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June 01, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 170) • Page Image 1

…~1jc t *of i.*Waeilji Vol I.o 1-N) 0. UI\ EISITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, Jt- EI, 11I'Tttc, lTtREECENTS. THE GAME WITH BROWN. The Grounds were Miserable and the Urnprin_ Rank. PsOIDEi tiNCE . . 1 28.- We arrived at Prot dleuce, Thurs- slay smorunig,about i i 30,tired and~ dirty, butt after a-gooildiiutier we felt better, togntb as coil is titough we hads1not israteled a few\t 3toathe gatie w-as called is the piresetice of abou...…

June 02, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U~. f Al . Wlailj. Nisi.. I.-,\ ,. 1 i. UNIV1I~iY OF MICHIG AN, TI-ESDAY, I INE d, 1,1)1. THE CENTiTau~s J~S. T e is re~~~~puestod t~~~o, met at Wol- Iu lthesixth oui, first three meni up H R B AT N' Itslt vl~lis(t.s Il u ovrosIllleso h 11ss. ~pel is' 0'11 liii T i t tonine. is ie tihe s il the 1-E ILhYMIIJ) t I}1~l :. TL\ THE THIRDVICTORY. iris cudt wotshil l theitlsit UV -IA byAD WTILEI Y[.IaN._____pitcliedhall. n tiler pitchesi Tejis:ty...…

June 03, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…l~U '. of n. Wlailp. Voi- 1.-\ }. 1 7 IN\IVEIISITY OF IC1I(iXN t, WEDNESDAY, J'TiNE ,1u. lPitCor.Torf (2eC~Nes THE HARVARD VICTORY. A Full Account of the Came at Cambrcidge, Mass. ,,n l tirt1,10 51100 SlC'.si'S~ S r ,1It ohimanw i1D th' assstaio. iii( ()irland tc. In tlic S C()?id PI rsiii lia tClonew Wlilkinson roller? one do«-ni to irati'orit, RIcoh 1fouled I-lyoils t a sma-li 0ne HIarvrdt was lnoDetter. oil,1 , and to lates. Deoan loit a AV...…

June 04, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of . ai . 'me. 1.-N. 1178 LTIVEISITY OFI MICHIGAN. TIII-lSD Y. JUNE 4, iptI. PIti', Tnio-i: (IisCE-TS. The Minstrels. 1Thi.list clhance to see thle nuin- strils switlb t- ~ t everal clhanges in the er-i itf the enter- tainmieiit hase e inode andilthe trouipe Phas 1I ntoiced ftitlfillI . T here is a newvbulnresltte to helicenl, that is saildlto be hetter thain the other.IThe list touor ri sis of the parqutet ctrcleIhatie iiot heein iesei...…

June 05, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…Llijc . of Al .Wip \'OL. I-Ni. 14. UNIV"ER'SiTY OF MICIIIGAN--, IlIIDAY, JUNE 5, >91. PRIEte, THEE CENTS. THE LAST PERFORMANCE, ban( 'teters. The ceeing was closed1 )v the sinring4 of the V loan The Minstrels Last Night and the !thle Ilue.'' Banquet Following. Thle lperformantlce was sien before M edits Victorious. a crowiled hioss. Teactill- wits Thec'92 tics were shefae bth pierhtaips more 1-miislieil than at aiiy iteilir-, on tihe fair -rou...…

June 01, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…. o . . __. Vol.. II.-,,\,o. IT..". Voc 11-N. 18. UNIVERSITY OFT'MICIIIGAN, AVER- ESDAY, iJU'NE I1 1892. MICHIGAN CLAIS The YVellow and Biue cellent GC 1( oiII th fac t a from ao i e t i M icilial ospa ,111 arou d th naly610in tlls(O.l piltchted odbl - = C t, a1 rlii slid l 12 cn th > tig , ali /IS THE GAME. bound to scoreanod toied to workon ltrik.lBoweriman dr opped the put up an Ex- a am Itbulsad '1f1nny- statdofhi. k omwernin passedtt...…

