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October 15, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-10-15

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The Michigan Daily

No. 1 .

vo'.. XIX.

Fullback Forced to Quit School-
Scrubs Beaten in Weird Game
--cC.C C. Plans Practice Run.
isI toastandstill b sthescrubs,
h u ii ha on sieledifilt i
lai iii l mning to avert 5501 aitic by
scoring w o field1 goalis and ( singl
ln-udo«xxii:Allrice icked101- gosl fromi
toncdow~, eotha thescor atthe csd
Iii cxcii thatitisis s~oe(dos not tell
the-sstore-iitherggedneiiosof thc s'a-
it's play northe iisaintmenisi uct of
he cocieso-ini tieshows'ig asic . It
11' ben ope thtlithi iboisth Cass
andsi iiiVisonintii .lineupioilith wea k
:155100 would11 isolss iin eviieniceo bit
theresultiiwis 1far.1fron)t1101111111agig
No Cr is bfosr' li-sothr -casits' Putp as
«'c n co iliion ai s ysotrday.
As if ihe inabiliy ofi the' sirsit for
isoisspthe iraiisis of thoir ss isis
opion ll'iniyeterdays hautls. 15101noil
blow suu oilheseasoniithsfrin ils.tins
loss f 1?mnnd fro thesq is. of
ii iiiconededihe is iscitionocill
bakwt rcically noi opsssissition, lanic
bee foce toleseCllege,andIslot
iii ills01 ,sl s iou s aiili iisc ''idn io lisig
heloss ii iiof sii asiilmbi Emns hs tda-.
is silthralii- afrom -st ilss'rsissen
Ne i i i las. so toiacceptasosisostosay-
1*, asbls o cmi in \Csili-is oriliongsi
the big fullbac w rs determine, a it
ills Iil-il-is now iiillse reicamisiset
of ios sint ad isisa ille'wit isolstwo
prlsentil ookhus s if eiheo's'Davisoisnsor
Wakis ills tslect iioals'ill hi'g
Coacsill sthasibeeniunableitoi makell
i!Iisils ifar iistolthvais t tesritry
11'cs iothell oining Plas, and sitAltos-
ti w soed to point.li lihesciusis
iso' s-ill-th va sits- lise. T e
on theljbieveryiliisis ishsisocrubtc
silothis gis-resorht iasut bsfos'e
the s'ssilo'as manysminsesss oldicssthiIn
iii I failures' i n, 'us s --isisiscalsslei
for a illorwasrdips' uls. cboil-ifusimbl
1 lis-lsahe Iad hesesrnbsosagiishail
isis islli I isisitsesiso tesirfeec of
As sisn i loll 1 Tetl wa s sarefusly
1101etldthe vasiy ensitbrkte sil
play snu thill ioshbust sssc rbistc-
ic's.Ater 1' reclics-is-sitpsiste, Was-
ilisidsisignalited1fors ilseso-sise kick
"I ison111e us d sist ude issnt Atersics
naledithllll'isstfor the iri i st tuosn
see inutiiiillessafte r teinsssste
iii remisndeissssr f the g'mne was outs
"0010' f smshstes'sssdiexctsassge sif pnsts
WlstsPlay"' left "is-sri for te re-
e11'ves, roskesliiiosgis tie vsrsity isse
tissard the essd of the first tnslf, foiei
ac nside Skbickolgaheecotthe alt i,
rdsis d oswisost sy tDogas jssas iie
croixsedthtis'vasrsiy sestn-yrdtin.T'isn

dislaisyed ill tie neitire contest. Twice
tir scouts micis mnassedsthtemnseves, hut
111000wslnothsinsg doinsg. Freesney tried
a lacekislet fromsnathe fiften ysard line(
stnd fisied. Greene casight tine nall axis

