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June 05, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-05

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the . o


We Mdust Moe
The store we now occupy has N11
N eeeold We must seek new I
W quarters. rl
{We Must Close Out 0~
. or stok of msic gosadI
will sell ods if lee' pices 10f1
mean anytligcto buyers i~
y Ityou soout'a W n he I
PoN1 S. MAIN ST. k{
It's a Little Late
in the season, but we
still htave a
01 Xwonlls
on hand and most respect-
fully solicit your patron-
S. W. Burchfield
E. Huron Street.
The Leading Tailor,
mod oniy direct Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Summer 96, at
cull Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special- Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
'Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies, Sporting Goods of
every description.
up Town, Dawn Town,
Iffnf-ersitvyBohtue, Oppsite Curtffuse
2S.tateSt. 4 N. Mai St.

Chicago Wins the Fourth Game
of the Series.
The 'Varsity feet the fioutitanoc tic-
tllg .Failliliithe chicag;o serie yetert'1-
day saftenoon. by the woine sCore ac

t'cwdt ttllttierett to see the scrsittible.
Agsainillthe eightlftsomeii' utetit
5551 cased't fy Upile St tgesduels-
Iintlfoe le fCaptgt toieiotittof ftlg
a. teiicit; iirst. After somttit'ti-
elteetoit, tiosseser, 1iolecs ts 111o155
'futo pltic(: te-alwcmilu.d

Large List of Entries and Good
Contests Promised.
The Warci'oiy track itticiti be teldl
at lie Atitletic Filtt fie i 'itent'v
4:15. All tit nstig eiti 111 et'0i

