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March 15, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-15

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VOThe Michigan Daily

No. z2,.

Easterner Couldn't Gain in Final Sprint-Benbrook Puts Shot 43
Feet-Myers Wins Quarter in Fast Time-Numerous Vet-
erans Attend Meet-Notre Dame Not Scheduled.

;peaks of the possibility of a game as
*X(-tic1)Dan1e 1wo01(1be migbty glad
to play ;M1icbigan. but theyre io a tigbt
1p1ace. 11(1i110nalans NOs. 14 for a
0101 0and 0ve c lont play i iiga a
"IfIn11diana can1(1be0 1layedciat 011 earlier
date. 111010 11is no )111t terontIratth
.\licbia i l 1(111e)0signledl. 'Ibis ma(tter
exit)t t1t (I ' tIIAI((1, T001AA 51000N.

Cacedc to an electrical clock. He is fTE CINT ESE
again sihown 111e sanoe syllables on 1101mall i lJ~liE
cardls, 01111u1p0n0recogizing one be itas
sen before, lhe signals iby speaking.Tis ARE W K N N
breakos tile cirtscuit ichtlad set tilheA A EN N
clocic going and the hole it, tookcte
platient 10 remember or recognize a sylla.-
Ill i rcorici o on ttoisaidb f Beware of the Sleeping Giant,"
a second~. Tests witit colors, but involy- Says Ellis-Claims That Japan
ing citoice, are 11101 registered. Sonic Is Bankrupt.
iatientls cnniot do tbis. Tinteclicks are-
given antd to ascertain te patietnt's ap- :Chint shuld belthe(0o1110 c10 of1)thl
preelatint of tine lbe tao to reprodutte worldl's111(st seriouscs0)11Oidrailonlt10ay
theocelicits iant interventing time. Sonic'Thte eves tht loo1111Icw1rd1 the1futur(1
abno(rmta l patients usulally overestimiate 11(1110to thle far Est."l/Will) thlesesen-
Sloe litte swhile tortalondiiividuals5under- tensoesWtiliamTo . ]Ills (ntroldu11')d1his
estimte lcit. lectutre last lnigh~t in((h1(111ebon111siere
SInterestiing experimoentts are being "l'h1.a1,.-,. 11. v -I) ,.(, 0... 111. .10T,'o