June 02, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…:1t L. of iu. WDaij. VOL. II.--No. 17. BY CABLE FROM EUROPE. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. OF YOUR.- f p 77 -TT n Woman's League Lecture. The '92 Castallan. Regent Draper Seriously III at Ant- Mrs. Jane Bancroft Robinson, Ph. werp. I D., who is to address the Woman's Cable despatches to last evening's neague, tonorrox eveong, is one of papers announced the serious illness the leading women of the co...…

June 03, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…~Ijc Uo f f.Wlp VOL. 1.-No. 175. NINETY-FOUR WINS ANOTHER. The HiEh School Boys Lose thej Game by Costly Errors. Ninety-four is making a hard fight for the championship banner. Yes- terday afternoon she took her third game of the series, and stands is chai on of the literary departmsent andl preparatory school . The latter put uip a weak game behindt the lbat UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1892. The groonds chosen for tine Uni- fo...…

June 04, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…~I$ U.Of . a l n. VOL. I.-No. 1763. UNIVERSITY OF MICHlIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. TORONTO WINS IN THE TENTH. 0515 makes long safe hit to ceniter. THE TWO LECTURES.,(OF YOUR The Game at the Athletic Field I Spitzer makes first on Nickles error, SOT 'l"T This Afternoon. Pearsosi taking secondt.Sied out Prof. G. F. Wright, of Oberlin, and ,7' iL GE 11SilsORat first. No rtino. Prof. Scott. i i 11 fair sized croswdi gree...…

June 01, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…VOL. 11.N.15 NVRIYO IHG N HRDAJN ,19.1ro',Ts Jrss. VOL. III.-No. 1 i 5. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1893, T> I RTCF, Ti4RXE SECOND WAGNER CONCERT.! ness a idemonstration of the power FIELD-DAY AT CHICAGO The Choral Union Sig- c 1o h of hypnotism, by Dr. Henry Hoist, The Home Team Leaves for the Flying Dutchman and Act I or of Grand Rapids. Dr. Hoist grad- Intr- olle i ee rta Lohengrin with Elsa's stated in the class of 'SS, s...…

June 02, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…qo( 4 c r . a VO.11-o.11.UIVRIYO MCI~N FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1893. PRIcE, THREE CENTS. VOL. III.-No. 1 i 6. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY'S GAME. of that game will depend the chain- The Home Team Will N ext Cross p10onstipt. Bets With the Boys from , We nive herewtth the itandltng of Champaign. the cluhs at the present tinte.This Although v-c did not wsin, the may he suhject to revision titer, Decoration Day gante itli Corneli owiing to the t...…

June 03, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…l e . o J . r., VOL. III.-No. 177. VOL. ll-No 177. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1893. PRCTEEENS PRICE, THREE CENTS. ONE OP THE FINEST. ( erary matter: Prof. E. L. Walter The Palladium of '93 is a Work of contributes a poetical translatioo Art and a Credit to the from the Italian of Carducci, en- Editors, titled Pantheisni. Thie advance steets of the Pal- A biographical sketch of Prof. V. lacdiuns of '93 are at hsand and give...…

June 05, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…VOL. III.-No. 178. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAIN, MONDAY, <JUNE 5, 193. PRICE, TREE CEST. LAURELS FOR MICHIGAN. Wilkiiso Northwestent thrd time, THE SUCKERS DEFEATED. Everytihing Went to Yeow andi Siue Onihe bansdied aidtweentytyds lsir- The Return Came Reulted in a De- n the Fieid-Mieet die Keep Michigaii firt eai, csive Victory for the at Chicago. Michmgan, second itiRicadVt iii-U. o' M.wj " " --sit thurd;tiiie 8 5 -StN tb.. o. i~ To liuiided toil...…

June 06, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

… VOL. III.-No. 179. A BUSINESS SESSION. Of the Executive Committee of the Inter-Collegiate Athletic Association. At a meeting of the executive committee of the Inter-collegiate Athletic Association of the North- west, held at the Grand Pacific ho- tel in Chicago last Saturday evening, much important business was tran- sacted. Mr. itaird, the executive committee-man from the U. of M., in whose hands the management of the annual field-day had be...…

