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February 15, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1907-02-15

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THE MICI IIAN DAILY.' 1 i fsenerally rcaliisl itwiat good~
mu irt+ nlrsitti intrests ftm le
' ~nerel s -'condclssmaterat he,^fmli!ts . 1i ce~lbsa. the'ltischer
Arbor1 C stofc. \'Vereintand the Cercle Francais, in
ii ah mIiiii glrnuisiofstuilenis niet
S ': cIttstdlaity (Mon idaysexepted) diinig iiiiiiii ete hti
the iarFgear,151at i 7fast Washington 1 iiitlt s''orie1iis et~n obtertl
sliesct. Icii phoine l892. Hoiiie phonie 76. selt-s throuighi experie ncegainied ini
....s_ -- . itit workieek f real ti liti. \\'Iile thle
Xl;;ii gitiEdFir-Arthur C. Pound- restilt tiehietieI itateBring no atditioni
Isie Manager-C. E. Winsteadl. toli tit-"lral storeif kiiiwleilge. may
prouc i o tartliingilisi'ii rie~s oi-
{ ~tiTOlS.
enrr atentit rileles lihes tcinl t
'sin. . .David F. Stevenson ii 'iielttisttidltit aiiiliitiiiiiandtotimsake
':"tltle ....ites . .Robert H. Clancy its feel that tidnltt'. an capalleofi
I .I..i....... Cliitt ID. Bradley earr ngtionittitt rk' 'f real lelietf ith- ii
ind atiilraina..Paul S. Mowrer out alse iiini sutieirvision. Such atms
\V, iel's Flitor...louise VanVorhis antin ecoipiilishi(elt , tchi i tinughithey
EtitTORIlAL STAFF. arci ei ttglil toiadegre ernitli sicial
rwtvitt-, cnno hlp hut raise thei
Geirge A, Osborn J. Earl Ogle. Jr. sta ii rd eftcltiure inid adil to lie ii-
IHarotd C. Smith 3lii tie Wichelitit-ike a't iiiiiieesit)' ei-
ASSOCIATE FlO'a'OCS. c i iii areallieparationfor aistill-
\Villiam Ai. Mulhern Flosil1-1. Jones ;E iiiiilii Icarder.

Mony Ioae
ii 5 5
IT ) t 7lt 'Chirs

ChauinteypBniieher George HI. Hobart
A. P. IRitechie Ht. John Wanmbold
J. XW. McCanidless Guy P. Bliss
I firuitS. Cody William F. Gradolpht
If. ; . 'till itli Leeanard C. Reiid
Carl R. Moore
1.1tl h .I Xu'uire ha1rry IHill
Carl HI. Aial
IIATE.S: $2.5o pCr year, or $2.00 if paid in
Addrrss: CHIAS., E. WINSTEtAD, Buiness
Mlanager, 226S5. 12th St. Phone 7o7 L.
Offite loars: 12-30 to 130ad 6:30 to 7;30
P. M. Daily.
Atddlrsa:ARlT'HUt C. POUND, Managing
Edaitor,,715 Monroe.
OffjietiloursC 2 to 3 P. it. Daily,
Exsatept Sunday.
it airsv t 0fisris itio'.CSf10 asity
'it a ilotuqu Ih'uuiu,'11. I hut it'
I IIii X, Flill~l' XkVX1t5, 1007y
G X1:'1" i. ital's I'vagut: partt i, a
i~!1"S }itd 117 I OCo ;
Itt as lcttitcr ciatl hoa Uil
lit al te t
F('). >ft-" ;mer ldX in- stuIdhil, tsi li
lie~vkstVad Shoo of'su 1it' VIrk,
Ine clas iitiii lii 'XX)CI'm",ie vis.
thrti 't ni ieuiuge's.'0lis
ii iii I I, tIi lulauk tif Fiiuuiit; ,11
F,',.._'1:11)1 ." I CurdOfry lctuirleltts.
. 2-a r l a v v l t i s 'e e 1 1 x 1 1 ,l i l ls t h

"''Ier i Somtethinig rotteli inll iie1
wuark."'t'h'uts liighit the IDatni's if itie
twientiethlciuryut eeat if ty is re
the reaig rmotitiof Ithegenteral libirary.
irtth intes andilsocnialI gissip if
,miall nutiuts iof etudenits Buitii the
t« the liori" if ili'se a whoihavei seriousi
wor the)iudoi, is i'uuniiitn talk anionilg the
«-eleitiettofiknoickie. Whlile we
))f the iuc iraker lwe ican t s',the
iii iuiitiuii whiich iicCaent tey l
'iiiliburarytraiuiug niroom stiihulit'e
a place ii I iee laverage eollegeumain
Ort11l a inid refuige fromIltitinsy
iii's, andilspendt a fetehoiuirs ini quiet
studyi with lie certainity that lie till
no eneedleussly i initutei'i Whether
silt autu teliglhtfuil littleuiinetne roll-
versai tilts are (liil(,t ueedilesnes'stie
iisle~,tiey tin' I distractintg lunlat-
11m v be lieient-
It ettltiuetifromsPage One.)
ih cll otewse is'legislaturesiteCout
gritss shl Iltproidte fetea coeintiota o i
ppeltis' inienile'its IHotee'ir liro-
iii , .o itenntiitt'u C aillbeoite aplirn
if lie' eontstituttioniitinless ratifiedl by
trefiuthtlofiiilie'states, liy actitnof
leisltutrte Ce'n~tiontinieachtre -
sletiil i' AlXIIthis is ii'iovidedilin
.Xetii I' X'1Vif lth'e'constittioat
mct ( thti iile' contstituil'Itionhs evteeas-
se tihl"l: I all aetetilttts Iherettofore
raia ~iiltateel inilthe(-Congress.
halu)t If ii artie elitotst as'hIdits t'e
cotlt'iiitself, andiwitee'iinsitde're'd
when ithli:'Centtititution ias tider con
sideirattiioiiflieratiiettion tie rejeetin,
titi ttee'intformatelly' sitiorsedl w'hen it
ilas ratifteid. elite tther ante'tilteilt
Ii iiaia ellt fthle Jeffersn-Bhurr
liii' lir te residenyeT h''lree

