgei i
kiek-oiff. Penntreotuv''edulhatll tilt i for-
warduu Ilutst'n titlieliguuuus 8-tutudFle.
playHltnh cklo enht taut-dFt e' for
oithe ' utl sc l t ioschdown, Scaleticked
'e'ouuu'u'uthe bull.Ienntitnied 15l ypus.
til a forar a s1t is . Crttiueak'e'r-fais
t gt l tl lit liiiartpass.th higanler
aspalettzFtttittoe 0-adl ie titter--
ur t t he tll tutn1Pe 1n1't2j-yxr''uu'uF
Flvisnt aks tt 4tu yard- ts Ithrough cen'ttr.
Aledicee 1liii uttuan I Hllenhack u-atu
throiugh 'a teir fil tlhhttu ntviiiututo f
hoetunds ontisto5oyardlitutu Mlniter fol-
lowed Ir a o1.11thruni aroundtuledulfor
nuacite FtitutuS"a"lttelkikedl goaut
reitturFed iitIt hFl20 v1.11 Fnt t su tackio-
led hiyFuettutuit 'li itsFledl toigit.
Ioltlt vi t unuted, Douglat.sIget''"hg
th haI ll otuthuto card itne.
MItich ituuigF sie iantuher forwaitrdipFss
xhic hteili it le grunttuLMihiganittuF
pea-etoher 3,-yardtoinF. All\Ferdu iceunt-
eel ttSitreltuFtutu Pnn 40 -tout lue
MXicliigit was pniz le-il u -it-is fr
lhlin-til'lerF ae 25tilt yardis Onot ua-
hu trbc Ftun.CrutacetaIcelled Ih'tt-
tilt on-s i lt tkuand evere tuulhe all
tut 'Xicigtug" i 'gi x tintuu Fenlullri-lou
itt out-itehek. Doglas i so"et a fair,
eud to 'Xiller whtuuotturut uF f houdtus it
FItllenbititick ledeiifor t Ioytd inguu.
'X'esuustttema 11te rsoti forwuxr1thp11s.
Albtans tv-is tked by tD-o~uuFuga 'XMents
muadte'; ytards thurotugh ci'ntie-i' F oleu-
Fbintinlied -onl-atige 2I
fuirntishedh by the M'Xigan steI 'Tee-
uuonte- compainuybteenveeIrot- field ath
'Ihie IDtilly ofcitee dlring pesterdays agamte
aloniteumaide ipossuible thueusucess o etF''
Dailpy's fooitbatll exta tlissiof eht
plap'were teephonttedtbylirhet xxire t
The' Ilily 'fromtitthe sdelinetutunotushotnly
givlig i the fullstt retuortrecevedl ty
aily paper, ,ut.alsi huling its extra
ut the'sthueeslsIuf itnIhtutu he forie'ant
oitheo paeruasu, pit1lt

Student Control of Buildings Is
Contemplated; Ground Broken
For Dormitory in Spring.
Dlefitnite'atiotut will blie'ni byi ipte'
'Utuitutwihin hlFi-esxtfext-taups ontutu
stggo'stiuuu itfClarenic' W. larger at
thue banut.'I'rui- igtthth le st-
uetts fom omelantortioFope ratitg
wth ttheet-i aern ctaltiss he rpresentu-
oil in thurere' tit f 'a $ ott tounuier-
sip' couttttuet
MrlilBarbler' madet i t-it'arthat inlithei
mtte f 'r'ctig it'e 'ucommonus idteens
solelion hue'wiligaes fthle-stuenti
boto p'htgvt: t oralutupiprt.ilttu
clilpy thetig iass 'totua sttled,
hu. F1tuoter eveni hling alit on oiluu
suitble proptetrutu i tu Lu itreet ithiti
hu Ms ft-eu catu mpusI.i 111 i ThFe Cio
coonits utill b ll ii utui ione-stoy
biuilintg eithicupacit uy fortioIinuug tote-
"WhViile hththisIlatndttheliidhormuuitorup
ariou hubhe'buitltbFtprivute'captal,"iidat
MrFt Babr "iile.'the tarran gemue'ntlwevehave
submttdtoiu ithe unuixesiy' senautue,wih
his lice-utedliiloutufavourblyl ipy Iotim
is lhatuthfle tudett bdthr outightsttiue
oirganizionluisuteht is the Unitio tuap httvti
contro'ul tutu iiiiitigeientli uhin o iite'
feorm o f cotruoluhaFis beenut iefeted. I
is the tea f thosue back f the proet
t Flauthle' mianage t act s fat-as its-
sile' inithe handtusf the studtets, stil-
jet t oreasonabtlue fatilty p'regulationus.
Al tulip lmettletenytut rs15the atuett
bodutp- tta' tie uoet'the manuagemetu
abtsolutvly autnIdut- li tthe uofs to liii
hsis the proposti onIuttFtis-it part
a busineu' suinvestmenuu tut ehi-uf of the
eatste'rneers.TF i ikie' iut te studtenty
senutluuime ttist enduuorseu'it lherilyauth
somttetorgtiza.u u tiomuti manai g'its th-
tug hatll ater ieti s tniet'erectd. FDefii'
iinformatuuion tutuoushwuttheudtets re-
gtrduthe propouusi ton shottul he' forth-
comtigtbeforethenut' of ext utee.
'Fle inflttue f a uitesip'euco ty
iol t uwhtichtaIthutuas tetistmet
three lties a..ay.au taeuwouldhh he'i-
ctalculabtle. TflueFinhg oi tytueatmtottu
thy' stuents utul linot Fih-Fitbuthe'
NWorkhtiihe leu$3000otto uurmuiory-
promtisedt tip'Xr. Fatitoritill hute tegut
netxhspringiu. Flis ittohe built at it
will he'six sltories. tutuitanitwill the'coi--
uotuuse' tabouti three'huntdted thuets.
SFing1e roomstianId [[its, ll wt-lblthtl,
will he utroviddutlol pr is liiniot:uboe'the
axerauge for tuoo s iiivFut-eruoomting-
hhusts.AtihuirlDeanifiiFcItago for-
uterlypconnt eduitilthe' frmo f Rattn
& Cosllegeo dreIto th he plans for Ci-
cgoiv ut'ersix'ylu-s-ualuitty-gtntiitter
thue' grounduuuandtu xvill bhintuwtor cutFit'
'fr. Batrber left foritcuagt audth[he
sout Satutrdayi'after'n -. tBare,
tx-I i is a tutouurntep, s lotatdu ittKnox--
v-lleT'.'nt'n. utnduhasuxten'sivuxe itrsts
loitNexw Ytrl.
'whuluduredl exrioi etts oif ty'
iise ofTuF e11Daily uiltle o latite
The Diltiy ofilet'athufix-u'cnts eache. 'Toseu
tesliing extrti papes shouiud cll for
thetutbetwxeenx I tatdilzap. Il. oFbeweenu
7:30tautit830 t. mi. .'Xttiittp.