Fiishinig speitcidly, agoodiitswenty t1me tban swas expectedelyerso 51i1t 11(11awe . have1ben m ele and tere
yards aiead of iis (opoent. Harry Coe with a marl of 53 25 secnds The upsare1110los:llCntyWeler vs.
(0(1n1thei,000ovyteds ttttoat the iidoor timte 1islot two-iths(f a scondovertP01t00 i S;Ic Sc ct Nclls vs. .\aittarci-
niet last ight Onthle fiftht lap ite the varsity record esttlblisheltaet . Io S Itleolo \clt~otoughCtlae vs. tLoel-
pllledi away fiomotilskt, 'gainitg a Wiarier set a Iillitg pcecandoiil t( theWasit;5R1at-110(11an vs. lBeresLil-
lllsdlwhlicche 'as be oicrease last lapoflycrs rdrew by im. tzgertac llie1 ,11ou(d-Va111/11vs. 1HoagLeiy;
sligtly ct te gal sprit Thuttoters rat od401( tirtd. nilci on and4partner: VStLffiigssollI 01
failed 1t1 disesabishi Myers' antctit iloltitacklcs l te halfwitfBerr11p1111111
recordl, thte tie itadecbeintg 2106 -5.andc Buttterfiltdclose behind 111111 lle 110) 1 1111(11 sil bgittn Mondacy
Te PentttolvIniat r ibuliil~teos ilofail- itlurll)a 1 very fast tubile, s n" 1thec ('''im lat 1 ocock 1, ll c1ntes11tls
ire itart to te straingeness of tece0an11(d l winilg te 51veit 1(14.3.-. th pnhuda ta ite
tprstilt race; buttit is impir~oable thtay 51, 50111wa05 pickedt forlescond to101 110-.---.--
ire clolttavecbeateit"Spider~ itider svarity rnnier, adto "climb bashtll" 1( Io flIflun i in
lily coniditions lastiight. Coo ran eas- thte last tapa all tovch011 o ad Dull UINUCE IMA YET~'
fly aitdlseemed o Iae a good ideal of jut in ifroitl of 1him a ft he(1111 w111a11y.
roerse steamt at the eii. Hasicis rail pitllno seco1011111l11100.AID THE PSYCHOSES
i,; best, aitilwenouIlthe ruber ith llt Caig ran11Ir slctael IOnlheloai the 'I )
his windtcominig bird.l1it t tiica. Sarting IIil th asat))
"f rcsally execrtedSIIar v it1bat tic eal ise aied lmstI 1a.tidof .a) lap
moere thonulibe SO,"cald H askins. "l'fscon1(1hi o)llenflll i (ln((g te 1(rue 1)10Graduate Psychologists Attempt
a swoniderftul inidoor rnner"te fre liico I- lc 1wis )151l~ll conptaant to Solve Problems in Diagnosis
The easterier wils iintereted spec- the 'O8i (soch0((0defeated the. 01) en- and Treatment of Insanity.
tator tghoullt teinet, and wshet giters lst nigt, tfor thelbs terltas1(s
Ite minlly stripedSantI bcgacto 10limiber ctoimpioniship /)1 ~11~ 1 11.111 1g
up1 onl le trick te crow apudd Catltllaitniiehi n)((nccl s' 'thtso 1re
hmheatily. Dutrig te rtiecthere Sllotplt-111(11o(01scingleIc ry-1(12I10I1001 ite
wslointenlse eitettict. Thtp whole ft. it r-z lrtillc n b
Or.(sslt held its breatitill te hett a te P105(1110111( ( I)) i) 11) i t )1IIIi
roiitiibecot otl(f te lots titlI fdtheitSt11r. 111 t I)il 5y((11\ 11 1'11ig1ht01, 111010clveec
broke 1in(1otniriitg l,4oc Toserg o k samii-i; t SilC
body 's i llcslocy(over thte 10esult. NofiSouhP.SII 5mit ,II 111r 11(1ord 0(1rcldby .arctngulat slot
onie left tiitt l te jticgesconittlireod 1n1(1strawl, tic at 5ft 6 111.(11)1111 11i re, noh:11 ri1 vle loc .} all
anouonced thetimte. 3) )yarl h- s ct Irfirst; r aig 01 ied.11)111sae )11msou ill fiocd
econd;icikoothird.lTitei :o4 r5, (z, 1)0)' (1ofthe gradute cholo(f
Exceptinig the sweightevoient litteti--hl v ul rf onF
tio ((lsalively throuigboctthe mtt.0111-i,\t 411 yttt5row= t Ittit 11100 Otirst; 'Coi I nI s hee hse trefe students
the levnth ourDirctor1"izparic ec f nonr l ad aborl tittls arc a-
I midHore csarittand11a0111set h iniit
110(1toI participat~e inithoc sboith S.rthtur 40 stylard Itlttt thso ottttlt Itt t 11' sl .rett have01
ws lo ,itcticiitg initheo tfterinoonadn Cragseotnd; tTttreytitd.Iime11 101 ls o \~~~tl~ ts
teindediito conhrte, ititsu t enthetoevent :s53'l)100'llttI ltto )11,
00as hcledontv ly clilirmohhcowt~Oed 1111 QutaIorttermlo 1(111ws 11111 Iintht'deno t udrtndtinititoro
