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January 15, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-01-15

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The Michigan Daily
No. 75
s.r quad OutFo First Day of ___ Permanent International Peace the
Track Work..Fislaleigli Does If0 Letter From Schutt D~escribes Inter- Michlgsn Political Science Assocla- 'treat Social Question--Internation-
ft. b in, in Pole Vault, collegiate Race-- After the ___ tion Comes Here in al Duelling Approaching Its End.
___Mile Record. February.{
#t s , l talrt Inl the int The fl ann itnaletter wasremcild by t is amneI n mintig to be held int
t la a aiter lt. III rci lns. rlatncr \ioakler. of Cortsell, fr ott War- nti Arbonr, February 9 and to, the
t' tll crIll 111~ r ,lle ttnIrrlllcl rli %. ich t i in lit, h h ls nho es h ig ttan IPolitical Sinc ca Association
a0 -t in1 it cb,) a lp tit Oxtforlid.i It ilesnribethii aill have tar ilnittsint the subject,
itat a atttttS n iinh\ tiateControl at Nomttination Meth-
liti for andCamridge.r iii oria r we more comtitiotly knows
ilittl I"1ao j ti nut rttttll iii ) le Il t Prm r R tr .
ltill ittr-V anit rin~s o u aitn it il tcliii tien it 0 tt i et in ae Ibeing mtade fair
, n C m rige Iwaatcnd 1)1i' I t ~tti l l t) od tinrbet iii i O iit i buliii lsoitfromti ttoat of the
11) 1lt 1> 1t Ihe Iti st),tlt )t it ,ir c tat iilte nxt) txfordh mai n ithersttis tilarn thnre hare beet ntm
an .tli ilti t l:tittit1tttu in Iic. I sa- ii a t inwsp s. Itis thin purpiose
Iii "ad (r ct iIi alft iataofathealna ii ttig to necuire accurate atnd
ltI 00"he rce w s wfl r te oit r ilein formlationmiii bont than operation
l li ti I tewutu hometi awhlat a crtonscoantrya isn oftat i varnoun ithlods;atid by din-
t11,Ihe s id. I t in -
Ii c tat lint i toritittl Ott aan tnniai fnthelan difftrentt featutres to
1,1 t lt 1 ttu~ u a b llldig olth1in.iiTlii throwilightion themostait etfectise ny's-
hit side inailla foest lptmand way t eill).i Thel sesnio isain ll lie pent to te
IiIr 'lc n 4: S in Iipiubat tr' a lican d t s ex eted thait there
liteihead i w tal ltee.an a' v wil e a goot Ieratentatiotn of tose
truck themtiii itil n atil a tee l Itrstetd trotin ttltarts of the state.
-T - round,'iittt t~uu nAt presntiRoaer Vt4, Bitterlield, of
, at IVitN nut tiltp iit i a n eestaaa'lmtatt t tn - (gtilt Raidsttl in rientt o f the As-
re n tii ft;uk o m it e. uitiltitandI Prtftsnnort airlie, of the
s 3.. w s dad o l_-v,:rl ' .hnltr I ALiiii n~t , ins niecnntry. hDetails of
to te aolt. 0A iii t of I: \11. ithe etiitnitg titli l ibe atutotitte
f c} teepy 1)t-111ti ll iltie waiy. hut
tutueroa s- I tl a On t inbe sil t
bli !at the'llti'we hadil I two ynmiles ilra ssafire
11Ar enettittin. biathiattwewer go tin ad ilamst autghit Galba. ot'It
1' to'I>en eal u l dt ' nl iiiIhet at anier, hut aittll ntil titan 3oha t.
JtIA t s ti ne ~ till II I(tt pct' theiii I iwan'- lifo t'r areco ns liehtit In itt.
l~lt11 v sa Itt - it w is the haaradest rane I evr awai.