June 07, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…HER-,, tt* VOL. III.-No. 180. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A FAMOUS CLASS. is fair to presume that at least two thundred of them will take an active tions for their Commencement interest in the commencement exer- Exercises. cises. It is the duty of every mem- ber to support his class financially The arrangements for the senior at this time, and by the plan adopt- reception and class-day exercises are...…

June 08, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…/OORRW AM M2, Le NOW 4 e . o :t . la l. VOL. III.--No. 181. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. FOOT BALL PROSPECTS. All stories, poems, and humorous -s tsketches of a suitable nature will be Michigan Expects to Put a Winning Rugby Team in the Field given careful consideration by the this Fall. Board, under advice of a committee The Athletic Association made no of the Faculty, and the selections mistake whe...…

June 01, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 176. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. U. of M.-D. A. C.. Tomorrow. out from the box office Tuesday Alpha Nu-Adelph Contest. morning on presentation of tax re- h a p The U. of M. and D. A. C. teamscbhe Alpha Nu-Aldelphi contest will on the baseball field for the first which takes place in room 24 tomor- FOR SALE. .following committee: E. J. Ottaway, time this season tomorrow. This row evening promis...…

June 02, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…e . o VOL.TV-N. 17. UIVESITYOF JCHIA1' VOL. IV.-NO. 17T. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN TENNIS TOURNAMENT. run; mile bicycle, final; 220-yard Promises to be Very Interesting.- dash, final; 220-yard hurdle, final. Many Prizes but Few Entries Field events.-High jump, shot Un to Date. put, hammer throw and pole vault. The annual spring tennis tourna- The following comparative table ient, which will begin next week shows that our strength lies in th...…

June 04, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IV.-No. 178. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JUNE 4, iSPI. PRICE, THREE CENTS. MICHIGAN WINS FROM D. A. C. Iorder, he accepting sic difficult A GREAT MEET.TA E H M Th ortDfetEvrRcevdchances without an error. The First Western Championships a From Michigan by Manager Tile fielding of Shields, Smeltzer, I Success.-Michigan's Showing - OY0" Leadley's " Amateurs"-an asas Disappointing. Stra'game hetween Michi- of note. The field work of thse ...…

June 01, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 173) • Page Image 1

…-gj~ 1vI.Of At. W in VOL. V. No. 173. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. ZITS AND LA was ~the last Speaker for the: atirina-qE'U IDWLW EAE WE MEET OBERLIN TODAY. fiSANvA S EA e. National control does not meansUUR W ND W THE WEBSTER AND ADELPHI SO- wakening the local power or local in A "WARM' GAME AN ASSURED U -. CIETIES HAVE A FORENSIC TILT. terest. Iht Ircy. which is the best THIRNMAG. ttf of a bad System, is ...…

June 03, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 174) • Page Image 1

…rIj iI.of A.W in VoL V. No. 174. UNIVERSITY OF MICH[GAN, MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1895. PRICE-TH3REE CENT'S. CALIFORNIA WINS. JS4fHIGAN EARNS SECOND PLACE AT CHICAGO. Every Western College Record Broken-Hall, Le Roy and Hodg- man Win First Places-Michigan Will Leave the Association. The second 'annuial eisisisonshlip ~ganies of the s.'sterm I oeseOlle-1iete A A. A. wxero eci Saturday iat t .- Souith Side 11--I ParkI in Chicagot,. First honos,went i) C...…

June 04, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 175) • Page Image 1

…Ct TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. VOL. V. No. 175. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THE FIELD DAY TOMORROW WILL NOT BE WITH CALIFORNIA AFTER ALL. Our Men Will Beat Their Own Re- cords-California Says She Will Not Compete Aainst "Profes- sionals." fTe iisuchltalked of 0meeig - it Californiai ils be en abantldlonetdi, o isg to (slitoriis action ii the ssslltv. A ieleglall9ws rceivd fioni lb t wtouild not cometilo AAr ibr miiles lile two i...…

June 05, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 176) • Page Image 1