Theicbig freshtmatns fittltemplS t . ci sondt tIlitz' It/"O t~t hr1d. Timle. ttt~ f t
411 feet 3 1-2intohts old hits sas hitto 3 ' tn nae
Itlotimatrk. Thrieelout(f fItetr ia(01 Ii 51-mitle run--1 hnscfit eral11ehn tocmsou fit"si
1we10 bctter taitp2 fec, thtcbestb ieitig 00ilyl IBu~ttilthird11)1. ''m -:8Pf 1'') Slt in 1am1(sur(11 Nthig
42 feecIt111-2 ichts. almos(51tialling 2-5.
ohun;fbrrlo ptt in tevarsity metie MSilt'etiu-Dt l,1)1 s;41 xt11101on
lSl et aythlitt im111e- ' ((1l4 3t>1111
aawl veal. Ibistro'th 11i ts 1mlong" timetoIt
h'Icair capitired thte dash froim te olas ohrel 0011(1 11(1 lb -o h hse151 )5(1 I. 1 0 1bcin) c (S 1tbt itare
for thic eventball1the sprinig Crai 113 1 )0)001111 bbu11isto '5
Spciali 1 o000ards un--os dec1 t
Keck sere 0so close tr secottat it i 1)1)1)1 0 1 011 n~r sa tlatp11 solot 01will1(01rIto
s00111dcike11ccetdohoti eat for 1111111.biti3t'I I ltcltecitascie1(11instity. W
tCttig duelsth-le dcisin. IIu11.r N.1 1,5) )1 ,v u' 1 111111 n;wr or ta. 11til 11011,
Crag slonhe owoulihes swithlTartot tiithoftIold 0111hbrssarivd l p(1 1)1 tin, u ir id.iagose.''
;,: lindI WhetotplacitigI Owc hot 101The ti bi scbctid it Incnc I s 0\ o11111lb 1)11ittilts itlbre.
5seconttisforte tilite, shiichteqitals te1mdeIlst ight. I''v 111)5 1)111)u0tttbItsnin lthett'fall of'
istteli's recotrd, st bytv Silttthtsdout of ikig Cobs of. hbosti's old(so1l(1" 1)6ithroug'bhoeforts (f Prof.Sot-
NotrecDaiti, butite rest got g5. tlieashin, al oh bprencs hof'itt 1)1a.1011 111ornOc Brtic Baets,
fileid, itttssvsr,--itoanil thehgha it Illl.- s10 dhleven, wals ottittotbu11(w1th th btt radi t e oIstden'tt it psyhoogy.
hits, ]Port Smithinnsintttg them.Cit raigSSWili ts ~oni. "Sntie' Flotetr 10011101['tim c ill I)of str5expeimendts ithtie
was seceonodand Torrey third.The tiletrackot.Iimanaigr, 11111 1(011CI(1101 recenlclh ang1,/s.fItm1mory10ofIthe isneoctersoit
was 5 3- secoontcs, returnted fromtiEuiriope,scre spreatdingi give1(01 i Ialdetietdarticle to'biss
Only Levinison, fooer aid Wrigt en-ithe ''gado itt 00 50'b0guage1" 0(0111theoBrne 1111111(10tnumerof le SAm-
tereid the pole svaut.iS Wright wenit outcamputs. Aikniian Armtrog dro f 11" 111 0 1 1111jo1)11111 of)Pst1choltogy,
at 10 feet Sater oad Levison mad tdhe hitsity ight )tiith1 00)11rt, is .tlsoi 1n) The 5 ci (tdils tis year arc moe
,1o feet 6 liches, tut whtent hocar ws the111 1 itiig list. (etailedI i 0inteteolvtests a1101 01110
rui ip thre incites fSance brushtedit (OlitSi Perkins clceditabolttte aiork is beingo don1" fir(1'te1hst for appe-
donu. Levinusonouegotiatedthbie heghtI hetnIoser her briod whentthsesiitection11)1and(1lgo I"o11titte. 'S.roninbi
an~diforthoe first itte wnohIis first ito togeteswith Jite Crti, Sagoffnn the11)1 1hasbe relsrvdhby tDr. A.'
the event. 'fGermtany" Scho, ail 1)1(1 1 Ille ih~ ll ie 11)TelI1)11for tler. Aparattsias
Torre;- again wonuthtie higho jumop, withithte gyto. 11111n1inst111(led 11untite small room ooks'
C. E. Snmitho, P. II. funith, .Tough, and 01(050 111S0c0c011 1 0 Nfi,t.51 N 111ke a )corner 11n.a physioalhlaboraory.
Rakestrawo ieing for secondriat 5feSt Notre Dameoiasboolit ye1tieen sche'Theo 110(1ryi)tst is siniie.'The patient
6 itches. 'Trrey moadehe.o 3-itcthutark, uliedi for ti football game. 1Vl. hBairodsis fainthe lobt 111ittthe ttlac-coverd
'The whole Pbuchtwent oull whienothey has ben expeting a sttloueticitof the 1)1oa1)d 1 Topt or iecass thc on-
first tackled the igho mark, eaving five itootedestond' dail y stissyl0ables o'.hoattiear sitgy andiin
moen tied for first; so a second round Mbr. Mavis, formuely assistnt physical pais hsoesvtratIies, the pa-
woasum, Torreyesucceediog. idirctore hre atd uoswdirctorof th-ltit Itoills t to atle ant clinches is
Thte quarter-mite was rntin11fster lesatitNotrec Damie, is i 11)1w11audethon an elttil eta.rrngemetnt bat-