r tona ptit ofi tie %a'~fii ~ t
t I l ati t} titt e tit ettlitnt5 of the cnntes
ttionehate hlu:t advoci'atedl 'nelurge
ini lie'lont e iodteine.-te olte iesir le
liare heitts reiid r tit er nte now, I
if w idkinowithi nformaCittion s. ii
1 e c ro s r t i tuhanetiluaul . t is
chagc ihat ocu ted i1this i t itiuini
ugand it te 'l ri i tatti e -chtg
poiticthisc il i til ttMightlts el
t iche 'nn~le u nt dramei ofti ic
the intitliatituI t Itiii i I ait'titil i i
ii i ic. 1,%- T L l t o ll i I(1l
i o h t t uuofhtti 'if lit r s lut
nihutu i tuslut th en. u Intt l li vt ,,li I el
co d tins arcu't'iIis 'ly chtut lutt ti t
XX'luy Imin hIaker, of t ltp: ail
siel dliiifferenii't a e isu i d for uIl
huts n if lioft'hi peiod, ttti I'tu'ku,,Is
new t titi.g 'e'nd ew tutndstilnti'.ttutudi
for 'uuiuu'diretta i ui a 'utleil -1'i
haet erpoif li's uterd g tt
teiii'il tiftuti i needg nt I d sittlie l u
iil ii', Iillty iof uhems.l1'1111i et llitlsi
itt -_ 'tutu I li it, i thei'i' ht Ii ifi i
livng iad n t t isr hirgn
thau ~ltiti'e'ti tuutuitInd diit
c n c iii I yet l"le tItt ati. i i f v)I
plesit'ttiit fi ittat" ut' hauuln %Il
sik he 'hiw 'h it r tee ii or iii l u
fur h Ci iii d e et ' e ~i tl a
it ttnr e tuin ii ii ira iolif iitili sither '
'ssitgloifthet'iruttilut t itii i. ta~
by confess iingtha~tu'tut tc at. i t Cluiuu'
fo isan b ls nlu a iu our' tm
ii 'i If h tehdlckdimrlcueto' cnsieresi tile'
sts' u of C t helil t icbi 1 a d 4i it
arleson onfaderionaagC Thr hang

d I )rugti'ttiir Instrumientls
Everything for the Sectnd
~ Smester
IxceenhittSelec tinsin i
Laass "Iedical, Literary and
IheII ktige Thiats Neter
onthatiU I k t vleC~ 't
11 1ed
Leather Ones, Too
Nout h .ii t '' tute u tut i tn litg
iw~ tli' fli t h lii"andu r"
co e Cpy.. tie ti 'lue
Call 1096-. Night or Day
Inans iidiaTIitll utake por-i
trituls an 'cupitt tuu ;-ii unuliug
t Ko it iiand sithhl ins
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
l ap t alstrc li . titO). sutititts, Ieei,000u
A iieisratlankin utasiaesiTasacted
U t e ' tithia.. I. lltsio k ' e . 's W'. 1)
fLtriuu'u i ce t'u ie s.' .5IVi. z as
SEND YOU NM] ° "<<'O..
Cp~ SPLISpa dingII e(3~mj N
For 0, C~a~t.1ogue of
Spalding Athletic Goods
' "itio h t ot youi 'sit itcre iin
Mail (Oder Dept
126 NastsauSt.. NeA Sirk. 149 Waash Ae, hiago

__ r


illi liii

Te xt]Books Nwand
Drawing Instruments
I t u Fui~et ' I tg lial aciI,tterar' Next Books
1,M(I ut ii "atiut PunsTablets, Note-Books, etc.
Eugene Dietzgen Co.'s Celebrated Drawing
Instruments and Supplies.
r>teGenuine Richter "Hooep-Boiw" set. See iir
S;,,e:, jul U. of M. sets.
I e'iuesetbir. liter) iittrument is sold under absolute guar-
atitee. e protect you.
At _ T-HE COmwOP
I l.oea ()It le tuitshI)7 the Sttudents /fa), the Students.

You are needed on the
Pacific Coast. Do you
wish a higher salary
and a better chance for
Do you need a change
of climate and an op-
portunity to see the
worriers of the Great
West? WTrite at once to
The Pacific Coast Teachers
164 E. 48th St., P'ORTLAND, OREGON

Gov. A. B. Cummffins of Iowa Feb. 20
Leland T. Powers Feb, 25
Lecture will begin promptly at 8 o'clock.

1 1I " L I 'LI


Phone 598

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