the' frtiedgtame, 7 to 13. OttCIllGtiw. t-ollittetettso thlat thel et' s wsiflftc
Tile +1ta playig of Citictigo yt'~t'tty ffc 00 ttf ----01 0__;A F 11111prunofffIrottily, titndtfrotit the ceitrics
wso ttgrett iilfrcelttctt otcr Iliti 1) 1 1innle
:o li ittl tteir lat i gaimec here,,,ltlt t 2 t'sltt---t------lia--b."cttt'0 1foin0of
lowce s --------3 0 0 3. o 1 to myb ~p~edi
they eslctped iWitt an error bitng Illi uiuiiusOu cc -- x 4 2 1 ot ali of te eesti.
Shil dsit Y ____ ___3 2 I 2 t I0
charugted lt otti.'fTtey foundittWat- 1Schsenzie lit------ii00 1) 2 0 All the litent havc bccii osorkitug s-ry
idiluel itcimore eaisily thiniiiitiyittTotls----d-----03 2,11 l3tiatdfor seine tithe ftast ant Iallisoill
flcinig csetin sitiglc, three t1o5b0- (it1Aft R IH 0 A E tosttleosill ftethe faot 1I Iisersi'ty
1 N ch ls 1 ------ ---4 t 2 1 2 0
to.eesad ait thfomut tn to ttther eedt. tiie.~--------- 5 0 2 0 1 t0 nltet lettucethe dul g amse soWillii ('li-
(Iii the otherthndttNicfoils bh itl t'e oo i s ---------4 1 1 1 0 0
W~stmn 3.-------- 3 1 e 1 1 0 i go'lit, the' woti h wnbctete
't irsity etownutto foute tile 'andth lis ioHe'(Ie-leer c f --3 t t1 10 ts3 0l'111'it
iii'ciisoIt '1---- d--4 0 0 0 3 0 he e wlIi Iily d trlkn he t rr
sc ini a irg;e iin solit 'S)Ott-liile (laI t I --------til--si-gfy---lt'4li0il'Iui'i0ll0
fttrls 1bf----se----u'. 2 l1 0 ~toblitatkein toChcoad one
''iii' ticigckn tech 01 tIv-ycitttelay- Totl--------- 2 12 lu tiltherelic e-r a s gilro' at il iteuz-
oil it wontterflupt-hul it hill nd12 3d45 i6 7 s Li'' f''r 1tle I'li l tlimale t' ii to'ots
stunt tu_ __---- b 0 c0o1 2 0 b0 0 0 2 3 ossibtle sowisig.
thani t'ecrocwt intthichc c'-intg.ri Earnied rimCe c tcu:3, ,Oichio-uig1.oWI he
ttiftirt' Stage apartlyohotdiin oYi tiaie hits-Nichiols, Joeo2. 't'hrece-ba-chits~- -'iii' compteitl'fistltf esitrieis g4s-cu
Shelds l01toiminsctcc fometinie eai Wiot
daiy int fiis umipiring anittlit'gave' i theDople pte Jones oiutd ,Oleie. flit by blow~t, bitt ('atainl teta'1111i101111('l0
'tri the soorst edoftevrl ie ihrioliustec itistoi. fBatee tiballk latosth111r1' enresowiflf1fe slt-ete
ciiic at ncritcal pfints l io me fedt eowney, ifeiioe, Jones, Aditheessu. Stolen thitosiaftl'iiutt( 1)iforet'Ihi-eeet,5o
1b bssiol~ ,AaknDas hed 1 eserat uifortenstle tispte- 5 1111 e e,0Joues. Struckocut fly Nichlis 6Itiat ill wo Vitt itcli co meteiiI.
by5-itlius:3 0-s sdbtiiJ.,es.FtirsthbseT
ing It'egameli. olerreios Ciicano1g to n b taoestulcseC 'ihe'enllrie's irt' to folltows:
Ch'iticgo s'ttd heri'uititting i ii 0i'liic-ii8. Umfie-Stasve, oh ties e- IEttt)-asutitlsshlstid 221) ysirss isif
g lanig hudAttendane-1, 00. Time Z235.
thefitrsitt itili. Wi'lli loim11111oust 2f'iti'ge Shieftds aldit f'sc'sstr -I. It. Stuat. i'1)(i,JT,.etsige n1intnhtt i;h .Aer 9) I 1'. . 'el'ltlts' Ills',
st-hg ilt.1Alter.a'e19heIf.n,' lfl' lfhI.l'g5,'98.Id'
sobtil solic-liwetundeiistcOhio'fe'ncoe; othtu gihit o-it to ffa>t"lu''o su i-utng 't-I
i soas calfetdfair uaintfboth 51-tS11wee sustsuy, ft o ifIt'tuf'tii11 121yutlltttfe-I'I-.t'tll,'t,
Winustonuscsored. Tooreuttcuhis 50ere uctit(, .. f. algfi'. '94),.21, '2. Ayers, U'911,1-.
aituteuf i011'hesecontd to ulis fr'otm 1ttft-c Saessf liflt '. dii'fuiit, Sp.,,G.011, St.tuti,'11
01-uric, Nichols and btes. Seabury Wins Championship. 22() ysards fhurlis-(x. If. Si. (lai',
'T'he'W'arsity sht ut t 10thur sisitotrs llt ..A. Losy, 'iC,.'F. 'Chubtb, '197,
in liiine tixIhree inninsiusandiI it- e Seaursy 05011thu euennis c'hasmpfioin- fhl. P.tdetotit, Sf.,,AI. Avers. '1)01.A. L.
lnuoustiutuc haittgaitnileonetrun inmthetshipt of Ithe('Univeursity ye'stedaysifter- Halsfer, '99l M.
tfhirdiby Shield~s three-bsagger andItt anoons froitiHelrrick:, Ilitfall's e041111- 440 yeirdsoru-ft. .I, tiale ig, 'ItS