moaide(on these abnuoorinl iniiduals to
lost te chtanges int hse ndoiitins(If
their cirotulitiou;tha t is, thisrespotoses
iftS e Slid ultionobtined wIoheth est-
prosart stimltdboipabrticuittrly thtose-
in iviuils whtioshow1(no emotional1(((111e-
dilo11 notappeair staitlin iithislast owheni
sm ose 1110 itnxpe sctdlyttaido olose
Initotem, btbthey idoishills cicu tlationt
reactui. .A fuw psycologists ire i-arey-
lug oniithis 511Icrk 5 iyumsi, hut fewu
1111 io pschlogy s tiitdosiichilgani.

bigi(11 r 5 ' I Is btt iin'Ma5 1 1 tO I
wily Chiniaideseso )1 r1111 tlt ionI.
'St tt Cina hs o " M0 00111b
"The frutgalt~ io (A (Je ll 1 5
thing in CinaIis wasted. T
cald i ve on11 bsiswhchis 1n''
fot- Westernesi T e{ d s 1a ,
nu s inustronsandpath t j~jdi n
th "whi and1i) bib.nes the (ml

Niex terlint. Shtepalrdt hopes to mitch 1-silnite Jtews. '1t:isIll)d hat
carry te wvorkion((it onllug 1abnltoal Amicans lltfeartheiiiJlpa0nese i ti
muiinds still mote exhcuisivehy. If lie tas abargain.,1)111the1Ciisis hv soI ' 1II 1.
eout~tghigratitoe stitiets lie will 'adtinuto faft-IomtheIto1111 111
soiciine1100w1051of apiproaoch initht'"e ) eli IIllt1110p< sI)) 1
memory)(05tests.tHe Swoiuld likceto mkeati stinoftrstth Cies1 i 0- o'
smtellstslt itn oemetis, involin Col0(1 reiabtlle. luct rt',ii 1 1 sot:, wI -
ietrtationi, forit nls tnce11 tititsesI relieId I 1 1 t t11 1 1 1 ail
Soteiteutresting Sitrkicstatedibyothtoel's Ibliglati 1)11
pstcologyideitartitettis 11(111incioar- Chtintau1is the0 13101311 1 yfo I
ie o y h wr pyscan.ThsandibOppor1tunlity. I> It oc 1111 I
work icn1o11(1e01hysteria anth is illustrated is 1101 1(11 01 1o. titie
by1 toots madiue o ti chlt 1 11ic Tle. icad (Clint silllte1d11thle 5wol 1 0I.1 -
delus11itns that 001010'thtingsor01ilesonsbo Ilesti whto sadtT her111etsTtc 01 5 t
isr ceo Prmenttinog 1111himaitthtit 0heiiGod help tis i se 0waks. 15i
tloture thiese' thuingsor1peso~s u tseidlialsk!O e ' SS ealzeii. oheis
electricity. For Iithuog Itito ierefused nu aoo ilttlgenous eIIt- 111 livig11 1
to) bell whaut: sils htuibling hi, anodb '1111111It orm11111Cis na 1 (1 the11 os
h-it iflferenut sorodo,sandwtichecd Siithbis1111(1of Ci' . Tm11)1 15here1is1 1
Stihlodslitcas "torouctt" anoil"oeobcri-
1110 01ntimenlt ocevot 1a 1 '1ls
city, weit-reseniteud to ititu. SWIbtell vience toIIfolligllerlo
stuct solrods as "hotuste" aaicredihue tlii "ASthlis poill 01 1 0 0 owll '1 ,
iitciiIatOI onnetoedsio11111thughut witht t11ltesilo 'f 5 1)11(n's titu1 to1