ha h reeduts 'advan-tageu''er ot Yo'Xust I FORWARD llP' ASSu'ORuu'Cuuue'it utt
an emd h ot oit, freutly brrytieldh Attnt. he Flit Ltul
F tun hs ie it] thut Iasthi-lf of thue Fiii tnte I ran ontou thle fitld, followedvi
gautut'. Foir Nicteiga"nuxthe u-tutususiuvtix Itoh tutv~ A :3,hot teamtil
I utiutut iwais tht Of iii htau'u tt Fenteru eciinhg' ta ptry atin Pe -
fori thue' initiredvicaptin.tt Net-eu' hitfore ox gulls trouos otuhue hueld
Flis SchuulzobFen takeh fromia gatilt 11itt1Just huefoe hva ie stutwix hu
e-scetintlut e () iF U g me heut' ito xii t0.111 .[ii ti ldl (ttuth
huh litten tou ltefeututu-utdFkeupsit warm iiin aniciption utuoif
Sitftar istshu e vxl tte lxiwere conernhe Itruittggle.Fteciiss ewis the' hiss tutud
edl, thuteuu'u"tuuItturnngpon twadtiaserasA ltei k icsoftOhue luatutFpluys
fo Mhuhiigancae ithe oenitgoufit'h N YeFlit andilue
hue' st-vti FFt hf xihutnitPetutuevectuted a I e utsy dlownue'dIaoh2,5-yrtds. hPenn~sv
f te t on lltkic-ffL ilt te ndilitg l uvthe \\cks ie w uitreIthurns hatll flue' taruds.
(Fil diagonatlly acrotss the fietohuh ittit-I er'it ce makesiithou motret Dtvison mitakoes
tug Quaktter','wvi ciried itt ifir ito ivepatrIsithtotught[hue lithe. A long
Mhlligant's trtottuuy. Fruttuhuee aseicFtuby p Nheouueet otut if bFundstuhaat
vies utf lrilliatu cku~s tnud well exeeciuted Pennisy's ;-ya'toutihe. Nt p7-p-tidtliii'
passes 5gus'ethue hiall htoututuiF Fiuolteut Penntstis tenalizetd i;yadstout runthl-
='tolk outth -t1 'ge of -iF ~ chti"a'uuv terri- tug.
tattulhevcircled l I'tils fort hue see F Hollenbac~uk puntedh. NWasmund eturn
tetttcitttx~-utuf the gamte'.Pur111 tht it 1t10 xants.M'ichilgan dowthouiotliheuto-
ito the ill if litlePennuthid it itnyar11thline.. 'Flute Futl for 'LI smuiut
1 ig tuiotusoluttud levifotbali llttwhosveFknee is hut. Douuglasus akeled
iitx-itttutu a uquestiuioof hutwtutw'foir 'yardts. iDavisont umtukes tixo - Alto-
utursityc,)uild houtlt t'e scoile.I livtiuce kickoedto[iPensusy's : suitrdline,
escoe o oftile fitrsIt-hf xxastmadte tip'lbiitoll catlle [sack, M~ichigan bFetig
capt~er, ithourecemt - artripe Fass upytuft side lt -sXehdices p11i1ntuwetlstraight
Ffciiitto et iansto Drapetruvuandithettilt Lehulzorescoxvereud for gainlti2tyIs.

To-night PROF. HENRY C. MABIE University
6: 0Asoito Rochester, N. Y. Hl M en

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