…?Ijc Ii ofa Al.a W'fl. VOL. V. No. 176. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. AGAINST THE RECORDS. THE TRACK ATHLETES SURE TO BREAK RECORDS TODAY. California Wouldn't Come-Popular Admission Price - Competition Open to Anyone Wio May Enter at Time Event Comes Off-Mona- gram Caps for Prizes. The track and field games will be- gin promptly at 4 o'clock this after- noon at the athletic field, and the events will be...…

June 06, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

… VOL. V. No. 177. UNJVERSJTY] OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1896. PRICE-THREE CENTS. FIVE RECORDS BROKEN. I THE BILL WAS VETOED. YESTERDAY'S FIELD DAY A GOV. RICH KILLED THE UNIVER- MICHIGAN TO WITHDRAW. qEE OUR WINDOW!1 ATHLETIC BOARD DECIDES TO /- "ru LEAVE W. I. C. A. A. A.I GREAT SUCCESS. Mall, Stuart and :LeRoy Carry Off the Honors-A Small Attendance Owing to Unfavorable Weather. The field cliay yesterdioy .tis pro. durtive of five ...…

June 07, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…1 Q . of , . i34411 8 VOL V. No. 178 . UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE ;, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. EARLY NEXT FALL ARRANGEMENTS COMPLETED. t11L11 11LSenior Reception Will Be Free From 'VARSITY ELEVEN GOES TO A Confusion. NORTHERN RESORT TO TRAIN. _______(AlItondtiay next tickts fr lie! Coach McCauley Rehired-Trainer is-nicrceltini will lbe on sale by Fitzpatrick Will Be Here-Forty thi, class treasurr, Mr. Bsh. T'he Men Out at Last Nig...…

June 08, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…je . o . a l. VOL. V. No. 179. UNIVERSITY OF AHCHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 81 1895. 'RICE-- Tintr ,. CENTS. VO.V o 79 MEST O iHGN ATRAJN 8 S5 RCETRECNS BEFORE SUPRtEME COURLT ARTRECITAL PROGRAM TONIGHT Howell's "Albany Depot" Will be MAY GO THE LAW FOR REMOVAL Well Presented-Recitations by OF HOMEOPATHIC SCHOOL:- Misses Osborn, Cady and Thomp- Grounds for Considering :A Uncon--______ stitutional-The Regents Unani- :'the programi of the art r...…

June 11, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…tt* . ' a4, VOL. V. No.' 180. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. 1 I BOWS TO THE W ORLD. THE RES GESTAE MAKES ITS APPEARANCE TODAY. A Neat Book Full of Good Reading and Illustrations-The Law De- partment Well Represented. The first niimber of thlItles esfa.' published 4 by the Dprtment:f of Lw, is. placd oil sale today. '11w olni, is tastily bond iisred liieiikitils te title enilosetin u gil. Tie hll'iftos' ...…

June 13, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…lie tt* a , 1. 1a , VOL. V. NTO. 181. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1895. PRICE-THREE CENTS. . _ i - TOIHONOR DEAN KNOW 'LTON Changes in Entrance Recuirements Ill consequzene of tll(he altilhot c THE SENIOR LAWS PASS RESO- Of the degrece of it. L. by lt tO . LUTIONS. toot Mondaly, the fititow in(tg chlo, They Will Present Him With a h ot nntitile ioe sotiry iiiiln-to(r- Cane Class Day as a Testimonial ilirotnetia for adtttti...…

June 15, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 182) • Page Image 1

….dd& ADL AM i t h . l / 'toyL. V. N0. 1lsQ2 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUtNE 1.5, 189.5. PL ICE-Ti-IIEE CENTS. '96ANNUA L. THE TENNIS TOURNAMENT. CHICAc~o TODA { U INDW - OU--Some Very Fine Tennis Is Put S PALDIMAD ATAINTHE LAST AND THE BEST GAME 0'- PALLDIUMANDCASTLIANUp.OF THE SEASON. MAY COMBINE. I h7t l is h TEEMYI= The 96 ndepndet Ar Wilingto it t a U The Championship of the West to Th 9 n eedn, r iln o Ill!r riJr'T c- ' 1 {t ...…

