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June 01, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-06-01

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VOL. 11.N.15 NVRIYO IHG N HRDAJN ,19.1ro',Ts Jrss.

VOL. III.-No. 1 i 5.


T> I

SECOND WAGNER CONCERT.! ness a idemonstration of the power FIELD-DAY AT CHICAGO
The Choral Union Sig- c 1o h of hypnotism, by Dr. Henry Hoist, The Home Team Leaves for the
Flying Dutchman and Act I or of Grand Rapids. Dr. Hoist grad- Intr- olle i ee rta
Lohengrin with Elsa's stated in the class of 'SS, siisce which-
Bridal Chorus. Tenx t.-tceeto h
_____- ~tinme sis as been practicieg in Grantd i sxtatlle evn fti
'iVio in ttiis ily xvilnw hove Rapids, hsaviing also beets sonim oe sao o itia vt e thein
the hsardihsoosd to so y that W agner is abroadi.:tresieit il'-ajn e11(
Ilet tdoici-o ixo C iti '- tilor leciue 1 ot iii oias eteiot is Clian
mot-tri ooel - lnt o Gmsnd e+ 10 t10 tt
si li Tisoeassi lversi-tiiiesitltea t-- ilie-eopre
Wagniter Cyoncrslsiw ithi a 'mngyists-sit-levis1Slit nsota, ouhtstsiaroittis
ittit ~ It s is colt m flinilhisiletsryeathoseoiter-
montss andilllitth Is t heI'is issrihct uc d tin orh h5v s4
sesrer fr te hi sel isitied n t sir Ihisniri fl s y svt" n bit riots.le agu l: itshitsants-ert
itf lihtisLiynotnoisiosmn-. H h p ir ii pscid tstiwiog tets. Te re
stiltsnnlys beceasilyseen Wsethetocal wail
setfreteoithstahie n'ne itdurtas, oneda terlsnthob-ye IIe nt ~p i~
peredashrb iCadgen it Unverocdy and istninofrottiem 11,doorstle roisdint' 0n-e, ndinnin
Htint l t tevening ti wou dl ioety H hotd by nd a d ot a aes iteoradsnu h a v b en a de that er-
1sv etketdeih tts e o theeatlien tsueretrendeed ale- wl o pr aoal it an -
Foot' hs bc m o t I s lit f lesh still-soot cii i-s l-ist I. a t y ay wee, ll feels pro rltof x
scodfolitheprge smsnt. l ouu or-re:ex actotp.els eatawilli esen.The re-si
an vercy , t n wsteiso sean ofix tiose styu n irersl-horialis uitse, y e an sn-se en homte recrds en
only'ee fedou eandtel ihrto beenstsensissc s t oe te fe bed softhesaerious uyersion s. any
If r.Fickwh hs o ltey oiilir o fortussicdte, ii isavlo- 5tid
wasrlclrel tthesss/ssnsie y i-e it leaed olicelainlt avehad Al s-thercryssharovIisbest
sestforthssie i oantotble1paosse- -t tChlao ty f ilr- c~t
Practtcl Elocu~s, brodenot nn-s t eesse tolis yein ttsl.
sicoy'hist hirotlewh 1- i s- s etap t distpellletileotisreintis-rsiies esthtbsttiit-
and isteing-to te dotor' lecuie. 's
gp tetaHitryfr to shsly P o.'wehibeond a sd otstht cserserI eso-saee oln-sae t-s D T
Hal lst vein he wold surlywilist mptest-s-sstill leas frwisican'o
havet kecn aeriit acits cso Cesetivetwrareendsoeredlalist
redis ystvlobt'-tl- att e ic c alsa erdlenit s''P r st it o m-asdy Itheor steleg ~ es.cs
s-otutur" ha e coss, ''i-fo s tes pcilosh''withouticiaiuilsigpte liastsly nigh. u- d
Kni-h ''lssisselisfott.bc~t sesd issin, 'Ilelx bciC ilt i on. hete mrlit wlrepsedeIt i eis-is iss
iso loses it' Hiii N r c-is 'uhandsofIhiose who55 unist stainde the menss al-s in-sosm s 1hehomei r iesoiii
iseya v iise ss tery.i i ses'if ies thers aIontiitsusici a este oeIt maletsis ill rsoIn see
lasteclarted'to be ussioss mnobt- e idcain 'sis titua l fist- "sit-s wlldo hi bs
a it the n lico es clerlthsit tssasiii
i Prealsh (f cteicloue'ion.Itsesissocome ome lo tailiterselo iii z~
vi ttec sit-ssh 's s itocors os-hinnIotheircyhinecorihassl beenis-sce ind ,
Iiauanisdsitbluei o ' h easioteriuniverisstill mute A i
aicesllsavictory'Ii bisof St lepr'-'eshi'of uo od s aest his ii01alryti -storsi't-d enns iioses,
yStryidedhvesmegodm n oah'= itoatb -il- oi-ss iigosisii i cri
an fosr thechrus.IIos isse. safe tosay si'r of Fulione, ao sOhi slseyan-i ad c b
us f se ty n mire. y aequte iii it Irateistof lstd tir lTheta i l l l~eavei foktCs i a :Srds-
st ionflis ti rninork bui tta n- an's teri a mrigb seilcarl
noica I-seequsi e ent o xreson "Pii con-sine scyrdK sn
reiohe forb r eep;atteart t-CunSu 0dydsg. AnonrCap- o
rlodeniaof tse doue, T ota nes as uinity ow statmeniape tits si
Kndth aus anevr givreenby eMrd. tiimth odhe bok ofns t isthewoe man, forWhie 440uydtripas en
ishopU ndsir.HateyNo r.wastill teformin g htconil tes of c o- dhearnedMitch sell; loted aesn- l
theinking-aclpa t shchisofte knda Krgcaan, soil;hac urle, Reed,
faiar o lg o is ret ific lty. Our falsaresofthreceps flofs: te Ger, ep;20 udlRed
had:Mr. Towe wth heicltea r in- Crnlgaewlpac th bllWie, Koteeansilbicycle, see
ing voices and variedleexpressionuthas
(oei the al n-tpsentreasury.anding h gh unpmGardePot
A1Lecure" o Hyontlsm. atfoberlin nthe al tyhsvotdKe;rnigbodmGay
-itotallowlcreditoonsrequiredlwork i Marin, Cofin;h ammer thrlo ner
Yn"Ie cns frnonHaen clinical retsor for-corespodceo nciia ern yHlltatesn;soept Pry
amph ither e wasrowded duoqring luredg belindsettheostudentstoy tPot;al;poevulAutn
Dr.i whrdmans clinic hour, toswit-rtheir homeapapers.nChapmnn.s Din

m)ts5 si it-CO pr ic o Gstis 5i5-ito
001, 133-1805i'itoitNissi A-i:.,
amond S1raight Qeit.
No. 1
more ttl io tot- -p
chastged'fotshe st'ls
t;id igaretit-ieisoil.
'Clite ichonStral
C" i 'iresar e - troh h brg,
"roitnin i 'trginsia.I tass thet
~i .L'it;;= byus iiOo cyo ur ho
r> ,_s>titicatii ('itt-s at thte

55f W. FOR2 Stir.,
broit, Miohigan..

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