singlc OO' Decino, tion, after fivc sets offiardt fphlyinig, LU,1If. Ha ld.ft,'9ISI1., LDriggs, '911
fIu tfe slxiitt erselbcegcr onif 2-6, 4-(1, 01-d, S-t, 10-4, D.It. Stuart, '9lti,
Afbclla brotughut iii 0wo0more eunsicfete In the umaceh Scaury sowssed ex- 8001yarsir un--W.V 0. Mciithiss'9
Chicago by abOase out batlls, an i'irir, efcucet nIugotrf'uosstu ,,. 1.. Deiggo, '119, W0. I{.. Miii-
ando hits tby Abells, Dross-ia tndtNii- fis ability to.fplaiy atonerfoul liftshall. '119, A,.IR. Wisteauio, 11I9, -.12. 1".
ols. hill gameu.flunsseeal of his matuuches tBuiley, '918, tE. 'I. Wouodruiff, '96,. ,F.'
Miefhigait also got two in thue scv- dunig theuctouirnaumuent hue hats 50011torfeso '11.0 t, 0. M. Dotty, '018 D, Hi.
ictft. After Htolis had fouled out out bo' his ces-cerswork undote ul>- A. Steiun, ')
tBloomuingston made a hot tivie be- conesuging cirenumstanes, hut teyfhis Mile run-A. ft. 0Warnier, 00.,A.
tosecic center andt right for tfree bease s-orfk yestetay, i1n 101fpulig out at Alleni, L.tL. Driggo, '99, 1. 1F. Baeiy,
:anif scoreit on a pais'et ball. Thenil tatch scithi sucs a fplaye us Hftc:ief '98, It. 1B.0Whiittlesey, '99, tE. 'I". OWiot-
Shields got a boor on balls, stole scc- after tla ctte11h1d 000110two0straighit rouff, '96.
aind aidothOfird andt scoredotni the tfhrowso'sts, fue fus surely firoveiuimluself Mile woalfk-C. '0. Tryon, '99, tF. A.
int froim Deaths' fly into right, citirely sworthy to hiold thle hoinor of Payne, '911 L. G. F. Pu,lt,
Abells brought in the ltast runt of I Ofe elhaimpiontshifp. fRunnitng high jtup-P'.tH. X'ctusii'r
clue gaume, in the eighith.tHe madte a t Seabney inowo'soill p11a1y'thuewonttir '97, A. L. Hacglcr, '99 M, ('. . Adhamis,
single swas foiceif to tfhirdt fy bse of next fall's toutnamtaiiuauid if sole- '98, ft. A. Smthtl, '991,(2. 1-t. Si,.(Clair,
on ItallsandI scoedonloi nichs'sacrifice. icessfnl then,lie scill has-c feld lice '9G.
Several titnes Michigan had the ofhampcionshifp for ait entire ye-ranud, hunnintg broait jumpf-.T. A. Leftoy,
hoses full, buut her hits oweintdiredtly acecording to tfe recent ruliing of the '960, (. It. St. Chtitr, '9(1, L. C. M~artin,
to tfue fielIders and Ohelinken wsere kept athletic hoard swill be rntitled to owear '96 L~, C. S. Adaims, '98, E. P. de'font,
from scoring. Several of lfuiago's the 'Vaursity sweater. Sp., H. A. Stein. '99.
rtuns on flue other hand wcere brougfit Regent Barbour Will Speak. Pole vanlt-C. T. Tryon, 1)9, L.
in by lucky bite, in fact the most of Hlutchuinsoin,'97, A. L. ttaglrr, '99 M,
Chficago's important hits cfiancedho Tho senior loy class oill ask Rtegent C. S. Adamcis, '98, C. (G. Paulmter, 'h9d.
be placed right along thce base lines. tBarbour to imaker ble sfech of ae- Shot puit-Li. .I.('atnpbell, '9G0OL, IH
sohere they svere extremely hard to ceptance of the portrait of P~rofessor A. Lehir, '118 0,tI. C. Mleining, '98 0,
get, but wvere called fair. Knowvltoni on class day. This wais E. tP. dePott.Sp., J. 0W. F. Beniirtt,
On the seventh inning the game ovasideided at a sueeting of ftIe class yes- '98, F. 14. Baker, '18, C. T. Ti-you, '99,
delayed a little, wh-file thue Chicago terday and it swas also decided to flfi- T. A. Loftoy, '116.
players on the bench succeeded in re- lisfi a class directory tfhits year atud IHatimer threowo-..W. F. Btennuett,
gaining 'an old shoe swhieh thtey, hoof refh year tfolloowing. Messrs. tiC chug, '19, C.fE. -MeConkecy, '016 LfcL,. F
owith them for a "mascdt," but wo-hich Cheever and T. D. Jotnes so-rc appeoinit- Camtpfiell, '96 L, L. Harvey, '98, C. T.
had been stolen by a snmall boy. A , ed a concmittee toe this purposc. Tryon, '99,,t0'. tf. Thuomupson, '9th.

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