sinldfrafir catoh.Iiheivsrsity ATOB
asl etala oa n lr ice snt tie suit os-er fromiss l iii si I
itr line. s etedtie soringfor REVIVED SATURDAY
llterdice''aindIDoisglaswe10010 hlkspst
fro te ied i te ecnd al. anUnder Author's Direction Music
Te andsDasisonissdth se vsits plsags.s Will Be Sung by the Original
asdoth al sstscs isst sseesa edupa disdoisthno' Cast.
gi'sdiion iss Preessey 'suitCrsinissks I foa
sitsod ini a usedisoore pun tiode tIn Mclsin osi wililiso presesntedifor psot
line list foss itsisof pl'ay sin' varoi- lisi s he lstsme iSa srday's e in"gat
wxorkeds1tine il esr51tistrs ikissn sss iCis ssU ios clissosos' y ti tsimuse thse
i-nce if tine sruhssgosait sissd t)Divison ptlns fi o sssilosew opeawisohsis to ibe
slnt it slver fosr'sasother fousr poins. preiOxsntlos t he li i ossni issyear swill
Va six .Sosus. combisneid effos i osf tie olstcast soiltlInc
?ms -i ... 1. .1'eotssn Boo- "sg ilven s to e isw odsis tisis oss
tilCisk i ss il T ei"al iffosditheio news is-
Casey. .. sisLa tons eit s i n oi pori nithy so hois tie 'oigs
Cu~vC mu ''r.L.. ...,. .. lIIS wis chis madeii s l icii ossi and s it s erv'e1

airy- I LIIIIkJ

I l

Visennn.... Cis
Crusssiotss I tIi-
siesill it I. . .
Clissiris . .. . .
Vis . . . . l;
\Vassnns ....QL
l)ossgts-Ris sills 1,.t-1
Gresne..s ....,tRIt1
ktlsri ce-Dav,11ii T'.1

sot desok
- sin iis si
- ,os' ri-i
Vs os-or

0111 15 lii v50 0 1' i155- 11101CNT
t:C heetisodii iing steoficetirs''sui
hosassdIof diriecsli of theiiCio sis Cosushi
clbhil is la sti in iht sovl t iport1aw
mesresiss''-issre'"ard'toii runlOsuindtryout,,
Ncxi Sasll turdayiall111011 1now11 111111111
wilitansisftheisusswssiltake a jasnt
toi Ypsi. Sitar1ing at 1o o'clbck, th
cronsstxdstutitd tihe is insta'o isisa-
siushin inge110ti to dres sidtrnsilsosi
tse Notre)Dams'"'sss' Iti so expesc't
that '"a siarg ts wiittm11kei theipst
as5 a1t111hu time iio10 ioi lls' pc h ayf-solo-
tuhhis'tile ssoe s ainciiin st IiTh
folinsig Sasilsusay xil011110 ill. 5ru1
to10 C'tstmsillskso I fterkfin iisiigtii
srisi theuen101wsittl1bes'givens5aood dnne
at tie Ibski hose.'s Twos wee05ks frontl
Ssatsusday in "haieiand i oudssiss cha ose
is-itthso isld.i Approp1111atiloibbonsilswsli
beo ills'edito thiseiioi hoiishow5511)ith
Bit NissmberllsTItih1 sgrandsstcompei-
lutis wilo isoheld fos thio s~li sireis
toi maisketie suaithtsatsuitliso takesn is
P~riinceto1111 h1irstiseven'-1011 11o11 in-
isis sisitcostittetheilso quadithis t o
upholdsis Cli'ilrs hnoinsish111 s ern
intclle'iaite cro 0510s'siountry' meinig.il
Isn ii the tsoits sillthis elists' the'firstot x
lnss- ssessto fissis xiiit bcgives-lihis
CCC, sutnidsilasn oiesosr hadiscaps raceso
wsillbisoelsotis fill, itis55ex1500teil that
aisarge nsiisser i isli competes'5fis thtese-n
Yestersdayptusissusse tetrfssst sqiuadt
sst a ~ cstey cuts for foutr sites. The
suns fisisesdthse hardirl in ilexcsoelsnt
consditioisssaiss the officers of te clsub
arc consequesntly centhniusuastic.
Ft(tt't'iCAL CLUBS
111GIN WORK FOR Bttt.,
At its mseetisig last night iss Nickels'
sail, tine Bryan cluhbiprepa'red fur tine
ssotspioin of tine follownsig resolsutiossat
thse snr-tnmeetisng :- "We expressouis
iiiteniton to 0'sse Iselt a liiiour isfluseince
to seosire tinetonssof 'Wiltslins Jon-
ninigs Bryani toitine presidesncysf ths
UinitedStaSis.s Followsitng tine tenteri
ing of tse sresolsions, seseriot ncembesrs
of tsr cluitsp9oke bsriefly on tihe polticial
sitsiatiosn in their r espective st-ts.
Thie studetnts' repsilican 01011hin
opeuned headqtiarteox its Nickels'hilt,
ansi alt students who inteinid gotig nonne
huh vote shottld poll thneir votes there by
Thnuirsdsiy nighnt, if possible, or at- tine
latest bsy Fridtay night. Efforts are ibo-
sing natoi cnable -studeintsiseerding
fiiancisal hep to nmake the trip house.