June 18, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V. NO. 183. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 1S, 1895. SIX PAGES-3 CENTS qEE OUR WINDOW ' MAROONS WERE DEFEATED ' ERSTWHILE "CHAMPIONS OF "THERE MAY BE SOMOET'HING IN IT." il1 South Miain st. FASHIONABLETAILORING -Elegant Gradoating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest Mlo~estio + Woolens for $22.00 and up, Full Press Suit $27.00, work made at home bears inspectiom by any High Class Tailor and Cotter. Will be pleased to bays ...…

June 20, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V. No. 181. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1895. PRICE THREE CENTS. SEE OUR WINDOW!1 "T'HERE MAY BE SOfDE'THINGD I1N IT." 51 SouthI Nain St. FASHIONABLETAILORING Elegant Graduating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest .no~.estio +*Woolens for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Suit $27.00, work made at homne hears inspection by any High Class Tailor and Cutter. Will be pleased to have yon call and be convinced., JOS. W. KOLLAUF,...…

June 22, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 185) • Page Image 1

…QI*al'ft*VOL. V. No. 185. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 22, 1895. PRICE THREE CENTS. SEE OUR WINDOW!I "THERE MAY SOtDE'THING IN IT." BE, 51 South M~ain st. FASHIONABLE TAILORING :klegant Graduating or light Suit made from Imported or Finest o®t + Woolens for $22.00 and up, Full Dress Suit $27.00, work made at home lhears Jnspection by any High Class Tailor and Cutter. Will be pleased to have you call and be convinced. JOS. W. KOLL...…

June 25, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 186) • Page Image 1

…~tjcO Al . W?1aihi . VOL. V. No. 186. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 25,:18915. SIX PAGES-3 CENT. i 1 EE OUR WINDOW 1. OUR EQUIPOISE IN LIFE. V V ~PROBLEM OF MAINTAINING IT "T'HERE MAY BE DISCUSSED BY DR. ANGELL. SOMDETHIN{G Annual Bacclaureate Address by II IT." the President in University Hell ________-Sunday Night-The Hall Filled With Seniors and Their Friends. oil " 1 University Hall was filed Sunlday 51 South Main st. night...…

June 27, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 188) • Page Image 1

… No. 188. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY,, JUNE 27,''1895. ,, A V un ATTT1ItSTF rsrmD I~t '1 le"chanoe of the fund from it- oni- ANNUAL rT I SEE ALUMNuvGT TOGETHE IAIIllATCC glual 1 urps of entowin.a profes or-3 ship) to that of 'tabishn i Whit STUET BUSINESS M~EETING AND BAN -holSTipUDENsTStd heefre 'THERE MAY B QUET.HELD YESTERDAY that the fud be invested until .sn-I EY WHICHTI tlt lt to endow a professorsfii. SOmB}THINGI A Great Deal ...…

June 01, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 177) • Page Image 1

…the t t. a , ' . Da l n. VOL.,VI. No. 177. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY. JUNE 11 1696. Fouit PAGES-3 C ll-,NTTS. VOL. VI. No. 177. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY. JUNE 1, 1696. Foun PAGES- 3 CI':ETS. We Must Move Testore we noieup ash' 110t Tesod We mut seek flew 9 404 14 We Must Close Out ourl~l stor of c music eode 'aed s ill sel od t goods eif too pice s hih ts mean anythinig to uylics j THIS MEANS BUSINESS $ Ir yeou Celt 'aeylit tho he1 ...…

June 02, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 178) • Page Image 1

…c e . o At. WaiIjj. VOL. VI. No. 178. ANN ARBOR, MCHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1696. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. We Must Move The store we now occupy has been sold. We must seek new quarters. We Must Close Out or stock of music goods and bicycles. Weo ursces which wilt sell goods if low prices mean anything to buyers THIS MEANS BUSINESS IC you watlanything in the musicline get our prices this week. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., S. MAIN ST. . BUY BEN-HUB BI...…

June 03, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 179) • Page Image 1

