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February 15, 1907 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-15

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T h eNN RBOR, NII ilt II INI \ > tc

\701'. XVII.

Interest Has Greatly Increased in
Last Few Days-Preliminary
Meet February 23.
ieabs in the lut fet chlt'. W liei
thei cll .it iccitc Iorctack cn ia
totictte rspns %ac xt itt ii
d i cra ic c hlttt ttit he ti cc im
I, ixa utti clt ciand ch c itic i
larly gratiied a the n cuttt ttslaye
cfitra iing liii i t h firtc ear.T he tt
order tio pee vt] cd i t c t
ctuwor, fotic frtrly at, wl
the eligibe to g t iro sa, Ih i
ilcal roi liilityihecalocwiditoc l~iii
fli tict i I cii iiat iithe ccci ltsitti candi
ap arnty i h inlt:cn d citionlci. I II.
paciicipacctciion i lcclli andi traci ccciii
andiiatinocc cciiiofctheiseciidocis-heicc lduc
himciicxiitcc cigc cicuc icccilic. 11,
ccii ccni ciicccii cnre , and in iche
estimttiionc i ith'cri ics iicstand, ia
from)cisipreset holde, flaicic 1cco
Irclacid. It ittsi cii to i tness thecc
fresihmeni itt cc eret staircc liii cittic c n
ch ici arcciiie rec tlyteamc ii ch o
th hm ionshiiofcAmca ii ea
ati Piladceilphiais sItillitacictd 'Wcc
evercincatococ epaig H ic
inc ccmIi cctt-c cicic hic ccecc. Ni cii ccc
ccn e aii nac it i s rt as ie is acii lt it
studetti l tittle fear i c te tindi foircc
hill]i. Iictc hai tt appeatricccic toithii
presenct utedcii ill w cit tonillts
his> ticoat caiiinosc.iRiwnct rcicc tcii
icc-t muchcicrxm indoorc workci hilli hai
iii ci icc ittdol_,,st iii i- lit]
acout ofi mself iii ti pri ng.i iii
ali s t-t dircli the icc-tier cijIus to ,ibt iii
Keec itcc atr~iitck cchrcci ccciih ci
thrcecc- stestic ci hai t t t itmcciiccii
Ramerihascappiiredin rcti cemor
rcgiicicliticn ofitheit her ccii tcik meni
Heis in i pleid itiicnition tandcthasii beeni
ccc kicg t ctictcii iitli catcstartig i
captinc ofaic yearstems iii ccciii
acliii)imakic all txdistncimt-loohik tic
Icheir lauirccsxthiiixyearc
Ildgn ic i nci thei Ic Icicslc oo k betteri
allowec-cto iunci these even ccit.NIici-
icill ccci ccciithechuriclesindooricaci his
gccat weight itlxersihim cciii i ixlit-
tng wit-ikhis iycacc Twoiineiiblescx
Smithiicof DtcitC enitr(cl ih, caii
Worcdof cielaincd cSitanfordiok liec
goodttheuricil iin t1cc hurcdlec.Fiizpa-
rick is cccig thciiicaccefuly-ntuheyc~
are takig kiidly io ic itrccucltin.
Wih Stwarti Bwmaniti, Hutll, Bisci-

tol anti Dav-cy corking vigcoously ini
ihe cuh thhist cceiiiis not ai allneglecct-
ed. -Mcuccgic, icruoc Detroit Cetral,
hat madtic good imcprcssiont)iiithe

,)iicIc. \\occc a1i(1cciii icitli haveiii
CaII('a(ro t e ccrII i 1111cc. li*k,
S Icc ~y I i>c 11111e.ijic \iiiii rCcc (c.C.1
w- I cra ihec Ii I- cciuI IalicFearcci i ,t II
a ccIkk. ili 1 t ' iII 'I i ' 'lc c ,
clho I' i ciwkcIciii tc haf cI I
tic lu u . ii a1+ cci liii u, clii ,)l i n i
thei cciialctlci
C actci-iiI, S II~, IIs :I
and Work\ Beg an IIin s iladyOnce. ti
()tic. \ - ti i c c l i I cccii (ic1c1ic ItilcIio1
titl ci iir Il l(n c tii I c iii
\+, i c cil Ii f xlm > i ,l1)), Ik,
ccc ccl r~t fr c° a I' icl icc
j Li Bour ieois cit i ititi i Se-c
lected- CastHas BeniArange
[h'Ci cccc ccccrtii i nc ccciii i " i
and lii ticicdefin it ticcai cii ci l iim- id
C~itlo ln h e ci dedli t()i iii c i
Of iiih c cllic a cutll l ck il )r ('
Ira fr in S (1e 111 (f5 1-Iit'
ITilt e i, 11l;It iIxc f 1(()[ilt
to - ) c;("tcii c il-itirIic (- icc-icc-i
ccciicci ) i I ~ c ccpiii 1'r' ~

D~iscussces Statements of P~ennsycl-
vania Astronomer Mlagnetic
Storms Predicted.



