34 f 1 fl ~ tU Re marks by the "Democrat"
0 P . . L he foiiowiiig rettectiis ;ire from
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) duringth "Or11n counftoAn
the Coiie;;s year, 'at Aibor Democrat:
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. "T'he ordmi'inee igainst Nbo1i .yiog
0 mocE: Times building N. Blami t. opposite in our streets is disobe'yed(lnirlry
Gents' Specials. in Colored Shoes,
All Gents' $0.00 Shoes go at $5.39. These prices incitide every Coiored-
All Goofs' $5.59 Shoeo go at $4.99. Siioe in the hiouse, in Russia, ((ci aiid
All Geiits' $5.00 Siioes go ait $4.49. Canvas, in ail tue latest shades and:
every day. tOur Tiin mode a tonal of All Genits' $4.09 Siioes go at $3.49. toes.
J. F. Tolo a, EiOSthe city at few daiys igo aiiilas0hard All Genuts'$. 9 gNoex at $2.t9.
E. s,97 L. W.TGeis, . 3.0Soes ELGISiR, 195 L F. 1M. L oous '9. ly atile to find it street iii those larts
o.H.I 9s,'ib F . U~oS,'9. oh the city wier thestudiento rooia JA C O BS & ft I MA A * WashingtoBk
0t. C. UNDEWO '08. F. M. GREEN, '99. WAaCshingtNIon St.
It.t.' nseooo. 'st. 5. ntes. .r. wheirer friiiiitwo to tenboysand younig ~li I , Weigs t
SOANAGINSOEDITORI meiiwere nit playitg tioli- (ite roati. G . t1R8,,'6LOOD) IVSTIltATItON1S. w
G. . ii iiisix.'ii. ''iie fraiteri'ty stuideints keep uipihei: Atiropios of 'iihe witte-stpreail interiot .H u n-~ttington
BiUSINEaSS MANAG.ERS short almnost iiieessiiiiiy iii froiit of ini (le "respirationl raiioi t' cx"e
L. C. WLR,'96i.sci. tiieir houses and so 11i11l' pressuir'etias pirimlhltO i'oniiiiied itbyPiodessor At-
ASSOCIATE I TORIS been brought to bo'ar on tiiese ordi. waler at tie' Wesiey'aii 5'liii: iity, to. & C lark ". " .
W. W. lighex,. '00. 5. R. Smitii, '9( L. nonce: breakers lthattmity of tlim i Revii'w of Reviews for Jtisi pi tiisitcx
S. W. Smith. '97. W'. iP. Morrili, 'is. iii exh istive account of Prioits'ot
J. L. Waixii.'05 M. is.iB. Skillman, 'Is L. woulid totibtiess iliad igntoranice Of Atitr'o iivesigations onl th 'iib-
C. B. tRoe, '98o1. Louise Dodige, '99. tiie' ltw as ii exeose for(i'their aci.irt of foods, It is iiot geu1railyi
B. iR. Msetheiny. '9o. H. Corwi,'99.
Luia 0. Dickinson. 'os. (Osr'Maii only wondiers that iiiori' ae- ki'iwii that tlisiqirmiy is bepriots-.
cidnt hveno reuledfrntthis 'mliitiudei'tue itispe.'.of Sti lUa l
The suiixcription price of the Daily iias t'1 lgoverumment. 'i' ftciRev iari-i flf
been reduce'd to 75 cts isi advance lee the re it ball laig i fieStrroati. 'iThiiiver- i.I mstri oo i ~ ~ ~ ~ a h r
ef the year. Leave '.'scaeiptionat t h ie ci" suiiis up the rioustihus (hi rachPhot i it
Daiiy olliec or with I'. C. Meoyee, U. of1M. cityilegenmts hoarelirohilbited battimig liii
News Stand. thii'Bail on She eitampiis aid itl iie1i- piii we ar'e' ixtrttxagaint ini thetir r-
Editor of today's paper, force'ti'hexa. 'sWty should intt our chase of foisthtat we coux'liie tSo of Detroit, will miake
Ri. C. t'NDEtLWOOD, '98. city officers enforce (ie eity ordinanicrmhuli fat and too little of the flesh-
TheAnnArbr eitoerit s atier los lonss, itt itjms- ~o forinmgsubstances, schi is the gluteit your sittings every
letthidigter'of hbroken im x'olss,siwtet,(twetff'frntti'
7 eAn rbrDeora s atirofet, tt htiesfmethfods oer-i l 1
-unjustw iixrbetaidiinugytte lfrtttatrgiiariethat orr-eties oautoo- I untutsinlblming taeOctatirities iagreale.anitpedlireansiitsrtilly ftrat-iin.;Ase tonrhely fu[ty.[AstoY11ioWIt Ii A^A UANDl UIR1M
tietilarly for ite batll ptlying enthue er oiil our strests thiofi le(is'tamiptns?1" prospets of footd sutridy for future-
city 'strets, as the offemnse hits been Itttpopiltioiithut conclutsionm is very -AT-
comoniionel te patrt of ott slttlits. A "June Festivat." otieisbtic. It is tbell.'-edthtirtie
Orxsriig shltd be sufilicit Ic Tue Al1iitt Nitis 1el c'ieainitgtomeSdtid'ise'st ipoputlationiwill lnevo'r bei',:ie NO. 5 W, IERYS.