…the . o . a . VOL. VI. No. 179. ANN ARBOR,, MICHIGAN, WEDi'iTI± SDAY. JUNE 3. 1t596. Fouls PAGES-3 CENTS. SIN"r =Mgl== E= 111 UNIVERSITY RFVIEWFI) lgs by till others. Apparenly the FINALS IN FIRST CLASS. WeMustMove_ thleitic -sirititis rising, tani te (are -______ Wei us Xv lettt t ilittitee. if it be1 not gtosittg. - The store we now ocupy has i Our Life and Methods Presented is asstriumtiore tin abtit foriati.Wlh Sabury Wins From IDanf...…

June 04, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 180) • Page Image 1

…VoL. VL. No. 180. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY JUNE 4, 1896. Fout PAGES-3 CENTS. r - FACULTY APPOINTMENTS. 110i professor of blaw N. F Johnson READY FOR THE 13IG GAME. s-Os i mae assistant professor of law ____ We 115t Move sd seret ry of the low tfaclly.:1 Th tr w nwocuy ha Members Appointed by the Rse- ' -vy hma 1' n is n Fourth Championship GamnelWith bees sold. We must -seet new 51 quarters. gents for Next Year. Wlaler D.Smiiihliwere reap...…

June 05, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 181) • Page Image 1

…the . o VOL. VI. No. 181. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1896. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. We Mdust Moe The store we now occupy has N11 N eeeold We must seek new I W quarters. rl {We Must Close Out 0~ . or stok of msic gosadI will sell ods if lee' pices 10f1 mean anytligcto buyers i~ WTHIS MEANS BUSINESS Ii'I y Ityou soout'a W n he I 1 THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, NI PoN1 S. MAIN ST. k{ SBUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. "11W' It's a Little Late in the season...…

June 06, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 182) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 182. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 6 1 96. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. We M~ust rfove j if The store we now occupy hasM! been sold. We msot seek new 54 quarters. !bI 5 We M~ust Close Out "j ou tc fmusic goods and licyclex. IWe soer. priceswhc will sell goods if low prices t cean anythinag to buyers z 1THIS MEANS BUSINESS Io If you want anything in the 444 msusic lane get our prices this44 eek THE ANNARBOR ORGAN CO, }+t Qi S. MAIN S...…

June 08, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 183) • Page Image 1

…a~O hIo 83 rOIMCIAONY.JE 8, ibO.fFouuAGES3CInTS VOL. VI. No. 183. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JUNE 8, I896. FoOt PAGES-3 CENTS. We Must Move 1 - The store we now ocupy has been sold. We musts seek new 55 quarters. II uWe Must Close Out N our stolk of music goods sd Lticycl es. weeoffer pries which II aq sill sell gosl if less ries "a mean aytig to buyers 5THIS MEANS BUSINESS 1 Ii f you wonet .prytlsotle) msssi loe get ossr reeisthis 01 T...…

June 09, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 184) • Page Image 1

…tic o UESDAY. JUNE (), t(,Four PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 181. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, T We Dust Move . The stoe we now occupy baoc 90 y bon sld, wecut seekC nwI! d quartes. We Must Close Out H orstocik of mio osand ! 10iiece. We oo' ricon wich wil sell god if lowic ese mano anythto btuOyr W THIS MEANS BUSINESS ~ if yu cwait anything in thli!f mesic line gec our priceti N STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO.,'1' + S. MAIN ST. BUY BEN-HUB BICYCLES. I A ...…

June 10, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 185) • Page Image 1

…th p ~ , ' l. 1a . . VOL. VI. No. 185. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 10, 1890. FoUiR PAGES-3 CENTS. CA1PTAIN HOLME:S EXPLAINS. ' eeih'e4(tireee110ie1apology? G(l'so FINAL, ACTION TAKEN. IIWe M~ust Move hsPanSaein fteLt tIt V(4( 141 ___ The store we nwocuyasI lan Sa(mn1o h Lt o ranetat I 1 ould ('011av1145'tired'iitProfessional B1l Not Needed at beusold We must seek Derv IIIthe' (hictigo e olT ursdy 1an qurter~ls, Unpleasantness. g...…

