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June 02, 1896 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-06-02

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At. WaiIjj.


We Must Move
The store we now occupy has
been sold. We must seek new
We Must Close Out
or stock of music goods and
bicycles. Weo ursces which
wilt sell goods if low prices
mean anything to buyers
IC you watlanything in the
musicline get our prices this
"AG o o d
Bath Sponge
Better ones if yOU want
them at
Mummllys Oulq Stoe
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has just received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
Spring and Sunmer '96, at
lull Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies, Sporting Goods of
-every description.

Prospects for a Number of Brok-
en Records.
The 'Varsity track meet, which has
been set for Friday afternoon at 4
o'clock, promises to be quite a success,
and one of the best meets of the kind
ever held at the University. Quite a
number are out every day working
hard under Trainer Fitzpatrick, and
several of the men are showing up
particularly well. Track Manager
Wright says there is a probability that
a number of 'Varsity records will be
broken i the competition.
Among those from whom the most
is expected are Captai LeRoy in the
broad jump, if his leg is n condition
by time of the meet; Stuart, Aner,
Thtomaos andi St. Clair iii tie 10biad
220 yard dashes; Stuart, Ayers and
Chubb in the hurdles; Tryon, Hegeler
and Hutchinson in the pole vault;
Tryon in the walk; Mathews in thee
half; Heald and Weiming in the
quarter; Vernor and Adams in thee
high jump; and Bennett, McConkey
and Campbell in the shot put and
hammer throw.
Besides these there are a nmber of
other promising athletes and as a
majority of all mentioned are new
men, the prospects for both the 'Var-
sity meet and the dual games. with
Chicago are of the best.
The bicycle event of the 'Varsity
meet will be run at Ypsilanti Mon-
day.. All the other events will be run
off promptly Friday afternoon. The
men should be encouraged by a large
and enthusiastic attendance.
'The Real Monroe Doctrine.'
Professor B. A. Hinsdaie's interest-
ing paper on "The Real Monroe Doe-
trine" has been printed. in the publi-
cations, of the Michigan Political Si-
ence Association. A short article on
this paper was printed in a previous
number of the Daily. The following
paragraph, however, will be of special
"To define the Monroe Doctrine as it
exists at the close of the century
would be difficult. On the negative
side it is a strong jealousy in respect
to-European interference in any and
all matters that are peculiarly Ameri-
can, and particularly North American.
On. the positive side, it is a resolute
determination to challenge, and if
need be to resist by force, such inter-
ference, In a word, it is the national
resolution to, assert and to maintain

ed to theim on the two American con- -
tinents. It is their sphere of legiti-
mate infience. How far this deter-
inination is right, is hardly a practical
question. It is ievitable, and the
world must accept it in so far as it
has not already done so. But the
question, 'How far shall this deter-
ination be carried?' and, 'ulnder
what circumstances shall it be assert-1
ed?' are very practical questions. The
existence of such a leadership as is
claited carries withit a high plittical 1
and moral responsibility. One duty
that Americans owe to themselves, as
weil as to the worid, is to subject
themselves in this regard to all the-
restraints of reason and good morals,
and to carry the country high above
the level of swagger or bravado."
Semi-Finals in Tennis.
Tue semi-inals i the first class-
singles were played off yesterday
afternoon and some good tennis was
seen in the contest. Danforth beat
Colburn t-1, 6-3, and Seabury beat
Cummings 4-6, 6-1, 9-7. The latter
match was very close and exciting,
especially in the last set, here Cum-
mings showed up very strong, and
several tines was within one and two
points of gaining the game, set, and
match. Seabury, however, played a
clever up-hill game and won out.
Danforth and Scabury 'will play ithe
finals this afternoon at 3:15. This
contest will decided who is to play
Herrick for the 'Varsity spring chan-
Gun Club Shoot,
The Ann Arbor Rod and Gun Club
will give their first preliminary prize
shoot at te fair grounds Saturday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The thirty-one
active members of the club will be
divided into classes according to the
averages they have made. Class "A"
oill comprise the eleven highest aver-
ages, Class "B" with the next ten
best averages and Class "C" will con-
tain those with the third averages.
A prize of twenty-five loaded eant-
ridges will be given the winners in
each class. Clay pigeons will be shot
at and a full attendance is expected.
Date of Examinations.
The examinations in the literary de-
isartment will begin on Friday, June
12. The same schedule of examina-
tions as of last semester, will be used
with the exception that the examina-
tions scheduled .for the Friday of e-
ausination week will be held on Fri-
day, June 12.
The University of Nashville has con-
ferred the degree of L. D. on Prof. I.
N. Demmon.

Movement on Foot to Combine
Palladium and Castalian.
The class of '07 has appointed
3lessrs. Gillett, Paul, Wiley, Hill and
Rich as a committee to confer with
a fraternity committee on the ques-
tion of 'combining the "Palladium"
and the "Castalian."
This same question was discussed
last year and cosmittees met to con-
sider the matter. Au agreement was
reached upon all points except upon
the name of the annual. There each
side was obstinately determined to re-
tain the old name of its publication
for the combination and so the plan
had to be abandoned.
This year a scheme will be proposed
"similar toteplas uo ti-i te
Chicago Times-iHerald is published.
Each paper in this combination pub-
lishes Its own volume or year upon
the first page of the paper. Similarly
the Castalian and Palladium can each
announce the volume of its publica-
tions under tite title of Palladio-Cas-
talian or Castalio-Palladium. As one
of the committee said: "Not an ex-
ceedingly euphonious name, but one
that can well be endured if there is
union back of it." The two commit-
tees will meet this afternoon at 4 in
the old chapel. The conclusions reach-
ed will be reported to the class for
action at the meeting for the election
of the Castalian board, to be held in
the old chapel Thursday at 4 p.. m.
Outlook for Literary Societies.
Interest in debating is increasing in
the literary societies and prospects for
strong debates next year are bright.
Probably $100 will be given for prizes
in the preliminary contest. At the
meeting of the debating committee of
the Oratorical Association tomorrow
afternoon the newly elected represent-
atives from the different societies wili
be installed and arrangements will be
made for the preliminaries of .next
No Action Yet Taken.
The committee appointed to con-
sider the advisability of arranging the
law and literary courses so that a
student can finish in both departments
in six years has done nothing as yet.
It is expected that some defilnite action
will be taken within the next ten days.
Several members of the medical fac-
ulty will ride to Mt. Clenens on their
bicycles tomorrow to attend the an-
nual meeting of the State Medical

Up Town, Down Town,. the leadership that. the. people believe
Sa store, OpptNteourouse both Nature and History have assign-

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