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June 10, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-10

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P et(Cotinuedifromo Fil P Iagi')
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) duringĀ° ly staing tht 1 shletv iter play oii
the College rear, at iy team11 1e11' agai. The coldl
THE UNIVESITY OF MICHIGAN. sarl'(y take thei cataiy from mel
55 iei I, of liy O nitfree eil rsigle
OFFICE: Times bilfieg. Aain t., pposite
pst ofc.it. They notel ttIm coeul int play
____________________________________on oiy teini after I had oluenntaril.
EDITORS seredeillily cnecietioni wihl 111 11-
j. F. Tooss atS, '9i . ,TAsEen'6. 1 l'i('s iili e I nix eriy. HaVe all
EL. L Diasa '(15 L F. AI. Looxias, '1). tpmilso heretofore been sneht oelel'
. H. lAs, '3. P. S. PSIMOx,''(,. (f proieity tlat il ny ietionoleid
R,. C. UsnDeasson.'I. C. 11 Dae, 11.
- ~ cea t uch a ensaiio1101
nlitIa(INtl EDITOR Oliy 'afews more ort. I1thnk
G.1. II lisitl, '10 L. i is 1n(1 genel lly kioin lict las
- IIIII.AAN~EO fal ooref ltheI'geatesralli-ro(unidl
L. C. A~Et, '10. thlteliis ieiglter1110'it
sillul inter's summoned100ito et te111
ASOCIATE IIOITOII.S lBoarl if Coitroionoa curtain vil-
. W. ilaghes, 'it.. S. it. Otilit.'((L. ihig' i Nvtmbeir.Ie 5w0s iiiiiioiet
S. W. stiti, '(. 'd. I,.Merill9. 10. m 101 re'sos given wiyilii soldll
J. L. Iwash, '.I. 11. i1.3. Sillmaa, '8 L. lelisil. 'eiiylesnetili'
C. 1. the, 'l8 D. Leise b Dodge, Pssby e IIcCedh
i. [D. Meeaty, 19. II. Cremi,'. eas itoille1111'reciieltfsome token
LolaaI. Di'itset,'9ll. as his8lbrilltit wor1k 011 le foobal
Tihe stbsciptin price f the iDaily has 11e1111et'illlitOdieseret.il'Ifm'nn-
beent redace0 to .5 aisi adanct.e flee tiees110' he1w.seat suredlls5ree 1y .i'
af the yer. Leaseelssriptiets at te smethligidoei n te fooball fili.
Daily oafike ot ith PI. C. l'Meye, . o lAl. 'Jillplcliar'tecirmtaiiiets con(ct'eit''ld
Neits Stad.
____________________________________ ewittis taffti' rtia ntte ewas ll
Edtoilr of today'a paper, liito in itisi lilt'sesonli, utiteli-
P. -I. LOOMIS '. saninllg 11at1liei'hail lommiititedlsomeli
___________________________________ ril'et'lls offen;t'hll'einly 1.1asoi
At t nitmltg of lt' Diy orlIiilx '1 tlvtll'llti ileistl er
0111151'elily hadil110oueto10la il t.
'117i, 111. I. Stinulilt, '11 97 seser t'lr' 'Ii'sloutldti bIiiveei' ii ng1111to-
cag 111 1'0itbiegiofnigexfthe r next rdertoteiiisatitiimg111'elfi t''iiyt'
taci' to do so.
Last Webster Moting. '. F. HtO.,-TIN.
lTe W''tbser Soity cvi lodit s University Reublican Club.
closiigmieting of tie yelr Slllullly. seilieeig of ilt' niesi 51y
li' i., at 8 o'elocke p. n. iWebstet' iReublllit'lniClib sas hell iiNe-
littil. Offieirs for the esinilg year beliry Htal l'511'i'1Ii1 foretoo. Al
will lit' iltedii. 'Thefoloiiinig pro- tis meting tie olowi'ing rsouins
gra 1111lsthbe pesented: 55115 iip's'nteib11'. A,- X'.Olttskuin
Muiie.-Mtandlit (ub 'hil C ofi''Il hii, autOwes-it'adotedl by a iinai-
I. A. lEwards; "Our.Jtudgts," B. F. m1111s0 voe:'
Cl'atss tf 'If, J.1.f. Aamsi; "tur Jsu- pitledly ti the noticeir tf tieolt oi
Nllsoil"limuisic-song, 11 t n y; ly (f OMihigan Itatliii'11111. 11111
"C'lass (f 'l98," D. OX. ('Iatiet"Ouel . A. -MAlititnowse tsienlit:ut
C'lieitls. . Ryan; m prtt~omtuoC.liii' Naioal iReulicaLeitieagueA-
I. tooedwein; mttusic-songT DT ay-- is IlttlGteeral of the Ste of Ness
bor; reeittion, l\X'. iRuIhbtn' OX ebster. Yorku; ii anratie itemtber of teii-
Ftcnrt. F. butI~lilr; 1' 'reve'uto viory bad of the Amteriin teplb-
Seniors, . (. iIit;mie, 0Mandllli lie tot Collge' Letge is ret'eiving 11111-
,'liih. e ils andti iget reqeess flil tilt'
The'eeteinlg will be oiintandtile ry-11Yonig 01111s tlub troigot tiii
110d10'i10inviteed Is attend tintei Statesoto be'oie a.andiateli
fr secondi plae onsilte natinlal tieti'
Electors for 9T Chosen. witi Major' Oleiiuley, therefore be i
Rheslved, Ttuwsete officers ntl
At the meetinigfitld yesterday the iemttberof[le tboe mtetinled 'liib
'17 hinlpeltetns tltedtr the followig tte speil meeting held [tne , 115111.
no assboatedeiitors of the senior a01 o hereby express te itost sitcere
ni bouard for next year'
Shirley W. Smith, J. F. Toimas, G. desire to hiteeneseral 0eAlieu con-
F. Gillett, I. L. Hill, C. D. IFrank, tier- set to tbe a cadidthtae fr 'ice presi-
bert01. hie, D.S. te~toltl Al et lthe[toRelulicilan ticket, promitts-
btestttni, B. 1". RAuto, AlGbser n Mina the enieilsuport of tur club."
Stonman B.F. nle, H Gesme The following members will repre-
P. H. V'ernr, HH.I. Luimons, I. it. s ltt lba teS.Lusen
Wiley, Anna H111, Donut Fisher, Belle entitecubaon: t ouscn
Otis, Grace Waltaee, da. Btrber, G.vVenct srioTnABrk:te
H=aritte Bushnell, Jennie White, -far-
J. H. Drisell, A. G. Driver . S.
ion Oi. Blanhard.
These asoceiete etitors elect a man-________
aging editor or boiness umanager and Packing and forwarding of furnituec
three editors fromx their oSTO,nunber, done with great cre. Low prie
The four thus elected with ano equal guaranteed. Call or 'pone to 'martin
nother chosen in like muanner by the Hailer's Furniture Store.
fraternitien will constitute the annual Telegraphic reports of the games
board.,.-will be sent to the Daily direct.