il; lilt wordtsreferritng to1 his 5supposed50)b is t )hoinionI of 1 1 1)11)1 l C
troule b ttol: a1 longertlitteswhicoh, .10-iiind but s itc eninith111 1)1ie)n1 that-5J
crig Intoisycoulogy, shuossedtheucset itryn o'rvk , 111 o a,
hfIis liltmentut. Ini this grtyclt m nals fatIis,5 11111))is 1 I 1 1111)1 ili a iori ' 1
rtn i theet i t imh ieividen s'; If 1t ir failures ini Japamu intheIll s t.Is 1 1 ili
crieti. flue ittt) I i ll)nd tilt recouplby looilg CIl
lout China's natol spr1(1it i1' Pt 0 11e
1111515 01 lION tuGihr;r Fi'5 50ve 51 loed.is spititiark sIack to Is
'lut siats for t'heBen Greeot protm-oxlir'.up11(1ill"g of 190).)Ch1111 1 - 0
111o)nswhichale 1 to it hel Ii ivrcsitit t e eson then.uo
IHatll, -'b,'lort 21, 23, wetn11115 t S tatr ''blue newsv0(1110tina 1 0sl i s ihel
hou gtinaiti eseray.Th sdetritlst evideont e55111siol il ofI t I
utill bitcotminuedh Mondayaftfhernn if)0rttiil. Frcetriste ...
frcoim :4 in6, tutuechtosumccodinug afte- (ifthuc literti hiaittc0)t11oloedI t' g<t
- li, t 'iaites 1(001 store.''Tree pee- absoltely wsith tim en11011assical 0
foteuitiutes osillhocgiivcu, "Jumlius. Cacsar"01 'iees-asuitissyiro
Saiturday aftcernoni,"flue StoosIntoutonicopletely asniatuetd 1y imberial or(I,1-.
(111r' Saturdaycyctninug, amid "RIomo'I hy thocsante dsoec his tempe155so -rc
011) Juliet' Nonooay mnighot. thurownopen0 11toeduimon 11111 h -
'Fle misionllischools are rwe c(sttrs'Nlrc S00)10 snreI aegon aradt fibgn
Phdttie 11f 'he SMichigan Daily: i tlimu otethc en ic
It 111115 ticof interest Intou istttoos.Wnicurebentowc! "-
youto 1no )alo 'Theonlmuy womin's dall -0 5f
oIf lilt error in theita htistics of stuidenmtpaeintewrdspulhdil,. in
auttenhhan110 at clhuhs as pubibshed- 100I bttelirt1111))I IiI ~t
The ailby forTe sday, Narcolmi. 'Sithe (Cotiuied onmPaeTwo.
numblner of studenots attenudinogthoc Chmuroh
of (heist, Scientist, was given 05 110. MICHIGAN UNION
Icanliii e you011thme names and atdresses
oftevstdnsothUnvert'y h wr presentb at the servic of time aoven Alt membem's who have 01(t
lmntioedi churchu ltst Sunday.OTis yet signed the membhershipu bonk
diffcrece, oshie ibumterically' smtall, in- must being in their ticketotiud
creases thin per ccitt of student attend- register before thue twsenty-first
of this month. Ths is in aceurib-
to tssenty tier cellt of She entirc congre- of Directors.
g~ii(i. it R. PottFct, '07c.



I Vrivori~y WILLIAM T. ELLIS T'ih
Hall "Missions and World Prob lenms-8o'lc
A Present Crisis" 8ocak


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