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June 10, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-10

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VOL. VI. No. 185.



CA1PTAIN HOLME:S EXPLAINS. ' eeih'e4(tireee110ie1apology? G(l'so FINAL, ACTION TAKEN.
IIWe M~ust Move hsPanSaein fteLt tIt V(4( 141 ___
The store we nwocuyasI lan Sa(mn1o h Lt o ranetat I 1 ould ('011av1145'tired'iitProfessional B1l Not Needed at
beusold We must seek Derv IIIthe' (hictigo e olT ursdy 1an
qurter~ls, Unpleasantness. gsv-r 'Ihittodo
10 W eI tC os Nu ''I t hrEditor' ol'the Dily: W.r\t(: orluttiti' ho 1(St'015511 M cign. hehoad
oertoetst ofm sic gods anotluinthtet patst'two e arotit'liy 'ft1 i X ton.}"115 l~ 14
sicvtc W to~eri ries th l I: i verysorry to 4)1'ooligerd to ale- ittifiCin'rtlelatetst two 5of10 1otis'51''t~~it41) titll41
w'(llts'lltitot't',of)low prtce'stt lot vaI td'li oly lot'onapeiatt te bytt'hte ostt'isllltl ts:sel
II HSMEAN S i~ictBUSI ErSS fendti m slfto' i al to om n f :a os4 4S 5 5() ' t't yt' '' 'lt'''is XlWee, otnill)tsato tinei
1ยข musts alte getostir oaes tis p5 t'twre t'o4(hte sert lhtvt' se'e'tliii ot o r (tyd Sl 14 M' Ol tt nyh peredl tefoeth tt
{}P1 to rso's Ioi lrlitg tt{sttt{ Liely forbiddrnto ldohiso tby umy phy
STHE ANNA! A BOR ORGAN CO , re' ii otttlttrl Oi 14 stit~ iitlr ild11 at( 11tt'ig t 'ottl risk: y tit'4'iit''sl1 o ~t
Its S. MAIN ST'. H te, I frelstitis howt t duty I oelyfrtmefutadls udy
tlto s lfa i rinto tm11a1k '441 a Ill Ilit '511 ttt''l siaoe 1 P'l attyidtb setal 51 't gtnaw fot' o-
1 tityati fnilp141414ost a'nd till4this wittoowttier-
_fall-________person__________w5ho ol yitess(d Meitlit < e l Iit ttostun ofilat'Boardet of Cot'rlol, lit
1154Turda' 1 cWt Chcg o ppaedbfoe theoad ot y m414114ereo 1andalso plyd
15r 3 . j ' lb t(t "l ' 1to 41 4itttstt 111 thero u i tyn t'ttdtt't t
tlr.fond I litlhlowlettle p1o41111tetiftot
tril tlylt' c11111.' t t owlri'.r
ai~~d hear what tthektigbtardllintended10 1to55 1 "'ebaddeie1o4emtSxc
pet o tthe tpentd tl o. tplyi g ttto ott' tlid tor-i14 to play tstaftelr.n'on e inasmuhst o-110ti
on thealthte'mtt t il elanation tis 40(1( hl 'rttltlioodayem ' sditetitsit itih flii'essd ionalI
st lrig h s tut enfidhil' 55440 str ank 11 nl t s i ngtit te 11'qqu e t'ion ast o' lw ha4 0 t 'h htt'' o tl t~ ilt t s y i t
5011414 5 ve t 1111 '(441 t'. ' hrpsi tierli broghitI of ins( t r u t Wrllug e, Ph a~1
e a e o T us a si anyt ver 'i thtiot 4114' rgesuitigd beae 's'roug1(ht l ttrs t o D fett'tt'lhe
Aired th ro un' d sti vt ooi ilottnexyti 11'l'ltg' lgitlo ttyea ait meett ttin t he aoIil.
NOTICE. Il~~~~agittiilei,11th imp~h~'ly eied01 t' x X'rdlakhs ltn ii'' lt eBad assetitdo
PORT NTlft te AirtsillIn hell ed oltltiste41' 'r c I it, "tot eti (hd Shttg5511 i41ted h e so tytonap ingtih111flrt (lite -