i~ wcc iiiiicii

, )1, i- xII-
1w tholirc i


I-i cii i- -ttt
ricc li ir

1 1 , '' ic -lit
c1(ii thei ciii cciii
rllc s w ih,

. it c i ttc jtii cciii lititrcwlitc
ii i lic icc c i icc tIiiix ) l itc-c.
xh ll Ii tic cccri Sl i xii li 1I l i t)
i c tia~";S fllicit-c - I:T-e xi-gciiitt tt
ciii i , lii ca;tci I citiitti ic-iijcc
On ) t c i w ltticIti cc i g oup
1 ii cccl i (ic ta ccl ctttit c iaty
11)11rlma fvw clk , till fccttirc cinc
Compete Experimental System Will
be Set tip in the Engineering

cIi i icci ~ ciici ci

liatl Inol of A
tlmhl l diwc
tlirtm"ll a sio'' -51111 '1;()Is,-
' aqq war NI rt
;tstrt il tll+'1' 11
artk il , a11d
'pqc l;;lV
this m tr Mna
QHI iti t111t1 r >,a,
(b) 11,11 1 tc'1
fr(o)) 1 311 iort , '1
hal'l' cr#'t1drd
wariltg -
rht Alill6g;
wh , th;tt ;1 1,
lc lyth aial loll
c'l"t'Ilili!; {rl 1111^,

'c3i i lK

li i a d Ifr ii ta c-ctlyc i
ciii cciii i I ,Ii ccxliiil cd tc cI tiii>
cc (r-c-ilt- ( I I i iciclici t ccc Iisi t
h( (tI~ c NI I ic 1)I cccii i t c >ii
ii 11 c1 iilcxiih ci, ! ci llt I iic llt- isci.
ii , Itlt on it isc c t c hat t i s ir
til cii iit li Ic\ci(ciic ic ii-tti-. ccc~o~s i be c nc t c
cci i cc--c (f iht iac i cai and cra idlytiwith a y olc
h(.t" f I~tl-n cc.I iii cIist I ''tiddit tic cccx c all tititit
t(c1 tl t1IyI if ciii igIcIIg , I- theil it, tutu lIicni tilt
(rui sdt h c lii. ricc cc tcci ci liti c for te ch intg ulic
( it a1 )tp cl i citu 'Igicci ciig ccil tis cc> - xcii,
11iW cirh cti i i cc ald i I cIiie iii tc
tl ii'a (tI 11nwcIiii ccciit( ccc> ccc I In t lt.1)11 dcciii igh
cc cc t ra tical i x tiit ccf tii ct, t-i-cta
t(I (f a ((c ii t I l c cciii cxc lcttiic.
F i xiiici c iii ntl 1cci t rc-o ito
xxA\;ix I titil ,t ccc i llccii icc cccccclcc th niigI
I-cud lcccccccccc1 1 cicciclIchccciii ()£ itcc cctt ink llc
ii ci c i aitd cit 1( p(-iilt hI c iii ccit it d hs1 I
c (It II i 7 Ill 1,ccii ic-c t() haidi(cII c al l s. his-> ll c-Ii
c f AIi cciiiin- ccn cc ti cciii i aitii ofi i lti- ittsic fchex ii
- - - cc-cltitto I1(n (011,ty i il t i cctt-c-asit cIla
cc i i n()i cli tic-tiI ii i i th t t er 8cci c cxi- l
,tcci cura t (c i - i h lt cc ccic(Iic tuIg lu-Id flt ioIi
1)I-,-ciI;II Ia, V '',It;,ti J IIccn ir i l iiitics c n h
ci iiii( t11, t t c '(n ccI, i t ()t ccciiic pc it c I nititiii-
c(1 poiia an c t (%('ciii cnc ii i c c osd cnt- -
i Iciiticc c at c tc i l cci "l o -til~ i ii c cx-es
h11cc citiul l til(w 1 ttt scliii tic n cci i
It. lti t~tI , ih l cia it -rli I yccc liiicc i-ttocf-a