as runsionusoifIthur ICIicigngidacastsh
'This NoteDe opsayers sre fo tine
gamehoSatiltdayaftenon 011wuil he invite.
RoyWe lh, usthoir os ichigendauillsou
diectl the- prodhuc in. CWhsie castf
sui nuot 110011stiumed noiss'thurdiaotisguic
s-s~ecsi 'ss sg Itok outsae, tieI
sculo0xis hi be eneredinusits rentirey -
Pratsossisical l fthesoinscials arehusckI
ands I u'ss'agrecciitsitakeitheir oluparts,
andllescoruisuhihis' oequessted to sri-e
ITs o ~sis e uOhiirten isill 1101o110 of ia
seies iof iiollifi'aisosswihics ill-it -
ise otheillsubthiiosthroughouththu r. t'au
hills houseiwill sushie iltlonithisiseening
and all11111ri-s tuden-ts,isecialslurhe
CIb:AhhhI. itt' B ILING
NSFCRINI'('Ct ui,'TltO
-''Iii' sionh'worll-i oSleorusialsHllis
ns-arliny situsllls suiss-s udi tn a se son
suter:attheusouthst.s'sornsuer of tins
tout Is i besi-I'l 151 morel0Nil it--
liitedtews usesttfossthus.coompleionis
of theishshligust sit 51xiilludosubtedly
rof hil b ls, nthis 1 w1101 he Iom-hr
plteins ahullsnuhiia.Iwellt asithiss'
The reporth is Curretthtthr i
thes bilduuin,1and111atsthesworkii ut sll
iscot' ue dushhss'uring1theinter.khi stu
lisc t s noiifoundatuioniu, ut sulsui
sui wtood:he tdoue this witer, it xwiii ot
'Thi subsh-commisitee siill snet tisi
afteno tossu s i cnssider'sthi ls' t orliithe
intesrio tiishis,-,s siwll s thes'heastig
1'O I'?uF I% tul ilht I lTDACY
iThttheleiitofbeatifl wter
cotoutd hlushraios of Jssittutneiseish il,
sills itte cses1n0fie u stt li iiof slur
ixy, ill het streolacdtoutay tspa co--
lcios 515115ac-0similesofS iplgi"sof bibli--
cut mauscriptuss hichxxwsits disc isovr
reetyaogthu rive110Nleo adila1te'
tpurca is-yCharlets L. Fuesof lDe-
itrit ,1asthur 'utuosneteit in-sie yes--
lodaus afternoon1151btspMu.Fnney tring
ibrian.ru-Ill rCu r is000 onautsuig tis
cioecutin otlw 'simils 5tl theun siver-
hutvsew othelsofurl that Prof Saners
sithSie I shu datsmleilnut deciperedsthtie
oiginl maunusucsripphifor ArFreeroait
ltertsribed aso nd uluecoturdiu upnsturns
tins.faculuts suitreek sudets shouds
takIa ivIsintsesest its this colcctiosn
whit rema0015ilns tillexhibition.s
tillDOCStutssosucFSO twrPIconsti
lr A CVlterhouI slt, whouutkes the
ptac scasitdispDr Dock, arrived yes-
tordiy'nd'tuwao s weonmes th ienesi-
cut factsiy t a isusuheon at the Union
Dussislg thur sliyunnore foreignt visitors
came Iou thurunversity. Amsong ute
is-coo r.Imoirnseso, uf Roumaniia, swho
Inas udounevalutuales.whrls wihipara-
tubsseculisnuaud Dr Brsinge, of Prague,