I'iel a airalattC n htw shih 'e tue e tok anera lilke thia--
at~ 7t fnc tltreea ndtailI athat;lfeeit lligb
tlu tIi u i ait il ftile latnat nall ilt a it alladth tre feel frottm rtiti a
t'i tttttt t t t tlt fitwtta t thel boanttomit. e ajatatpia
h l ca' th t I t 6 i. I1: , d vintin into th le wtaier t. o llnr
' t nc t il o e <ristott.8i it.la.ltittrnl tit tl
in t 'lt wal t tan h i nur efttredouif ldrp
ti l a11't e ein tattithateI~ p i7) iler't itn1 e. ~ )f tII n
of1 feat "'attea mitt n tintthclilt ranf^:n(l
tIi iluatlt lia i Im t tle .IIs alrni-ti-at!i a
11r.Ille4 ( lliw a'llilit' t lttle 5til, a <- I< n.t n tit4 I t}it ii fnlr.e p a s
and r t~d Lu p, Ic asi tilt i au c1 li(;> I ainti-tiereil yli in l unt,.
tiell Itt i lh i e -l l ca cll- fI lt1 O u i n , n
le I( litill t(}f noe ite ir,1,.1w ( w r v i , i-1l
II liii Y estetd ai, 11e1sp ent'thn'aftethere nail I1n It
tII a e I l l 1 I nn14 1 0 i O n t rt l m ue n e m n i a n i t oi t l t I ta>ih e
I lie latte_'egle ilnatrat ovtmaulsbein
1111 a ll f imn o ) u ed I f u ting' thet 'full rcan thir n d ' he firs
ii wa tt1c Ion]1 0 nt w IO tatrinld I 't(s n IIti ge tV rint y t t iianon
Vt' ni h t -111hr iitit. ~l c i 1 I e a e n: In, h lspeech
it, Inn 1 f o rttill s stie (tfettetiea sin
usn . tietl ar est qu d wa u li Inn nt iinaa i t
1s 1, Ile It I t ta II In at id tal r i
I dI's i i il ii n tuu i tIm gongntorea legat
at( din c plc n ouh D Iltal !'fIt
tinclaiwInn mieasty innn:elllitleteetnthere
ta it 'l 'th - I i , 1>. tI'l( tamo ee fl <i r t te i tte in
lIn1 \l(til T atit Crn l :ttt I Ii r nitlar t it1,/1 t ]d h fre I la e O o d I'l
Ie alt tittiiat i lia tntl itt n alan ittinlt, lw r t
lai i ilow, til eet (ofb l rle
Witl inInit gsIae ig -1( i omei gin I l iltin n l in th itecl gae
it hil ri a~
f~gil i t tilttleat trbaen-itiitmilstorit
atil i li shot.letnt rm-it ltin c tiltit
1J tl ' 1 nait l In Io srab i ti fr in 1 t snrcei X U j E
nit, IIStrantn hitne W ile itnisacolg ye
hula, intl
ble inta tiia rsn ll lin Itlii nitriern-Ifhpid i
e5t(I lcaeof e s an tting thInn ht l osea 11
quie after a f.I~ t a t Adle e ea
h Yf 1tiadne t steantital i an or nwrs lue .Tol-n
eone ofastll ie eningaill beira e-' $ 10____________
A0 iteetitig nilthne Sentior Literary
clamsliridayinighlt orwasl iinrootttC.,
Aiinrety in 1ll. Te resiiinatitn of
.01ira Louise ond, Ian classtprophietess
wan litsnitedndl att cenoptend. To fill thte
vacatny0 it C. Concuratte, J. K. Ken-
(trickns, t a nd iss Itiretnce Burtonttwere
itnitnaed. Toh irst tawototntations
weent idited aby the chtair attd Mbiss
alitrto inwas elected tattittottsly.
Repotinaoit comitteetnchtairttatt show-
, el that ar rangemteitsn were w'ell under
trinayr Autmet ceenottiwecek, atnd do-
ings far the yeair. A batiqitet was att-
ndtI t akaeIthaca shtortly after ex-
S atinsanta1thn enrtnilfIte class
dhancinigItairties insItoauctiteoff sonaut.
The Cityp ahd Gantcomtattittee are
tirrantgeitig tin tare the nitty out thtis
yarasamenstal irier thtatttsttal, attd
idctospint tto a tnuttber of thte
atieradehaittmts oin tingg oiththtle Lits.
ini thin yeair'saswnug aut.
1 h mmria omitt eerecottitend-
eil tha t tine.cnlainnthit arneleave as a
me ilaportrattoflDr. Robert M.
\Vetile'nthtne cnasinnaatintaotsly a-
udoahald the reponrt.1 lie portrait is to be
tianic hr Peccy Itesnof IDetroit.
"Bill" Co leassantt coach of thte
Vtiraftr fooitbaill tatti tint faill, attitbit
recetly ha' enttdeath coach of thte Uttt-
fersty f Vrgniafotbhall teamtttfoe
lnxi reattai hasiestlaihedl a fatte
alwc desnotit rant switli footbalhl altone.