Giov. Hughes to be Principal Speaker
-- Prof. Stanley and Ofee Club
Will Furnsb Music.
I~rcrtlicig withtithei i c 1cicctdof ac
fcuisesihictlritic lxikp titic iicc-ti
thei clieni o ciicit, xxte department.Inilcic
-xc- x ti) slocic fci- iitiiyc dcccii icicc
toc t]i-lith ior-cion ofuthe<hly, li
ciituuiitt- ini chargei clccec-ci l!,
linglit->of \e c N k Iit-will arrie
iltcdida tuttri, ccl c22iiin itill liii-
ci tctwillciei -xccgc-h xl 11c lta
'Ih xtcctt-c tiill tic-hi-id icc lii
itixit) Iifll, irgiuitiig itiiiuitclc cI
ti hll aftei thattimc ci ocso
Siganleyc wiliopen h programlithlc lt-
icc-o ti clc 'tt I'biscl i l ic f ll t~
hV a s lei, hthxli eli c I cli itc cil, ;fc
llhid<lt cthe iis litk tittfte layii It
ic-gic, ltt hu ti-ill cii - ccc~ i
ofl ticec-cxci ic,> Iti, t c cl ta h
I - xc ci cliiof Itit(- ccci if iftgents, c-s
iltc atti lit iixtCit i tiit"+ llc.ic>
i-cabs illb ccvdi h eta
andc hcut-cclifcicchex- iii icc ttciiyt
ciii I ciand iiitgeneral-c-i chv o
asx yet-i 1ccniii ityidcidedcuponcticcn c till
Thei xx ixttgttn, ir iitdayc x -tisi-ce
t'iV(. lways ic i nt ed ccii tlii l promii
netic-itt iccct it th ey i lct'(tic routit t ii ti
Nutti Niltitacicspeakeri icAumongug dcccx
ithut tlaciapeardcir in riccitt Iya-u
Brcycni. . Len t/ cii (ctgtc-cdtmdt
Southofithldix tate.
ca tti-uiitii cl lit hehnd fiiiite cmoc trcci ctutic c
crcxcti difilhei t i l-,iii ,inU'
fita i Itec vc ii ,ciiaei o n, V Il
ttuu- tso tichiticctdcriii (l Teco
ittlcfl icy ya s;, ol~s c
"m, I.I. \c ,1l. Siclcc cc I
cii, y-iv x I j irl Iwee Ne-I
ati it- cniticit itt tiitc I tc I i c-ct iccc
iixtrtlty catnoin iiiilct iccit gctuttti-
whiichicarei>'o27girsxdciic Igiencthtisixyei-tt,
andi ititwt ic ii-c-c-cry wayttmcrckidtwithll
dnciii c. Thceiiidecoraci tix, it-oc-ct-pi
priat i andc rtch sttili. littirt lcartsic 4
maltyiu xiitt~t-, ;Id'ciii xu-wcti-c- hcciig fcc-ic
the iii liiiccnd ct-xlrefreshm icntsilic
ccie t nthidctigic. Acxliii~i
ithe girl>idancedillilt- g i<)ttt~itrt ccii ,i
etettrtainmntsutiuta cke icidc ccii l
"Ncin par ty filltie theNcutint ciitc i-c-ci
mitcc i n ii ltcrti-of Iti, tcc cicc i lciiitc
dihi sameiai ct-c t htu iii cc-ci ctinc M Iine!(
dCOILI.t1cittiic ci"(N-cc-c Irucucuc
Sitl, itit-c NlMoshec, RotdicSmciiih ;c1ii
hed t-I Gi randcI itiitRap -Iiitt clyJiucici
E. LeltocciAm tlrbor, caniilFrankL
Leicclaniiof Detroiti, wccccnoiatedttt-clc
I turilg it-t xithe Ij crycu laiyx iiithe h --
ballhiitt-itarc- prcticing xsliighomI

'il t -c- 'dii titii Cx -
t1 i 1th cc sil li i
Ca cd )li ci whichi (r(
it lits c clit i.1 iti

t arc an k xciiian x u nic 's11cc>lt of cow
ctll ltieams cii i _A iiittdtdd T iscc cclsiii t t tsra fn
tic iii t cii >itit I i tuu> 5cc _h
liis di diy~t- a c 1 t hit rldt oft t MC-tiic I llc- C lyi
Wear omecist ingucishic i ccinmaksc h anc iccii cccrd
difc ut coord jes ls iii theiii edcci (S O'cuctt

cti tic--ic


- tic ciiifr m the (- nci ci al a ich tlternac ltig cucrrent
ii cccihihie agie(c ic) aci nwiddcccui)vapori
te ~c e he A ea dacrcii iii an tutu x by whihii) l
-t cccalc evn cciwn a licternat ci cccr-nt Ii cctt
O nvlii; tl. cir c - uccucc car c l irc-clto)c hlitic>
iii iiihtic iii l1t)iIc twstiihii ppst iecinbig
th usht dlittie.m i-t 1I tcci5 tilMctht fic ccitir COO o

-ci ittcuttc focccI. hlid 'cie more - ccc-tcdo lctit hut ittictic I ucuc- c t!d' - - i ciclic tbec Iiic
ccioo cofcc. i d xu(-,oco. Thigeaerp rionu
o cin nlr editci cci ci) tl lctti cc ir-ul
Th utro w rig tm r c dix x liiiec it it tic "1 ntldllnI Iw~ ci cccand ii t il ht~ltti ct-will
ccit t c--c ie-cn c de iccied by thic- 'jiciaihhSllitit 1w II w ii ciiicc tcitto ame d. tttioit tt-"d t I citdiit
foram ndig:ic-iFcc11- it- I)cciithiw ekcciii in th o en
voe da n a ilirvdig foih fo itch tic-c i ic ciii hut, uciX lii tic t iclctig iiicc-c-c of cucuhitugt u-i l l tigue
ccl theun tuivecrsiy at Indtianiapolis. ic aclitic ci wtcPage Twos)I cccccu of Illinoiste amt.

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