terol whoe. ISS ti 111114' 11150n50flit, stu ent ________ofhe_ Bod_ of____
V LoaAAlittlel'Xilantumpire saysc rttain eth, 11.'
ThmedigT ilr il whtsottfrnh se toe m othttgofth tttrd011ovetrsly. r ot ntibulations frecntt nGym s
ati oat dret nsorerin heciyt~lii~I ooss'atrole frt 14'1'thos'efitlrigdynot. ~ctiona11y1 4 aithti htAthti'c Xomard411.ttislurlyin igt,5i11e1ewa'i'uk u
htZjs eevd hi/niesokoJllls tgtteolth e~trl oes ltt a 11'Xttlt se ii rprtinto 111 10 11'ttrtot teisdeftbo:d oit ein
Foegtnwoeti oln o ete ophrlye ilte tltitif h tod t hotay haigsec n ll rtcs fte aut e br
Spring and Stammr '9th, at ' h t rgay' to argesothahit fth D eiBoard e otrol. tt 14al
of 001410nofatte 111t'o nd i t erth hi m , b-tr, itm011' 41111 a4 se'ahetuseth e-Wtl'r lrro ,$5;I.4. oitte
IMO. RTE ASHNTN T CEARMI. tfr yamtith am fors'rrwirhiitt rti at hlrfr 1(Wraei~tshc tk it i ot s be lectedcatioitf5
lul Drss uit a pecalt. t eooy Ilt llit'h('e o lia4'ttg 011wor,"ott nI anstill 111ithhe111t'he 4 55 l roleelo o (balo 1rrlam forfei1i e- i
ou I aoy miriano tea ird tcar d s'piionrd f to ag14'11'a0(0 ob1110ionlhte;s Al rir eri,4tlls (it''l
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H .i ilfrlel 10 nt1 trsoo 141sct lilo iotol i)let ti- be;entappr41110,'et.
B ~~ ~..) i\. ~ ~p-ronhl't wht a t he pBard kowiltld tlls lttle plnatit' onltaslilrega11'111"deahofS HtBoksh90L
AlTheLatpicaiosno hon as sfe byitsg lfe110st n atotdtisrlintody f(s cthlyByar d (:n for 55-t I nriuiosfohheG m
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-asifutBooksille traedh ese toko art ed unrte magnvtle maberstted tly in1110mae ilycedxsoanatioIe i no011111h l Ias eeo received ot 11Dun '
Booksg SandaDmsBcoo en setsrgratettso4hrq yoese. itrtdp thumsyiyt rtit ~es eso htrDiyge otro fht'dah o
BSp in nd M roco , vn n afscetr htdsrdale aplgI o o eth n o ryto smh th att erDis- n's'n , 'etoi, t $ o0lorkat
Discount Prices to All sate aof tpltes ds leycallsedrhotitored114the Boar udtl'lexdii alkrtetr A oitg fIt Stit
NO. fr2onayeE.ott.WatAiSleINGTOidrN114OSfT-tttiNEARi 1MiApyIaw clss. S eloetl'for wot~t'rDev
NOp oible htIt a nt f orevrd worbid eci( 441ted and teteoe t ot r espttosible teroittg10 Eltl t ilos'cltt etrot tt at
cullDres Suts Speialy. overlook e toy vofense or retyinovedIefor t IBoad o as t yastlI s oot' dsofOrtorial_________
orderichfgsnteap enon i Iha cts tllthiseatiousayIy re fgi l e ber~~its' I m Arball gtilO tJcsott ahedlTy
(i AnBwsTws eoetemunlyainbehn-httt-ss'ligyad.tl ert xrss n rnl orshsbe ot
Osveste9oktre pst Cout o h oadlousemsl ~sns-rd, ..2 ruul fr~rsn~
25. tawhy.4N.l dis~ d thploe or salaseting ili fo(Continudm o ond ageon. I ponay edtil.pril527,5189.Ca ,E;


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