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June 02, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-06-02

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VOL. IV.-NO. 17T.


TENNIS TOURNAMENT. run; mile bicycle, final; 220-yard
Promises to be Very Interesting.- dash, final; 220-yard hurdle, final.
Many Prizes but Few Entries Field events.-High jump, shot
Un to Date. put, hammer throw and pole vault.
The annual spring tennis tourna- The following comparative table
ient, which will begin next week shows that our strength lies in the
promises to be a successful one. sprints and our weakness in the
The courts are now in fairly good lumps.
condition, and the players have INTERCOLiEGIATE RECORDS MADE AT
been in daily practice. The entries RECENT FIELD-DAYs:
for the and class singles and theC --
doubles have not been as large as'
was expected. The entry list will -
be open today and it is hoped that
all who intend to enter will hand in-
their names as soon as possible.
The i st class singles give promise of
being very interesting and exciting.
All the entries in this class are vet- - 2- -
erans at the game and some close
sets may be expected.
The following are the prizes of-
fered: Two Campbell rackets, pre-
sented by Messrs. Sheehan andY
Wahr; two pair tennis trousers, given __
by Messrs. Wild and Tinker; a jer-
sey by Goodspeed and probably a
Youman's hat by Bowdish and Mat-1
Those who have entered thus far z
are ist class singles: Jocelyn, Mc-
Kenzie, Chickering, Rolfe, Wright,
R. V. Friedman, Hutchings, Sum-
mers. and class: Kirchner, Bun- -
day; Lyster, Nims; Baer, Genman.j
Doubles. Jocelyn and Rolfe, Mc-I
Kenzie and Chickering, Hutchins I
and Summers.

Summer Dude Event. TAKE HOME
The freshman summer party whicy -A corY Or-
was held last evening at Granger's
hall, proved to be a thoroughly en-
joyable event. About two hundred Wi h iUiofmy alt
were in attendance and shared the
Ear yiist sister osonitae otier fello-'-s sitter.
honors of the class of '97. Tiey'lt ltere it. rsello t
The attendance was not confined For sale by
to the freshmen, but niny were ® a c
present who belonged to the upper
classes. The program consisted of St Stnth Male SI.
twenty two-steps and waltzes, be-
sides a number of extras. Light re-
freshments were served between the
tenth and eleventh dances, after
which dancing was resumed. Great
praise is due the members of the
class of '97 for the many enjoyable
social events they have provided
during the year. When you want the Latest Metropolitan Styles
of $2, $3, $4or 5 Shoessat50e to St a pair ies
than Ann Arbor prices send for Catalogue to
High School, 19; Dents, 13.
The first game in the inter class
baseball series occurred yesterday a
101. 183-1$5 xvooswasAvAE.,
afternoon between the high schools DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN.
and dents at Athletic field. The
playing in the first half of the game THE "WAVERLY " WHEEL
was decidedly loose, but stiffened weight, 28 pounds--with clincher (10 & J.)
up in the latter half. Deans car- tires-for $85.00 is the sensation of the
ried off the honors for the dents, hour. See it in the window of
doing some very creditable pitching BROWN'S DRUG STORE.
while Maynard for the high schools
did the heaviest batting in the game.
Batteries, Norris and Maynard;
Hart, Deans and Heard.
Innings----__ 1 23 t4 567 8 H E
High School 0 2 6 0 4 4 : *--1 31 8
Denuts-------- 3 3 1 0 4 2 0 0 i-1 314 0 Official Photographer for the following senior
0-classes: Medical, Homiopathic, Dental and
HiTghtS.lto.Himht trade work guaranteed.
The Dr. Ford Memorial. ND. 6 HURON STREET.
The exercises in remembrance of FRESH ASSORTMENT
the late Dr. Corydon L. Ford will --OF-
be held in University hail Sunday TaO &
afternoon, June io. Preliminary I
remarks will be made by Pres. An- -arsITsT RECEIVED AT-
gell. The memorial addresses will TUTTLE'S, - 48 S. Sfate St.
be given by Dr. V. C. Vaughan and
Prof. D'Ooge An extract from a
paper prepared by Dr. Burt Wilder,
of Cornell, will be read. The sing-
ing will be led by the Choral Union.;BASE
D. A. C. Line-un.
Suits aid Gymnasitum Sup-
The game this afternoon promises
to be one of the best yet played on plies.
the home grounds. 'The D. A. C's
Ysiou are invited to examine stock and prices.
have beaten several strong teanms,
the semi-professional Battle Creek
nine included. The following is theA 9
D. A. C. line-up: Codd, c; Guthard, A-JL
p; Ducharme, i b; Guiney, 2 b
Miller, 3 b; Crowley, s s; Rathbun,
I f; Marker, c f; Gallagher, r f. STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

The Intercollegiate Meet.
Today occurs the western inter-C
collegiate games at Chicago. Twenty-
one colleges will be represented by
teams who will aggregate 217 meti.
Track Manager Martindale acco,:
panied by the U. of M. continget: y>
left for the scene of the contest ye-
terday, arriving at 9:30 o'clock last

+ w-+ t. . C7e iJ i Yi. r O
a z z .. C
cat c: G . :'"c rrz

The men are quartered at the -__
Grand Pacific- hotel. Teams from .
nearly all of the colleges have ar- Jeffersonian officers.
rived and are scattered about at At a regular meeting of the Jef-
various hotels of the city. The con- fersonian society, Thursday evening,
tests which take place at south side the following officers were selected
park will commence at 2 o'clock in for the first term of the next college
the following order: year: C. L. DeVault, president; W.
Track events. -too-yards dash, A. Coutts, vice-president; J. V.
trial heats; tao hurdle, trial heats; Oxtoby, secretary; G. W. Mc-
too-yard dash, final; 440-yard run, Conahey, T. F. Doyle, critics; F. B.
mile run, tao-yard hurdle, final Hamill, marshal.
heat; mile bicycle, trial heats, aao-
yards dash, trial heats; 88o-yard Game called at 3 o'clock.

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