June 11, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 186) • Page Image 1

…~Itc , . a n. VOL. VI No. 186. ANN ARBOR, MICHMGAN, THURSDAY. JUTNE 111,#-,. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IED) WITH DETROIT LEAGUE We Must Move The store we now occopy has Game Called Because of Dark- been sold. We most seek new quartes . ness After Nine Innings. We Must Close Out I The 'Varsity lalyedl a pretty tie ous stock of music goods and iicycles. We offer nrcoss whichII' tame with the Detroit League testm will sell goods if lose prices 1 mea...…

June 12, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 187) • Page Image 1

…gilt o S at. VOL. VI. No. 187. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JTUNE 12, 1696. Foust PAOES-3 CENTS. Wel Must M~ove The store we now occupy has N seensosld. we:-meet seeko newse 54 quarters. 0 IWe M~ust Close Out I Ol our stock of musc moods sod ^ 4 Bicycles. Weeter nrier-, which ' still sell moods if lowe psrices II mess anythsig to buyers lj THIS MEANS BUSINESS I f y o u sw a t a n y t l s ln i s t h e {> < { music line gct our prices thisH s...…

June 13, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 188) • Page Image 1

… VOL. VI No. 188. ANN ARBOE1, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JUNE 13,7i1690. FOUR PAOEs-3 CENTS. rf FINME-S THE BOARD OF CONTROL. than hoidays- without the perision BASEBALL SEASON CLOSES. We Xust l~lve ~ Rules Are ~y~i.Tie iring of all coacies andPly l Ls e The store we now ocepylas Rls Unier IWich TheyAr traiiers must be approredl by tils Varsity Plyste Las Gam ~ W mst0000 ew Appointed and Act. Bord ith Oberlin 'od y. I- XIi. Any question as to pys...…

June 15, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 189) • Page Image 1

…~I~c.. Al. VOL. VI. No. 189. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, M1ONDAY, JUNE 115. 1696. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. We Must Move The store we now occupy has 5 been sold. We moot seek new 1 wilsl goods if low prices masythiog to byr NIfyou scaot -onythioc in the li wee.m ucci arurprices this WTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN COI, Ol S. MAIN ST. :1111S - - ssaulsng- IMPORTANT NOTICE. G.H.AfWID. The Leading Tailor, and only direct Importer in the city, has just received his ...…

June 16, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 191) • Page Image 1

… VOL. V1. No. 101. ANN ARBOR, MICH[GAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 196. Fouit PAo~s-3 CETS. 'G tZZIEM MN&-1 a ftz 'lS UART FOR TRACK CAPTA IN Address of Henry C, Adams. FUNERAL OF EX-GO. FELCil W e Must Move I The ITit of Iowa College gives the- The store we now occupybahoI' Br;igt Outlook for the Track following synopsis of the addres of To Occur This Afternoon at the quartese. ut, et 0 Team Next Year. PoesrHnyC.Aaso h Family Residence. I We Must los...…

June 17, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 192) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V1. No. 192. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17, 196. Foun PAOE-3 CENTS. S SCHIOOL OF MUSIC. ers of thle profession all over the '97 SENIOR ANNUAL BO3ARD. contry tree rterestest in the struggle We Mut Mov 11 " c tid wiaever we (o we Thle store we nowvoccupy as I Nine Receive Diplomas at First I M' "' oh rrerrltyworor FaentisIecd oTaeMn quarters seeknuos Commencement. ad a desire to slet itt tiehst iter- atin EdtrTiYe, begold at nules...…

June 18, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 193) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 193. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIJUI{SDAY, JUNE 18, 196. FOUR PAES-3 CENTS. R AID) ASKED OF THE ALUMNI. nor Gold a_.iedal, to be awarded ont- MICHIGAN CLUB AT U. OF C. - inualy to te stdent siblOttltg the We MTust Movee best essay on atsbjet take 'n fromi The store e now ocupy has Ara' xml Should Be Amerians literature. Tihe nemoril ts Organized With a Membership W e ets. Adrian'ssExample bue'l ebstse0Wm Followed by Others. belieed by ...…

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