''learus't inufernaluracke-isaihi
Vashingtng stsret hnsisness manutsthue
tiers itaupetseriing to the. Stsr theter's
lticrpiaos'"Yes, i idsutrustsllsuit
ussr, utwe-cgot ui titoanth
uossr stouppesd for a wile."o-
Il-duthle fll rush hest tastnd
tilt," sad anoter
"Yo'inucan' u n'sOlhatb p isnossll ther
uss," saidi Chief Apfe.
Massnager Rey-nolsandu htisianiuuo arei-
it troule aO gaisnIis ntildets tthisc
BY PRO)Ft'RC'hTh't tt
Cs iwis antiiatouiT heis.yI) di cl- !
5 IAPofTreoss dissautsosssll 0-
spsisbility fussthe ts.esitsemenso upo111
iso camus usof his bhitis talt
ITrueblood andbiit nmyscf"he sats"will
fo shu'eeeit ou t heuc iihoiichu rc hsi
suit the l er510out advertisng employendi
in' toso in chasrge wis-linknoiwnllitlo mbe,
undus usgreat a suitsIse o ushis.asi co ut
hve betuso any oielse.is
'"Personsally,I sumsas heislusinutsur
oit beutifynug lie camus s auresthue
tters wsouare promoting t50hess'ususus slts
whtichTh lie Diladv i oils Ithk
ltit ishtesniuostese tlusts ooussuuulslsysuh
displapedl those ssis-soarse oftins1 campuits
houldl sl thutentciwniS-ucSil isdvertis
iung uswoulby tst means beSison utrgd
Ind theiuobjc ftepotsatlol
"Ouir piurpos s u iss sro t its'esct
us thisslangua-ge, lteust su it ndhsios-
sit ll Spanist-spxtekik n uusuohis
thugh aoioi1i05 alogsoilansuit
cationalutlinues' sid 11residetsJt.IA
CColsfsons out LasSocedd shutolai s-
teray s "We ''soog'snsuedst MiaS irchian
sity member1s.but nshil rCC htorIs
thes socetybues a inuiroftatnttu mslist
us-a s ble g"'oatinlg ls. hiss out-
(bikusisght for susucmemberSship e x-
cseedingssfilly 'suitwei oreseuxpectihg a
"Someuid-samatuic orki-ouswilt t oo' eot
bts o Iaudiffeen nt uureofomisititto-
seiitidl b11thes.CorcFu'scisaisstutthes
tout otnr Vereiuu. titur iwoh- illsihbto
pimauris ly for thec developmsetsof this
lanuas'ge un-so. Fiery cendeasvor is hbeig
its-sit'Bhis ngel110suctrgnstoulsuit,ssi
Tins.ficers~ts fro thscfsolowing y550 soc
Presidenut, J. AC.\Volfson;s tvice--presidenut,
Mliss Eih urley; treasureosr, V t.
Wssison; dirctor, Pro. C PCWsgner.
Amueting siittlhe het lu shMoshlihun io
eloctus seretary
Nil studients int anup othec deparut-
his-ntothae hocusexpeledtfrom nitheunusi-
versity ohs arciunts of pasriipioinn ithti
russh. Rumnors of sucht a nature00 iserr
spradl around the axi'buiig ustoes
sas ago, but s fara5Th as'ic iy uns
tessnutle to ascertainh there is asulyhi
550 foudataiosn for tesrpors
At its meetng nex Tuesday, rost
Scot will addoress he Stylus club, au
organiaton of university girls iwho ae
interestedt in liberary work, oustliig fose
them this winer's progranm, whirhllvh
rosist of short stories adomi lne-c
dramsas The menihers of tie organzas-
liborn eel Olive Glbraith, Loise Vanh
Voorhis, tory Harnmon, Agnes Carpen-

too, Htearty Brown, Cecile Rahounosritz,
Rhoda Starr, Rutls Anderson, Clsurs
Bsunn, Eutnice Cleveland, Nellie Caro-
right, ansI Florence Baker,