All Coot' .00 ad,$1.00 Patent Leatlher Shoe's,. ,9
Allt(yentas'oh andi $5.50 Coilored Shaoes for.tns,500ClrdSos. .. .. ... 99
All Gaes' $5.00 Colrd Shoes,.... ..... $4.. . 49
All Ladies' f4.00 Coltoredl Shoes for...... ......$3.49
All Ltities' :3.50 Colored Oxfoatlsfor .,......., .$2.99
All Lthes' $2.50 Colored Oxforsfrt.......... .. $2.19
This sae includes all our elegant lilies of suamer geods ian
the latest colors anid stylea.
J AdC AOBS & ALLIMA ND, Wanhiugton Blk

Delta Chi Successful.
'i'o'stei'ely afterntoon D, liittt CiSdc
fiati Dolti Clesilohi tta'or oi f n T i.e
lt 2. Mot hito s -ecrip11p1 led sb
the loss of several of lt' regillr 111110-'
ers. Thei'featuores ol t ilt e wtierset-i
Ite piteluhig nf tlar-t aind a doubl
1pla1y frotmt tri ggs o Islyde. tttierk- -lrtadKr;'rgs dW it' SA
- atatK'rrl Driggo0 111111 XXJlulir
'liii AitntArbor Itontd sei11 1m1k
rates' of 2cphr Dmile 10 any psilt it
'etrul'Trtndlie telriittory to pioes1of
tent (1tt)or loetiIrtielihtoigther. at
Speial tirtin wsililhi' ron to Chien goo A
.Thre 17 if 7 leole talet tirkots
Quiekest litte tantlfood sisreice glttr- FU.1RI
lalitilS. Letave yotur nameat tic;ket
office. 21 MAIN ST.,
i, t. Gt-hENXtOD. Agt.
RtATA' ,s.

aJIB 3.
ERI &it CO.
'rices c n all Neg-


Too insure siuthicet laconolitlhiozs l z a ooanr.a n
to till perost a tking liehigaou Centraul
trainstuluitngtt'hue'eking 1uitioot l
tiollg' extrt oantthieswill b h idedcii
out all trainsl. ttr'deuct'tSrate s fot po rhiltsHO W 1 T
ot telo or utorecrnailtlsosbe sc utued
bteteenu'aall Ipoints outthe Oligai
C'e'ntral out early aplplicatlieotto lStIl
W.5, Hatyes, Agentt, SMichigan trat l.
Tite direct luteto St. Lous, iz
vitt 'led'o 1a1d11the tlasluhtR, 0.40
patys fot' aurountipicIlket, iJune 1t
Is 15, good ts retuirnutnttil Jtuite 21,o
aeccounut of Iteuhhicaut eonvention.
It. S. I IIi OENX'S(D, Sl. IA.
D. & C. IFloating Palaces areno
ruunug dlly bet'oeuu Delriti
C'leeluaed, andeloilS'Mty It esill ecout
mteutce to run daily betweeut Clevelathd, 5,0oogiit to (tearja patr at
Puut-in-Blay anli Toledo. If you are
travellig betwveen thue aibove puoints, Kolored -= Shoes
ttakte advanatage of a wvater trip autd
Spend your vaeatisuoilontile Great KALF OR KID.
Likes. Send tsr illuotrated panphlet,.-~-j A , Shoe
Address A. A. Schantz, G. I'. A., Dc.-f B E A U S c~
Irnit, SMich.*t4 a
Lost- A fox terrier', lie nine mtonthus S le t .
welmrehdcllro'ie ot inder eill retun In 53 Packarul st.
and receiv'e reward,.i1S5 UNIVERSITY SCHOOLt OF DANCING,
For Bent-Furnished ihouse suitable Opposite LAW building.
tsr a fraternity or society, at 112 S. $2
GRandall, .Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand
Rapids,. Mich., sold to us.
Men's Hanld Sewed Russias $6t0, cot 10 $4.85
Men's Hand Felt Russias, $5.10, cut 10 $4.25
Alen's Dark Brown Russias, $4.10, cot 1o $2.95
Men's Pat.O F Babs Russias, $6.00, cot 10 $3.85


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