to consuiitte i'vegetibll-roths(i
check titis ordtimmancebreakinig. st i)te yewtaxxittm t inig program. imadel piossi'e inithe ut' foh to r ah
A5 "Juiie I'cstixval" xwiii be held Satur. ticoting of artifiiatl mianuifactur of
,ite '97 mletig whiichi will be hlidaty een'iiig iiinltNit ito l. '1The footds. BO "PBY''BLISS i feno ilgv h rsntpoietmscaso n ro
thi oferisoi xxii ivetheitrseit troiillelt lttiiclitsofSimurbo eStisiii hoxxiiavetverelies thtey xxisht weighing ttnly 502 pounds
juntior class anoiipporttunity' to mtakce a !aitt of the Untiersity'xxiiwilirticlipthe xxorkedi up (its bintding cant get the tides
chiaptcr ini tUniversity history xxhiichm andtacsulittiblt' literairy trogrilill iibtest andthcteattest xx'ork clone at the+
should halve been comptleted soime tie given: Argus binidery, over the Ann Artuor T hII'e A m-ei ca,~n
yasig.IteineetlitadSavings bank.t
easao Iftenepnetad 'Varsity Practice. Gnlieil o xott ae Tsitoueti anfcn
fratlernity ftsctiontsxiii throxvasitdeGetee-fouwntosv Toirdce h ma iiet
pairtisant feelinig andI bring about a Yeste'rdaiy afteriiooniithe ' 'a rsity mioney' en shoe reptairing call on A. wvheel, 1 wiilitiake a very
cominaionof he tisoi~snm~ iimIenitwxere out xvorking fasst aiid halrd Lex'y, 31 N. Main st., just beloxv the lbuiciotn rn itpie
fo h hiaoali. h latc oot office. All xvork first clttss. Light ' 'nloetyuhv
ladiuiin oto a tirily repirettivxe fr g Te ict soles 50 cenths, heavy ones (30 cents. I 5t h ansms yuhy
Unixversity ainuaitilhey w uill accomi-
plisht xwhto tirecedisig literary class
has had (lie spirit to do. Tue ftact
thttt eachi of tlie aninuals caix be pub-
hlish each yeairxxithtout a t deficit is
an inidication of xxhiat a Uivixersity
aaltw xould be *if S he coitbitiation
xvere eftected. In order to secnre this
desired union a spirit of mtagnaiitly
insist tie. shown oii both sides xxhlich
is clearly uinderstood by the student
body and xxhiich iixii receive the proper
appsreciation. The stunmbling block
xiii probably prove to he the namve of
ther repiresentative annual after te
comnbinationi is mode. An entirely
nexv naniexithi a imeinorandunm on the
title page of the hook giving credit to
She class for publishing the first Uni-
versity annual xvould undoubtedly he
She best nmethod. Whether this is to
be done depends entirely on the mem-
bers of '97. If they consider Univer-
sity interests above their own imnied-
late factional feeling in the nmatter
they will receive the heartiest csni-
mendations from the whole Univer-
sity and leave a monument us great as
any class memorial.
Swan Linen is high grade paper.
xsonou of the livelieot seenis i sea-
son, ai good deail of tiurexwas sprit
both at btting tritice and wvork ini
(lie hield.
Commencement Ivations.
About one-fourth of the coimimince-
ment invitmtions ha~ve been received.
Seiiiors xvho iaxe isaid te class tax
iiay secure inivititions at the Ste'
xxard's office aiiy afternoton betxween 4
and 4:30 o'clock.
Write ho Frederick Mains, Attornmey,
Albion, Mlich., imm relatioii to foriiing
a co-partniershtip xithi a xvell estash-
lishieitbiusinsess. A chxaie xxithi tny
one of thsree attornecys in three local-
(iis. Wxrite at once.
Wanted-Four energetic young la-
dies or gentlemen to travel, salhary $43
and ex Also have profitable
emmpoymeint for those desiring to work
during vacation. Call or address J. J.
Cargill, 18 E. Liberty st.
Wanted.-.Lady or gentleman xish-
ing employment for summer vacation,
$1 per day. Address Mayf red Finn,
Ann Arbor Mich. 182
If -you want a high grade wheel call
at the Daily office.
Subscribe for time Daily.
Ljot-At Unixversity Hall lost nighit
a pair of opsera glasses. Finder please
return to 34 E. Jefferson st. or Pai-
nter's drug store and receive rexvtrd.
I xwoultd like to gixe inistruction (mm
Gernman, im exchinmge for instructionm
in Emiglishm comversation. Cusll at 33
Kinigsley st. II. Lutz, Pb. D. 171
Lost-A Kappa Kappa Ganmma Sor-
ority key, set xvithm pearls, owvner's
imne ou back. Finder return to Ste.
xxard's office and receive rexxard.t
LOST-Im the rush on the athletic
field Tuesday,. May 263, a D. K. E. fra-
ternity pimi. Finider is requested to
leave at D. K. E. house.
Lost-A Liddell and Scott's Greek
Lexicon. Finder please return to
Steward's office.
The Daily for the irest of thxe year
for 75c.
soen, it is, a beauty.
2d Semester.
Opposite LAW building.
Repairs all kinds, of ;Gold Pins,
Rings, etc. Cull aind see.
Subscribe for the D ly.
Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, Grand
Rapids, Mich., sold to us.
Men's Hand Sewed Russias $6.00, cut to $4.85
M'ben's Hand Welt Rtussias, '550, cut 10 $4.25
Men's Dark Brown Russias, $400, cut to $2.98
Men's Pat. C F Bals Russias, $51040, cut to $3.8&