'The Servant in the House" Is
Billed Only For f latinee-Seats_
Nearly Gone.
"The Servant inil te bHouse," the
dra511mai Ihichs atatd suhnat--
tetin ot luth t chts u t thelnasst fews
tays soWitlo snte- asti a s natiste en--
sctmi st , u rthslrsthaitnsusuthureensisg as
sos- prousy111 anoutcsses.IA5tlegrami
rcived by out l Whit,, whol i.susu s managng
ths prepatishtxfins thu ruoduition,
itates x tsohthi na goeent hsaxutiex-
petel ohso1uokod 'ittetggement for News
CYo ork u h tic ecshiates tto prseneeot
hio hrot1 11 inu that itolu115'sonday night
In lisersltohu ma ki conneco hns it ibecane
necesis~aryI tttorvnc hit tine of per-
forl c luitth ns CmusrorCruom 10108 p in
Ihissplaots oohadoistoil.nuug un iss Ness
C'sI ork stndtheu dsmsndusutforua ness'book--
out" sot toe grea toramatsrcentr i 0an -
tootdnglyhs ightcompimssent 1t1the
autortod thes utplobes
CAllut CC Voutst si peoptlei'wisre in
line attheits lai isohesater t get the
tickes ltou tethfuttiy anustdests,
an teuesireos osuuse illsth heexception
o a few ,cas in ithu remtein xrear of
stout l' ad art;ihs beii'e1100dii--
p sedoi t hs tictusllouhbe udistri-
h tthis soutninsg to 55h'esmenbers of
Ithedramasticshd ltutuarysosrgauiaions
who are nthyet'prvisitditfor
tI(, us oists o pleoiare 51beggisg for
thescat s ou trsitieahx tstie thou--
uI conthai111,land Ithei-utauspeals are not
is is o ausinsut"One10stuent wassoS0
deiou 01101 soteinutg thus' stowsthat, null
hin iiistitlo o hs toi alyupchoice of
tits, hehobtiediIusjobh us stage hand
sud it l hatlessothe soresuivnsilieg of see--
ing agreasstohdramaus fruststhu reansrOffru
hif ohanme suosuhsti-ls frimupesosur
hoqu n i stsais' hit of couseus in, us-
is's hto theu o reitu act ivet ors-ukeos s uliter
soc soulamti i ethe sers ave
i'h i tis-s INoidoutst mansuuy- worthy
personsorc preoutedut hfiroulsatutnditg,
b tltieiiiutig'ntc'i estu'msbtshesplns
iso Cli11iMr. sos iet suitdsobs-ii sp-
-iol thus etimsaost Iequtitabil s111'ilei of
'I'hc cutan rit hrompthly at S
o' itsk thatropeningst 12 153
Underio'ooutirtoutancehuhs iwbiltany~onoe
ssltsoussi sutosuti bu isgii"thu rotrlgrss
out aoot, ort uswsiltsanyoe Isesested
whiole' the us rtain 51ixss u. This rul is
madeouto esti-to he lbayiiPansI the
actrtanllouhehoouitrously -aheredhtIn
hinig io thusfato tst teturformn--
aneou T thu Servant sn the House"
Wsill takeilacep150at uIoocsk on un isday
afteroon, as n umberhucso hle 5proprietors
of suder-ut lsboading huusisvo ageed
ou scre tudinner at I2:30in stad of I,
sos tust thirustut-usdo'Srsmayatesnd the
ply.It 11w0s im5pss1hibeo reacts every
prietoir itowso Ssit woul e iwell
it silt stuets whosinit to go to te
perfcoromanceso ioulsk ut on haio teir
dinnso-asst thus.asooetime111.
Allo.Ilutehe olot Batle Creek, the
1010 sseeofoutthis.MCletixcu,arrivoudis
Cuts Arbosr asu ilsut personally see to
tessaccoimmnodosstn sof lbs. large audience
wh-iict silSlos.esn atiendaceoat tho play,
Most outthus. ncsrsxary subscriptions
have behocus ived~ss, adt a list of the
subiscrsiber'ssiittlhe plulished hi The
il afip utrotie performancue.
rCcUss utan PROiMIS~uIGM1,nsetc.
A meetnsg of thouse isterested it toss'
cinug wsitexciinight hbefoe lass as the
'sichuigansUniton. Nothing of any mo--
sitstrlansired,ut tie size of the

,iltiniug sndithe Inc thnsusism of its mem-
tboos giveomunsise of osno of the most
sutcoessflst ear inOi thble history of the

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