Cal'litasj int blenchosnltotamcoatcltthte
1Ypsinhti tlNoirtma I basebtall tamthIle rout
tin sring.
Thnefaulltayif ate Univrernity of Ill-
anoisni ans idering a thatnswhich, if]
adopmitedl, rill give foumr houmtrs credit to
thur edtitor-iuu-chtief ania three hottrs to
tihr tassitantm rditoir ofite University
goa n Daily
ddress for balattce of
i1904-S for
Ige. 33L[ Packard St. Phone 461.
Mrs. LuctanAmterOMeads, niflon-
ton mt Masacusertts, aaddessedh a ii-
rersityaaudiene "Thiursdha afernioon,
on the sttbjet f iitrnaimtialh
tPeace. Botthi Mrs. Melaus adulhre
husbntd are ery imrattple-
rss itttheeutacatitaial wourl nil to-
day' lthe uords of oth ae tiuctiforce
i the cotnsels of [le tauutn. rs.
.'ead's word, affecitig a tater of i-
teriaaionuial importance, in therefore of
ery great impoanrtacer. In' adrers
sas as follois s
Mrs Mead saint Dh. IHae wancmier
askeat swly wars swere mo tre frequett
thtatiformerly xaldte retlieird,'t-
cauas ty are it." Each cetiuiry sees
es ant lessf- war. Welaie foigtt
es tianton-tetht of te tie sitctswe
becatme am nataion. (lite ar was the
nortital thintIhre mwere searti years
war; thirty yearn'uar;I aonhundred
years oars Duelling etded a cettury
agai antalitttrnational duelling is a-
proactintg its end. Mrs. Mead claimed
that the rational settlement of interna-
tiontal difficulties deserves far tintre con-
sideration at this critical juncture tiani
the questions of tetnperatce, laor aiti
catpita and evetn school educatiot.
Those great interests already have wonot
itmense consideration ut this greater
questiot, which utderis all progress
anint prosperity, is grossly nmiunderstood
and neglected. Twetty yearn of eart-
at, rationtual atentioti of the ciitied
woreltin te eace questioiiwoould prac-
tically settle it far Christendom If
wotuldttrittg eery' tationi to pledge it-
self to sndta all diffiulties to ttePagte
Court; i uoutlit tritg aotut: a 'uthit
tegislatre, adslgraduial Iprponrtioteax
disarmiamntt. Ia woutl gradually nt
ireee for cntuctciee purpostes te cal
osalsnuis tinow pett itt aratenetts
attd tpractically- tipe ommiiintta few ae-
cades poverty aitd illiteracy. tEuropant
armamenetts arc thec caune nil tie jails,
hosptitals ant alnihoutnrahaing ille
with ignorant alisand ur-tteschols
wittichldiureti wto mut le America-
ted.tEurpte ini timrnilfhprace spndsat
annutttally a suutitf m toey eualig a
pile olfaollar ills, laid sniootihly like
rarer nlo afna ou ainlig omarc 52
mifles tfyih igh auth sandamilion da'a
lbor at $.oo amay tre tus spent every
year o ttat the natints tuay ay, "We
standtut ntotere we ntoodl last year.
Nme thave simiply hedtouron.
Wmare asoarniterinevitable though it
arly accomplisthes justice. Today, a
substitui uut u ig tbentproidead. it in
inexcusable bwen ntatin though
ciai mlwarniaint et le always so eai-
ly asaod.Theomutton for today is not
Ithat ofiu5 th atwild uar i the old fable
wtho wanstiharpeting fin tuks adicede,
litice of paenrparn for sar-
it s Ititune of peace orgaizie the
woorld atidnmake peace permannt.
Viorld organizationtiegat t25 years
Iago witti the spreat of repreneltatie
governmien. Today ii atl h risendosm
Ruia 'nalote htin or.The ila c-
tury owit its sread of demnocrac and
peaceful unitifcatin of smalt states into
larger uniities as in Itaty atd Germany
unte tte Permanent Tributnal at the
Hlagute possible.
The. Tarsnemorable rescript uas
largely due to "The Future of War,
the epch-naking work ii six volumes
ly te Ipria Coutcilor, Jean de
Bleich. This remarkable economist and
fnatacier denonstrated that modern
armaments, smokeess iowder and new
conditiotns of war swere making war e-
toecu nations of equal strength futile
Econiomic exhaustion, bit permanent
victory for neither side, will e the re-
(Continued on Page Two.)

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